Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.소방관소화기화재피난장치(비상계단,사다리)연기호스firefighterfire extinguisherfire escapesmokehoseMen and women who fight fires are calledfirefighters.We have a fire extinguisher to put out fires in ourkitchen.The fire escape is outside our window.Smoke from fires can be very dangerous.Use the hose to spray water on the fire.1. 화재를진압하는사람들을소방관이라부른다.2. 부엌에불을끄는소화기가있다.3. 화재피난장치가창문밖에있다.4. 화재시나오는연기는아주위험할수있다.5. 호스를이용해서불이난곳에물을뿌리세요.B. Match the questions and answers.1. Did you call the firefighters? (A) From the fire in that building.2. Where is the fire escape? (B) Yes, I did.3. Did the firefighters bring a hose? (C) Next to the elevator.4. Where is that smoke coming from? (D) Yes they did!1. 소방관을불렀나요?2. 화재피난장치가어디에있나요?3. 소방관들이호스를가져왔나요?4. 저연기는어디서나는건가요?(A) 화재가난저건물에서요.(B) 예,제가불렀어요.(C) 엘리베이터옆에있어요.(D) 예,그들이가져왔어요!C. Listen and fill in the blanks.1. (A) Did you call the _______?(B) Yes, I did.(A) 경찰을불렀나요?(B) 예,불렀어요.2. (A) Where is the _______?(B) I don’t know.(A) 도끼가어디있죠?(B) 몰라요.3. (A) What is the emergency?(B) There is a _______!(A) 긴급사태가뭐죠?(B) 화재예요!4. (A) What was on fire?(B) My _______.(A) 무엇에화재가났나요?(B) 제아파트요.NoteNotedoctor/ambulance/firefighters/policefire extinguisher/axe/hose/fire escapebicycle accident/fire/car accident/robberycar/house/apartment/school의사/구급차/소방관/경찰소화기/도끼/호스/화재피난장치자전거사고/화재/자동차사고/강도자동차/집/아파트/학교110

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