Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 1. PeopleExercises학생들이 질문과 답을 읽도록 한다.테이프를 들려준다.✱ Where doesthis occur?(A) a drycleaner’s(B) a supermarket✱ What doesthis mean?Why issomeoneheartbroken?(reason)Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What favor does the woman ask her roommate?(A) To pick up her clothes(B) To shop for groceries번역√2. Why did the two friends drift apart?(A) Cindy moved.(B) Cindy got married.번역√여자는룸메이트에게무엇을부탁하는가?(A) 옷을찾아달라고 (B) 식료품을사달라고두친구는왜소원해졌는가?(A) 신디가이사를가서 (B) 신디가결혼해서3. Why does Mark look so depressed?(A) He has a broken arm.번역해설마크가우울해보이는이유는?(A) 팔이부러져서 (B) 상심해서heartbroken 비탄에잠긴4. What do they have in common?(A) Similar taste in music번역√이들은어떤공통점이있는가?(A) 비슷한음악취향 (B) 비슷한수업취향T e s tListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.√학생들이 질문과 답을 읽도록 한다.테이프를 들려준다.번역(B) He’s heartbroken.1. (W) Would you mind doing somethingfor me? I’d really appreciate it.(M) No, not at all. What is it?(W) Could you pick up my laundry at the번역(B) Similar taste in classesdry cleaner’s after work?(M) 부탁좀들어주면정말고맙겠는데.(W) 물론이지.뭔데?(M) 퇴근하고세탁소에가서내옷좀찾아줄래?2. (W) I often think about my friend, Cindy.We had a lot in common and wealways used to hang out together. Butafter she moved to Germany threeyears ago, we slowly drifted apart.(W) 나는종종친구신디에대해생각한다.우리는공통점이많았고,항상같이돌아다녔다.그런데그녀가3년전에독일로이사간후로우리는서서히멀어졌다.3. (W) Have you seen Mark lately?He looks awful.(M) Yeah. I heard that his girlfriend broke upwith him a couple of days ago.(W) Really? No wonder he looks so miserable.번역 (W) 요즘마크봤어?안좋아보이던데.(M) 그래.며칠전에여자친구와헤어졌다고들었어.(W) 정말?그래서그렇게비참해보였구나.4. (M) What do you and your husband have incommon?(W) Well, we both like classical music very much.(M) Wow. You two must go to the symphonya lot together.번역 (M) 남편과어떤공통점이있나요?(W) 둘다클래식을아주좋아해요.(M) 와,그러면교향악단연주회에자주같이가시겠군요.1. How do the man and his friend keep in touch?(A) Through occasional phone calls (B) √ Through frequent emails(C) Through cards and letters (D) Through class reunions번역남자는친구와어떻게연락을하는가?(A) 가끔씩전화로 (B) 종종이메일로 (C) 카드와편지로 (D) 동창회에서2. What favor is the woman asking of the man?(A) √ To ba<strong>by</strong> sit her children(B) To take her to the department store(C) To drop her off at her doctor’s appointment(D) To take her shopping for groceries번역여자는남자에게어떤부탁을하는가?(A) 아이들을돌봐달라고 (B) 백화점까지데려다주라고 (C) 의사와의약속에데려다주라고 (D) 식료품쇼핑하는데데려다주라고번역3. What will Sue do on the weekend?(A) Go hang gliding with her friends(B) √ Get together with her friends(C) Go to a bridal shower(D) Get her hair and nails done번역수는주말에무엇을할까?(A) 친구들과행글라이딩을하러간다.(C) 신부축하파티에간다.(B) 친구들과만난다.(D) 미용실에간다.1. (M) I met my best friend in college. Aftergraduating, we moved to different cities,but we still frequently correspond <strong>by</strong>번역email. Keeping in touch is important.(M) 나는가장친한친구를대학때만났다.졸업후우리는다른도시로가게되었지만,아직도종종이메일을교환한다.연락을계속취하는것은 중요하다.2. (W) Hi, Thomas. Could you watch the kids whileI go shopping this afternoon?(M) I’m sorry, but I have a doctor’s appointmentlater today.(W) Oh, okay. I’ll do the shopping some other time.(W) 안녕하세요,토머스.오후에 내가 쇼핑하러 가는 동안애들좀봐줄래요?(M) 미안하지만,오늘늦게의사와약속이있어요.(W) 오,알았어요.쇼핑은다음에하죠.3. (M) Do you have any plans for this weekend, Sue?(W) No, not really. I think I’m just going to hangout with some friends.(M) Well, if you have some free time, give me a calland we can get together.번역 (M) 이번주말에무슨계획있니,수?(W) 아니,딱히없어.그냥친구들과돌아다닐거야.(M) 시간있으면전화해.같이놀자.11

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