Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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UNIT13PART I. Picture Description: Emergency ServicesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.차량,운송수단구조,구명묶음,꾸러미장비를 갖추다묶다vehicle Cars, boats, and planes are all vehicles.rescue People got into the rescue boat before the ship sank.bundle She carried a small bundle wrapped in cloth under her arm.be outfitted All commercial airplanes are outfitted with emergencyequipment.tieAfter wrapping the present, he tied a ribbon around it.1. 자동차,배,비행기는모두운송수단이다.2. 사람들은배가가라앉기전에구명보트를탔다.3. 그녀는팔밑에천으로포장한작은짐을들고있었다.B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.4. 모든민간항공기는비상장치를구비하고있다.5. 선물을포장하고나서그는거기에리본을묶었다.bundlesled1. The _________ rescue vehicle is_________ outfitted with a sled to carrypeople on.2. The _________ bundle of things lyingon the sled is _________ tied withrope.번역1.구조용운송수단에사람들을실어나르는썰매가갖춰져있다.2.썰매위에놓여있는짐꾸러미는밧줄로묶여있다.C. Listen and write A or B.1. 2._________ BA piece of rope is tied to the rescue device.번역 밧줄하나가구조장치에묶여있다._________ AThe rescue workers are outfitted withoxygen tanks.번역 구조대원들이산소통을매고있다.107

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