Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 12. IndustryExercisesListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What is most important in this industry?해설(A) Being safe(B) Making room번역√이산업에서는무엇이가장중요한가?(A) 안전 (B) 공간확보2. What will the man do next?(A) He will give her a tool.번역3. Why did the workers stay home?(A) They are sick.번역4. Why is the boss unhappy?(A) They tore down the tower.번역√남자는다음에무엇을할까?(A) 그녀에게연장을준다.(B) 그녀가연장을드는것을도와준다.근로자들은왜집에있었는가?(A) 몸이아프다.(B) 더높은임금을원한다.(B) He will help her lift it.√(B) They want more pay.√사장은왜기분이나쁜가?(A) 이들이탑을무너뜨렸다.(B) 근로자들이안전하지않았다.1. (M) Tearing down old buildings is a difficultand dangerous industry. When a large ortall building has to be torn down, safetyis the most important thing. There is번역번역(B) The workers weren’t safe.little room for a mistake.(M) 낡은건물을부수는일은어렵고힘든일입니다.높거나큰건물을파괴할때는안전이가장중요합니다.실수의여지는조금도없습니다.· room 여지,기회· tear (tore - torn) 파괴하다2. (W) Could you please give me a hand withthis?(M) Sure, Mary. How can I help?(W) Unfortunately, I’m not strong enoughto lift this tool.(W) 이것좀도와주시겠어요?(M) 물론이죠,메리.어떻게도와드릴까요?(W) 유감스럽게도저는이연장을들힘이없네요.3. (M) The labor union told the workers to stay home!(W) I told you the workers were unhappy with their pay.(M) Yes, I know. As their foreman, what do you think Ishould do?번역 (M) 노동조합에서근로자들에게집에머물라고했어요!(W) 근로자들은임금에불만족이라고제가당신에게말했죠.(M) 예,알아요.현장주임으로서제가뭘해야한다고생각하나요?T e s t4. (W) Foreman, I’m not happy with the way you tore downDavidson Tower.(M) I’m sorry to hear that, boss.(W) Why didn’t the workers wear their hard hats?번역 (W) 현장주임,저는당신이데이비슨타워를무너뜨린방식이맘에들지않아요.(M) 유감스럽습니다,사장님.(W) 근로자들은왜안전모를쓰지않았나요?Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What will they use?(A) √ Large, strong machinery(C) Small equipment번역이들은무엇을이용할까?(A) 크고강한기계장치 (B) 더많은장비 (C) 작은장비 (D) 노동력(B) More equipment(D) Manpower2. Who meets with the industry managers?(A) Retired workers(B) √ The labor union(C) Public service employees (D) The company spokesperson번역누가이기업의경영자들을만나는가?(A) 퇴직근로자들 (B) 노동조합 (C) 공무원들 (D) 회사대변인3. What does the man suggest?(A) Laying off employees(C) Selling some equipment번역√남자는무엇을제안하는가?(A) 직원일시해고(C) 일부장비판매(B) 더많은장비마련(D) 더많은근로자고용1. (M) We have to dig for raw materials.(W) Do we have any heavy duty equipment?(M) Yes, I think we have plenty ofmachinery for the job.번역 (M) 원료를구하기위해서땅을파야합니다.(W) 중장비가있나요?(M) 예,그일을하기에적합한기계가많이있습니다.2. (W) Labor unions try to take care of workers<strong>by</strong> holding meetings with industrymanagers. If they can’t agree about pay orwork hours, the union might start a strike.Then the workers don’t come to work.번역(B) Getting more equipment(D) Hiring more workers(W) 노동조합에서는기업경영자들을만남으로써근로자들을보호하려애씁니다.임금이나노동시간에관해합의하지못하면노동조합은파업을시작할수있습니다.그러면근로자들은 직장에가지않습니다.3. (M) I don’t want to let any workers go.(W) Neither do I, but we can’t afford all this manpower.(M) We can afford it if we sell some equipment.번역 (M) 어떤근로자도내보내고싶지않아요.(W) 나도그래요,하지만이모든노동력을감당할수없어요.105(M) 장비를조금팔면감당할수있어요.해설· (can) afford ~할수있다,~할여유가있다

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