Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.기술자노동조합내구성강한,튼튼한,강력한인적자원,노동력부수다engineer The engineer designed the factory very well.labor union Labor unions try to protect workers.heavy duty You need heavy duty machinery to dig through a mountain.manpower We hired more workers because we need more manpower.tear down The company will tear down the old building and makea new parking lot.1. 그기술자는공장을아주잘설계했다.2. 노동조합은근로자를보호하려고애쓴다.B. Types of Questions: Industry3. 산을관통해서땅을파려면내구성이강한기계가필요하다.4. 우리는노동력이더필요하기때문에근로자를더고용했다.5. 그회사는낡은건물을부수고새주차장을지을것이다.a. Main Idea Why is the reporter calling?What is the problem?b. Inference What is their goal?Why is the boss unhappy?c. Cause and Effect What will they use?Why did the workers stay home?d. Facts and Details Why are engineers important to industry?What is most important in this industry?C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.W: Are you Mr. Vine of Vine Brothers Construction? I’m a reporterwith the New York Times.M: Yes. I suppose you want to ask me about our labor union problem.W: Why yes! Are your engineers really going to stop working?1. Why is the reporter calling? __________ ❷M: We need more heavy duty machinery, boss.W: Why don’t we just hire more workers?M: It’s not easy to find manpower these days.2. What is their goal? __________ ❸번역번역W 바인브라더스건설회사의바인씨인가요?저는‘뉴욕타임즈’기자입니다.M 예,저희회사노동조합문제에관해물어보려는거죠?W 맞습니다!당신네기술자들은정말로파업을할까요?1.기자는왜전화하는가?정보를얻으려고M 사장님,우리는튼튼한기계가더필요합니다.W 근로자를더많이고용하는게어떨까요?M 요즘은노동력을찾기가쉽지않습니다.2.이들의목표는무엇인가?생산증대104Engineers have a very important job in industry. They designeverything and use science to do it correctly. If they do their jobpoorly, workers or the public could be hurt.3. Why are engineers important to industry? __________ ❶❶❸They design everything.To increase production❷❹To get informationThey hurt people.번역기술자들은기업에서중요한일을합니다.이들은모든것을설계하고그일을올바로하기위해과학을이용합니다.이들이일을잘하지못하면근로자들이나사람들이피해를입게됩니다.3.기술자들은왜기업에중요한가?모든것을설계한다.

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