Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 12. IndustryExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) Of course.(B) Bravo!Could you please give me a hand with this heavy box?번역 이무거운상자드는것좀도와주시겠어요?(A) 물론이죠.(B) 잘했어요!2. (A) Yes, I do.√(B) Yes, I was let go.√3. (A) The supervisor’s over there.(B) Under your hard hat.√4. (A) We will assemble telephones.(B) We never throw them away.Did you lose your job when the factory laid people off?번역공장에서사람들을일시해고할때당신도일자리를잃었나요?(A) 예,그렇게합니다.(B) 예,저는해고됐어요.Where’s the factory head?번역공장장님어디계시죠?(A) 공장장님저기계시네요.(B) 안전모밑에있어요.Which product will this factory produce next?번역이공장은다음에어떤제품을생산하나요?(A) 우리는전화기를조립할겁니다.(B) 우리는그들을결코버리지않아요.해설3.head ~장,지휘자,우두머리T e s tListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√2. (A) (B) (C)√3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. How many workers will bedischarged this month?(A) Not many.(B) Quickly.(C) February.이달에몇명이나면직되나요?(A) 많지않아요.(B) 빨리요.(C) 2월이에요.3. Is the foreman happy nowadays?(A) I think she is.(B) Yes, for six days.(C) No, she does not.현장주임은요즘기분이좋은가요?(A) 그런것같아요.(B) 예,6일동안.(C) 아니오,그녀는하지않아요.번역번역2. Does your company gather rawmaterials?(A) Yes, the material is nice.(B) Yes, iron ore.(C) No, it isn’t.당신네회사에서는원료를모으고있나요?(A) 예,이원료는좋아요.(B) 예,철광석을모아요.(C) 아니오,그건그렇지않아요.4. When did you let go of yourconstruction director?(A) We laid her off last week.(B) He fell down at work.(C) Don’t let go yet.언제건설감독을내보냈나요?(A) 지난주에해고했어요.(B) 일하다가넘어졌어요.(C) 아직내보내지말아요.103

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