Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.현장주임일시해고하다원료정유(정제)하다,불순물제거하다제조하다foremanlay (someone) offraw materialsrefinemanufactureThe foreman told the construction workers towork quickly.My company laid me off because the factoryclosed!First, industry must gather raw materials likewood and ore.This facility refines oil to make gasoline.Factories manufacture products to sell to thepublic.1. 현장주임은건설근로자들에게빨리일하라고말했다.2. 공장이문을닫아서우리회사는나를일시해고했다!3. 우선기업은목재나광석과같은원료를모아야한다.4. 이시설은원유를정유해서휘발유를만든다.5. 공장에서는사람들에게팔제품을제조한다.10<strong>2B</strong>. Match the questions and answers.1. Would you please wear your hard hat? (A) Later in the morning.2. Which raw material do they refine? (B) Okay.3. Are you going to lay off some workers? (C) Oil.4. When does the foreman arrive? (D) Yes, unfortunately.1. 안전모를써주시겠어요?2. 그들은어떤원료를정제하나요?3. 일부근로자들을일시해고하실건가요?4. 현장주임이언제도착하죠?C. Listen and fill in the blanks.1. (A) Who is that big woman in the hard hat?(B) She’s the construction site _______.(A) 안전모를쓴저몸집이큰여자는누구죠?(B) 건설현장주임이에요.2. (A) Have you _______ some factoryemployees?(B) Yes, we have.(A) 공장직원들을일부내보냈나요?(B) 예,그렇습니다.3. (A) Is this factory going to _______ cars?(B) We hope so.(A) 이공장에서자동차를생산할건가요?(B) 그러길바라고있어요.4. (A) When are we going to finish?(B) Not very soon. Let’s ask some otherworkers to _______.(A) 언제끝나죠?(B) 금방끝나지않아요.다른근로자들에게도움을요청합시다.(A) 오전늦게도착합니다.(B) 알겠습니다.(C) 석유입니다.(D) 불행히도그렇습니다.Noteforeman/supervisor/chief/directordischarged/laid off/dismissed/let go ofmanufacture/make/assemble/produceassist us/pitch in/give us a hand/help usNote 현장주임/감독/소장/지휘자면직시키다/일시해고/해고/내보내다제조/만들다/조립/생산거들다/구원하다/일손을빌려주다(돕다)/도와주다

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