Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.✱ Guessing game : 교사는 특정‘상황’을묘사한다.학생들은 어떤 어휘를 묘사하는 상황인지 맞춰볼 수 있다.1. Can you open the door? Can you close the door? What did I ask?2. Where did you hang out on the weekend?3. I write letters to my mother. I send email to friends. What do I do?4. I didn’t correspond with my friend. What happened to us?5. How are ______ and ______ similar? - They both _____.부탁,호의돌아다니다편지를주고받다소원해지다비슷한favorhang outcorresponddrift apartsimilarI hate to bother you, but I have a favor to ask you.We like to hang out together in our free time.I try to correspond frequently with my friends abroad.After my friend Cathy moved away, we drifted apart.Though we share similar qualities, we are still different.1. 귀찮게하고싶진않지만부탁이하나있어요.2. 우리는한가할때같이돌아다니는걸좋아한다.B. Types of Questions: Peoplea. Main Idea What do they have in common?What favor does the woman ask her roommate?b. Inference How does she feel about attending the class reunion?Where are they going?c. Cause and Effect Why did the two friends drift apart?Why does Mark look so depressed?d. Facts and Details What time is his curfew on school nights?How often does he correspond with his friend?C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.W: I’m not looking forward to our 20-year class reunion at all.번역 WM: Why is that?M 왜?W: Because I’ve gained so much weight.W 너무살이쪘거든.1. How does she feel about attending the class reunion? __________ ❹M: What should we take with us to Jordan and Samantha’s party?W: Well, since they just moved into their new apartment, how aboutsome flowers?M: I think a bottle of wine would be nicer.번역 MW2. Where are they going? __________ ❶3. 나는해외에있는친구들과자주편지를교환하려애쓴다.4. 내친구캐시가이사간후우리는사이가소원해졌다.5. 우리는비슷한면이있지만그래도서로다르다.난20주년동창회를전혀고대하지않아.1.여자는동창회참석에대해어떻게생각하는가?가고싶지않다.조단과사만다의파티에무엇을가지고갈까?그들이새아파트로이사를왔으니꽃을갖고가는게어때?M 난포도주가나을것같은데.2.이들은어디에가는가?집들이파티M: My parents are extremely strict. On school nights, I have to be home<strong>by</strong> 9 p.m. On weekends, I have to be in no later than 10.해설look forward 학수고대하다,기다리다‘Wh~’(who, when,where, what, how,why)문제들을 읽어보고무엇을 묻는 문제인지살펴보게 한다.학생들이 문장(대화문)을읽도록 한다.교사는질문을 칠판에 쓴다.교사가 다시 문장(대화문)을 읽는 동안(이때,힌트가 될 만한주요 어휘들을 강조해서읽는다)학생들은칠판을 보고 답하도록한다.3. What is his curfew on school nights? __________ ❷번역M 우리 부모님은 아주 엄격하셔.학교 가는 날에는 밤 9시까지,주말에는밤10까지집에가야해.3.평일에통금시간은언제인가?밤9시A housewarming party 9 p.m. 10 p.m. She doesn’t want to go.❶ ❷ ❸ ❹10

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