Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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UNIT 1 People 5UNIT 2 Media 13UNIT 3 Education 21UNIT 4 Communication 29UNIT 5 Food and Drink 37UNIT 6 Government Services 45UNIT 7 Holidays 53Review 1 61UNIT 8 Leisure 67UNIT 9 Science 75UNIT 10 Arts and Culture 83UNIT 11 Occupations 91UNIT 12 Industry 99UNIT 13 Emergency Services 107UNIT 14 Bank and Money 115Review 2 123

Unit 1. PeopleT e s tListen and choose the right answer.✱ Who isshe? (awoman)1. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역(A) The parent is calling her child.(B) The woman often has bad posture.(C) She should call home.(D) She is holding the phone close to her ear.(A) 부모가아이를부르고있다.(B) 이여자는종종나쁜자세를취한다.(C) 그녀는집에전화를해야한다.(D) 그녀는귀에전화기를대고있다.√번역(A) The man is in a sitting posture.(B) He likes to relax outdoors.(C) The man is close to the church.(D) The porch is very noisy.(A) 그남자는앉은자세로있다.(B) 그는야외에서쉬는것을좋아한다.(C) 남자는교회옆에있다.(D) 현관이아주시끄럽다.√2. (A) (B) (C) (D)✱ Is he in a church (house)?(We don’t know.)✱ What aretheywearing?✱ Where arethey? (Wedon’tknow.)(A) She is close to her best friend.(B) The man’s suit has a long jacket.(C) We had a good time at the party.(D) The man is leaning on an armchair.(A) 그녀는자신의가장친한친구옆에있다.(B) 남자의정장재킷이길다.(C) 우리는파티에서즐거웠다.(D) 남자가안락의자에몸을기대고있다.3. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√7

PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.1. Every year I meet my friends from high school. It’s our _____.2. I just moved. So I will have a _____.3. Look at _____ and _____. What do they have in common?➝ They are both _____ (tall, smart, cute, students).4. When is your curfew?5. Who do you get together with on weekends?친목,동창회,재회집들이공통되는통금모이다reunionI’m going to my 10-year family reunion.housewarming party Can you come to my housewarming party?in common I have nothing in common with my brother.curfewMy curfew is 10 p.m. every night.get together My friends and I often get together on the weekends.1. 나는10주년가족모임에간다.2. 우리집집들이에올수있니?3. 나는형과공통점이없다.4.내통금시간은밤10시이다.5.내친구들과나는주말에종종모인다.B. Match the questions and answers.옆사람과 질문-답을 번갈아 가며 읽어보게 한다.✱ 옆사람과 질문-답을번갈아 가며 읽어보고,각자의 생각이 담긴 대답을 해보게 한다.4. How did your____ go?81. Are you going to the family reunion? (A) No, not at all.2. How did you meet your fiancé? (B) Yeah, I am.3. What time is your curfew? (C) Midnight.4. Do you mind opening the door for me? (D) We met at work.1. 가족모임에가나요?2. 약혼자를어떻게만났나요?3. 통금시간이몇시인가요?4. 문좀열어주시겠어요?해설 Do you mind ~?(~해도괜찮습니까?,꺼리다)-Yes(아니오),No(네)C. Listen and fill in the blanks.1. (A) At what age should people be allowedto _______?(B) I’m not sure.(A) 몇살부터운전을허용해야할까요?(B) 잘모르겠어요.2. (A) What time do you have to _______?(B) By noon.(A) 몇시까지집에가야하나요?(B) 12시까지요.3. (A) How often do you get together withyour _______?(B) Every now and then.(A) 클럽회원들과얼마나자주모이나요?(B) 이따금씩모여요.4. (A) How did your housewarming party go?(B) It was _______.(A) 집들이는어땠어요?(B) 대성공이었어요.해설 blast 아주즐거운한때Note(A) 예,그러죠.(B) 예,그럴거예요.(C) 밤12시요.(D) 직장에서만났어요.Notesmoke cigarettes/drink alcohol/get married/drive a carbe home/go to work/complete the report/pick up Susancolleagues/relatives/club members/study groupnice/fun/a blast/a disaster흡연/음주/결혼/운전집에가다/출근하다/보고서를끝내다/수잔을데려오다동료/친척/클럽회원/스터디그룹좋았다/재미있었다/대성공이었다/엉망이었다

Unit 1. PeopleExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) Of course we do.(B) I love talking.√2. (A) My father gets angry.(B) I have to fix it.3. (A) No, thank you.(B) It’s too far away.√Do you and your friends from high school ever gettogether?번역 고등학교친구들과모임이있니?(A) 물론이지.(B) 난말하는게좋아.What happens if you break your curfew?번역통금을어기면어떻게되니?(A) 아빠가화를내셔.(B) 내가고쳐야해.Why aren’t you going to your high school reunion?번역고등학교동창회에왜안가니?(A) 아니오,괜찮아요.(B) 너무멀어서요.✱ 테이프를 들려주고 어떤 질문 형태인지이해하도록 한다.✱ 어떤 질문에 대한 대답인지 질문유형을추측해 본다.4. (A) I don’t like it.(B) No, never.√Have you ever had a big argument with a friend?번역친구와크게다퉈본적있니?(A) 난그게맘에들지않아.(B) 아니,전혀.T e s t테이프로 질문을 먼저 들려주고 기억 나는 단어들을 말해보게 한다.질문에 대한 답을 추측해 보게 한다.다시 테이프를 들려주고 확인해 본다.Listen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√2. (A) (B) (C)√3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. Do you and your best friend havemuch in common?(A) No, not really.(B) Yes, I can.(C) So do I.너의가장친한친구와공통점이많니?(A) 아니,그렇진않아.(B) 예,할수있어요.(C) 나도그래.3. What do you and your uncle dowhen you get together?(A) We like to go fishing.(B) We’re both outgoing.(C) I don’t like him.삼촌과만나면무엇을하니?(A) 우리는낚시를좋아해.(B) 우리는둘다외향적인성격이야.(C) 나는그가싫어.번역번역2. Where is your family reunionthis year?(A) In March.(B) In New York.(C) At 6:30.올해가족모임은어디서하니?(A) 3월에.(B) 뉴욕에서.(C) 6시30분에.4. Can you come to my housewarmingparty this Saturday night?(A) I’d love to.(B) No, I didn’t.(C) Maybe tomorrow night.이번토요일밤우리집집들이에올수있니?(A) 가고싶어.(B) 아니,안그랬는데.(C) 아마내일밤에.9

PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.✱ Guessing game : 교사는 특정‘상황’을묘사한다.학생들은 어떤 어휘를 묘사하는 상황인지 맞춰볼 수 있다.1. Can you open the door? Can you close the door? What did I ask?2. Where did you hang out on the weekend?3. I write letters to my mother. I send email to friends. What do I do?4. I didn’t correspond with my friend. What happened to us?5. How are ______ and ______ similar? - They both _____.부탁,호의돌아다니다편지를주고받다소원해지다비슷한favorhang outcorresponddrift apartsimilarI hate to bother you, but I have a favor to ask you.We like to hang out together in our free time.I try to correspond frequently with my friends abroad.After my friend Cathy moved away, we drifted apart.Though we share similar qualities, we are still different.1. 귀찮게하고싶진않지만부탁이하나있어요.2. 우리는한가할때같이돌아다니는걸좋아한다.B. Types of Questions: Peoplea. Main Idea What do they have in common?What favor does the woman ask her roommate?b. Inference How does she feel about attending the class reunion?Where are they going?c. Cause and Effect Why did the two friends drift apart?Why does Mark look so depressed?d. Facts and Details What time is his curfew on school nights?How often does he correspond with his friend?C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.W: I’m not looking forward to our 20-year class reunion at all.번역 WM: Why is that?M 왜?W: Because I’ve gained so much weight.W 너무살이쪘거든.1. How does she feel about attending the class reunion? __________ ❹M: What should we take with us to Jordan and Samantha’s party?W: Well, since they just moved into their new apartment, how aboutsome flowers?M: I think a bottle of wine would be nicer.번역 MW2. Where are they going? __________ ❶3. 나는해외에있는친구들과자주편지를교환하려애쓴다.4. 내친구캐시가이사간후우리는사이가소원해졌다.5. 우리는비슷한면이있지만그래도서로다르다.난20주년동창회를전혀고대하지않아.1.여자는동창회참석에대해어떻게생각하는가?가고싶지않다.조단과사만다의파티에무엇을가지고갈까?그들이새아파트로이사를왔으니꽃을갖고가는게어때?M 난포도주가나을것같은데.2.이들은어디에가는가?집들이파티M: My parents are extremely strict. On school nights, I have to be home<strong>by</strong> 9 p.m. On weekends, I have to be in no later than 10.해설look forward 학수고대하다,기다리다‘Wh~’(who, when,where, what, how,why)문제들을 읽어보고무엇을 묻는 문제인지살펴보게 한다.학생들이 문장(대화문)을읽도록 한다.교사는질문을 칠판에 쓴다.교사가 다시 문장(대화문)을 읽는 동안(이때,힌트가 될 만한주요 어휘들을 강조해서읽는다)학생들은칠판을 보고 답하도록한다.3. What is his curfew on school nights? __________ ❷번역M 우리 부모님은 아주 엄격하셔.학교 가는 날에는 밤 9시까지,주말에는밤10까지집에가야해.3.평일에통금시간은언제인가?밤9시A housewarming party 9 p.m. 10 p.m. She doesn’t want to go.❶ ❷ ❸ ❹10

Unit 1. PeopleExercises학생들이 질문과 답을 읽도록 한다.테이프를 들려준다.✱ Where doesthis occur?(A) a drycleaner’s(B) a supermarket✱ What doesthis mean?Why issomeoneheartbroken?(reason)Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What favor does the woman ask her roommate?(A) To pick up her clothes(B) To shop for groceries번역√2. Why did the two friends drift apart?(A) Cindy moved.(B) Cindy got married.번역√여자는룸메이트에게무엇을부탁하는가?(A) 옷을찾아달라고 (B) 식료품을사달라고두친구는왜소원해졌는가?(A) 신디가이사를가서 (B) 신디가결혼해서3. Why does Mark look so depressed?(A) He has a broken arm.번역해설마크가우울해보이는이유는?(A) 팔이부러져서 (B) 상심해서heartbroken 비탄에잠긴4. What do they have in common?(A) Similar taste in music번역√이들은어떤공통점이있는가?(A) 비슷한음악취향 (B) 비슷한수업취향T e s tListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.√학생들이 질문과 답을 읽도록 한다.테이프를 들려준다.번역(B) He’s heartbroken.1. (W) Would you mind doing somethingfor me? I’d really appreciate it.(M) No, not at all. What is it?(W) Could you pick up my laundry at the번역(B) Similar taste in classesdry cleaner’s after work?(M) 부탁좀들어주면정말고맙겠는데.(W) 물론이지.뭔데?(M) 퇴근하고세탁소에가서내옷좀찾아줄래?2. (W) I often think about my friend, Cindy.We had a lot in common and wealways used to hang out together. Butafter she moved to Germany threeyears ago, we slowly drifted apart.(W) 나는종종친구신디에대해생각한다.우리는공통점이많았고,항상같이돌아다녔다.그런데그녀가3년전에독일로이사간후로우리는서서히멀어졌다.3. (W) Have you seen Mark lately?He looks awful.(M) Yeah. I heard that his girlfriend broke upwith him a couple of days ago.(W) Really? No wonder he looks so miserable.번역 (W) 요즘마크봤어?안좋아보이던데.(M) 그래.며칠전에여자친구와헤어졌다고들었어.(W) 정말?그래서그렇게비참해보였구나.4. (M) What do you and your husband have incommon?(W) Well, we both like classical music very much.(M) Wow. You two must go to the symphonya lot together.번역 (M) 남편과어떤공통점이있나요?(W) 둘다클래식을아주좋아해요.(M) 와,그러면교향악단연주회에자주같이가시겠군요.1. How do the man and his friend keep in touch?(A) Through occasional phone calls (B) √ Through frequent emails(C) Through cards and letters (D) Through class reunions번역남자는친구와어떻게연락을하는가?(A) 가끔씩전화로 (B) 종종이메일로 (C) 카드와편지로 (D) 동창회에서2. What favor is the woman asking of the man?(A) √ To ba<strong>by</strong> sit her children(B) To take her to the department store(C) To drop her off at her doctor’s appointment(D) To take her shopping for groceries번역여자는남자에게어떤부탁을하는가?(A) 아이들을돌봐달라고 (B) 백화점까지데려다주라고 (C) 의사와의약속에데려다주라고 (D) 식료품쇼핑하는데데려다주라고번역3. What will Sue do on the weekend?(A) Go hang gliding with her friends(B) √ Get together with her friends(C) Go to a bridal shower(D) Get her hair and nails done번역수는주말에무엇을할까?(A) 친구들과행글라이딩을하러간다.(C) 신부축하파티에간다.(B) 친구들과만난다.(D) 미용실에간다.1. (M) I met my best friend in college. Aftergraduating, we moved to different cities,but we still frequently correspond <strong>by</strong>번역email. Keeping in touch is important.(M) 나는가장친한친구를대학때만났다.졸업후우리는다른도시로가게되었지만,아직도종종이메일을교환한다.연락을계속취하는것은 중요하다.2. (W) Hi, Thomas. Could you watch the kids whileI go shopping this afternoon?(M) I’m sorry, but I have a doctor’s appointmentlater today.(W) Oh, okay. I’ll do the shopping some other time.(W) 안녕하세요,토머스.오후에 내가 쇼핑하러 가는 동안애들좀봐줄래요?(M) 미안하지만,오늘늦게의사와약속이있어요.(W) 오,알았어요.쇼핑은다음에하죠.3. (M) Do you have any plans for this weekend, Sue?(W) No, not really. I think I’m just going to hangout with some friends.(M) Well, if you have some free time, give me a calland we can get together.번역 (M) 이번주말에무슨계획있니,수?(W) 아니,딱히없어.그냥친구들과돌아다닐거야.(M) 시간있으면전화해.같이놀자.11

UNIT2PART I. Picture Description: MediaW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.✱ 신문을 가져와서 여러 부분을 가리키며 말해보자.Thisis a _______.5. What appears next to this piece?언론인,기자,보도관계자기사섹션표제나타나다,실리다journalist A journalist writes for newspapers and magazines.piece A piece about the blizzard in Russia was on the first page ofthe paper.section I like to read the sports section of the newspaper.headline Did you see the headline on the first page of the newspaper?appear The photograph appeared in many newspapers and magazines.1. 언론인은신문과잡지에글을기고한다.2. 러시아의눈보라에관한기사가신문1면에실렸다.3. 나는신문의스포츠섹션읽는것을좋아한다.B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.headline4. 신문1면의표제봤니?5. 많은신문과잡지에그사진이실렸다.해설✱ What can you see inthis picture?1. There are several _________ pieces<strong>by</strong> different journalists withinone _________ section of thisnewspaper.• phótograph 사진• photógrapher 사진가magnifyingglass2. The _________ headline of this piece_________ appears in large letters.번역1. 이신문의한섹션에는여러기자가쓴몇개의기사가실려있다.2. 이기사의표제는대문자로씌어있다.C. Listen and write A or B.1. 2._________ B✱ Is she readinga newspaper?The woman is reading a fashion magazine.번역 여자가패션잡지를읽고있다._________ A✱ Is there a personin the picture?This radio can be carried <strong>by</strong> its handle.번역 이라디오는손으로들고다닐수있다.13

PART IExercisesListen and choose the right answer.What is this? (그림의 여러 부분을 가리키며 묻는다)어휘와 문장들을 써보도록 한다.✱ What ishe doing?번역(A) He is reading an article in the newspaper.(B) The headline is at the top of the page.(A) 그는신문기사를읽고있다.(B) 표제가페이지맨위쪽에있다.1. (A) (B)√해설article (= piece) (신문,잡지의)기사✱ Is there a personin the picture?번역(A) The radio announcer is playing a song.(B) The antennas receive signals from stations.(A) 라디오아나운서가노래를틀어준다.(B) 안테나가방송국신호를수신한다.√2. (A) (B)✱ Does shework fora newspaper?3. (A) (B)번역(A) The journalist is taking a photograph of something.(B) This journalist appears on television.(A) 언론인이무언가를사진촬영하고있다.(B) 언론인이TV에나온다.√14

Unit 2. MediaT e s tListen and choose the right answer.✱ What’s hisjob?1. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√(A) The boy is delivering newspapers.(B) The boy is looking at a magazine.(C) The journalist is writing a piece.(D) There are various magazines on the rack.(A) 소년이신문을배달하고있다.(B) 소년이잡지를보고있다.(C) 기자가기사를쓰고있다.(D) 판매대에다양한잡지가있다.번역(A) All of the journalists want to ask questions.(B) He is turning to the second page of the piece.(C) The headlines are appearing on the screens.(D) There are dozens of monitors above the men.(A) 모든기자들이질문을하고싶어한다.(B) 그는두번째기사페이지로넘어가고있다.(C) 표제가화면에나타나고있다.(D) 사람들위에수많은모니터가있다.√2. (A) (B) (C) (D)✱ What is onthe screens?✱ Are theyjournalists?✱ What isnext tothe man?3. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√(A) The camera is set up beside the street.(B) The journalist is using a computer.(C) The story will appear in the headlines.(D) They are listening to a radio report.(A) 길옆에카메라가설치되어있다.(B) 기자가컴퓨터를사용하고있다.(C) 이야기가머릿기사에실릴것이다.(D) 이들은라디오보도를듣고있다.15

PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.✱ 13쪽에서 사용했던 신문을 이용해서 T/F 게임을 해 본다.1. There are many bumper stickers in a newspaper. (No.)2. Point to a promotion.3. This advertises a clothing sale. (Yes.)4. There are many classified ads in this paper. (No.)5. 배용준 is a spokesperson for LG. (Yes.)범퍼스티커(자동차범퍼에붙인선전,광고)판촉행사광고하다항목별 광고광고 모델,대변인bumper stickerpromotionadvertiseclassified adspokespersonThe bumper sticker on her car said “TV Kills. ReadBooks.”The promotion will last for 60 days.Let’s advertise our new product on the Internet.Take out a classified ad in the local paper to sellyour car.A popular entertainer is the spokesperson for thenew product.1. 그녀가차에붙인범퍼스티커에는“TV는사람을죽인다.책을읽자.”라고써있다.2. 이판촉행사는60일동안계속될것이다.3. 우리의새상품을인터넷에광고합시다.4. 차를팔려면지역신문에광고를내라.5. 인기있는연예인이그새상품의광고모델이다.B. Match the questions and answers.옆사람과 질문-답을 번갈아 가며 읽어보게 한다.1. Who’s the spokesperson? (A) Sure, you can.2. Did you see the classified ad? (B) A baseball player.3. What does your bumper sticker say? (C) “Recycle.”4. Can I borrow your radio this evening? (D) Yes, I did.1. 광고모델이누구죠?2. 광고봤어요?3. 네범퍼스티커에는뭐라고써있니?4. 오늘저녁에라디오좀빌려줄래?C. Listen and fill in the blanks.(A) 그래.(B) 야구선수예요.(C) “재활용합시다.”라고써있어.(D) 예,봤어요.Note✱ 옆사람과 질문-답을번갈아 가며 읽어보고,각자의 생각이담긴 대답을 해보게한다.1. Where didthey advertisethe sale (thepromotion,the car)?2. How long willthe sale last?161. (A) Where did they advertise it?(B) _______.(A) 그들이그걸어디에광고했나요?(B) 게시판에요.2. (A) How long will the promotion last?(B) We expect it to last _______.(A) 판촉행사는얼마나지속될까요?(B) 주말내내하기를바래요.3. (A) Have you seen the new _______?(B) No, not yet.(A) 새로고봤어요?(B) 아니오,아직.4. (A) Where did you read that?(B) I saw it _______.(A) 그걸어디서읽었나요?(B) 표제에서봤어요.NoteOn a banner/On leafletsIn the local paper/On a billboarduntil everything is sold out/for five weeks/all weekend/for a limited time onlydesign/logo/sign/layouton a magazine cover/on a bumper sticker/in a headline/online배너/전단/지역신문/게시판다팔릴때까지/5주동안/주말내내(금요일저녁~일요일)/제한된시간에만디자인/로고/간판/지면배치잡지표지/범퍼스티커/표제/온라인

Unit 2. MediaExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) I think so.(B) Let’s read it together.√2. (A) I’m not sure.(B) I ran for five miles.Do you think anyone will read our classified ad?번역 우리광고를읽을사람이있을까요?(A) 있을거예요.(B) 같이읽어요.How long will the promotion run?번역 판촉행사는얼마나계속되나요?(A) 잘모르겠어요.(B) 5마일을달렸어요.✱ 테이프를 들려주고 어떤 질문 형태인지이해하도록 한다.✱ 어떤 질문에 대한 대답인지 질문유형을추측해 본다.3. (A) He’s on a lunch break.√(B) A famous teenage pop star.√4. (A) For a small fee.(B) Yes, I did.Who is the spokesperson for the product?번역해설그상품광고모델이누구죠?(A) 점심먹으러갔어요.(B) 유명한10대팝스타예요.Can we advertise our services on your website?번역lunch break 점심식사+휴식시간당신의웹사이트에저희서비스를광고할수있을까요?(A) 약간의요금을내면됩니다.(B) 예,그랬어요.T e s t테이프로 질문을 먼저 들려주고 기억 나는 단어들을 말해보게 한다.질문에 대한 답을추측해 보게 한다.다시 테이프를 들려주고 확인해 본다.Listen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√2. (A) (B) (C)√3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. Is the radio promotion attractingnew customers?(A) No, thank you.(B) Yes, it is.(C) Until this summer.라디오판촉행사가새로운고객들을끌어들이고있나요?(A) 아니오,괜찮습니다.(B) 예,그래요.(C) 이번여름까지요.3. What’s that on your car?(A) It’s a bumper sticker.(B) It’s a billboard.(C) It’s a classified ad.네차에붙어있는게뭐니?(A) 범퍼스티커야.(B) 광고게시판이야.(C) 광고야.번역번역2. I’d like to take out a classified ad.(A) Who are you?(B) How long do you want it posted?(C) How much does it cost?광고를내고싶은데요.(A) 누구시죠?(B) 얼마동안내고싶으세요?(C) 비용이얼마드나요?4. Do you like our new logo?(A) Yeah, I do.(B) He’s the spokesperson.(C) Have a good time.우리의새로고맘에드세요?(A) 예,그래요.(B) 그가광고모델이에요.(C) 좋은시간보내세요.해설1.attract (주의를)끌다2.post (전단을)붙이다,공고하다17

PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.✱ Charades(어휘를 몸짓,마임으로 표현해 보고맞춰보는 게임)를 해 본다.신호하다주문서양식촬영기사방송중마이크signalorder formcamera manon the airmikeThe officer signaled for the cars to go.Please fill out this order form.The camera man signaled that he was recording.Her radio program is on the air from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.The mike didn’t work, so the audience could not hearthe singer.1. 경찰관이차들이가도좋다고신호를보냈다.2. 이주문서양식을작성해주세요.B. Types of Questions: Media3. 촬영기사가녹화되고있다는신호를보냈다.4. 그녀의라디오프로그램은오전8시부터9시까지방송된다.5. 마이크가고장나서,청중들이가수의노래를들을수없었다.a. Main Idea What is the woman’s occupation?What was the order form for?b. Inference Where would you hear these instructions?Who is the woman speaking to?‘Wh~’(who, when,where, what, how, why)문제들을 읽어보고 무엇을 묻는 문제인지 살펴보게 한다.c. Cause and Effect Why is the woman upset?What are they waiting for?d. Facts and Details Where did the person see the piece?How much did the video camera cost?학생들이 문장(대화문)을 읽도록 한다.교사는 질문을 칠판에 쓴다.교사가다시 문장(대화문)을 읽는 동안(이때,힌트가 될 만한 주요 어휘들을 강조해서읽는다)학생들은 칠판을 보고 답하도록 한다.C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.W: Hi. Do you have a few minutes? I’d like to interview you.M: Okay. I guess I have some time.번역W: Great! Let me go get my camera man.1. What is the woman’s occupation? __________ ❸W: Move your chair a little closer to the mike. OK, that’s fine. Now,when I signal with my hand, it means we’re on the air. Start번역speaking in a normal voice.2. Where would you hear these instructions? __________ ❹M: Where did you hear about the music club’s deal?W: I found an order form for the club in a magazine.M: Was it in a fashion magazine or an entertainment magazine?3. What was the order form for? __________ ❶번역W 시간좀있나요?인터뷰하고싶어요.M 좋아요.시간이될것같아요.W 잘됐군요!가서촬영기사를데려오죠.1.여자의직업은?언론인W 의자를조금만마이크가까이로옮겨주세요.좋아요.자,내가손으로신호를보내면방송중이라는뜻입니다.평상시목소리로말을시작하세요.2.이런지시사항을들을만한곳은?라디오스튜디오M 그음악클럽거래에관한소식을어디서들었나요?W 잡지에서클럽에관한주문서양식을봤어요.M 그게패션잡지였나요,아니면연예잡지였나요?3.무엇을위한주문서인가?음악클럽18A music club A magazine subscription A journalist In a radio studio❶ ❷ ❸ ❹

D i c t a t i o nListen and complete the sentences.과제 : 책을 덮고 테이프만듣는다.책을 펴서 읽는다.테이프를 다시 들으면서주어진 단어들을 본다,테이프를 들으면서 빈칸에적절한 단어를 적어본다.1. Just fill out _________ _________ _________ _________.Just fill out the online order form. 번역 온라인주문서를작성해주시기만하면됩니다.2. I _________ _________ advertisement on a _________.I saw the advertisement on a billboard. 번역 게시판에서그광고를봤어요.3. _________ _________ _________ journalist _________ _________city’s newspaper.She is a journalist for the city’s newspaper. 번역 그녀는시영신문에서일하는기자이다.4. I’d like to upload a _________ _________ on __________________.I’d like to upload a classified ad on the Internet.번역인터넷에광고를내고싶은데요.5. The camera _________ _________ _________ the signal_________ _________.The camera man gave them the signal to start. 번역 촬영기사가시작하라는신호를보냈다.6. The promotion will _________ for a _________ _________ only.The promotion will last for a limited time only. 번역 판촉행사는제한된시간동안만계속될겁니다.7. What does the bumper _________ _________ __________________ say?What does the bumper sticker on your car say? 번역 네차범퍼스티커에는뭐라고써있니?8. I _________ _________ the mike is _________ _________.I don’t think the mike is turned on. 번역 마이크가켜지지않은것같아요.9. His program _________ _________ _________ _________ tonight.His program is on the air tonight. 번역 그의프로그램이오늘밤방송됩니다.10. A popular entertainer _________ _________ spokesperson_________ _________ _________ _________.A popular entertainer is the spokesperson for the new product.번역유명한연예인이신제품광고모델이에요.

UNIT3PART I. Picture Description: EducationW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.✱ T/F 게임을 해 본다.· Does your mother assist you with your homework? (T)· Look up the word in the dictionary. (T)· I am raising my hand. (F)Do you know the answer? (T)Your homework answer is to do the dictation. (F)돕다과제찾다정답기록하다assistassignmentlook upanswerrecordShe assisted the child in getting on the swing.Our assignment in English is to write a 5-page essay.I looked up the new words in my dictionary.He raised his hand because he knew the answer.You should record your friends’ phone numbers in anaddress book.1. 그녀는아이가그네에오르는것을도와주었다.2. 우리영어과제는5페이지짜리에세이를쓰는것이다.3. 나는새로운단어를사전에서찾아보았다.B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.4. 그는정답을알고있었기때문에손을들었다.5. 너는주소록에친구전화번호를적어두어야한다.textbooknotebook1. The mother is _________ assisting herson with his homework_________.assignment2. He is looking up the _____ answer inthe textbook and recording _____ it inhis notebook.번역1.엄마가아들의과제를도와주고있다.2.그는교과서에서정답을찾아공책에기록하고있다.C. Listen and write A or B.1. 2._________ A✱ What is onthe board?The answer is recorded on the board.번역 정답이칠판에적혀있다._________ B✱ Are there peoplein the picture?Her homework assignment is on her desk.번역 그녀의과제가책상위에있다.21

PART IExercisesListen and choose the right answer.What is this? (그림의 여러 부분을 가리키며 묻는다)어휘와 문장들을 써보도록 한다.✱ What ishe doing?번역(A) A single boy is sitting alone in the hallway.(B) The boy is recording an assignment in his notebook.(A) 소년이혼자복도에앉아있다.(B) 소년이공책에과제를적고있다.1. (A) (B)√✱ What arethey doing?번역(A) They are raising their hands toanswer a question.(B) The students are telling theteacher to look up.(A) 이들은질문에대답하기위해손을들고있다.(B) 학생들이선생님에게찾아보라고말하고있다.√2. (A) (B)✱ Who is inthepicture?3. (A) (B)번역(A) The student is assisting his classmate.(B) The teacher is pointing out something onthe board.(A) 학생이친구를도와주고있다.(B) 선생님이칠판에있는무언가를지적하고있다.√22

Unit 3. EducationT e s t✱ Can you seea teacher?✱ Can you seesomecomputers?Listen and choose the right answer.1. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√(A) The students are working in the computer lab.(B) The teacher is collecting the homework assignment.(C) They are looking up information about computers.(D) She is recording the name of the website on herpaper.(A) 학생들이컴퓨터실습실에서작업을하고있다.(B) 선생님이과제를거둬들이고있다.(C) 이들은컴퓨터에관한정보를찾고있다.(D) 그녀는종이에웹사이트의이름을적고있다.번역(A) The shop is offering a discount on children’sbicycles.(B) Most students ride their bikes to school.(C) The security guard is protecting the bicycle.(D) Many bikes are parked outside the schoolbuilding.(A) 이가게에서는아동용자전거를할인판매한다.(B) 대부분학생들이자전거를타고학교에간다.(C) 경비원이자전거를지키고있다.(D) 많은자전거가학교건물밖에주차되어있다.√2. (A) (B) (C) (D)✱ Where is this?Is it inside oroutside?✱ What arethey doing?(A) He is assisting her to open her locker.(B) She is recording his phone number in her book.(C) The boy is hitting the locker.(D) They are standing together in the hallway.(A) 여자가로커여는것을남자가도와주고있다.(B) 여자가남자의전화번호를책에적고있다.(C) 남자가로커를치고있다.(D) 이들은복도에함께서있다.3. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√23

PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.1. Do you often skip class?2. What year will you graduate?3. Our lectures are on Mondays. (T/F)4. When is our assembly?5. Which language is part of the high schoolcurriculum? (English.)결석하다졸업하다강의,수업조회커리큘럼,(교육)과정skip classgraduatelectureassemblycurriculumShe skipped class because she didn’t do her homework.I will graduate next month and begin university in the fall.My English lecture is on Friday.All of the students must get together for an assembly.The government makes the curriculum, and teachersteach it to students.1. 그녀는숙제를하지않아서수업을빼먹었다.2. 나는다음달에졸업한다음가을에대학에들어간다.3. 내영어수업은금요일에있다.4. 모든학생들이조회에참석해야한다.5. 정부에서커리큘럼을만들고,선생님들이그것을학생들에게가르친다.B. Match the questions and answers.옆사람과 질문-답을 번갈아 가며 읽어보게 한다.1. Did you ever skip classes in high school? (A) It’s in the school gym.2. Where is the assembly? (B) Next year, I think.3. Was his history lecture interesting? (C) No! Never!4. When will you graduate? (D) Yes, it was.1. 고등학교때결석한적있니?2. 조회를어디서하나요?3. 그의역사수업은재미있었니?4. 언제졸업하니?(A) 학교체육관에서요.(B) 내년일거야.(C) 아니!한번도없어!(D) 응,재미있었어.C. Listen and fill in the blanks.✱ 옆사람과 질문-답을번갈아 가며 읽어보게 한다.✱ 본인의 상황에 맞게대답해 본다.1. (A) Why are we learning this stuff?(B) It’s part of our _______.(A) 우리가이런것을왜배우죠?(B) 교육의일부예요.2. (A) Did you _______?(B) Yes, I did.(A) 합격했니?(B) 그래,합격했어.3. (A) Did you go to your _______?(B) No, I didn’t.(A) 모임에나갔니?(B) 아니,가지않았어.4. (A) What was your _______in Math?(B) I got an A!(A) 수학학점이뭐였니?(B) A를받았어!NoteNoteeducation/program/curriculum/coursefinish/graduate/pass/failclassroom/meeting/assembly/lockerscore/grade/mark/result교육/프로그램/커리큘럼/강좌끝내다/졸업하다/합격하다/떨어지다교실/모임/조회/로커점수/학점/성적/결과24

Unit 3. EducationExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) Pretty good.(B) I’m going home.How’s it going?번역 잘돼가나요?(A) 괜찮아요.(B) 집에갑니다.✱ 테이프를 들려주고 어떤 질문 형태인지이해하도록 한다.✱ 어떤 질문에 대한 대답인지 질문유형을추측해 본다.2. (A) No, I don’t.√(B) Yes, I am.3. (A) She’s in room 224.√(B) In the lab of course.√4. (A) I don’t know them very well.(B) No, I am like my mother.Are you going to skip class?번역결석할생각이니?(A) 아니오,나는그렇지않아요.(B) 예,그럴거예요.Where is Mr. Smith giving his lectures?번역스미스선생님이어디서강의하나요?(A) 그녀는224호에있어요.(B) 물론실험실이죠.Do you like your classmates?번역반친구들이맘에드니?(A) 그들을잘몰라요.(B) 아니오,엄마닮았어요.T e s t테이프로 질문을 먼저 들려주고 기억 나는 단어들을 말해보게 한다.질문에 대한 답을추측해 보게 한다.다시 테이프를 들려주고 확인해 본다.Listen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√2. (A) (B) (C)√3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. Are you studying hard?(A) No, I haven’t.(B) Yes, I am.(C) I did, too.공부열심히하고있니?(A) 아니,하지않았어요.(B) 예,하고있어요.(C) 나도했어요.3. Was the teacher angry becauseyou skipped class?(A) I think so.(B) He didn’t eat before class.(C) Yes, it is.네가수업을빼먹어서선생님이화가나셨니?(A) 그런것같아요.(B) 선생님은수업전에먹지않았어요.(C) 예,그게맞아요.번역번역2. Do you like your courses this year?(A) No, I do.(B) Yes, I would like some.(C) Sort of.올해강좌가맘에드니?(A) 아니,그래요.(B) 예,좀먹을거예요.(C) 그런대로요.4. When do you study?(A) In the morning.(B) Sometimes I like sleeping.(C) At Smith School.언제공부하니?(A) 아침에요.(B) 때때로자는것을좋아해요.(C) 스미스학교에서요.25

PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.✱ O/X Quiz를해본다.1. The art club is extracurricular. (O)2. I socialize with friends. (O)3. My teacher gives me peer pressure. (X)4. Homework is optional. (X)5. This is a <strong>TOEIC</strong> course. (O)과외의(친구를)사귀다동료집단의압력선택적인강좌extracurricular School sports teams and clubs are extracurricularactivities.socialize I like to socialize with my friends during our lunch break.peer pressure I act like my friends because of peer pressure. 해설optional We don’t have to do this; it’s optional.course Which history course will you study? World History 101?3. 특정한상표의운동화,유행에대한또래집단사이무언의압력1. 학교스포츠팀이나클럽은과외활동이다.2. 나는점심시간에친구들과어울리는것을좋아한다.B. Types of Questions: Educationa. Main Idea Why is the boy talking to the teacher?What is wrong?b. Inference Who is he speaking with?What was she working on?c. Cause and Effect What will the teacher do next?Why did the student fail?d. Facts and Details What is in the new curriculum?When do the students have extracurricular activities?C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.W: I am not very happy, young man. You always socialize in my class!번역 WM: I’m sorry. I’ll try to do better.하지않는가!W: Good, because you might not pass.M 죄송합니다.더잘할게요.1. Who is he speaking with? __________ ❶3. 나는따돌림당할까봐친구들과비슷한행동을한다.4. 우리는이것을하지않아도된다.이것은필수가아니다.5. 어떤역사강좌를들을거니?세계사101?‘Wh~’(who, when,where, what, how, why)문제들을 읽어보고 무엇을 묻는 문제인지 살펴보게 한다.학생들이 문장(대화문)을 읽도록 한다.교사는 질문을 칠판에 쓴다.교사가다시 문장(대화문)을 읽는 동안(이때,힌트가 될 만한 주요 어휘들을 강조해서읽는다)학생들은 칠판을 보고 답하도록 한다.학생,상당히불쾌하군.내수업시간에항상잡담을W 좋아,그래야낙제를하지않지.1.남자는누구와얘기를하고있는가?선생님M: I can’t believe I’ve failed this course!W: Well, did you work hard?M: Um, I guess not.2. Why did the student fail? __________ ❸번역M 이과목에서낙제를했다는것을믿을수없어요!W 열심히했니?M 저,그렇지는않은것같아요.2.이학생은왜낙제했는가?게을러서The new English curriculum was announced yesterday. Thegovernment has made most of the grammar lessons optional. Therewill be a lot more focus on reading and writing. 번역3. What is in the new curriculum? __________ ❹어제새로운영어커리큘럼이발표되었습니다.정부에서는대부분의문법수업을선택으로만들었습니다.독해와작문이더많이강조될예정입니다.3.새커리큘럼에는무엇이들어있는가?더많은작문A teacher A student Because he was lazy More writing❶ ❷ ❸ ❹26

Unit 3. EducationExercises학생들이 질문과 답을 읽도록 한다.테이프를 들려준다.Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. When do the students have extracurricular activities?(A) After school(B) On the weekend번역√2. Why is the boy talking to the teacher?(A) His parents are coming. (B) He was bad in class.번역3. What will the teacher do next?(A) Plan his lessons번역√4. What was she working on?(A) The curriculum번역T e s t(B) Go homeListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What is wrong?(A) √ She hates peer pressure.(C) She hates to socialize.번역(B) Her homework2. What is the speaker’s advice?(A) Extracurricular activities are most important.(B) Study sometimes.(C) Optional courses don’t matter.(D) Work hard in all of your classes.번역√학생들은언제과외활동을하는가?(A) 방과후에 (B) 주말에3. Where are the speakers?(A) √ Near a classroom(C) On the street번역√소년은왜선생님에게말을하는가?(A) 부모님이오시게되어서 (B) 수업태도가불량해서선생님은다음에무엇을하실까?(A) 수업계획을세우신다.(B) 집에가신다.여자는어떤일을하고있었는가?(A) 커리큘럼 (B) 자습학생들이 질문과 답을 읽도록 한다.테이프를 들려준다.√(B) She is in the wrong course.(D) She loves her teacher.무엇이문제인가?(A) 여자가친구의압력을싫어한다.(B) 여자가수업을잘못들어갔다.(C) 여자가친구사귀는것을싫어한다.(D) 여자가선생님을좋아한다.어떤조언을하고있는가?(A) 과외활동이가장중요하다.(B) 가끔공부해라.(C) 선택과목은중요하지않다.(D) 모든과목을열심히공부해라.이들은어디에있는가?(A) 교실근처 (B) 학교체육관 (C) 거리 (D) 운동장3. (M1) Miss Goldsmith! Jonathan has fallendown on the floor!(W) Jonathan, have you hurt yourself?(M2) No, ma’am. I just tripped in the hall!번역해설1. (M) Each day, the students of Rye High School goto class between 8:45 and 3:30. After that,most of them do extracurricular activities. On번역(B) In the school gym(D) On a sports fieldthe weekend, they study at home.(M) 라이고등학교학생들은매일8시45분부터3시30분까지수업을듣는다.그후에대부분학생들은과외활동을합니다.주말에는집에서공부를합니다.3. (M) Mrs. Thompson, as the principal ofthis school, are you happy with myteaching?(W) Well, you are a good teacher, butyou must plan more carefully.(M) Oh, I see. I’ll go and start doing it now.번역 (M) 톰슨선생님,이학교의교장선생님으로서제교육에만족하시나요?(W) 예,좋은선생님이세요.하지만좀더꼼꼼한계획이필요합니다.(M) 알겠습니다.가서당장시작하겠습니다.4. (W) Dan, I feel so tired. I studied until 3:00 in the morning.(M) That’s a lot of studying! Why are you working so hard?(W) I have to get really high grades in all of my subjects.번역 (W) 댄,너무피곤해.새벽3시까지공부했어.(M) 정말많이공부했네!왜그렇게열심히하는데?(W) 모든과목에서정말좋은성적을받아야해.1. (M) Joan, have a cigarette! Come on, do it!Everybody else is smoking.(W) No, Julian! I can’t believe you’re doing thisto me!(M) Calm down. Why are you so angry? I’m sorry.번역 (M) 조앤,담배하나피워!자,해보라니까!다들담배를피우고있어.(W) 안돼,줄리안!나한테네가어떻게이럴수있니!(M) 진정해.왜그렇게화를내니!미안해.2. (W) In high school, some courses are optionaland some are not. They are all important,though, and require hard work. After yourstudying is done, extracurricular activitiesare fun and relaxing.번역 (W) 고등학교에서어떤과목은선택과목이고어떤과목은그렇지않다.하지만모든과목이중요하며열심히공부해야한다.공부를마친다음에하는 과외활동은재미있고긴장을풀수있다.(M1) 골드스미스선생님!조나단이바닥에넘어졌어요.(W) 조나단,다쳤니?(M2) 아니오,선생님.그냥실수로복도에서넘어진거예요.trip (발에)걸려넘어지다2. (W) Young man, I think you need to explainyourself!(M) I’m sorry, ma’am. My friends told me to do it!(W) Peer pressure is not an excuse! I might callyour parents!번역(W) 학생,내게설명을해야할것같네!(M) 죄송합니다,선생님.친구가하라고했어요!(W) 친구때문이라는건변명이안돼.부모님을불러야겠어!27

D i c t a t i o nListen and complete the sentences.과제 : 책을 덮고 테이프만듣는다.책을 펴서 읽는다.테이프를 다시 들으면서주어진 단어들을 본다,테이프를 들으면서 빈칸에적절한 단어를 적어본다.1. I will _________ next _________ and begin university __________________ fall.번역 나는다음달에졸업하고가을에대학에들어갈것이다.2. Our English _________ begins _________ _________.3. _________ teacher said _________ assignment is due __________________.4. Do you _________ your _________ this _________?5. I like to socialize with _________ _________ during __________________ break.6. We don’t _________ _________ _________ _________; it’soptional.7. You are a _________ teacher, but you _________ plan more_________.I will graduate next month and begin university in the fall.Our English course begins on Tuesday. 번역 우리영어수업은화요일에시작된다.My teacher said our assignment is due on Friday. 번역 선생님께서과제를금요일까지제출하라고하셨어요.Do you like your courses this year? 번역 올해수업이맘에드니?번역 나는점심시간에친구들과어울리는것을좋아한다.I like to socialize with my friends during our lunch break.We don’t have to do this; it’s optional. 번역 이것은하지않아도됩니다.선택사항이에요.You are a good teacher, but you must plan more carefully.번역 당신은좋은선생님이지만,좀더꼼꼼하게계획을세우셔야합니다.8. Extracurricular activities _________ _________ __________________.Extracurricular activities are fun and relaxing. 번역 과외활동은재미있고편안하다.9. I _________ _________ my friends _________ of _________pressure.I act like my friends because of peer pressure. 번역 나는따돌림당할까봐친구들과비슷한행동을한다.10. He _________ _________ _________ the answer __________________ textbook.He is looking up the answer in his textbook.번역그는교과서에서정답을찾고있다.

UNIT4PART I. Picture Description: CommunicationW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.붙어있는,부착된화이트보드알려주다,통지하다지우다붙이다stuck There is a picture stuck to my door.whiteboard Some classrooms have blackboards; others have whiteboards.inform Please inform us if you change your address.erase This is a permanent marker. You cannot erase it.attach He attached his business card to the letter before hemailed it.1. 내문에사진이하나붙어있다.2. 어떤교실에는흑판이있고,어떤교실에는화이트보드가있다.3. 주소가바뀌면저희에게연락바랍니다.B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.4. 이것은매직펜(유성펜)이어서지울수없다.5. 그는우편을부치기전에자신의명함을편지에첨부했다.signwhiteboard1. Signs showing the days ofthe week are ________ stuck tothe whiteboard ________.2. A sign informing people notto ________ erase the whiteboard is________ attached to the wall.번역1.요일을알리는표시가화이트보드에붙어있다.2.화이트보드를지우지말라는표시가벽에붙어있다.C. Listen and write A or B.1. 2._________ AHe is informing the taxi driver that he needsa ride.번역 그는택시를타겠다는의사를운전사에게알리고있다._________ BThere are round instruments attached to thetower.번역 탑에둥근장치들이부착되어있다.29

PART IExercisesListen and choose the right answer.(A) The device is stuck to his hand.(B) This device sends messages to thetelevision.(A) 이장치는그의손에부착되어있다.(B) 이장치는TV에신호를보낸다.1. (A) (B)번역√번역(A) The phone is attached to the wall.(B) The sign says people should not use thephone.(A) 전화기가벽에부착되어있다.(B) 전화기를사용하지말라는표시가붙어있다.√2. (A) (B)3. (A) (B)번역(A) He is erasing the whiteboard with his hand.(B) He is informing his co-worker about the plan.(A) 그는손으로화이트보드를지우고있다.(B) 그는동료에게계획을알려주고있다.√30

Unit 4. CommunicationT e s tListen and choose the right answer.1. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역(A) People are looking at the movie posters.(B) The whiteboard is covered with writing.(C) The woman is attaching the notice to the wall.(D) The woman’s coat is stuck in the door.(A) 사람들이영화포스터를바라보고있다.(B) 화이트보드에글씨가가득써있다.(C) 여자가벽에안내문을붙이고있다.(D) 여자의코트가문에끼었다.√번역(A) Part of the sign has been erased.(B) People are walking between the white lines.(C) The sign informs drivers about peoplecrossing the street.(D) There is a sign stuck to the tree.(A) 표시의일부가지워졌다.(B) 사람들이흰색선사이로걷고있다.(C) 이것은통행자에관해운전자에게알려주는표시이다.(D) 나무에표지판이부착되어있다.√2. (A) (B) (C) (D)(A) He is informing the customer about the price.(B) The person is taking out the attached advertisement.(C) The magazines are on display.(D) The person is turning to the next page of the article.(A) 그는고객에게가격을알려주고있다.(B) 이사람은부착된광고를떼어내고있다.(C) 잡지들이진열되어있다.(D) 이사람은기사의다음페이지를넘기고있다.3. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√31

PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.표정연락하다전해주다의논하다알려주다expression His voice was calm, but his expression looked angry!get in touch with I need to get in touch with Cathy to tell her aboutthe problem.pass onPlease pass on that information to Bill.discussI want to discuss our plans.let (someone) know When you have decided, let me know.1. 그의목소리는차분했지만표정은화가난것같았다!2. 캐시에게연락해서그문제에대해알려줘야한다.3. 그정보를빌에게전해주세요.4. 우리의계획에대해의논하고싶어요.5. 결정을하면제게알려주세요.B. Match the questions and answers.1. Will you please let me know the result? (A) He looked sad.2. What was his expression? (B) It was probably Joe.3. Who passed on that information to Sue? (C) Soon.4. When will we discuss this idea? (D) I’ll be glad to.1. 결과를제게알려주시겠어요?2. 그의표정이어땠나요?3. 누가그정보를수에게전해줬죠?4. 이아이디어에관해언제의논할까요?(A) 슬퍼보였어요.(B) 아마조일거예요.(C) 곧하죠.(D) 기꺼이하죠.32C. Listen and fill in the blanks.1. (A) Did you see her expression?(B) Yes, she _______ angry.(A) 그녀의표정을봤어요?(B) 예,화가난것같았어요.2. (A) Have you _______ Bob?(B) Yes, I have.(A) 밥에게전화했어요?(B) 예,했습니다.3. (A) What do you want to _______ in themeeting?(B) How about the budget?(A) 회의에서무엇을검토하고싶으세요?(B) 예산문제가어떨까요?4. (A) When should I _______?(B) As soon as possible!(A) 언제알려드려야하나요?(B) 가능한한빨리알려주세요.NoteNoteappeared to be/looked/seemedgotten in touch with/called/written to/contacteddiscuss/talk about/debate/get intoinform you/ fill you in/notify you/tell you/let you know~처럼보였다연락했다/전화했다/편지했다/연락했다토론하다/~에관해이야기하다/논쟁하다/검토하다알려줘야/설명해야/통보해야/말해줘야/알려줘야

Unit 4. CommunicationExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) They will cover many topics.(B) Their cars.What are they going to get into at the meeting?번역 그들은회의에서무엇을설명할계획인가요?(A) 여러주제를다룰거예요.(B) 그들의자동차입니다.2. (A) Don’t touch that.√(B) I’ll get in touch with her tomorrow.3. (A) She looks the same.√(B) She appeared to be very upset.√4. (A) I’ll let you know later.(B) Please discuss it.Are you going to contact Sally?번역 샐리에게연락할거니?(A) 그거만지지마.(B) 내일연락할거야.What was her expression like?번역 그녀의표정은어땠어?(A) 평소와똑같아보여.(B) 매우화가난것같았어.Which idea did our group choose?번역 우리모임은어떤아이디어를선택했나요?(A) 나중에알려드리죠.(B) 그것에관해의논하세요.T e s tListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√2. (A) (B) (C)√3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. Will you pass the messageon to Dylan?(A) No, I couldn’t.(B) Yes, I am.(C) I already did.그메시지를딜란에게전해줄래?(A) 아니요,못했어요.(B) 예,저는그래요.(C) 벌써전했어요.3. Is Mom happy these days?(A) She looks that way.(B) Yes, he is.(C) She appeared on TV.요즘엄마가기분이좋으시니?(A) 그런것같아요.(B) 예,그는그래요.(C) 그녀가TV에나왔어요.번역번역2. Did you inform Peter aboutthe plan?(A) Yes, he notified us.(B) Yes, we let him know.(C) It’s attached to the letter.그계획을피터에게알려줬나요?(A) 예,그가우리에게통보했어요.(B) 예,알려줬어요.(C) 편지에첨부되어있습니다.4. When did you contact Dad?(A) I only touched it.(B) You can erase it.(C) I called him yesterday.아빠한테연락한게언제지?(A) 만지기만했어요.(B) 지울수있어요.(C) 어제전화했어요.33

PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-up지역의,동네의A. Learn the words and phrases.장거리전화해독하다문자메시지요약하다localtoll callinterprettext messagerecap1. 나는지역사무실에서일한다.그곳은우리집에서가깝다.2. 나는프랑스에비싼장거리전화를해야한다.I work at a local office. It’s close to my home.I need to make an expensive toll call to France.She couldn’t interpret his bad handwriting.Don’t call, just send a text message on your cell phone.That was a long presentation. Please recap your mainpoints.B. Types of Questions: Communicationa. Main Idea Why is she sad?What is the problem?3. 그녀는그의글씨가엉망이어서해독할수없었다.4. 전화하지말고,네휴대전화로문자메시지를보내.5. 발표가너무길었어요.주요사항들을요약해주세요.b. Inference Why is the man happy?What was their mother’s expression?c. Cause and Effect What will the man do next?Why is the phone bill high?d. Facts and Details What must you do after you finish?When do people visit the local stores?34C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.W: I don’t feel like talking to Kelly on the phone.M: You need to fill her in about our plans, though.W: Well, I don’t have time, so I’ll just send her a text message.1. What is the problem? __________ ❶M: Do I have to make a toll call to Madrid?W: No, Madrid is local.M: That’s good news.2. Why is the man happy? __________ ❸When you make a long presentation, you should organize it verywell. Always answer any questions that people might have. After it’sover, you must recap your main points for the audience.3. What must you do after you finish? __________ ❹W 전화로켈리와얘기를하고싶지않아요.M 하지만그녀에게우리의계획을설명해줘야해요.W 시간이없으니까그냥문자메시지를보낼거예요.1.무엇이문제인가?그녀는시간이없다.fill ~ in (~에게)설명하다She has no time. He doesn’t know. It is not expensive. Recap❶ ❷ ❸ ❹번역해설번역번역M 마드리드로장거리전화를해야하나요?W 아니오,마드리드는지역전화가됩니다.M 잘됐군요.2.남자는왜기분이좋은가?비싸지않아서발표를길게할때에는구성을잘해야한다.사람들이묻는모든질문에항상답해야한다.끝나면청중들을위해주요사항들을요약해야한다.3.발표가끝난다음에는무엇을해야하는가?요약

Unit 4. CommunicationExercisesListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. When do people visit the local stores?(A) Monday to Friday(B) On the weekend번역2. What will the man do next?(A) He will throw it away.번역√3. Why is the phone bill high?(A) Betty made many toll calls.번역√T e s t(B) He will explain his writing.(B) Betty was on vacation.4. What was their mother’s expression?번역(A) She looked mad.(B) She looked happy.번역√사람들은언제동네가게를찾는가?(A) 월요일부터금요일까지 (B) 주말에남자는다음에무엇을할까?(A) 그것을버린다.(B) 자신의글을설명해준다.√전화요금이왜많이나왔는가?(A) 베티가장거리전화를많이해서 (B) 베티가휴가중이어서엄마의표정이어땠는가?(A) 무척화가난것같았다.(B) 기분이좋아보였다.1. (M) On the weekend in my hometown,people like to go to the big storesin the city. But they go to localstores from Monday to Friday. It’sconvenient to stop at local ones번역while driving to or from work.(M) 내고향에서는주말에사람들이도시의큰상점으로가는걸좋아한다.하지만월요일부터금요일까지는동네가게로 간다.직장을오가는길에동네가게에서쇼핑을하는것이편리하기때문이다.2. (W) Your writing is so hard to read!(M) Sorry. Here, I’ll interpret it for you.(W) Thank you.번역(W) 네글씨가엉망이어서읽을수가없어!(M) 미안해.내가해석해줄게.(W) 고마워.3. (M) The phone bill is so high this month!(W) Really, Dad? Uh oh....(M) Yes! You have to stop making tollcalls, Betty.(M) 이번달전화요금이너무많이나왔어.(W) 아빠,정말이에요?저기…(M) 그래!베티,장거리전화를하지말거라.4. (W) Wow, Dennis! Mom seemed really mad at youthis morning.(M) Yeah. She was so quiet, but did you see her face?(W) You’d better not be here when Dad gets home!번역 (W) 야,데니스!엄마가아침에정말너한테화가난것같더라.(M) 그래.엄마가말한마디없었는데,엄마표정봤니?(W) 아빠가집에돌아오실때여기없는게좋을것같아!Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What is the problem?(A) She is complicated.(C) He doesn’t understand.번역√(B) She needs an interpreter.(D) He lost the report.무엇이문제인가?(A) 그녀는헷갈려한다.(B) 그녀에게통역이필요하다.(C) 그는이해하지못한다.(D) 그는보고서를잃어버렸다.2. What is the last thing you should do?(A) √ Send the message(B) Use small words(C) Enter the message(D) Say more번역맨마지막에해야하는일은?(A) 메시지를보낸다 (B) 소문자를이용한다 (C) 메시지를입력한다 (D) 더많이얘기한다3. What will the man do next?(A) Change his mind(C) Put on his cap번역(B) Make a toll call(D) Say his main ideas again√남자는다음에무엇을할까?(A) 마음을바꾼다 (B) 장거리전화를한다 (C) 모자를쓴다 (D) 요지를다시말해준다3. (M) Do you have any questions about my presentation?(W) Yes, could you please recap your main points?(M) Of course! Sorry, I forgot to do that.번역1. (M) I read your report, but I don’t understandall of it.(W) All right, what makes you confused?(M) You need to interpret these charts for me.번역 (M) 당신의보고서를읽었는데,다이해하지는못했어요.(W) 좋아요,무엇이헷갈리던가요?(M) 이도표를내게설명해줘요.2. (W) When you send a text message,번역(M) 제발표에관해질문이있나요?(W) 예,요지를요약해주시겠어요?(M) 물론이죠!죄송합니다.깜빡잊었군요.you have to use small words. Thislets you say more in a short space.Also, don’t forget to send it whenyou’re done!(W) 문자메시지를보낼때에는소문자를이용해야해.그래야적은공간에많은말을적을수있어.또,메시지를작성한다음보내는것을잊지마.35

D i c t a t i o nListen and complete the sentences.1. His _________ was_________, but his expression __________________!His voice was calm, but his expression looked angry! 번역 그의목소리는차분했지만표정은화가난것같았어!2. I _________ _________ get _________ touch _________ Cathy to_________ her about it.I need to get in touch with Cathy to tell her about it. 번역 캐시에게연락해서그걸말해줘야해.3. Please _________ that information _________ to _________.Please pass that information on to Bill. 번역 그정보를빌에게전해주세요.4. _________ you have _________, _________ me _________.When you have decided, let me know. 번역 결심이서면내게알려주세요.5. What do _________ want to _________ into _________ the_________?What do you want to get into during the meeting? 번역 회의에서무엇을논의하고싶으세요?6. I _________ to _________ to _________ restaurants in __________________.I like to go to local restaurants in this area. 번역 나는이지역의동네식당에가는것을좋아한다.7. _________ had better not _________ here when _________ gets_________!You had better not be here when Dad gets home! 번역 아빠가집에오실때여기없는게좋을거야!8. _________ you _________ interpret _________ messy _________? writingCould you please interpret your messy writing? 번역 당신이쓴글씨가엉망인데해석을해주시겠어요?9. I don’t _________ _________ _________ a conversation withKelly _________ the _________.I don’t feel like having a conversation with Kelly on the phone. 번역 켈리와전화로얘기하고싶지않아요.10. You _________ _________ stop _________ toll _________.You have to stop making toll calls. 번역 너는장거리전화를그만해야한다.

UNIT5PART I. Picture Description: Food and DrinkW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.제공하다과자놓다가장자리깨물다offertreatsplaceedgebite intoCan I offer you something to drink?My favorite treats are brownies.해설The server placed my meal on the table.Be careful. The edge of your knife is very sharp.• treats 만족(즐거움)을주는것,대접• brownies 아몬드와땅콩이든쿠키와케이크의중간형태I don’t like biting into hard candy. It hurts my teeth.1. 마실것좀드릴까요?2. 내가제일좋아하는과자는브라우니이다.3. 종업원이내음식을테이블위에놓았다.4. 조심해요.칼날이아주날카로와요.5. 나는딱딱한캔디를깨물어먹는것이싫어.이가아프거든.B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.treatsedge1. She is ________ offering him sometreats for dessert and________ placing them on his plate.2. The man is holding the________ edge of his plate and thewoman next to him is________ biting into her dessert.번역1. 그녀는디저트로과자를내주면서그의접시에과자를놓고있다.2. 남자는접시가장자리를잡고있고,그옆에있는여자는디저트를깨물어먹고있다.C. Listen and write A or B.1. 2._________ AThe woman is holding the edge of the plate.번역 그여자는접시가장자리를들고있다._________ BThe person is holding one of the treats.번역 이사람은과자하나를집고있다.37

PART IExercisesListen and choose the right answer.1. (A) (B)번역(A) The woman is placing her finger on the cake.(B) The woman is biting into a piece of cake.(A) 여자는케이크에손가락을대고있다.(B) 여자는케이크한조각을베어먹고있다.√번역(A) The signs offer fruit for sale.(B) The treats are fresh.(A) 표지판은과일판매를알리고있다.(B) 과자는신선하다.√2. (A) (B)(A) She is holding the edge of the table.(B) She is offering two pies to eat.(A) 여자는테이블가장자리를들고있다.(B) 여자는파이두개를갖다준다.3. (A) (B)번역√38

Unit 5. Food and DrinkT e s tListen and choose the right answer.1. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역(A) The boy is biting into a cookie.(B) He is touching the edge of the tray.(C) He is offering a treat to someone.(D) There are many treats on the tray.(A) 소년은과자를깨물어먹고있다.(B) 그는쟁반가장자리를만지고있다.(C) 그는누군가에게과자를주고있다.(D) 접시에과자가많이있다.√번역(A) The treats are made from apples.(B) The woman is biting into some fruit.(C) The edge of her tooth is broken.(D) The woman is cutting into some fruit.(A) 과자들은사과로만든것이다.(B) 여자는과일을깨물어먹고있다.(C) 그녀의치아끝이부러졌다.(D) 여자는과일을자르고있다.√2. (A) (B) (C) (D)3. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√(A) The person is placing the food into the sauce.(B) The lobster is very hot.(C) The person is placing the lobster into his mouth.(D) The food looks delicious.(A) 이사람은음식을소스에넣고있다.(B) 바닷가재가아주뜨겁다.(C) 이사람은바닷가재를입에넣고있다.(D) 음식이아주맛있어보인다.39

PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.진짜의간식사탕,캔디영양가 있는서두르다realsnackcandynutritioushurry upThis is not real butter. It is made from vegetable oil.I like to have a snack after school.He ate too much candy and got a stomachache.Fruits and vegetables are nutritious.We’d better hurry up and mix the ingredients.1. 이것은진짜버터가아니다.이것은식물성기름으로만든것이다.2. 나는방과후에간식먹는것을좋아한다.3. 그는캔디를너무많이먹어서배탈이났다.4. 과일과야채는영양가가많다.5. 서둘러서재료를혼합하는것이좋겠다.B. Match the questions and answers.1. Can we have a snack now? (A) No, they’re not.2. Who wants a beverage? (B) Oh, I do.3. Are corn chips nutritious? (C) Not yet.4. Where did you get that candy? (D) That lady gave it to me.1. 간식을지금먹어도되나요?2. 음료수원하는사람있어요?3. 옥수수칩은영양가가있나요?4. 그캔디어디서났니?(A) 아니오,없어요.(B) 예,저요.(C) 아직안돼.(D) 저여자분이주셨어요.C. Listen and fill in the blanks.1. (A) This tastes delicious.(B) Thanks, I used real _______.(A) 이거아주맛있군요.(B) 고마워요.진짜크림을썼거든요.2. (A) I’m tired. I don’t want to cook tonight.(B) OK. Let’s _______ for dinner.(A) 피곤해요.오늘밤은요리를하고싶지않아요.(B) 좋아요.외식합시다.3. (A) Why do you drink so much milk?(B) Because it’s _______.(A) 우유를왜그렇게많이마시니?(B) 건강에좋거든요.4. (A) What kind of _______ would you like?(B) What do you have?(A) 어떤음료수를드실래요?(B) 뭐가있는데요?NoteNotebutter/brown sugar/cream/eggspick something up/dine out/order innutritious/delicious/healthy/tastydrink/beverage/dessert/side dish버터/흑설탕/크림/계란뭔가고르다/외식/배달영양가가있는/아주맛있는/건강에좋은/맛좋은음료(주류)/음료수/디저트/주요리에곁들인요리40

Unit 5. Food and DrinkExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) After work.(B) OK, let’s go.√2. (A) I’m almost done.(B) Yes, it does.√3. (A) Of course.(B) Yes, I do.√4. (A) Every afternoon.(B) Right now.When do you usually eat dinner?번역 저녁을보통언제먹니?(A) 업무끝나고.(B) 좋아,가자.Could you hurry up and finish making the salad?번역 서둘러서샐러드만들어주시겠어요?(A) 거의다됐어요.(B) 예,그건그래요.Can I see the menu, please?번역 메뉴좀볼수있을까요?(A) 물론이죠.(B) 예,난그래요.How often do you have a snack?번역 간식을얼마나자주먹나요?(A) 매일오후에먹어요.(B) 당장먹죠.T e s tListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√2. (A) (B) (C)√3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. Did you remember to buy thebeverages?(A) No, but I bought some juice.(B) Yes, they’re in the car.(C) There’s too much coffee.음료수사는거잊지않았지?(A) 아니,하지만주스좀샀어.(B) 그럼,차안에있어.(C) 커피가너무많아.3. Is this candy made with real vanilla?(A) They are as well.(B) How much do you want?(C) No, just vanilla flavoring.이캔디는진짜바닐라로만든건가요?(A) 그것들도있어요.(B) 얼마가필요하니?(C) 아니오,그냥바닐라향료예요.번역번역2. Please eat something nutritiousinstead of candy.(A) I don’t want to.(B) It’s over there.(C) My brother does too.제발캔디말고좀영양가있는것을먹으렴.(A) 먹고싶지않아요.(B) 저기있어요.(C) 내형도먹어요.4. Hurry up! The store will close soon.(A) Let’s just go tomorrow.(B) I’m so sad.(C) They sell lots of snacks.서둘러!가게가곧문을닫을거야.(A) 그럼내일가자.(B) 너무슬퍼.(C) 간식을많이팔고있어.41

PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.조리법붓다혼합오븐~인분,한 끼분의 음식recipepourmixingovenservings1. 맛있는과자를만들려면이조리법을따르세요.2. 그것을냄비에부어라.3. 우유속에넣고섞은다음밀가루를넣어라.Follow this recipe for great cookies.Pour it into the pan.After mixing in the milk, add the flour.Heat the oven to 300 degrees.One pan should make 12 servings.B. Types of Questions: Food and Drink4. 오븐을300도까지가열해라.5. 냄비하나로12인분을만들수있다.a. Main Idea What is the best amount of milk to add?What is the most important ingredient?b. Inference Who made the brownies?What does the man think about the sauce?c. Cause and Effect Why did the man take only one serving?How long is the baking time?d. Facts and Details How many eggs did they use?Which one is NOT an ingredient?C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.M: First we have to add 3 eggs to the mixture.W: Mmm, it smells really good.M: That’s the olive oil and wine.1. How many eggs did they use? __________ ❷번역M 우선이반죽에계란3개를넣어야해.W 음,정말냄새가좋은데.M 올리브기름과와인때문이야.1.계란을몇개사용했는가?3개For a light, delicious cake pour one cup of milk into the mixture. Besure not to add too much or the cake will not bake well. Too littlemilk will make the cake a bit dry.번역2. What is the best amount of milk to add? __________ ❹연하고달콤한케이크를만들려면반죽에1컵의우유를붓는다.너무많이넣으면케이크가잘구워지지않으므로주의한다.너무적게넣으면케이크가약간건조해진다.2.우유는얼마를넣으면가장좋은가?1컵W: I just love these brownies!M: Really? Thanks. It’s my mom’s recipe.W: They’re so delicious.3. Who made the brownies? __________ ❶번역W 이브라우니가정말맘에들어요!M 그래요?고마워요.엄마의비법이에요.W 아주맛있어요.3.이브라우니를만든사람은?남자The man Three Two women One cup❶ ❷ ❸ ❹42

Unit 5. Food and DrinkExercisesListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. Why did the man take only one serving?번역(A) He’s not very hungry.(B) He is on a diet.번역√2. Which one is NOT an ingredient?(A) Flour번역(B) Sugar3. What does the man think about the sauce?(A) It’s delicious.(B) It’s awful.번역√남자는왜1인분만시켰는가?(A) 배가그리고프지않다.(B) 체중감량중이다.다음중재료가아닌것은?(A) 밀가루 (B) 설탕남자는소스에대해어떻게생각하는가?(A) 아주맛있다.(B) 끔찍하다.√1. (M) Is that lasagna?(W) Yes, would you like one or two servings?(M) Just one. I had a late lunch.(M) 저게라자냐인가요?(W) 예,1인분드릴까요,2인분드릴까요?(M) 하나만주세요.점심을늦게먹었어요.2. (W) The recipe calls for the followingingredients: flour, eggs, butter, andmilk. Be sure to get real butter, notmargarine, and fresh whole milk.번역 (W) 이조리법에는다음과같은재료가필요하다.밀가루,계란,버터,우유.마가린이아닌진짜버터와신선한전유가필요하다는것을유념하자.3. (M) I love this sauce. Can I get the recipe?(W) Sorry, that’s a family secret.(M) Come on. Please!번역(M) 이소스가정말맛있네요.조리법좀알려줄수있나요?(W) 죄송하지만,저희집의비밀입니다.(M) 그러지말고제발알려주세요!4. How long is the baking time?번역√(A) 15 minutes얼마동안구워야하는가?(A) 15분 (B) 30분(B) 30 minutes4. (W) After mixing the ingredients thoroughly,pour the mixture into a pan. Place thepan in the oven for 15 minutes. The oventemperature should be set at 350 degrees.번역 (W) 재료를골고루잘섞은후에이반죽을팬에 붓는다.오븐에15분동안넣어둔후에오븐의온도를350도에맞춰야한다.T e s t해설1. lasagna 파스타,치즈,고기,토마토소스로만든이탈리아요리2. call for 필요하다,요구하다whole milk 전유(지방포함)Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. How many pans did they make?(A) 1 (B) √ 2(C) 5 (D) 9번역이들은냄비몇개로만들었는가?(A) 1(B) 2(C) 5(D) 92. What is the speaker doing?(A) Putting a turkey in the oven(B) Giving the staff instructions at a restaurant(C) √ Remembering a happy time in her childhood(D) Describing her family to a friend번역이사람은무엇을하고있는가?(A) 칠면조를오븐에넣고있다. (B) 식당직원들에게지시사항을알려주고있다. (C) 어린시절의행복한기억을떠올리고있다.(D) 자신의가족을친구에게설명하고있다.3. What is the man going to do?(A) √ Get milk at the store(C) Greet the guests in 2 hours번역(B) Get flour at the market(D) Prepare the party decorations남자는무엇을할까?(A) 가게에우유를사러간다.(B) 시장에밀가루를사러간다.(C) 2시간후에손님을맞는다.(D) 파티장식을준비한다.1. (M) Each pan makes 5 servings, right?(W) That’s right, and 9 people are coming.(M) So can I have the extra serving?번역 (M) 냄비하나에5인이지,그렇지?(W) 맞아.그리고9명이올거야.(M) 그럼,남은것은내가먹으면될까?2. (W) When I was a little girl I used to loveThanksgiving. Mother would put theturkey in the oven, Father would make번역potato salad, and I’d set the table.(W) 어렸을때나는추수감사절을정말좋아했다.엄마는칠면조를오븐에넣고아빠는감자샐러드를만들고,나는상을차리곤했다.3. (W) You used too much flour! Now we needmore milk.(M) I’ll go pick some up at the store.(W) Hurry up. The guests are coming in 2 hours.번역(W) 밀가루를너무많이넣었어요!이제우유가더필요해요.(M) 내가가게에가서사올게요.(W) 서둘러요.2시간후에손님들이오기로했어요.43

D i c t a t i o nListen and complete the sentences.1. _________ _________ and take the _________ _________ of the_________.Hurry up and take the cake out of the oven. 번역 서둘러서케이크를오븐에서꺼내라.2. _________ recipe _________ _________ too _________ingredients.This recipe calls for too many ingredients.번역이조리법은너무많은재료가필요해.3. We need flour, _________, and _________, _________ _________milk.We need flour, sugar, and salt, but no milk.번역밀가루,설탕,소금은필요한데,우유는필요없어요.4. _________ _________ is _________! What’s the _________?The sauce is great! What’s the recipe? 번역 이소스는정말맛있어요!어떻게만든거죠?5. I can’t _________ _________ _________ I’m _________ __________________.I can’t eat meat because I’m on a diet. 번역 나는다이어트중이어서고기를먹으면안돼요.6. We have too _________ _________ and not _________ beverages.We have too much food and not enough beverages. 번역 음식은너무많은데음료수는모자라요.7. _________ _________ eat healthy _________ nutritious_________.I only eat healthy and nutritious meals. 번역 나는건강에좋고영양가있는음식만먹어요.8. For _________ _________ we _________ use 3 _________ of flour.For 12 servings we should use 3 cups of flour. 번역 12인분을만들려면밀가루3컵이필요해요.9. My mom _________ _________ _________ _________ specialoccasions.My mom only buys candy for special occasions. 번역 엄마는특별한날에는캔디만사요.10. A peanut _________ _________ makes a _________ _________.A peanut butter sandwich makes a great snack. 번역 땅콩버터샌드위치는좋은간식이다.

PART I. Picture Description: Government ServicesW arm-up6UNITA. Learn the words and phrases.지역배달하다떨어지다올리다넓은areadeliverfall outraisewideThere is a big park in this area.The mail carrier delivers letters to my house.My passport fell out of my pocket.They raised the flag to the top of the building.The main street in our town is very wide.1. 이지역에는큰공원이있다.2. 우편배달부가편지를우리집으로배달해준다.3. 내여권이주머니에서떨어졌다.4. 그들은건물꼭대기까지깃발을올렸다.5. 우리마을의중앙로는아주넓다.B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.garbage truckgarbage1. The back of the truck israised, the door is _________ wideopen, and garbage is_________.falling out2. The truck _________ delivers garbageto this _________. area번역1.트럭의뒷부분이위로올라가있고,문은활짝열려있으며,쓰레기가떨어지고있다.2.트럭이쓰레기를이지역으로운반한다.C. Listen and write A or B.1. 2._________ BSome letters are falling out.번역 편지몇장이떨어지고있다._________ AThe policeman is guarding the area.번역 경찰관이지역을경비하고있다.45

PART IExercisesListen and choose the right answer.(A) The doctor delivered a ba<strong>by</strong>.(B) Part of the bed is raised.(A) 의사가아이를분만시켰다.(B) 침대의일부분이들려있다.1. (A) (B)번역√번역(A) The camera fell out of the bag.(B) The camera can view this area.(A) 카메라가가방에서떨어졌다.(B) 카메라가이지역을볼수있다.√2. (A) (B)3. (A) (B)번역(A) The trolley is waiting at the stop.(B) The trolley is too wide to enter the tunnel.(A) 전차가정류장에서기다리고있다.(B) 전차가너무넓어서터널로들어갈수없다.√46

Unit 6. Government ServicesT e s tListen and choose the right answer.1. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역(A) He can’t deliver the letters.(B) The forms fell out of the cabinet.(C) The man is standing in the mail room.(D) The room is too wide for the man.(A) 그는편지를배달할수없다.(B) 서류가캐비닛에서떨어졌다.(C) 남자가우편실에서있다.(D) 이남자에게는방이너무넓다.√번역(A) There are tables and chairs in this place.(B) They are raising trees in this area.(C) A wide car can park here.(D) The man is sitting on the grass.(A) 이곳에는테이블과의자가있다.(B) 이지역에서나무를재배하고있다.(C) 폭이넓은차도여기주차할수있다.(D) 남자가잔디밭에앉아있다.√2. (A) (B) (C) (D)(A) The soldiers will deliver the guns.(B) Sand fell out of the water tank.(C) The turtle has a wide shell.(D) The tank is in an area with no trees.(A) 군인들이총을넘겨줄것이다.(B) 모래가물탱크에서떨어졌다.(C) 거북이는등껍질이넓다.(D) 탱크가나무가없는지역에있다.3. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√47

PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.부서허가신청하다주소세관departmentpermitapplyresidencecustomsYou need to visit the Department of Public Health.Do I need a permit to sell food here?Did you apply for a visa yet?What is your current residence?The customs agent examined my luggage.1. 공중보건과를찾아가야합니다.2. 여기서음식을팔려면허가를받아야하나요?3. 비자이미신청했니?4. 현재주소가어디인가요?5. 세관원이내짐을검사했다.B. Match the questions and answers.1. When does this office open? (A) Yes, it is.2. Is this the customs office? (B) At nine.3. May I see your passport? (C) Use a blue or black pen.4. How should I fill this out? (D) Here it is.1. 이사무실은언제문을여나요?2. 여기가세관인가요?3. 여권좀보여주시겠어요?4. 이것을어떻게작성해야하나요?(A) 예,그렇습니다.(B) 9시입니다.(C) 파란색이나검은색펜을사용하세요.(D) 여기있습니다.C. Listen and fill in the blanks.Note481. (A) I need to see your _______.(B) Oh, I left it at home.(A) 허가증좀보여주시겠어요?(B) 오,집에두고왔어요.2. (A) I’m done with these forms.(B) OK, I’ll send them to the _______office.(A) 서류작성다했어요.(B) 그럼,제가그것들을인사과로보내죠.3. (A) Do you have a _______ permit?(B) No, but I’m applying for one.(A) 낚시허가증이있나요?(B) 아니오,하지만신청할생각이에요.4. (A) When will the office notify me?(B) You should hear from them in a few_______.(A) 사무실에서언제제게통보해주나요?(B) 몇주후에연락이갈겁니다.NoteID/passport/license/permitpersonnel/customs/immigration/accountingresidence/work/travel/fishinghours/days/weeks/months신분증/여권/면허증/허가증인사/세관/이민/회계주거/취업/여행/낚시시간/일/주/개월

Unit 6. Government ServicesExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.1. (A) He is not here.√(B) At the front desk.2. (A) Yes, it can.√(B) Here you go.3. (A) Forms are available online.√(B) The customs department.√4. (A) Yes, it is.(B) A long time.Where do I apply for a visa?번역 비자신청을어디에하나요?(A) 그는여기없어요.(B) 접수대에하세요.I made a mistake. Can I get another form?번역 실수를했는데,서류양식하나더주시겠어요?(A) 예,가능합니다.(B) 여기있습니다.Which department handles problems with importedgoods?번역 수입품의취급문제들을다루는부서가어디죠?(A) 서류양식은온라인으로구할수있습니다.(B) 세관입니다.Is it difficult to get a residence permit?번역 체류허가를받기가어렵나요?(A) 예,그렇습니다.(B) 오래됐어요.T e s tListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√2. (A) (B) (C)√3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. What country were you born in?(A) My hometown.(B) My father is a doctor.(C) I’m from this country.어느나라에서태어났나요?(A) 내고향에서요.(B) 아버지가의사예요.(C) 이나라에서태어났어요.3. I can’t find the customs office.(A) You can call them instead.(B) Why isn’t it here?(C) Neither do I.세관을찾을수가없어요.(A) 그러면전화하면되요.(B) 그게왜여기없죠?(C) 나도안그래요.번역번역2. Excuse me, I lost my passport yesterday.(A) Where is it?(B) Please fill out this form.(C) That was a bad idea.실례지만,어제여권을잃어버렸어요.(A) 그게어디있죠?(B) 이양식을작성해주세요.(C) 좋지않은생각이었어요.4. What do I need to do to get a workpermit?(A) At least 3 times.(B) First you need a job offer.(C) Your passport will expire soon.취업허가를받으려면무엇이필요한가요?(A) 적어도세번이요.(B) 먼저일자리를제공받아야합니다.(C) 귀하의여권은곧만기가됩니다.49

PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.선거후보자세금입장,태도쟁점,문제electioncandidatetaxesstanceissueThe next election is in four years.Mr. Smith is a popular candidate for president.I think we pay too much in taxes.What is your stance on the war?The candidates disagree on the issue of taxes.1.다음선거는4년후에있다.2.스미스씨는인기있는대통령후보이다.3.우리는세금을너무많이내는것같아요.4.전쟁에대한당신의입장은무엇인가요?5.후보자들은세금문제에관해의견이다르다.B. Types of Questions: Government Servicesa. Main Idea How is the candidate described?What issue is the candidate discussing?b. Inference Who will the man vote for?What is Mr. Earl’s stance on the war issue?c. Cause and Effect What was the result of Mr. Jones’ television appearance?Why does the candidate want to stop gun sales?d. Facts and Details How many people voted last time?How many candidates are there?C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.W: How will you vote in the next election?M: I used to like Mr. Earl, but he has lied too much.W: I agree. Mr. Jones is a better choice. 번역 W1. Who will the man vote for? __________ ❸We believe that Mr. Jones is a respectable man. But can we reallytrust him? In the past, he voted to raise taxes three separate times.Please vote wisely this election.2. How is the candidate described? __________ ❹번역다음선거에어떻게투표할생각이니?M 예전에는얼씨를좋아했는데,그는거짓말을너무많이해.W 나도그렇게생각해.존스씨가더나은것같아.1.남자는누구에게투표를할까?존스씨우리는존스씨가존경받을만한사람이라고생각합니다.하지만우리가정말그를믿을수있을까요?과거에그는세번이나세금인상에찬성표를던졌습니다.이번선거에는현명하게투표를합시다.2.이후보자는어떻게묘사되고있는가?부정적으로M: I agree with Mr. Earl on the war issue.W: Not me. I don’t believe in war.M: My wife says the same thing.번역M 나는전쟁문제에대한얼씨의생각에동의해요.W 난안그래요.나는전쟁이싫어요.M 내아내도그렇게말하더군요.3.전쟁문제에관한얼씨의입장은무엇인가?찬성한다3. What is Mr. Earl’s stance on the war issue? __________ ❶50For the war Against the war Mr. Jones Negatively❶ ❷ ❸ ❹

Unit 6. Government ServicesExercisesListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What was the result of Mr. Jones’ television appearance?(A) He became more popular. (B) He became less popular.번역√존스씨의TV출연결과는?(A) 더인기를얻게되었다.(B) 인기를잃게되었다.2. How many people voted last time?(A) More than half번역지난번에는몇명이투표를했는가?(A) 절반이상 (B) 절반이하(B) Less than half3. Why does the candidate want to stop gun sales?(A) They’re too expensive. (B) There’s too much crime.번역이후보자는왜총기판매금지를원하는가?(A) 너무비싸서 (B) 범죄가너무많아서4. What issue is the candidate discussing?(A) Supporting war(B) Decreasing taxes번역이후보자는어떤문제에관해토론하고있는가?(A) 전쟁지지 (B) 세금감면√√√1. (M) Mr. Jones is certainly popular these days.(W) Yeah. After people saw him playingguitar on television, everyone seemedto like him.(M) But what is his stance on the issues?번역 (M) 존스씨는요즘정말인기가있어요.(W) 그래요,그가TV에서기타연주하는걸사람들이본후로모두가그를좋아하는것같았어요.(M) 하지만그문제에관한그의입장이뭐죠?2. (W) There are over 270 million peoplein this country, but in the lastelection less than 50% voted. Thismeans a candidate can win withsupport from only 25% of the번역population!(W) 이나라인구는2억7천만이넘지만지난선거에서는50%미만이투표했습니다.이것은후보자가전체인구의25%만지지를받아도이길수있다는것을의미합니다!3. (M) I think there’s too much crime.(W) So, what’s your stance on the gun issue?(M) I plan to stop gun sales across thenation.번역(M) 범죄가너무많이발생하는것같습니다.(W) 총기문제에관한당신의입장은뭔가요?(M) 전국적으로총기판매를금지할생각입니다.T e s tListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.4. (M) I don’t think the war is necessarybecause no war is ever necessary. If Iwin the election, I’ll put a stop to allof our taxes going to the military.That’s a promise!번역 (M) 필요한전쟁이란존재하지않기때문에나는이전쟁이필요없다고생각합니다.내가선거에서이긴다면군대에들어가는모든세금을없앨겁니다.그것을약속하겠습니다!1. Who did the man and woman vote for?(A) They both voted for Earl.(B) √ Neither voted.번역(C) They both voted for Jones.(D) One voted for Earl and the other voted for Jones.번역남자와여자는누구에게투표를했는가?(A) 둘다얼에게투표를했다.(B) 둘다투표하지않았다.(C) 둘다존스에게투표를했다.(D) 한사람은얼에게한사람은존스에게투표했다.2. What issue is NOT important?(A) War(C) Guns번역√어떤문제가중요하지않은가?(A) 전쟁 (B) 세금 (C) 총기 (D) 범죄(B) Taxes(D) Crime3. How much did the man pay in taxes?(A) $100 (B) $200(C) $300 (D) $400번역남자는세금을얼마나냈는가?(A) 100달러 (B) 200달러 (C) 300달러 (D) 400달러√1. (M) I can’t believe Mr. Earl won the election.(W) I forgot to vote.(M) Actually, so did I.(M) 얼씨가선거에서이겼다는것이믿어지지않아.(W) 난투표하는걸잊었어.(M) 사실나도그래.2. (W) There are four major issues in thiselection: taxes, war, crime, and guns.Both of the candidates agree on thegun issue, so therefore only threeissues are important.번역 (W) 이번선거에서는네가지주요쟁점이있습니다.세금,전쟁,범죄,그리고총기문제입니다.두후보모두총기문제에관해서는의견이일치합니다.따라서세가지쟁점이중요합니다.3. (M) Taxes are so high this year!(W) I know! I had to pay $200.(M) I paid twice that much.번역 (M) 올해세금이너무많아요.(W) 알아요.나는200달러를내야했어요.(M) 난그두배를냈어요.51

D i c t a t i o nListen and complete the sentences.1. I _________ _________ for the most _________ candidate.I always vote for the most handsome candidate.번역나는항상가장잘생긴후보에게투표를해요.2. _________ _________ and I disagree _________ the _________.My wife and I disagree on the issues. 번역 아내와나는그문제에관해의견이다릅니다.3. _________ year’s _________ _________ _________ _________thrilling.This year’s election should be quite thrilling.번역올해선거는아주긴장이될거예요.4. Please take _________ _________ and _________ _________ out.Please take these forms and fill them out.번역이서류양식을가져가서작성해주세요.5. My _________ works _________ _________ _________Department.My cousin works for the Customs Department.번역내사촌은세관에서일해요.6. _________ are _________ important _________ this _________.Taxes are an important issue this year.번역올해는세금이중요한쟁점이에요.7. I _________ _________ a residence permit _________ _________.I applied for a residence permit in August.번역저는8월에체류허가를신청했습니다.8. What _________ _________ the post _________ close _________lunch?What time does the post office close for lunch?번역우체국은점심시간을위해몇시에문을닫나요?9. I _________ _________ tourist _________ _________ the UnitedStates.I have a tourist visa for the United States.번역저는미국관광비자가있어요.10. A lot _________ _________ _________ _________ of the_________.A lot of garbage fell out of the truck.번역많은쓰레기가트럭에서쏟아졌습니다.

UNIT7PART I. Picture Description: HolidaysW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.정리하다,배열하다축제 같은,화려한선물설치하다다양한arrangefestivepresentset upvariousI arranged the plates on the table before dinner.Her holiday clothes looked very festive.My friend brought me a present from India.It took three hours to set up the decorations.There are various things in the refrigerator.1. 나는저녁식사전에테이블위에접시들을배열했다.2. 그녀의축제의상은아주화려했다.3. 친구가인도에서내게줄선물을사왔다.4. 장식을설치하는데3시간이걸렸다.5. 냉장고에는다양한것들이있다.B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.decorationspresent1. _________ Various presents are_________ arranged under the tree.2. _________ Festive decorations havebeen _________ set _________ up onthe fireplace.번역1.다양한선물이나무밑에진열되어있다.2.화려한장식이벽난로위에설치되었다.C. Listen and write A or B.1. 2._________ AThe man has put on festive clothes.번역 남자는화려한의상을입고있다._________ BVarious things are arranged around the pie.번역 파이주변에다양한물건들이놓여있다.53

PART IExercisesListen and choose the right answer.1. (A) (B)번역(A) The man is freezing.(B) The girl arranged some clothes on the snowman.(A) 남자는몹시추워한다.(B) 소녀는눈사람에게몇가지옷을입혔다.√번역(A) The man set up the bows.(B) The present is decorated with a bow.(A) 남자는리본을만들었다.(B) 선물은리본으로장식되어있다.√2. (A) (B)(A) They are enjoying a festive occasion.(B) They are carrying various things.(A) 이들은축제행사를즐기고있다.(B) 이들은다양한물건을나르고있다.3. (A) (B)번역√54

Unit 7. HolidaysT e s tListen and choose the right answer.1. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역(A) The boy is setting up the sand castle.(B) The boy is stepping in the water.(C) He is waving at various people.(D) The boys are having fun.(A) 소년은모래성을쌓고있다.(B) 소년은물로들어가고있다.(C) 소년은여러사람들에게손을흔들고있다.(D) 여러소년이놀고있다.√번역(A) She arranged the turkeys on the table.(B) They are cooking various foods.(C) The woman is opening the present.(D) The turkey is cooked.(A) 그녀는칠면조를테이블위에놓았다.(B) 이들은다양한음식을요리하고있다.(C) 여자는선물을열어보고있다.(D) 칠면조는요리되어있다.√2. (A) (B) (C) (D)3. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√(A) They are wearing festive clothes.(B) The girl is getting birthday presents.(C) The girls are arranging their decorations.(D) The girls set up the bells.(A) 이들은축제옷을입고있다.(B) 소녀는생일선물을받고있다.(C) 소녀들이장식을배열하고있다.(D) 소녀들이벨을설치하고있다.55

PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.폭죽쉬다~로 가다긴 양말,스타킹(socks 짧은양말)단것(사탕,과자)firecrackerhave offhead tostockingsweetsFirecrackers are popular on Chinese New Year andHalloween.I have this weekend off. Do you want to do something?I’m heading to the beach after work.Don’t forget to hang the Christmas stockings <strong>by</strong> thefireplace.I love candy and sweets, especially chocolate.561. 새해와핼러윈에는폭죽이유명하다.2. 난이번주말에쉬는데,뭐하고싶은거있어?3. 나는일끝나고해변에갈거야.B. Match the questions and answers.1. How long do you have off for Spring Break? (A) We are heading tomy aunt’s.2. Do you have special sweets for Halloween? (B) We hang stockings.3. What are you doing over summer break? (C) Yes, we havecaramel apples.4. Does your family do anything special (D) Ten days.to celebrate the holiday?1.봄방학때얼마나쉬니?2.핼러윈때특별히먹는사탕있니?3.여름휴가때무엇을할생각이니?4.너희가족은이휴일에특별히하는거있니?C. Listen and fill in the blanks.1. (A) What are you doing over the _________break?(B) I’m going to my friend’s place.(A) 부활절휴일에뭐할거니?(B) 친구집에갈거야.2. (A) How long do you have off for the NewYear break?(B) I get _________ off.(A) 새해에며칠이나쉬니?(B) 이틀.3. (A) Do you eat any special food during theholiday?(B) Not really. We just eat a lot of _________.(A) 그휴일에특별히먹는음식있니?(B) 특별한건없는데,그냥단것을많이먹어.4. (A) Does your culture do anything specialfor the holidays?(B) Yes. We light _________.(A) 너희문화에서는그휴일에특별한행사가있니?(B) 예,우리는촛불을밝혀요.4. 벽난로옆에크리스마스양말걸어두는거잊지마.5. 나는캔디와단것,특히초콜릿을좋아한다.Note(A) 숙모님댁에가요.(B) 우리는양말을걸어둬요.(C) 예,사과캐러멜을먹어요.(D) 열흘이에요.NoteEaster/Thanksgiving/Remembrance Day/New Year1 week/2 weeks/5 days/2 days해설meat/sweets/breadvegetableslanterns/firecrackers/candles/torches부활절/추수감사절/영령기념일(현충일)/새해1주일/2주일/5일/이틀고기/단것/빵/야채등불(제등)/폭죽/촛불/횃불사과 캐러멜 :캐러멜을 녹여서사과를찍어먹는간식

Unit 7. HolidaysExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) We light firecrackers.(B) On November 11th.2. (A) One week later.(B) One week off.√3. (A) Yes, I can for 3 days.(B) Yes, we eat lots of chocolate.√√4. (A) No, nothing special this year.(B) No, I don’t.What does your culture do on New Year’s?번역 너희문화에서는새해에무엇을하니?(A) 우리는폭죽을터뜨려.(B) 11월11일이야.How long do you have off for spring break?번역 봄방학때며칠이나쉬니?(A) 1주일후에.(B) 1주일쉬어.Do you have special food on Valentine’s Day?번역 발렌타인데이에특별히먹는음식이있니?(A) 그래,3일정도할수있어.(B) 그래,우리는초콜릿을많이먹어.Are you doing anything over the Thanksgiving break?번역 추수감사절휴일동안특별히하는거있니?(A) 아니,올해는별일없어.(B) 아니,나는하지않아.T e s tListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√√2. (A) (B) (C)3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. What special food do you eat atEaster?(A) I like to go skiing.(B) We light firecrackers.(C) Colored eggs.부활절때어떤특별한음식을먹니?(A) 스키타러가는것이좋아요.(B) 폭죽에불을붙여요.(C) 색칠한계란을먹어요.3. Does your culture celebrateHalloween?(A) Yes, I can.(B) No, not really.(C) Lots of chocolate.너희문화에서는핼러윈을기념하니?(A) 그래,할수있어.(B) 아니,그렇진않아.(C) 초콜릿이많아.번역번역2. Are you doing anything forMother’s Day?(A) No, I haven’t.(B) Yes, I am.(C) To California.어머니날에뭔가하니?(A) 아니,하지않았어요.(B) 예,할거예요.(C) 캘리포니아로.4. How long do you have off forThanksgiving?(A) 4 days.(B) We eat turkey and stuffing.(C) It’s in September.추수감사절때며칠이나쉬니?(A) 나흘.(B) 속을채워넣은칠면조요리를먹어요.(C) 9월이에요.57

PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.해설4.1차세계대전때많은캐나다군인들이목숨을잃었던프랑스플랜더스필드지방에전쟁이 끝난후부터양귀비꽃이빨갛게가득피어난것을유래로,캐나다인들은군인들의명복을빌기위해11월초부터휴전기념일인11월11일까지꽃을단다.•Remembrance Day (캐나다)휴전기념일,(한국)현충일,(미국)참전군인의날(Veteran’s Day)5.어린이들이핼러윈방에요상한분장을하고집집마다돌아다니며“Trick or treat!”(먹을것을주지않으면장난칠거에요!)을외치면미리준비한사탕이나초콜릿을나누어주는풍습의례,의식요정기리다,추모하다양귀비(추수감사절의)이웃집 방문ceremonyelfhonorpoppytrick or treatI have a wedding ceremony to go to this weekend.Santa’s elves help him make all the toys for Christmas.Many cultures honor their dead relatives once a year.Canadians wear red poppy flowers on Remembrance Day.Children in North America go trick or treating onHalloween to get sweets.1.이번주말에결혼식에가요.2.산타의요정들이크리스마스장난감만드는것을도와줘요.B. Types of Questions: Holidays3.많은문화권에서는일년에한번죽은친척들을추모한다.4.캐나다사람들은휴전기념일에붉은양귀비꽃을꽂는다.5.북미의어린이들은핼러윈때사탕을얻으려고집집마다돌아다닌다.a. Main Idea What are the speakers doing?What does the speaker do on Remembrance Day?b. Inference What holiday is the speaker talking about?How does the man feel?c. Cause and Effect Why didn’t they go to Toronto for Christmas?Why does the man only get one month off?d. Facts and Details What is the man going to buy his wife?What did they do after carving the pumpkins?58C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.W: What are your plans for Valentine’s Day?M: I’m going to buy my wife some roses and a diamond necklace.W: Wow! She is pretty lucky.번역 W1. What is the man going to buy his wife? __________ ❹W: The kids and I are going to make a card and wrap the presents webought. Then later in the day we are heading to my husband’s favoriterestaurant. We’re going to honor him with an expensive dinner there.2. What holiday is the speaker talking about? __________ ❶M: We were supposed to go to Toronto for Christmas.W: Why didn’t you go?M: Our flight was cancelled because of a big snowstorm.3. Why didn’t they go to Toronto for Christmas? __________ ❷Father’s Day Bad weather Thanksgiving Jewelry❶ ❷ ❸ ❹번역번역발렌타인데이에어떤계획이있나요?M 아내에게장미와다이아몬드목걸이를사줄거예요.W 와!그녀는정말운이좋군요.1.남자는아내에게무엇을사줄까?보석W 아이들과나는카드를만든다음우리가산선물을포장할겁니다.그다음에남편이제일좋아하는식당으로가서그에게비싼저녁식사를대접할거예요.2.이사람은어떤휴일에관해얘기하고있는가?아버지날M 우리는크리스마스에토론토로갈예정이었어요.W 왜가지않았나요?M 심한폭설로인해비행이취소되었어요.3.이들은왜크리스마스때토론토에가지못했는가?날씨가나빠서

Unit 7. HolidaysExercisesListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What are the speakers doing?(A) Cooking dinner번역T e s t(B) Planning dinner2. What does the speaker do on Remembrance Day?(A) She honors soldiers.(B) She wears red clothes.번역√3. How does the man feel?(A) Embarrassed번역(B) Unhappy4. What did they do after carving the pumpkins?(A) Collected candy(B) Watched a movie번역√이들은무엇을하고있는가?(A) 저녁식사요리 (B) 저녁식사계획√영령기념일에이사람은무엇을하는가?(A) 군인들을추모한다.(B) 빨간옷을입는다.남자의기분은어떤가?(A) 당혹스럽다.(B) 언짢다.호박을조각한다음이들은무엇을했는가?(A) 사탕모으기 (B) 영화보기√1. (M) What do you think we should makefor dinner?(W) Well, Christmas is pretty special, solet’s make something we don’tusually have.(M) How about lamb this year?번역 (M) 저녁식사로무엇을만드는게좋을까요?(W) 음,크리스마스는특별하니까평소에먹지않던것으로하죠.(M) 올해는양고기가어때요?2. (W) Usually for Remembrance Day, wewear red poppies on our clothes.Then we go watch the ceremony toremember the soldiers who foughtin wars.번역(W) 휴전기념일에우리는보통옷에다붉은양귀비꽃을답니다.그다음에전쟁에서싸운군인들을추모하는행사를보러갑니다.3. (W) How long do you have off forthe summer holidays?(M) Only 1 month. I’m disappointedbecause most students get 2months off.(W) I’m so sorry to hear that.번역(W) 여름방학때며칠이나쉬니?(M) 한달밖에쉬지못해서실망이야.대부분학생들은두달쉬거든.(W) 듣고보니안됐구나.4. (M) For Halloween, my friends and Ibought several large pumpkins tocarve. Then we went trick or treatingaround the neighborhood.번역 (M) 핼러윈때내친구들과나는조각을할커다란호박몇개을샀다.그다음에우리는“트릭오어트릿”을했다.Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. Why does the woman only get one month off?(A) She wants to finish her courses early.(B) She has to go to summer school to improve her English.(C) She has to work over the summer.번역√(D) She has to go to summer school to improve her math.여자는왜한달밖에쉬지못하는가?(A) 과정을일찍끝내길원한다.(C) 여름동안일을해야한다.2. What holiday is the speaker talking about?(A) Remembrance Day(B) Thanksgiving(C) Christmas(D) Valentine’s Day번역√어떤휴일에대한이야기인가?(A) 휴전기념일 (B) 추수감사절 (C) 크리스마스 (D) 발렌타인데이(B) 영어실력을키우기위해여름학교를다녀야한다.(D) 수학실력을키우기위해여름학교를다녀야한다.3. Why isn’t the man’s family going to have ham this Easter?(A) His family usually has turkey for Easter.(B) √ The grandmother doesn’t like ham.(C) They can’t find a ham.번역(D) They are heading to their grandmother’s place.번역남자의가족은왜이번부활절에햄을먹지않을까?(A) 그의가족은부활절에보통칠면조를먹는다.(C) 햄을구할수없다.(B) 할머니가햄을좋아하지않는다.(D) 이들은할머니댁에간다.1. (M) Why do you only get 1 monthoff for the summer holiday?(W) I have to take some extra classesbecause I didn’t do well in math.(M) That’s really too bad.번역 (M) 여름방학때왜너는한달밖에쉬지못하니?(W) 수학을잘못해서보충수업을들어야해.(M) 안됐구나.2. (W) In my culture, at the beginningof December, children put theirshoes outside. Then the elvescome and put gifts ofchocolate, candy, and toys번역inside their shoes.(W) 우리문화에서는12월이시작되면아이들이신발을밖에내놓는다.그러면요정들이와서초콜릿,캔디,혹은장난감을신발속에넣어준다.3. (W) What is your family having for Easter thisyear?(M) Well, we usually have ham for Easter, butmy grandmother is going to be over at ourhouse this year and she doesn’t eat ham.(W) So, I guess you are going to have turkey?(W) 올해부활절에너희가족은무엇을먹니?(M) 우리는부활절에보통햄을먹어.하지만올해는할머니가우리집에오실건데할머니는햄을안드셔.(W) 그럼너희는칠면조를먹겠구나?59

D i c t a t i o nListen and complete the sentences.1. I’m _________ _________ California for the _________ holidays.I’m heading to California for the summer holidays. 번역 나는여름방학때캘리포니아로간다.2. I _________ the _________ _________. Do you _________ to go_________ for _________?I have the evening off. Do you want to go out for dinner? 번역 나는저녁때쉽니다.외식을할까요?3. I love _________ _________ _________ Valentine’s Day.I love eating sweets on Valentine’s Day. 번역 나는발렌타인데이에달콤한것먹는것을좋아해요.4. _________ are you _________ _________ spring _________?What are you doing over spring break? 번역 봄방학때무엇을할거니?5. Does _________ culture do anything _________ on __________________ _________?번역 너희문화에서는새해첫날에특별한행사가있니?Does your culture do anything special on New Year’s Day?6. Our _________ likes to _________ turkey _________ stuffing_________ Christmas.번역 우리가족은크리스마스때속채운칠면조고기먹는걸좋아한다.Our family likes to eat turkey and stuffing at Christmas.7. _________ children go _________ or _________ _________Halloween.Many children go trick or treating on Halloween.번역 많은아이들이핼러윈때사탕을얻으려고이웃집을돌아다닌다.8. What are _________ going to _________ your _________ for_________ _________?What are you going to give your husband for Father’s Day? 번역 아버지날에남편에게무엇을줄생각이세요?9. _________ _________ _________ wrapped in festive __________________ _________ paper.번역 선물은화려한빨간색과녹색종이로포장되어있었다.The present was wrapped in festive red and green paper.10. How _________ do you _________ _________ _________ Easter?How long do you have off for Easter? 번역 부활절에얼마 동안쉬니?

Review 1PART I. Picture DescriptionListen and choose the right answer.1. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역(A) The ceremony is taking place outdoors.(B) The children have happy expressions.(C) The kids have on festive hats.(D) They are mixing things in a bowl.(A) 의식이야외에서진행되고있다.(B) 아이들이행복한표정을짓고있다.(C) 아이들이화려한모자를쓰고있다.(D) 이들은그릇에여러가지를섞고있다.√번역(A) The girl seems very unhappy.(B) The girl is enjoying an extracurricular activity.(C) The girl is giving a lecture.(D) The girl is recording something in her notebook.(A) 소녀는매우불행해보인다.(B) 소녀는과외활동을즐기고있다.(C) 소녀는강의를하고있다.(D) 소녀는공책에무언가를기록하고있다.√2. (A) (B) (C) (D)(A) The man is enjoying a snack.(B) The man is getting in touch with someone <strong>by</strong> phone.(C) The man’s suit is very formal.(D) They are discussing the menu items.(A) 남자는간식을먹고있다.(B) 남자는전화로누군가와연락을하고있다.(C) 남자의옷은매우딱딱하다.(D) 이들은메뉴항목에관해의논하고있다.3. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√61

Review 14. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역(A) People need a permit to use this grill.(B) Several pieces of meat are on the grill.(C) The recipe includes many ingredients.(D) The store is advertising a special on beef.(A) 사람들이이그릴을이용하려면허가가필요하다.(B) 고기몇점이그릴위에놓여있다.(C) 이조리법에는많은재료가필요하다.(D) 이가게에서는소고기특별할인광고를한다.√번역(A) The couple is watching television together.(B) The man is signaling for the woman to be quiet.(C) The radio program is now on the air.(D) The woman is leaning on the kitchen counter.(A) 두사람이TV를함께보고있다.(B) 남자가여자에게조용히하라는신호를보내고있다.(C) 라디오프로그램이방송중이다.(D) 여자가부엌조리대에기대어서있다.√5. (A) (B) (C) (D)(A) The bumper sticker is stuck on the car.(B) The journalist is speaking into the mike.(C) The warning sign is hanging on the fence.(D) This area is covered with garbage.(A) 범퍼스티커가차에붙어있다.(B) 기자가마이크에대고말하고있다.(C) 경고표지판이울타리에걸려있다.(D) 이지역은쓰레기투성이다.6. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√62

Review 17. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√(A) The girl has a present behind her back.(B) The woman is telling the girl the answer.(C) There are lots of sweets in the stocking.(D) They are attaching a sign to the fountain.(A) 소녀는등뒤에선물을감추고있다.(B) 여자는소녀에게대답하고있다.(C) 스타킹속에사탕이많이있다.(D) 이들은분수대에표지판을부착하고있다.PART II. Questions & ResponsesListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√√√√2. (A) (B) (C)3. (A) (B) (C)4. (A) (B) (C)5. (A) (B) (C)√√6. (A) (B) (C)7. (A) (B) (C)√√8. (A) (B) (C)9. (A) (B) (C)√10. (A) (B) (C)번역번역번역번역번역1. Do you recognize thatcompany’s spokesperson?(A) He used to playprofessional baseball.(B) It was in the headlines.(C) We aren’t speaking to번역each other.저회사광고모델알아보겠어?(A) 그는프로야구선수였어.(B) 머릿기사에있었어.(C) 우리는서로얘기하지않는다.3. How was your family reunion?(A) Everyone will be there.(B) Next summer.(C) We had a great time.번역가족모임은어땠니?(A) 모두거기올거야.(B) 다음여름에.(C) 좋은시간을보냈어.5. Where were you yesterday?(A) It was on the shelf all along.(B) Not right now, thanks.(C) Skipping class.번역어제너는어디에있었니?(A) 그건내내선반위에있었어.(B) 지금은말고,고마워.(C) 결석했어.7. How can I get in touch with her?(A) Here is her email address.(B) Look it up in the phone book.(C) No, she didn’t touch it.그녀에게어떻게연락하죠?번역(A) 여기이메일주소가있어요.(B) 그걸전화번호부에서찾아봐요.(C) 아니,그녀는만지지않았어요.9. That course is pretty hard,isn’t it?(A) It just started.(B) It sure is.(C) It’s optional.그강의는아주어렵지않니?(A) 방금시작했어.(B) 정말그래.(C) 선택과목이야.번역2. When are you heading to yourgrandparents’ house?(A) She cooked a turkey.(B) They will deliver it to our house.(C) Tomorrow afternoon.조부모님댁에언제가니?(A) 그녀는칠면조를요리했어.(B) 그들은우리집으로그것을배달해줄거야.(C) 내일오후에.4. Can you tell me where theCustoms Office is?(A) Both passports and IDs.(B) Yes, you can.(C) On the second floor.세관이어디에있는지말씀해주시겠어요?(A) 여권과신분증이요.(B) 그래,너는할수있어.(C) 2층에있어요.6. What kind of party was it?(A) A housewarming party.(B) At 7 p.m. at Donna’s house.(C) I have to buy a present.어떤종류의파티였나요?(A) 집들이파티였어요.(B) 도나의집에서저녁7시예요.(C) 선물을사야해요.8. Are you doing anything specialover the holiday?(A) Hold this firecracker for me.(B) I’ll just hang out with my friends.(C) Just a few days, I’m afraid.휴일에특별히할일있나요?(A) 이폭죽을나대신들고있어요.(B) 그냥친구들과어울려놀거예요.(C) 유감스럽게도며칠밖에안돼요.10. Should I have an apple or somecandy for a snack?(A) Fruit is more nutritious.(B) I’ll give you a treat.(C) No, you shouldn’t.간식으로사과를먹을까,캔디를먹을까?(A) 과일이영양가가있지.63(B) 내가단것을줄게.(C) 아니,안돼.

Review 1PART III. Short Conversations & TalksListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What will the woman do next?(A) √ Get candy with her friends(C) Make a list번역여자는다음에무엇을할까?(A) 친구들과사탕을얻으러간다.(C) 목록을만든다.(B) Set up decorations(D) Cook a treat for the man2. How does the woman feel about the camera man?(A) He is boring.(B) He is handsome.(C) He is very professional. (D) He makes mistakes.번역여자는촬영기사에대해어떻게생각하는가?(A) 따분하다.(C) 전문가답다.3. Which is a new part of the curriculum?(A) A new section for the final exam(B) Fewer tests(C) √ More writing assignments(D) Two extra courses per day번역커리큘럼에서새로운대목은?(A) 기말시험을위한새로운부분(C) 더많은작문과제4. Who are these speakers?(A) A customer and a sales clerk(C) A student and a teacher번역√이들은누구인가?(A) 고객과판매원(C) 학생과교사(B) 장식을한다.(D) 남자를위해단것을만든다.(B) 잘생겼다.(D) 실수를한다.√(B) 시험횟수축소(D) 하루에2개의보충강좌(B) 운전사와경찰관(D) 여종업원과관리자5. What happened?(A) She did not put in enough cream.(B) She cooked the food too long.(C) √ She put in the cream too early.(D) She made too many servings.번역무슨일이벌어졌는가?(A) 그녀는크림을충분히넣지않았다.(C) 그녀는크림을너무일찍넣었다.(B) 그녀는음식을너무오래조리했다.(D) 그녀는음식을너무많이만들었다.1. (W) Aren’t you going to go trick or treatingwith us?(M) No way. Trick or treating is for kids.(W) Well, I’m not too old for it, so I’m going.번역(W) 우리와함께사탕얻으러동네를돌아다니지않을래?(M) 안돼.그건애들이하는거야.(W) 글쎄,나는그렇게나이먹지않았으니갈거야.2. (W) I thought the interview went very well,but you should fire your camera man.(M) Why? What did he do wrong?(W) He kept moving the camera. It wasterrible.번역 (W) 인터뷰는잘된것같지만촬영기사를해고하세요.(M) 왜요?그가뭘잘못했죠?(W) 그가계속카메라를흔들었어요.끔찍했어요.3. (M) We have made a few changes to ourcurriculum since last semester. Starting inthe spring, we are going to require studentsto complete three essays over the semester.We hope this will help develop our students’writing ability more.번역 (M) 지난학기이후로커리큘럼을많이변경했습니다.시작하는봄학기부터는학생들에게학기당3편의에세이를완성하도록할계획입니다.이것이학생들의작문실력을더향상시키는데도움이되길바랍니다.(B) A driver and a police officer(D) A waitress and a manager4. (M) How do you explain your behavior inclass this morning, young woman?(W) Jennifer and Melissa made me do it.(M) Peer pressure is no excuse.번역 (M) 학생,오늘아침수업중행동을어떻게설명할건가요?(W) 제니퍼와멜리사가시켰어요.(M) 친구때문에그랬다는것은변명이되지않아요.5. (M) Did you already pour the cream intothe sauce?(W) Yes, I did. Wasn’t I supposed to do that?(M) No. The cream goes in after we boil thesauce.번역 (M) 크림을벌써소스에부었나요?(W) 예,부었어요.그렇게하면안되나요?(M) 안되요.크림은소스를끓인다음에넣는거예요.64

Review 16. What does this advice refer to?(A) Cooking delicious food(C) Giving a presentation번역√무엇에관한조언인가?(A) 맛있는음식요리(C) 발표하기7. What will the man do next?(A) √ Close the window(C) Pass on some information번역남자는다음에무엇을할까?(A) 창문을닫는다.(C) 정보를알려준다.(B) Getting good grades(D) Holiday safety8. How does the committee feel about Dr. Martin?(A) √ He is a good candidate.(B) He knows the subject well.(C) He should work in another department.(D) He is too nice.번역번역위원회는마틴박사에대해어떻게생각하는가?(A) 그는좋은후보자다.(C) 그는다른부서에서일해야한다.9. What did the woman’s boyfriend think?(A) Her food was not nutritious.(B) The party was very festive.(C) They should socialize more.(D) They did not have similar personalities.번역√여자의남자친구는어떻게생각했는가?(A) 그녀의음식이영양가가없다.(C) 사람들과좀더어울려야한다.(B) 학점을잘받는법(D) 휴가중안전(B) 창문가까이앉는다.(D) 아무것도하지않는다.(B) 그는그분야를잘안다.(D) 그는너무착하다.(B) 파티가아주화려하다.(D) 두사람성격이비슷한데가없다.6. (W) I have a few suggestions for you. The next timeyou give a presentation, make an outline of yourpoints. Don’t write the whole thing out and thenjust read it. Also, take a few minutes at the end(B) Sit close to the window(D) Nothing10. Where does the woman probably work?(A) In a coffee shop(B) √ In a recording studio(C) In a stocking factory (D) In an elementary school번역to recap your most important points.(W) 제안할것이몇가지있어요.다음에발표를할때에는개요를말해주세요.전체를다쓴다음그냥읽지말고요.또끝낼때몇분시간을내서가장중요한부분을요약하세요.7. (W) Would you mind doing a favor for me?(M) Not at all. What is it?(W) Could you shut that window?번역 (W) 부탁좀들어주세요.(M) 물론이죠.뭐죠?(W) 창문좀닫아주시겠어요?8. (M) The members of the committee believe Dr.Martin is the best candidate for the position.Therefore, we are going to support him duringthe next election for mayor.(M) 위원회의회원들은마틴박사가그자리에맞는최고의후보라고믿습니다.따라서우리는다음시장선거에서그를지지할것입니다.9. (M) Why did the two of you break up?(W) He said that we didn’t have enough in common.(M) He is right, you know.번역 (M) 너희둘은왜헤어졌니?(W) 그사람이우리는공통점이없대.(M) 너도알다시피그말이맞아.10. (W) I think we need to record that song again.This time when you sing, don’t hold themike so close. Try to keep it about six to ten번역centimeters away from your mouth.(W) 그노래를다시한번녹음하는게좋겠어요.이번에노래를할때에는마이크를너무가까이잡지말아요.입으로부터약6에서10센티미터떼어봐요.번역여자는어디에서일하고있을까?(A) 커피숍(C) 스타킹공장(B) 녹음실(D) 초등학교65

PART I. Picture Description: LeisureW arm-up8UNITA. Learn the words and phrases.정원뒤뜰삽파다흙,땅gardenbackyardshoveldigsoilI enjoy gardening in the summer.We have a small fruit tree in our backyard.Do you have a shovel? I need to plant these flowers.My niece likes digging in the sand.The soil is very healthy. Plants grow well here.1. 나는여름에정원손질하는것을좋아한다.2. 우리집뒤뜰에는작은과일나무가있다.3. 삽있니?이꽃들을심어야해.4. 내조카딸은모래파는것을좋아한다.5. 이흙은아주기름지다.식물들이여기서잘자란다.해설• gardening 원예,조원술•watering 급수,물주기B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.flower bedshovel1. She is wearing rubber bootsand _________ gardening in her_________. backyard2. She is using a _________ shovel to digin the _________ soil of the flowerbed.번역1.그녀는고무장화를신고뒤뜰에서정원을손질하고있다.2.그녀는삽으로화단의흙을파고있다.C. Listen and write A or B.1. 2._________ BThe girl is in the flower bed.번역 소녀는화단에있다._________ AThe shovel is in the soil.번역 삽이흙속에있다.67

PART IExercisesListen and choose the right answer.(A) The statue is in the flower bed.(B) The little man is looking at the soil.(A) 소상이화단에있다.(B) 키작은남자는땅을쳐다보고있다.1. (A) (B)번역√번역(A) The boy is digging with a shovel.(B) The boy is gardening.(A) 소년은삽으로땅을파고있다.(B) 소년은정원을손질하고있다.√2. (A) (B)번역(A) The children are playing in their backyard.(B) The children are playing in the sand.(A) 아이들은뒤뜰에서놀고있다.(B) 아이들은모래밭에서놀고있다.3. (A) (B)√68

Unit 8. LeisureT e s tListen and choose the right answer.1. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√(A) The woman is sitting close to the man.(B) The soil is very healthy.(C) They are holding shovels.(D) The couple is in their backyard.(A) 여자는남자옆에앉아있다.(B) 땅은아주비옥하다.(C) 이들은삽을붙잡고있다.(D) 부부는뒤뜰에있다.번역√2. (A) (B) (C) (D)해설(A) They are gardening together.(B) The woman is watering the lawn.(C) The weather is cold.(D) The woman is giving water to the flowers.(A) 이들은함께정원을손질하고있다.(B) 여자는잔디밭에물을주고있다.(C) 날씨는춥다.(D) 여자는꽃에물을주고있다.• lawn 잔디(A) They are going to enjoy gardening.(B) They are having a party outdoors.(C) The flower bed is very beautiful.(D) The backyard is small.(A) 이들은정원손질을즐길것이다.(B) 이들은야외에서파티를벌이고있다.(C) 꽃밭이아주아름답다.(D) 뒤뜰이작다.3. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√69

PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.렌즈스케치하다힙합전기,일대기소설lenssketchhip hopbiographynovelThe lens on my camera is dirty.He learned how to sketch animals in an art class.Many people are taking hip hop dance classes for exercise.I like reading biographies. Real people’s lives are sointeresting.I like to read novelswhen I want to forget the real world.1. 내카메라렌즈가지저분하다.2. 그는미술시간에동물스케치하는법을배웠다.3. 많은사람들이운동삼아힙합댄스강좌를수강하고있다.4. 나는전기읽는것을좋아한다.실존인물의삶은아주재미있다.5. 나는현실세계를잊고싶을때소설읽기를좋아한다.B. Match the questions and answers.1. What kinds of dance classes are offered? (A) Yes, I do. I took an artclass.2. Have you ever taken a jewelry making class? (B) They range fromballet to hip hop.3. Do you know how to sketch people? (C) Both.4. Do you take photos of people or nature? (D) No, but I think thatwould be fun.1. 어떤종류의춤강좌가개설되나요?2. 보석가공강좌를수강한적이있나요?3. 인물스케치하는법을아세요?4. 인물이나풍경사진을찍나요?(A) 예,알아요.저는미술강좌를들었어요.(B) 발레에서힙합까지다양해요.(C) 둘다찍어요.(D) 아니오,하지만재미있을것같아요.해설• range from~ to ~~부터~까지여러가지70C. Listen and fill in the blanks.1. (A) How much did your new camera_______ cost?(B) It was expensive! It cost $200.(A) 당신의새카메라케이스는얼마였나요?(B) 비쌌어요!200달러짜리예요.2. (A) What do you do with your free time?(B) I like to _______.(A) 한가할때뭐하세요?(B) 하키하는것을좋아해요.3. (A) What kinds of books do you like most?(B) I like _______.(A) 어떤종류의책을가장좋아하세요?(B) 만화책이요.4. (A) When is the _______ making class?(B) It’s on Friday at 7 p.m.(A) 도예강좌가언제죠?(B) 금요일저녁7시예요.NoteNotelens/bag/case/tripodsketch/play hockey/download music/readcomics/biographies/nonfiction/novelsjewelry/pottery/craft/card렌즈/가방/케이스/삼각대스케치/하키/음악다운로드/독서만화책/전기/논픽션/소설보석/도예/공예/카드

Unit 8. LeisureExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) Yes, but I don’t know how to draw people.(B) Yes, I love to draw people.Do you know how to sketch animals?번역 동물스케치하는법아세요?(A) 예,하지만인물소묘는잘몰라요.(B) 예,저는인물소묘가정말좋아요.2. (A) I love soccer.√(B) I like pop music the most.√3. (A) No, I don’t.(B) It’s a very good photo.√4. (A) Not yet.(B) I like to relax and read.What type of music do you prefer?번역 어떤종류의음악을좋아하세요?(A) 축구가좋아요.(B) 팝음악을제일좋아합니다.Do you take photos of babies?번역아기사진을찍나요?(A) 아니오,안찍어요.(B) 아주좋은사진이군요.Did you read her biography?번역그녀의전기를읽었나요?(A) 아직못읽었어요.(B) 나는쉬면서책읽는게좋아요.T e s tListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√2. (A) (B) (C)√3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. Who is that biography about?(A) It’s my father’s book.(B) I enjoyed it.(C) A king of England.누구에관한전기니?(A) 내아버지책이야.(B) 재미있게읽었어.(C) 영국왕에관한거야.3. What kind of photography doyou like to do?(A) No, I don’t.(B) It’s my job.(C) I like to take black andwhite photos.어떤종류의사진을찍고싶니?(A) 아니,난하지않아.(B) 그게내일이야.(C) 흑백사진찍는걸좋아해.번역번역2. Do you know how to play chess?(A) No, I don’t.(B) Yes, I can.(C) I go on Saturdays.체스둘줄아니?(A) 아니,몰라.(B) 그래,난할수있어.(C) 토요일마다가.4. Where did you draw that sketch?(A) In Japan.(B) It was in the refrigerator.(C) Yes, I can draw.저걸어디서스케치했니?(A) 일본에서.(B) 냉장고에있었어.(C) 그래,난그릴수있어.71

PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.오락,취미활동오락센터,휴양시설거닐다,돌아다니다,어슬렁거리다(운동)경기의,튼튼한포착하다pastimerec (recreation) centerlounge aroundathleticcaptureShe enjoys outdoor pastimes like hiking andgardening.The rec center has a gym, weight room, andactivity room.I’m just going to lounge around my houseand relax.He is very athletic. He is good at all sports.His sketch really captured the woman’spersonality.1. 그녀는하이킹이나정원손질과같은야외취미활동을좋아한다.2. 오락센터에는체육관과웨이트트레이닝룸및연습실이있다.B. Types of Questions: Leisure3. 나는이제집주변을거닐며쉴생각이다.4. 그는아주튼튼하다.그는모든스포츠에능숙하다.5. 그의스케치는그여자의개성을잘포착했다.a. Main Idea What activity does she like to do in her spare time?What is her main pastime?b. Inference How does the man feel?What is the speaker talking about?c. Cause and Effect Why does she like to hang out at the rec center?Why can’t the man go to the dance class?d. Facts and Details What does the woman have to study for?Which kind of lens does the speaker like to use?C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.W: Do you have your jewelry making class tonight? WM: Yes, I do. Why?W: I was wondering if you could help me study for my English test.1. What does the woman have to study for? __________ ❷번역W 오늘밤보석가공강좌가있니?M 그래,있어.왜?내영어시험공부하는걸네가도와줄수있을까궁금했거든.1.여자는무엇을공부해야하는가?영어시험72I don’t have any spare time during the week. But on the weekends Ilike to meet my friends at the rec center. We can play table tennis orpool there.번역2. Why does she like to hang out at the rec center? __________ ❹M: What do you want to do tonight?W: I’m really tired. I think I just want to lounge around the house.M: Oh. That’s too bad. I really wanted to go out with you tonight.3. How does the man feel? __________ ❸나는주중에는한가한시간이없다.하지만주말에는오락센터에서친구들을만나는것을좋아한다.우리는거기서탁구를하거나당구를칠수있다.2.그녀는왜오락센터에서노는것을좋아하는가?탁구장이있어서M 오늘밤뭘하고싶니?W 정말피곤해.그냥집근처를거닐고싶어.M 안됐다.오늘밤너와외출하고싶었는데.3.남자는어떤기분인가?실망했다Happy An English test Disappointed It has table tennis.❶ ❷ ❸ ❹번역해설• play pool(= billards)당구

Unit 8. LeisureExercisesListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What is her main pastime?(A) Gardening번역2. What is the speaker talking about?(A) How she will spend the weekend번역√여자의주요취미활동은?(A) 정원손질 (B) 스포츠이사람은무엇에관해말하고있는가?(A) 주말을어떻게보낼것인지 (B) 지난주말을어떻게보냈는지(B) Playing sports(B) How she spent last weekend3. Why can’t the man go to the dance class?(A) He doesn’t know how to dance. (B) He has to study.번역남자는왜춤강좌에갈수없는가?(A) 춤을출줄모른다.(B) 공부해야한다.4. Which kind of lens does the speaker like to use?(A) A colored lens(B) A zoom lens번역이사람은어떤종류의렌즈를사용하기를좋아하는가?(A) 칼라렌즈 (B) 줌렌즈T e s tListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What is his favorite pastime?(A) He likes to be in his house.(B) He doesn’t have any free time.(C) √ He likes to go hiking in the forest.(D) He likes to read biographies.번역그가가장좋아하는취미활동은?(A) 집에있는것을좋아한다.(C) 숲에서하이킹하는걸좋아한다.(B) 여가시간이없다.(D) 전기읽기를좋아한다.2. Which class would the man prefer to take?(A) Dancing(B) Hiking(C) Photography(D) Outdoor survival번역남자는어떤강좌를더수강하고싶어하는가?(A) 춤 (B) 하이킹 (C) 사진 (D) 야외서바이벌3. What will they do next?(A) Go to the rec center(B) √ Play the woman’s video game(C) Play the game he got for his birthday(D) Lounge around in the backyard번역이들은다음에무엇을할까?(A) 오락센터에간다.(C) 그의생일날받은게임을한다.(B) 여자의비디오게임을한다.(D) 뒤뜰을거닌다.√√√√1. (M) What do you like to do in your spare time?(W) Well, I’m athletic, so I like to play manysports.(M) You must be really healthy.번역 (M) 여가시간에뭘하기를좋아하나요?(W) 음,저는운동을좋아해서많은스포츠를즐겨요.(M) 정말건강하겠군요.2. (W) This weekend, I have to work Saturdaymorning, but then Saturday evening, I havesome free time. I’m going out to dinnerand a movie with my sister. Sunday, I’m justgoing to lounge around and relax.번역번역(W) 이번주말에는토요일오전에일을해야하지만,저녁에는약간한가해요.언니와외식을하고영화를볼거예요.일요일에는그냥거닐면서쉴거예요.3. (W) Hey! Do you want to come to my hip hopclass tomorrow?(M) No, sorry I can’t. I don’t have any sparetime because I need to study for an exam.(W) Oh, well, maybe next time.(W) 내일내힙합강좌에오고싶니?.(M) 미안하지만안돼.시험공부를해야하기때문에시간이없어.(W) 그럼,다음에와.4. (M) I really like to take black and white photoswith a zoom lens. I find that I’m able tocapture the personality of the person better.I also like the effect of the shadows.번역 (M) 나는줌렌즈로흑백사진을찍는것이정말좋아요.그렇게하면인물의개성을더잘포착할수있거든요.또음영효과도좋아해요.1. (M) Probably my favorite thing to do in my sparetime is go hiking. There are several beautifulparks around my house where I can spendmany hours walking in the forest.번역 (M) 한가할때제가가장좋아하는취미활동은아마하이킹일겁니다.저희집주변에아름다운공원이몇개있어서숲속을걸으면서여러시간을보낼수있어요.2. (W) Do you want to take a dance class or a classin outdoor survival?(M) I think I would rather take a class inoutdoor survival. I spend more time hikingthan dancing.(W) Yes. I guess the survival class would be번역more useful.(W) 춤강좌나야외서바이벌강좌를수강하고싶어요?(M) 야외서바이벌강좌가더좋겠어요.춤보다는하이킹을하며시간을더보내니까요.(W) 그래요.서바이벌강좌가더유용하겠네요..3. (M) Do you want to head to the rec center touse their volleyball courts?(W) I want to play video games. I just got anew one for my birthday that I’m prettyexcited about.(M) That sounds like fun. Can you teach mehow to play it?번역 (M) 오락센터에가서배구코트를사용하길원하나요?(W) 비디오게임을하고싶어요.생일날새것을선물로받아서정말신이나요.(M) 재미있겠군요.어떻게하는지가르쳐줄래요?73

DictationListen and complete the sentences.1. Do you _________ any _________ _________ tomorrow_________?Do you have any spare time tomorrow evening?번역내일저녁시간이한가하니?2. My _________ _________ in _________ _________ skiing.My favorite pastime in winter is skiing. 번역 겨울에내가가장좋아하는취미활동은스키를타는거야.3. _________ you _________ how to _________ _________ andDo you know how to sketch animals and people? 번역 동물이나인물스케치하는법아니?people?4. I like _________ a zoom _________ when taking _________ of_________.I just bought the new biography about the President.번역 나는인물사진을찍을때줌렌즈사용하는것을좋아한다.해설zoom lens 영상을확대,축소하기위해초점거리를바꿀수있는렌즈5. I like to _________ _________ and _________ on the _________.I like to lounge around and sleep on the weekends. 번역 나는주말에빈둥거리거나잠을자는것을좋아한다.6. _________ like to _________ _________ more than non-fiction.I like to read novels more than non-fiction. 번역 나는논픽션보다소설읽는것을더좋아한다.7. Why _________ we _________ _________ at the __________________ this afternoon?Why don’t we hang out at the rec center this afternoon?번역오늘오후에오락센터에가서노는게어때?8. _________ is _________ athletic and likes to _________ most ofher _________ _________ playing _________.번역그녀는운동을아주좋아하며대부분의여가시간에스포츠를즐긴다.She is very athletic and likes to spendmost of her free time playing sports.9. That _________ is _________ _________ for _________ .That shovel is not useful for gardening. 번역 저삽은정원손질에별쓸모가없다.10. I just _________ the new _________ about the _________.I just bought the new biography about the President. 번역 나는방금그대통령에관한새전기를샀다.

UNIT9PART I. Picture Description: ScienceW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.조절하다장치관찰하다실험부분,부품adjustdeviceobserveexperimentpart1. 에어컨을조절해봐요.추워요.2. 컴퓨터는아주유용한장치다.3. 우리는신기한곤충을관찰했다.Please adjust the air conditioner. I’m cold.A computer is a very useful device.We observed the strange insect.The scientist did a dangerous experiment.The CPU is one part of a computer.4. 그과학자는위험한실험을했다.5. CPU는컴퓨터의한부품이다.B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.experimentobserver1. One boy is _________ adjusting part ofthe _________. device2. The other boy is _________ observingthe experiment _________ .번역1. 소년이장치의한부분을조절하고있다.2. 다른소년이실험을관찰하고있다.C. Listen and write A or B.1. 2._________ AThe scientist is observingthe chemicals.번역 과학자가화학물질을관찰하고있다._________ BThere is a dial on the device.번역 장치에숫자판이붙어있다.75

PART IExercisesListen and choose the right answer.번역(A) The scientist is leaning on the console.(B) The scientist is adjusting the controls.(A) 과학자는제어판에기대서있다.(B) 과학자는제어장치를조절하고있다.1. (A) (B)√번역(A) Part of the dish is broken.(B) The device is pointing at the sky.(A) 접시의일부분이깨졌다.(B) 이장치는하늘을향하고있다.√2. (A) (B)3. (A) (B)번역(A) The astronauts are handling the satellite.(B) They want more space for the experiment.(A) 우주비행사들이위성을조작하고있다.(B) 이들은더많은실험공간이필요하다.√76

Unit 9. ScienceT e s tListen and choose the right answer.1. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역(A) This part of the experiment failed.(B) Someone is adjusting the device.(C) The man will turn on the TV.(D) The device doesn’t work.(A) 실험에서이부분은실패했다.(B) 누군가장치를조절하고있다.(C) 남자가TV를켤것이다.(D) 장치가작동하지않는다.√번역(A) The space station has many parts.(B) They will observe the earth.(C) There is not enough space in the house.(D) They adjusted the radio station.(A) 이우주정거장에는부품이많다.(B) 이들은지구를관찰할것이다.(C) 집에충분한공간이없다.(D) 이들은무선국을조절했다.√2. (A) (B) (C) (D)3. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√(A) There is an opening in the device.(B) He is pressing a button on the computer.(C) The experiment is very dangerous.(D) The device is observing the scientist.(A) 장치에입구가있다.(B) 그는컴퓨터의버튼을누르고있다.(C) 그실험은아주위험하다.(D) 이장치가과학자를관찰하고있다.77

PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.행성중력진술하다,말하다훌륭한만기가된,~하기로되어있는planetgravitystatebrilliantbe due1. 우리행성의이름은지구이다.2. 중력은물체가아래로떨어지게한다.3. 결과를분명하게진술하세요.Our planet’s name is Earth.Gravity makes things fall.Please state your results clearly.Faraday was a brilliant scientist.The report is due tomorrow.B. Match the questions and answers.1. Can I borrow your textbook? (A) We haven’t studiedthat yet.2. When is our homework due? (B) She’s brilliant.3. How do you like the physics teacher? (C) Right after lunch.4. Do you know the names of all the planets? (D) Sure, it’s over there.1. 교과서좀빌려줄래?2. 숙제언제까지내야하니?3. 물리선생님어떠니?4. 행성의이름을다알고있니?C. Listen and fill in the blanks.4. 페러데이는훌륭한과학자였다.5. 보고서는내일까지내야한다.(A) 그건아직공부하지않았어.(B) 그녀는훌륭해.(C) 점심시간끝날때까지야.(D) 물론,저기있어.Note1. (A) Can you tell me about the moon?(B) Well, it’s a satellite, not a/an _______.(A) 달에관해말해주시겠어요?(B) 음,그건항성이아니라위성이에요.2. (A) What did that scientist discover?(B) I think he came up with the _______.(A) 저과학자는무엇을발견했니?(B) 중력의법칙을발견할걸로알고있어.3. (A) I got an “F” on the physics test.(B) Well, why don’t you study _______.(A) 물리학시험에서F맞았어.(B) 그럼,더열심히공부하지그러니.4. (A) Edison was a _______ man.(B) Yeah, I read his biography.해설(A) 에디슨은아주재미있는사람이었어.(B) 맞아,난그의전기를읽었어.2. come up with ~인출하다,제안하다4. fascinating 매혹적인,반하게만드는Notestar/comet/planet/asteroidTheory of Evolution/Law of Gravity/speed of lightbetter/harder/more/at nightbrilliant/complicated/ingenious/fascinating항성/혜성/행성/소행성진화론/중력의법칙/빛의속도더잘/더열심히/더많이/밤에훌륭한/복잡한/천재적인/매력적인78

Unit 9. ScienceExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.1. (A) Well, so do you.√(B) I passed.2. (A) Yes, I can.√(B) No, I didn’t.√3. (A) There are nine.(B) Yes, there is.√4. (A) On Thursday.(B) Yes, I did.What did you get on the biology test?번역 생물학시험에서뭘받았니?(A) 너도그렇구나.(B) 합격했어.Did you get the answer for number 7?번역 7번문제답을찾았니?(A) 예,난할수있어요.(B) 아니오,못찾았어요.How many planets are in our solar system?번역 우리태양계에는몇개의행성이있니?(A) 9개요.(B) 예,있어요.When is our physics homework due?번역 물리학과제를언제까지제출해야하지?(A) 목요일이야.(B) 그래,했어.T e s tListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√√2. (A) (B) (C)3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. Einstein won the Nobel prize.(A) Yeah, he was brilliant.(B) Yeah, I studied physics.(C) That’s my workbook.아인슈타인은노벨상을탔어.(A) 그래,그는정말훌륭해.(B) 그래,난물리학을공부했어.(C) 그건내연습장이야.3. Would you like to study astronomyin college?(A) That’s what I study!(B) Oh, my school doesn’t.(C) Maybe a basic course.대학에서천문학을공부하고싶니?(A) 그게내가공부하는거야!(B) 우리학교는안그래.(C) 기초과정으로.번역번역2. Didn’t you bring your lab report?(A) There are seven of them.(B) Share with a friend.(C) It’s not due until tomorrow.실험보고서를안가져왔니?(A) 7개있어.(B) 친구와같이봐라.(C) 내일까지내는거야.4. Please state your name thenbegin speaking.(A) So we do.(B) Yes sir.(C) It’s on page 3.얘기하기전에이름을먼저말씀하세요.(A) 우리는정말그렇게해요.(B) 예,선생님.(C) 3쪽에있어요.79

PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.만들어내다가설실험보고서학설,이론보안경make uphypothesislab reporttheorygogglesI didn’t know the right answer, so I made one up.Our hypothesis was not correct.Did you finish writing the lab report?Her theory is that colors can change our moods.These goggles will protect our eyes.1. 나는정답을몰라서,답을하나지어냈다.2. 우리의가설은맞지않았다.B. Types of Questions: Science3. 실험보고서다썼니?4. 그녀의이론은색깔이우리의기분을바꿀수있다는것이다.5. 이보안경이우리의눈을보호해줄것이다.a. Main Idea What’s the most important part of the lab report?When should you wear safety goggles?b. Inference What time of day is it now?What does the man suggest?c. Cause and Effect Why did they put on their goggles?Why is the woman so happy?d. Facts and Details When did Archimedes take his famous bath?Where did the theory come from?C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.M: This experiment seems dangerous.W: We’d better put on our goggles.M: Good idea. Let’s not get burned.번역M 이실험은위험한것같아.W 보안경을쓰는게좋겠어.M 좋은생각이야.화상입으면안되지.1.이들은왜보안경을썼는가?위험하니까1. Why did they put on their goggles? __________ ❸The most important thing to remember when writing your labreport is to state your hypothesis clearly. If you forget to do this, youwill not get an “A.”번역실험보고서를쓸때명심해야할가장중요한사항은가설을분명하게서술하는것입니다.이렇게하지않으면“A”를받지못합니다.2.실험보고서에서가장중요한부분은?가설2. What’s the most important part of the lab report? __________ ❶M: Black holes lead to other worlds.번역W: Did you make up that idea?M: Of course not. It’s a theory I read in a book.M 블랙홀은다른세계로이어져있어.W 그아이디어는네가생각해낸거니?M 물론아냐.어떤책에서읽은이론이야.3.이이론은어디에서생겨났는가?책3. Where did the theory come from? __________ ❷The hypothesis A book There is danger. Black holes❶ ❷ ❸ ❹80

Unit 9. ScienceExercisesListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. Why is the woman so happy?(A) The experiment was successful.번역√2. When did Archimedes take his famous bath?(A) 250 years ago(B) 250 BC번역3. What time of day is it now?(A) Morning번역√여자는왜기분이좋은가?(A) 실험이성공적이어서 (B) 물이남아있지않아서아르키메데스는언제그유명한목욕을했는가?(A) 250년전에 (B) 기원전250년에지금은하루중어느때인가?(A) 오전 (B) 오후(B) There was no water left.(B) Afternoon4. When should you wear safety goggles?(A) Whenever there’s danger (B) At all times번역언제보안경을써야하는가?(A) 위험할때 (B) 언제나T e s t√√1. (W) What do the results say?(M) There are 6 liters of water left.(W) I can’t believe it worked!번역 (W) 결과가어떻게나왔나요?(M) 물이6리터가남았어요.(W) 성공했다니믿을수가없어요!2. (M) In the year 250 BC, Archimedes noticedthat the water level rose as he sat downin his bath tub. This led to his famousTheory of Floatation.번역 (M) 기원전250년에아르키메데스는욕조에앉았을때수위가올라가는걸알아챘다.이렇게해서유명한부력의원리가생겨났다.3. (M) The experiment should take about4 more hours.(W) But the lab report is due at 1p.m.!(M) Don’t worry. We’ll have 30번역minutes to write it.(M) 이실험은4시간이더걸려.(W) 하지만실험보고서는오후1시까지야!(M) 걱정하지마.남은30분동안쓸수있을거야.4. (W) Your safety goggles are for yourprotection and should be worn at alltimes. If you only wear them whenyou think there is danger, then youcould easily get injured. Please donot take them off.번역 (W) 여러분의 보안경은 안전을 위한 것이므로 항상착용해야 합니다.위험하다고 생각할 때에만착용하면 쉽게 다칠 수 있습니다.보안경을 벗지마십시오.Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. Why does she help him?(A) He wrote the hypothesis.(C) He’s a new student.번역√여자는왜남자를도와주는가?(A) 그가가설을썼다.(B) 사람들도와주는것을좋아한다.(C) 그는신입생이다.(D) 그녀는신입생이다.2. Who is the passage about?(A) Einstein(C) Edison번역누구에관한이야기인가?(A) 아인슈타인 (B) 뉴턴 (C) 에디슨 (D) 갈릴레오3. What does the man suggest?(A) Changing the hypothesis(C) Cheating번역√남자는무엇을제안하는가?(A) 가설을바꾸는것(C) 부정행위(B) 더나은이론을구상하는것(D) 보안경을착용하는것(B) She likes to help people.(D) She’s a new student.√(B) Newton(D) Galileo1. (M) I’ve never written a lab report before.(W) You must be new. Do you need somehelp?(M) Thanks, that’s very nice of you.번역 (M) 저는실험보고서를써본적이없어요.(W) 신입생이군요.도움이필요하나요?(M) 고마워요,참친절하시네요.2. (W) A famous story about Sir Isaac Newtonis about how he thought of the theoryof gravity. They say an apple hit himon the head while he was sleepingunder a tree.번역 (W) 아이작뉴턴경에관한유명한이야기는그가중력의법칙을발견하게된경위에관한것이다.그가사과나무밑에서잠을자고있을때사과하나가그의머리위에떨어졌다고한다.(B) Making up a better theory(D) Using goggles3. (W) I forgot to finish the lab report.(M) Here, look at mine.(W) I can’t do that. It’s wrong.번역 (W) 실험보고서끝내는걸잊었어.(M) 여기,내것을봐.(W) 그렇게는할수없어.그건옳지않아.81

D i c t a t i o nListen and complete the sentences.1. _________ robot _________ exploring the _________ _________.That robot is exploring the red planet. 번역 저로봇은그붉은행성을탐사하고있다.2. The _________ _________ went to the _________ _________.The brilliant students went to the museum yesterday. 번역 그똑똑한학생들이어제박물관에갔다.3. Gravity is _________ so _________ on the _________.Gravity is not so powerful on the moon. 번역 중력은달에서그렇게강력하지않다.4. I _________ clearly that the _________ _________ _________ today.I stated clearly that the work was due today.번역나는과제가오늘까지라고분명히말했다.5. I _________ to _________ chemistry but it _________ a __________________.I used to study chemistry but it got a little boring.번역나는화학을공부하곤했지만그것이조금지겨워졌다.6. Our experiment _________ _________ _________, so we_________ _________ results.Our experiment was not good, so we made up results.번역실험결과가좋지않아서우리는결과를조작했다.7. I _________ my _________ _________ the _________ _________.I dropped my goggles into the sink. 번역 나는보안경을싱크대에떨어뜨렸다.8. Can _________ _________ _________ _________ this device?Can you help me adjust this device? 번역 이장치조절하는것을좀도와줄래?9. Einstein _________ _________ _________ _________ Theory ofRelativity.Einstein came up with the Theory of Relativity.번역아인슈타인은상대성이론을생각해냈다.10. You _________ _________ take this _________ _________ andrewrite it.You had better take this lab report and rewrite it.번역이실험보고서를가지고가서다시써오는게좋겠다.

UNIT10PART I. Picture Description: Arts and CultureW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.감탄하다,동경하다예술작품받침대복도,회랑서있다admireartworkpedestalcorridorstandHe likes to admire himself in the mirror.All of the artwork in the gallery is for sale.There is a small statue on a pedestal in the garden.All of the doors along the corridor were closed.A sculpture of Venus stands in the middle of the fountain.1. 그는거울에비친자신의모습을감탄하여바라보는걸좋아한다.2. 갤러리에있는모든예술작품을판매합니다.3. 정원에있는받침대위에작은조각상이놓여있다.4. 복도의모든문이닫혀있었다.5. 비너스조각상이분수대한가운데서있다.B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.artworksculpturepedestal1. Several visitors are _________ admiringthe interesting _________ artworkhanging on the wall.2. Sculptures on pedestals_________ stand in the middle ofthe _________. corridor번역1.방문객몇사람이벽에걸려있는흥미로운예술작품을감탄하며바라보고있다.2.받침대위에놓인조각들이회랑한가운데서있다.C. Listen and write A or B.1. 2._________ AActors can admire their makeup in thismirror.번역 배우들은이거울로자신들의분장을살펴볼수있다._________ BA brick wall stands behind the dancers.번역 무용수들뒤로벽돌벽이있다.83

PART IExercisesListen and choose the right answer.(A) The artist is sketching a picture.(B) The artist is painting the statue.(A) 예술가는그림을스케치하고있다.(B) 예술가는조각상을칠하고있다.1. (A) (B)번역√번역(A) The artwork is very modern.(B) The artwork is on a pedestal.(A) 이예술작품은아주현대적이다.(B) 이예술작품은받침대위에놓여있다.√2. (A) (B)(A) The person is admiring the poster.(B) The performer is holding a mask.(A) 이사람은포스터를감탄하며바라보고있다.(B) 배우가가면을들고있다.3. (A) (B)번역√84

Unit 10. Arts and CultureT e s tListen and choose the right answer.1. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역(A) People are entering the gallery.(B) The artist is carving a sculpture.(C) The artwork has been sold.(D) The statue is on a tall pedestal.(A) 사람들은갤러리로들어가고있다.(B) 예술가는조각을하고있다.(C) 이예술작품은팔렸다.(D) 조각상이높은받침대위에놓여있다.√번역(A) A guitar case stands <strong>by</strong> the wall.(B) Fans are applauding the performance.(C) The man is admiring the electric guitar.(D) The musician is playing an instrument.(A) 기타케이스가벽옆에세워져있다.(B) 팬들이공연에환호하고있다.(C) 남자는전자기타를감탄하며바라보고있다.(D) 연주가는악기를연주하고있다.√2. (A) (B) (C) (D)(A) A sign stands next to the entrance.(B) The artist is on the pedestal.(C) The gallery’s corridor is vacant.(D) Visitors are admiring the artwork.(A) 입구옆에안내판이세워져있다.(B) 예술가가받침대위에있다.(C) 갤러리의복도는텅비어있다.(D) 방문객들이예술작품을바라보고있다.3. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역해설• vacant 비어있는√85

PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.(입장권의)반쪽줄매진저녁초연커튼,막stubThe man <strong>by</strong> the door tore the ticket and gaveback the stub.row Our seats are in row G.sold outI’m sorry, the last show is sold out.opening night We’ll never get a ticket on opening night.curtain The curtain goes up at 7:30.1. 문옆에있던남자가입장권을뜯고는반쪽을돌려주었다.2. 우리좌석은G열이다.3. 죄송하지만,마지막공연은매진입니다.4. 우리는저녁첫공연입장권을절대로구하지못할것이다.5. 7시30분에막이오른다.B. Match the questions and answers.1. Is opening night sold out? (A) The show should startany minute.2. What time does the curtain go up? (B) Nobody I know of.3. May I take your ticket please? (C) No, not yet.4. Who’s sitting in this row? (D) Here you are.1. 저녁초연입장권이매진되었나요?2. 몇시에막이오르나요?3. 입장권좀주시겠어요?4. 이줄에누가앉죠?(A) 곧시작할겁니다.(B) 제가알기로는비어있어요.(C) 아니오,아직.(D) 여기있어요.86C. Listen and fill in the blanks.1. (A) Where should we meet?(B) How about at the _______.(A) 어디서만날까요?(B) 입구에서만나는게어때요?2. (A) Did you reserve the _______?(B) Oh shoot, I forgot.(A) 좌석을예약하셨나요?(B) 이런,깜빡잊었어요.3. (A) Are there any front row seats left?(B) I’m sorry, they’re _______.(A) 앞쪽줄에남은좌석이있나요?(B) 죄송하지만,좌석이다찼습니다.4. (A) What is that little piece of paper?(B) That’s an old _______ from a concertI saw.(A) 저작은종이조각은뭔가요?(B) 제가예전에본콘서트입장권반쪽이에요.NoteNotefountain/box office/counter/entrancetickets/seats/row/restaurantreserved/sold out/all gone/cancelledticket/stub/pass/flyer분수대/매표소/계산대/입구입장권/좌석/줄/식당예약되어있는/매진된/다나간/취소된입장권/반쪽/승차권/전단

Unit 10. Arts and CultureExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.1. (A) Yes, they’re sold out.√(B) Of course we will.2. (A) It’s seven fifty.√(B) Eight o’clock.√3. (A) No, not usually.(B) Yes, we are.4. (A) My name’s John Stevens.√(B) It’s called The Phantom.Will we be able to get any tickets?번역 우리가입장권을구할수있을까요?(A) 예,매진입니다.(B) 물론그럴거예요.What time does the curtain go up?번역 몇시에막이오르나요?(A) 지금7시50분이에요.(B) 8시예요.Do you like to sit in the back row?번역당신은뒷줄에앉는것을좋아하세요?(A) 아니오,평소에는안그래요.(B) 예,우리는그래요.What’s the name of the show?번역이공연의제목이뭐죠?(A) 제이름은존스티븐스예요.(B)‘유령’이에요.T e s tListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√2. (A) (B) (C)√3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. When is the last showing ofHarry Potter?(A) It’s opening night.(B) Yes, you’d better hurry.(C) Not until 1 a.m.‘해리포터’마지막회가언제인가요?(A) 개봉일저녁이에요.(B) 예,서두르는게좋을거예요.(C) 새벽1시이후예요.3. What did you do with yourticket stub?(A) You can keep it.(B) I put it in my wallet.(C) Enjoy the show.입장권반쪽은어떻게했니?(A) 네가가져도돼.(B) 지갑에넣었어.(C) 공연재미있게봐라.번역번역2. I reserved four front row seats underthe name Jenkins.(A) Right this way please.(B) I’m sorry, we’re sold out.(C) Four is too many, sir.젠킨스라는이름으로앞줄좌석4개를예약했습니다.(A) 이쪽으로오시죠.(B) 죄송합니다만매진입니다.(C) 4명은너무많은데요.4. I can’t believe it’s so crowded tonight!(A) Well, it is opening night.(B) Yeah, there’s too much.(C) We saw the matinee performance.오늘밤이렇게사람이많을줄몰랐어!(A) 오늘이개봉일저녁이야.(B) 그래,너무많다.(C) 우리는조조상영을봤어.87

PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.장르교향곡,연주회화랑,갤러리낭송회개최지,행사장소genresymphonygalleryrecitalvenue [v§nJu;]What’s your favorite film genre?I have season tickets to the symphony.I’d like to show my painting in a gallery.I’m giving a poetry recital tonight.This is the perfect venue for our event.1. 네가가장좋아하는영화장르가뭐니?2. 내게교향악단연주회정기입장권이있어.3. 내그림을화랑에서보여주고싶다.4. 나는오늘밤시낭송회를연다.5. 여기가우리행사를하기에최적의장소이다.B. Types of Questions: Arts and Culturea. Main Idea What show did they go to last night?What is the purpose of the announcement?b. Inference What is a painter’s venue called?How does she feel about horror movies?c. Cause and Effect Why was the show cancelled?Why did they miss the recital?d. Facts and Details What kind of event are they announcing?When does the last train leave?C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.M: Did you go to a concert last night?W: Yeah, I heard Beethoven’s Fifth.M: Me, too. Wasn’t it fantastic?1. What show did they go to last night? __________ ❶번역M 어젯밤콘서트에갔니?W 그래,베토벤교향곡5번을들었어.M 나도그랬어.환상적이지않았니?1.이들은어젯밤에어떤공연을보러갔는가?교향곡We’d like to announce that on the evening of the 3rd, there will bea poetry reading. Admission is three dollars and snacks are provided.2. What kind of event are they announcing? __________ ❹W: My brother’s paintings are showing in the gallery tomorrow.W: That’s great! It’s his first show as a painter.M: Yeah, I’m so proud of him.번역 WM3. What is a painter’s venue called? __________ ❸A symphony A film A gallery A recital❶ ❷ ❸ ❹번역3일저녁에시낭송회가있다는것을발표하고자합니다.입장권은3달러이며,간식이제공됩니다.2.이들은어떤종류의행사를발표하고있는가?시낭송회내일우리오빠그림을갤러리에서전시해.멋있는데!화가로서처음전시회구나.W 그래,나는오빠가자랑스러워.3.화가의행사장소를무엇이라부르는가?갤러리88

Unit 10. Arts and CultureExercisesListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. How does she feel about horror movies?번역(A) She loves them.(B) She hates them.번역2. Why was the show cancelled?(A) The weather번역(B) Illness3. When does the last train leave?(A) 8:15 (B) 9:30번역√4. What is the purpose of the announcement?(A) To warn people(B) To welcome people번역T e s t√여자는공포영화에대해어떻게생각하는가?(A) 좋아한다.(B) 싫어한다.공연이취소된이유는?(A) 날씨 (B) 병마지막기차는언제떠나는가?(A) 8시15분 (B) 9시30분√√이공고의목적은?(A) 사람들에게경고하려고 (B) 사람들을환영하려고1. (W) What’s your favorite film genre?(M) Well, I love action and comedy, but Ihate horror.(W) I can’t stand it either.(W) 제일좋아하는영화장르가뭐니?(M) 액션영화와코미디를좋아하는데,공포영화는싫어.(W) 나도그건못참아.2. (M) We are sorry to announce that the showis cancelled. This is not because of theweather but rather due to the lead actorhaving the flu.번역 (M) 공연취소를알려드리게되어서죄송합니다.날씨때문이아니라주연배우가독감에걸렸기때문입니다.3. (W) The performance ends at 7:30.(M) Great, and the last train leaves at 8:15.(W) Right, so we’ll be home <strong>by</strong> 9:30.번역 (W) 공연은7시30분에끝날거야.(M) 좋아,마지막기차는8시15분에출발해.(W) 맞아,그럼9시30분까지는집에갈수있어.4. (M) The Washington Cultural Arts Centerwelcomes everyone to the beginning ofits fifth season. This year we will be thehost venue for concerts and performancesfrom the best musicians in the city.번역 (M) 워싱턴문화예술센터에서는다섯번째시즌을찾아주신모든분들을환영합니다.올해저희는이도시최고의음악가들이벌이는콘서트및공연을주최합니다.해설 • host 주최Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. Why did they miss the recital?(A) It was too early.(C) It was sold out.번역2. What is the symphony like?(A) Fast, then slow(C) Exciting, then quiet번역3. What kind of movie is it?(A) √ Action or comedy(C) Comedy or romance번역√이들은왜낭송회를보지못했는가?(A) 시간이너무일러서 (B) 콘서트를보러가서 (C) 표가매진되어서 (D) 재미가없어서(B) They went to the concert.(D) It was not interesting.(B) Powerful, then fast(D) Quiet, then powerful이교향곡은어떤가?(A) 빠르다가느려진다.(B) 강력하다가빨라진다.(C) 활기차다가조용해진다.(D) 조용하다가강력해진다.√어떤종류의영화인가?(A) 액션이나코미디 (B) 액션이나로맨스 (C) 코미디나로맨스 (D) 드라마나로맨스3. (M) What genre does this film fall under?(W) I guess it’s kind of an action or comedy.(M) Well, it’s definitely not romance.(B) Action or romance(D) Drama or romance번역(M) 이영화는어떤장르에들어갈까?(W) 액션이나코미디쪽인것같아.(M) 그래,분명히로맨스는아니야.1. (M) It’s too bad we missed the recital.(W) Yeah, but the concert was more important.(M) I agree, we can see the recital next week.번역 (M) 낭송회를놓쳐서정말유감이야.(W) 그래,하지만콘서트가더중요했어.(M) 동감이야,낭송회는다음주에볼수있어.2. (W) The symphony starts out quietand relaxing. After about fifteenminutes, the trumpets come inand it becomes powerful andexciting. The drums add to theeffect.번역(W) 교향곡은조용하면서도편안하게시작됩니다.15분쯤지나면트럼펫이등장하면서강력하고활기차게변합니다.드럼이여기에효과를더합니다.89

D i c t a t i o nListen and complete the sentences.1. Please _________ _________ _________ your ticket _________.Please let me see your ticket stub. 번역 입장권나머지반쪽보여주세요.2. I’d like _________ _________ for _________ _________ please.I’d like two tickets for opening night please. 번역 개봉일저녁입장권2매주세요.3. _________ _________ it be _________ _________ already?How can it be sold out already? 번역 어떻게벌써매진될수있지?4. I have had this _________ _________ for _________ _________.I have had this row reserved for three months. 번역 이열(좌석)을3개월전에예약해두었는데요.5. _________ you tell me _________ the _________ _________begins?Could you tell me when the last show begins?번역마지막공연이언제시작하는지말씀해주시겠어요?6. _________ _________ _________ impressed <strong>by</strong> his emotional_________ .I was very impressed <strong>by</strong> his emotional performance.번역 나는그의감동적인연기에깊은감명을받았다.7. The recital was _________, _________ _________ the venue_________ _________ .The recital was good, even though the venue was small. 번역 낭송회는공간이비좁았는데도불구하고좋았다.8. _________ you _________ the new _________ _________ yet?Did you see the new photo gallery yet? 번역 새로운사진갤러리를벌써봤니?9. This _________ _________ was _________ _________ in 1855.This concert hall was built back in 1855. 번역 이콘서트홀은1855년에세워졌다.10. The interesting _________ _________ _________ _________marble pedestal.The interesting artwork stands on a marble pedestal.번역이흥미로운예술작품은대리석받침대위에놓여있다.

UNIT11PART I. Picture Description: OccupationsW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.계산대식료품출납원,계산원금전등록기(금전등록기로)계산하다check-outgroceriescashiercash registerring upPay for your purchases at the check-out.I need to buy a lot of groceries for the dinner party.I pay the cashier when I go to the supermarket.She gives me change from the cash register.The cashier rings up my total bill.1. 구매하신상품들을계산대에서지불하세요.2. 저녁파티가있어서식료품을많이사야한다.3. 나는슈퍼마켓에가면계산원에게돈을낸다.4. 그녀는금전등록기에서잔돈을꺼내내게준다.5. 계산원이내가내야할총액을계산한다.B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.cashierpurchases1. The customer is at the_________ check-out to pay for her_________. groceries2. The _________ cashier in front of thecash _________ register is ringing up thebill.번역1.고객이식료품값을치르기위해계산대에있다.2.금전등록기앞에있는계산원이총액을계산하고있다.C. Listen and write A or B.1. 2._________ BThere are many groceries for sale in themarket.번역 시장에서판매중인식료품이많다._________ AThe old fashioned cash register is empty.번역 낡은금전등록기안이비어있다.91

PART IExercisesListen and choose the right answer.(A) There are many goods for sale.(B) There are many groceries for sale.(A) 많은상품들이판매중이다.(B) 많은식료품들이판매중이다.1. (A) (B)번역√번역(A) The cashier is taking a bill.(B) The receptionist is receiving a folder.(A) 계산원이계산서를받고있다.(B) 접수원이서류철을받고있다.√2. (A) (B)(A) These rings are for sale.(B) He is ringing up a sale.(A) 이반지들은판매중이다.(B) 그는물건값을계산하고있다.3. (A) (B)번역√92

Unit 11. OccupationsT e s tListen and choose the right answer.1. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역(A) She is checking out of the hotel.(B) The teller is writing a check.(C) The cashier is leaving work.(D) She is working at the check-out.(A) 그는호텔퇴실수속을밟고있다.(B) 출납계원이수표를쓰고있다.(C) 계산원이퇴근하고있다.(D) 그녀는계산대에서일하고있다.√번역(A) The two housewives are walking outside.(B) The mothers are ringing bells with their children.(C) They are pushing buttons on the cash register.(D) They have groceries in their shopping carts.(A) 주부두명이밖에서산책하고있다.(B) 엄마들은아이들과함께벨을울리고있다.(C) 이들은금전등록기의버튼을누르고있다.(D) 이들의쇼핑카트에식료품이들어있다.√2. (A) (B) (C) (D)(A) The bill is very large.(B) One woman is using a cash register.(C) The cashiers are all working hard.(D) The people are looking at the screen.(A) 요금이많이나왔다.(B) 여자가금전등록기를사용하고있다.(C) 계산원들은모두열심히일하고있다.(D) 사람들은화면을바라보고있다.3. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√93

PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.(빌딩)관리인공공사업,공무말로,구두로시간을엄수하는알려주다janitorpublic serviceword of mouthpunctualgive notice1. 관리인은매일밤학교를청소한다.2. 정부를위해하는일을공무라고한다.3. 이가게에관해입소문으로들었다.The janitor cleans the school every night.Working for the government is called public service.I heard about this store through word of mouth.I am always punctual. I am never late.I will give notice tomorrow. I will leave my job nextmonth.4. 나는항상시간을엄수한다.나는늦는법이없다.5. 내일통보해드리죠.저는다음달에직장을관둘겁니다.B. Match the questions and answers.1. Would you please call the janitor? (A) Why? Did you spillsomething?2. When should I give notice that I’m leaving? (B) I think so.3. Are you going to work in public service? (C) By word of mouth.4. How did you hear about this job? (D) As soon as possible.1.관리인좀불러주시겠어요?2.내가떠난다는걸언제알려줘야할까요?3.공무원으로일할건가요?4.이일자리에관해어떻게알게되었나요?C. Listen and fill in the blanks.(A) 왜요?뭘쏟았나요?(B) 그럴것같아요.(C) 소문으로들었습니다.(D) 가능한한빨리요.941. (A) Do you always arrive at the correcttime?(B) Yes, I’m always _______.(A) 언제나제시간에도착하나요?(B) 예,저는항상시간을지켜요.2. (A) Did you tell the boss that you have anew job?(B) Yes, I _______.(A) 새일자리를얻었다고사장에게말했나요?(B) 네,통보를했어요.3. (A) How did you find out about thisposition in our company?(B) I heard about it _______.(A) 우리회사의이일자리에관해어떻게알았나요?(B) 친구한테들었습니다.4. (A) Where is the _______?(B) He’s in the back room.(A) 관리인이어디있지?(B) 안쪽방에있어.NoteNoteon time/dependable/punctual/reliablewarned her/advised her/gave her notice/informed herthrough the grapevine/<strong>by</strong> word of mouth/through a rumor/from a friendjanitor/superintendent/caretaker/custodian제시간에/믿을만한/시간을엄수하는/확실한경고하다/조언하다/알려주다/통보하다소문으로/입소문으로/풍문으로/친구로부터관리인(청소)/관리인,수위/관리인(박물관,빈건물)/관리인(청소)

Unit 11. OccupationsExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) The salary isn’t good.(B) Yes, I like it.√2. (A) No, she’s never on time either.(B) It’s because she is lazy.√3. (A) I heard about it through the grapevine.(B) No, I didn’t know.√4. (A) I chose the janitor position.(B) I will do a good job.What is a public service job like?번역 공무원일은어때?(A) 봉급이좋지않아.(B) 그래,좋아해.Does your boss get mad if you’re not punctual?번역 시간을지키지않으면사장이화를내니?(A) 아니,그녀도제때오는법이없어.(B) 그녀가게을러서그래.How did you know about this restaurant?번역 이식당에관해어떻게알았니?(A) 소문으로들었어.(B) 아니,몰랐어.Which job did you choose in the end?번역결국어떤일자리를골랐니?(A) 관리인자리를선택했어.(B) 잘해낼거야.해설3.the grapevine 소문,헛소문T e s tListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√2. (A) (B) (C)√3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. Who informed Mr. Jones aboutyour mistake?(A) I’ve had better.(B) I have no idea.(C) I don’t think so.누가네실수에대해존스씨에게알려줬니?(A) 그게더좋았는데.(B) 잘모르겠어.(C) 그렇게생각하지않아.3. Is Cathy a reliable employee?(A) No, she can’t.(B) Yes, her employees are good.(C) Yes, she’s great.캐시는신뢰할만한직원인가요?(A) 아니오,그녀는못해요.(B) 예,그녀의직원들은착해요.(C) 예,그녀는대단해요.번역번역2. Are you going to be on timetomorrow?(A) Yes, I will.(B) Yes, I know.(C) At 6 o’clock.내일제때올건가요?(A) 예,그럴거예요.(B) 예,알아요.(C) 6시요.4. When did you start working inpublic service?(A) Last year.(B) The service is always good.(C) Soon.언제부터공무원일을했나요?(A) 작년부터요.(B) 이일은언제나좋아요.(C) 곧.95

PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.조련사,트레이너정비사퇴근하다부적절한,어울리지않는은퇴,퇴직하다trainer The trainer taught us how to use the new computer network.mechanic The mechanic fixed my car’s engine.clock out I am done with work. I am going to clock out and go home.out of line She was out of line when she shouted at her father.retire He will retire when he is 60 years old and never work again.해설3.(타임레코더로)퇴근시간을기록하다1. 트레이너가우리에게새컴퓨터네트워크사용법을가르쳤다.2. 정비사가내차엔진을수리했다.B. Types of Questions: Occupations3. 나는일이끝났다.퇴근해서집에갈것이다.4. 그녀가아버지에게소리를질러댄것은부적절한행동이었다.5. 그는60세가되면퇴직해서다시는일을하지않을것이다.a. Main Idea What does she want to be?What is the problem?b. Inference Why does she think he is kind?Why is Robert leaving his job?c. Cause and Effect Why is the woman unhappy?What will happen next?d. Facts and Details Why will his boss miss him?When does she advise her secretary?C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.W: I’ve been working too much overtime this week.번역M: What time did you clock out last night?W: I left at 9:30 last night. And tonight I’ll have to stay late again.1. What is the problem? __________ ❹W: Thanks for fixing my car, Jack. How much do I owe you?M: Don’t worry about it, Mrs. Col<strong>by</strong>. It was nothing.W: Oh, that’s kind of you, but you’re my mechanic! I should pay!2. Why does she think he is kind? __________ ❸I have worked at this company for 40 years, but soon I will retire. I’mglad there will be no more deadlines and schedules, but I will miss thisplace a bit. My boss will surely miss me because I’m so dependable.번역W 이번주에초과근무를너무많이하고있어요.M 어젯밤몇시에퇴근했나요?W 9시30분에나갔어요.오늘밤에도늦게까지일해야해요.1.문제가무엇인가?늦게까지일해야한다.W 잭,내차고쳐줘서고마워요.얼마죠?M 돈은걱정마세요,콜비부인.별것아닌걸요.W 정말친절하시군요.하지만 당신은정비사니까돈을받아야해요!2.그녀는왜그가친절하다고생각하는가?돈을받으려고하지않아서963. Why will his boss miss him? __________ ❶❶❸He is reliable.He won’t take money.❷❹He is out of line.She has to work late.번역나는이회사에서40년동안일했는데곧퇴직할겁니다.이제는마감기일도일정도없게되서기뻐요.하지만이곳을조금은그리워할겁니다.나는신뢰할만한직원이어서사장님도틀림없이나를보고싶어할거예요.3.그의사장은왜그를보고싶어하겠는가?믿을만한사람이어서

Unit 11. OccupationsExercisesListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. Why is the woman unhappy?(A) He questioned her.번역√(B) She was out of line.2. When does she advise her secretary?(A) After traveling(B) Two days before a trip번역3. What does she want to be?(A) A trainer번역√4. Why is Robert leaving his job?(A) He will retire.번역√T e s tListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What is the problem?(A) He is a new employee.(C) He doesn’t want to fire Steve.번역√여자는왜기분이나쁜가?(A) 남자가문제제기를해서 (B) 그녀가부적절한행동을해서그녀는언제비서에게알려주는가?(A) 출장을다녀온후에 (B) 출장가기이틀전에그녀는무엇이되고싶어하는가?(A) 트레이너(훈련자)(B) 신입사원로버트는왜직장을그만두는가?(A) 퇴직을하게되어서 (B) 해고당해서(B) A new worker(B) He has been fired.(B) She is his boss.(D) He agrees with her.무엇이문제인가?(A) 그는신입사원이다.(B) 그녀는그의상사이다.(C) 그는스티브를해고하고싶지않다.(D) 그는그녀와생각이같다.2. How can you be successful in a job interview?(A) √ Look confident(B) Never smile(C) Remember that you need them (D) Ask questions번역취업면접에서성공하려면어떻게해야할까?(A) 자신감있게보이기 (B) 미소는금물 (C) 당신이그들을필요로한다는것기억하기 (D) 질문하기3. What will they do next?(A) Say good<strong>by</strong>e(C) Go home번역이들은다음에무엇을할까?(A) 작별인사를한다 (B) 돈을센다 (C) 집으로간다 (D) 초과근무를한다3. (M) Can you work overtime this evening,Gab<strong>by</strong>?(W) OK. But I have to clock out before 7:30.(M) That should be fine. We just need tofinish these reports.번역√(B) Count the money(D) Work extra hours√1. (W) Listen, Matt. You were out of lineyesterday.(M) Do you think so? How?(W) You shouldn’t question me in frontof the staff.번역 (W) 이봐요,매트.어제당신무례했어요.(M) 그래요?내가어떻게했죠?(W) 직원들앞에서내게문제를제기하지말아요.3. (M) How do you see your future withthis company, Patty?(W) I would like to be a trainer fornew workers.(M) I’m glad you want to share yourexperience.번역 (M) 패티,이회사에서장차무슨일을하고싶나요?(W) 신입사원을교육시키는일을하고싶습니다.(M) 당신의경험을공유하고자한다니기뻐요.4. (W) I can’t believe you’re leaving us, Robert.(M) Stop it, Ruth. You’re going to make me cry.(W) Thanks for 30 years of excellent publicservice to this city.번역 (W) 로버트,우리를떠난다니믿을수가없어요.(M) 그만해요,루스.그러다제가울겠어요.(W) 이도시를위해30년동안훌륭하게공무원생활을하신것에감사드려요.1. (M) I’m sorry but I won’t fire Steve.(W) I’m your boss! You’re out of line, youknow.(M) I disagree with you.번역(M) 개비,오늘저녁에초과근무할수있나요?(W) 좋아요.하지만7시30분전에퇴근해야해요.(M) 좋아요.이보고서만끝내주면돼요.2. (W) I always advise my secretary when I’mgoing to take a business trip. She needsto know so that she can prepare mytickets and arrange my schedule. I try togive her at least two days’ notice.번역(W) 내가출장을가려할때,나는항상비서에게알려준다.그녀가내티켓을준비하고일정을조정할수있도록알아둘필요가있다.나는최소2일전에그녀에게통보하려고한다.(M) 죄송하지만스티브를해고할수는없어요.(W) 나는당신의상사예요!당신이잘못생각하고있다는것을알고있나요.(M) 저는생각이다릅니다.2. (W) To be successful in a job interview,you must be punctual and dressnicely. It is important to smile andlook confident, too. Alwaysremember that the interviewer번역needs you.(W) 취업면접에서성공하려면,시간을정확하게지키고옷을잘입어야한다.미소를띠고자신감있게보이는것또한중요하다.면접관이당신을필요로한다는것을항상기억해야한다.97

D i c t a t i o nListen and complete the sentences.1. The _________ cleans the _________ every _________.The janitor cleans the school every night. 번역 관리인이매일밤학교를청소한다.2. I heard _________ this _________ through _________ of mouth.I heard about this store through word of mouth. 번역 이가게에관해입소문으로들었습니다.3. I will give _________ tomorrow _________ I will _________ my jobnext _________.I will give notice tomorrow that I will leave my job next month.번역 다음달에퇴사한다는것을내일알리겠습니다.4. Are you _________ to _________ in public _________?Are you going to work in public service? 번역 공무원으로일할생각이니?5. How _________ you find out _________ _________ position in_________ company?How did you find out about this position in our company? 번역 우리회사의이일자리에관해어떻게알았나요?6. The _________ _________ us _________ to use _________computer _________.번역 트레이너가우리에게컴퓨터네트워크사용법을가르쳤다.The trainer taught us how to use the computer network.7. I clocked out _________ _________ _________ _________, so I am_________.I clocked out at ten last night, so I am tired. 번역 어젯밤10시에퇴근해서지금피곤하다.8. I _________ advise my _________ when I _________ a businesstrip.I always advise my secretary when I take a business trip.번역 나는출장을갈때면항상비서에게얘기를합니다. 해설 advise 말리다,충고하다 cf. advice 충고,권고9. I will _________ when I am _________ years old and _________work _________.번역 나는60세가되면퇴직하여다시는일을하지않을것이다.I will retire when I am 60 years old and never work again.10. The cashier is _________ _________ _________ of the _________register.The cashier is standing in front of the cash register.번역계산원이금전등록기앞에서있다.

UNIT12PART I. Picture Description: IndustryW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.통제하다,조절하다설비,시설붙잡다기계장치,부품,작용관,튜브controlfacilitygraspmechanismtubeShe couldn’t control the heavy machine.A factory is one kind of facility.I grasped his hand when we met in the station.The mechanism in my watch is broken.Gas goes through a tube into the car.1. 그녀는그무거운기계를제어할수없었다.2. 공장은일종의시설이다.3. 나는역에서그를만났을때,그의손을붙잡았다.4. 내시계의기계부품이고장났다.5. 휘발유는관을통해차안으로들어온다.B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.tubelever1. The man is _________ grasping a leverwhich _________ controls themechanism.2. There are several _________ tubes inthis _________ facility .번역1. 남자가기계장치를제어하는레버를붙잡고있다.2. 이시설에는관이여러개있다.C. Listen and write A or B.1. 2._________ AThere are many tubes in the facility.번역 이시설에는관이많이있다._________ BThe man is controlling the mechanism.번역 남자는기계를조절하고있다.99

PART IExercisesListen and choose the right answer.1. (A) (B)번역(A) The technician is controlling the machinery.(B) The workers are looking at the mechanism.(A) 기술자가기계를관리하고있다.(B) 근로자들이기계를살펴보고있다.√해설· machinery 기계류,기계장치번역(A) No-one is near the tracks.(B) The tracks go into the tube.(A) 트랙근처에는아무도없다.(B) 이트랙이터널속으로들어간다.√2. (A) (B)(A) He is grasping part of the mechanism.(B) The man cannot operate the machine.(A) 그는기계의일부를붙잡고있다.(B) 이남자는기계를작동할수없다.3. (A) (B)번역√100

Unit 12. IndustryT e s tListen and choose the right answer.1. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역해설(A) The workers are out of control.(B) They are standing outside the facility.(C) They are wearing protective helmets.(D) The men grasped the idea.(A) 그근로자들은통제불능이다.(B) 이들은시설밖에서있다.(C) 이들은안전모를쓰고있다.(D) 이남자들은개념을이해했다.√· out of control (기계,사람)다루기가힘든,조종불능의· grasp (의미를)이해하다,터득하다번역(A) They smoke too much.(B) The tubes are falling down.(C) The facility is operating.(D) The factory is on fire.(A) 이들은담배를너무많이피운다.(B) 터널이무너지고있다.(C) 이시설은가동중이다.(D) 공장에불이붙었다.√2. (A) (B) (C) (D)3. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√(A) The mechanism is very hot.(B) The man bought a new suit.(C) The astronaut is at the controls.(D) The workers cannot control the machine.(A) 이기계는아주뜨겁다.(B) 남자는새정장을샀다.(C) 우주비행사는조종석에있다.(D) 근로자들은기계를제어할수없다.101

PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.현장주임일시해고하다원료정유(정제)하다,불순물제거하다제조하다foremanlay (someone) offraw materialsrefinemanufactureThe foreman told the construction workers towork quickly.My company laid me off because the factoryclosed!First, industry must gather raw materials likewood and ore.This facility refines oil to make gasoline.Factories manufacture products to sell to thepublic.1. 현장주임은건설근로자들에게빨리일하라고말했다.2. 공장이문을닫아서우리회사는나를일시해고했다!3. 우선기업은목재나광석과같은원료를모아야한다.4. 이시설은원유를정유해서휘발유를만든다.5. 공장에서는사람들에게팔제품을제조한다.10<strong>2B</strong>. Match the questions and answers.1. Would you please wear your hard hat? (A) Later in the morning.2. Which raw material do they refine? (B) Okay.3. Are you going to lay off some workers? (C) Oil.4. When does the foreman arrive? (D) Yes, unfortunately.1. 안전모를써주시겠어요?2. 그들은어떤원료를정제하나요?3. 일부근로자들을일시해고하실건가요?4. 현장주임이언제도착하죠?C. Listen and fill in the blanks.1. (A) Who is that big woman in the hard hat?(B) She’s the construction site _______.(A) 안전모를쓴저몸집이큰여자는누구죠?(B) 건설현장주임이에요.2. (A) Have you _______ some factoryemployees?(B) Yes, we have.(A) 공장직원들을일부내보냈나요?(B) 예,그렇습니다.3. (A) Is this factory going to _______ cars?(B) We hope so.(A) 이공장에서자동차를생산할건가요?(B) 그러길바라고있어요.4. (A) When are we going to finish?(B) Not very soon. Let’s ask some otherworkers to _______.(A) 언제끝나죠?(B) 금방끝나지않아요.다른근로자들에게도움을요청합시다.(A) 오전늦게도착합니다.(B) 알겠습니다.(C) 석유입니다.(D) 불행히도그렇습니다.Noteforeman/supervisor/chief/directordischarged/laid off/dismissed/let go ofmanufacture/make/assemble/produceassist us/pitch in/give us a hand/help usNote 현장주임/감독/소장/지휘자면직시키다/일시해고/해고/내보내다제조/만들다/조립/생산거들다/구원하다/일손을빌려주다(돕다)/도와주다

Unit 12. IndustryExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) Of course.(B) Bravo!Could you please give me a hand with this heavy box?번역 이무거운상자드는것좀도와주시겠어요?(A) 물론이죠.(B) 잘했어요!2. (A) Yes, I do.√(B) Yes, I was let go.√3. (A) The supervisor’s over there.(B) Under your hard hat.√4. (A) We will assemble telephones.(B) We never throw them away.Did you lose your job when the factory laid people off?번역공장에서사람들을일시해고할때당신도일자리를잃었나요?(A) 예,그렇게합니다.(B) 예,저는해고됐어요.Where’s the factory head?번역공장장님어디계시죠?(A) 공장장님저기계시네요.(B) 안전모밑에있어요.Which product will this factory produce next?번역이공장은다음에어떤제품을생산하나요?(A) 우리는전화기를조립할겁니다.(B) 우리는그들을결코버리지않아요.해설3.head ~장,지휘자,우두머리T e s tListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√2. (A) (B) (C)√3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. How many workers will bedischarged this month?(A) Not many.(B) Quickly.(C) February.이달에몇명이나면직되나요?(A) 많지않아요.(B) 빨리요.(C) 2월이에요.3. Is the foreman happy nowadays?(A) I think she is.(B) Yes, for six days.(C) No, she does not.현장주임은요즘기분이좋은가요?(A) 그런것같아요.(B) 예,6일동안.(C) 아니오,그녀는하지않아요.번역번역2. Does your company gather rawmaterials?(A) Yes, the material is nice.(B) Yes, iron ore.(C) No, it isn’t.당신네회사에서는원료를모으고있나요?(A) 예,이원료는좋아요.(B) 예,철광석을모아요.(C) 아니오,그건그렇지않아요.4. When did you let go of yourconstruction director?(A) We laid her off last week.(B) He fell down at work.(C) Don’t let go yet.언제건설감독을내보냈나요?(A) 지난주에해고했어요.(B) 일하다가넘어졌어요.(C) 아직내보내지말아요.103

PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.기술자노동조합내구성강한,튼튼한,강력한인적자원,노동력부수다engineer The engineer designed the factory very well.labor union Labor unions try to protect workers.heavy duty You need heavy duty machinery to dig through a mountain.manpower We hired more workers because we need more manpower.tear down The company will tear down the old building and makea new parking lot.1. 그기술자는공장을아주잘설계했다.2. 노동조합은근로자를보호하려고애쓴다.B. Types of Questions: Industry3. 산을관통해서땅을파려면내구성이강한기계가필요하다.4. 우리는노동력이더필요하기때문에근로자를더고용했다.5. 그회사는낡은건물을부수고새주차장을지을것이다.a. Main Idea Why is the reporter calling?What is the problem?b. Inference What is their goal?Why is the boss unhappy?c. Cause and Effect What will they use?Why did the workers stay home?d. Facts and Details Why are engineers important to industry?What is most important in this industry?C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.W: Are you Mr. Vine of Vine Brothers Construction? I’m a reporterwith the New York Times.M: Yes. I suppose you want to ask me about our labor union problem.W: Why yes! Are your engineers really going to stop working?1. Why is the reporter calling? __________ ❷M: We need more heavy duty machinery, boss.W: Why don’t we just hire more workers?M: It’s not easy to find manpower these days.2. What is their goal? __________ ❸번역번역W 바인브라더스건설회사의바인씨인가요?저는‘뉴욕타임즈’기자입니다.M 예,저희회사노동조합문제에관해물어보려는거죠?W 맞습니다!당신네기술자들은정말로파업을할까요?1.기자는왜전화하는가?정보를얻으려고M 사장님,우리는튼튼한기계가더필요합니다.W 근로자를더많이고용하는게어떨까요?M 요즘은노동력을찾기가쉽지않습니다.2.이들의목표는무엇인가?생산증대104Engineers have a very important job in industry. They designeverything and use science to do it correctly. If they do their jobpoorly, workers or the public could be hurt.3. Why are engineers important to industry? __________ ❶❶❸They design everything.To increase production❷❹To get informationThey hurt people.번역기술자들은기업에서중요한일을합니다.이들은모든것을설계하고그일을올바로하기위해과학을이용합니다.이들이일을잘하지못하면근로자들이나사람들이피해를입게됩니다.3.기술자들은왜기업에중요한가?모든것을설계한다.

Unit 12. IndustryExercisesListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What is most important in this industry?해설(A) Being safe(B) Making room번역√이산업에서는무엇이가장중요한가?(A) 안전 (B) 공간확보2. What will the man do next?(A) He will give her a tool.번역3. Why did the workers stay home?(A) They are sick.번역4. Why is the boss unhappy?(A) They tore down the tower.번역√남자는다음에무엇을할까?(A) 그녀에게연장을준다.(B) 그녀가연장을드는것을도와준다.근로자들은왜집에있었는가?(A) 몸이아프다.(B) 더높은임금을원한다.(B) He will help her lift it.√(B) They want more pay.√사장은왜기분이나쁜가?(A) 이들이탑을무너뜨렸다.(B) 근로자들이안전하지않았다.1. (M) Tearing down old buildings is a difficultand dangerous industry. When a large ortall building has to be torn down, safetyis the most important thing. There is번역번역(B) The workers weren’t safe.little room for a mistake.(M) 낡은건물을부수는일은어렵고힘든일입니다.높거나큰건물을파괴할때는안전이가장중요합니다.실수의여지는조금도없습니다.· room 여지,기회· tear (tore - torn) 파괴하다2. (W) Could you please give me a hand withthis?(M) Sure, Mary. How can I help?(W) Unfortunately, I’m not strong enoughto lift this tool.(W) 이것좀도와주시겠어요?(M) 물론이죠,메리.어떻게도와드릴까요?(W) 유감스럽게도저는이연장을들힘이없네요.3. (M) The labor union told the workers to stay home!(W) I told you the workers were unhappy with their pay.(M) Yes, I know. As their foreman, what do you think Ishould do?번역 (M) 노동조합에서근로자들에게집에머물라고했어요!(W) 근로자들은임금에불만족이라고제가당신에게말했죠.(M) 예,알아요.현장주임으로서제가뭘해야한다고생각하나요?T e s t4. (W) Foreman, I’m not happy with the way you tore downDavidson Tower.(M) I’m sorry to hear that, boss.(W) Why didn’t the workers wear their hard hats?번역 (W) 현장주임,저는당신이데이비슨타워를무너뜨린방식이맘에들지않아요.(M) 유감스럽습니다,사장님.(W) 근로자들은왜안전모를쓰지않았나요?Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What will they use?(A) √ Large, strong machinery(C) Small equipment번역이들은무엇을이용할까?(A) 크고강한기계장치 (B) 더많은장비 (C) 작은장비 (D) 노동력(B) More equipment(D) Manpower2. Who meets with the industry managers?(A) Retired workers(B) √ The labor union(C) Public service employees (D) The company spokesperson번역누가이기업의경영자들을만나는가?(A) 퇴직근로자들 (B) 노동조합 (C) 공무원들 (D) 회사대변인3. What does the man suggest?(A) Laying off employees(C) Selling some equipment번역√남자는무엇을제안하는가?(A) 직원일시해고(C) 일부장비판매(B) 더많은장비마련(D) 더많은근로자고용1. (M) We have to dig for raw materials.(W) Do we have any heavy duty equipment?(M) Yes, I think we have plenty ofmachinery for the job.번역 (M) 원료를구하기위해서땅을파야합니다.(W) 중장비가있나요?(M) 예,그일을하기에적합한기계가많이있습니다.2. (W) Labor unions try to take care of workers<strong>by</strong> holding meetings with industrymanagers. If they can’t agree about pay orwork hours, the union might start a strike.Then the workers don’t come to work.번역(B) Getting more equipment(D) Hiring more workers(W) 노동조합에서는기업경영자들을만남으로써근로자들을보호하려애씁니다.임금이나노동시간에관해합의하지못하면노동조합은파업을시작할수있습니다.그러면근로자들은 직장에가지않습니다.3. (M) I don’t want to let any workers go.(W) Neither do I, but we can’t afford all this manpower.(M) We can afford it if we sell some equipment.번역 (M) 어떤근로자도내보내고싶지않아요.(W) 나도그래요,하지만이모든노동력을감당할수없어요.105(M) 장비를조금팔면감당할수있어요.해설· (can) afford ~할수있다,~할여유가있다

D i c t a t i o nListen and complete the sentences.1. The foreman _________ _________ workers to __________________.The foreman told the workers to work quickly. 번역 현장주임이근로자들에게일을빨리하라고말했다.2. _________ company _________ me _________ because thefactory _________!My company laid me off because the factory closed! 번역 공장이문을닫아서우리회사는나를해고했어!3. _________ manufacture _________ to _________ to the public.Factories manufacture products to sell to the public. 번역 공장에서는사람들에게팔물건을생산한다.4. Let’s _________ some _________ workers to _________ us a_________.Let’s ask some other workers to give us a hand. 번역 다른근로자들에게좀도와달라고합시다.5. Which _________ will _________ factory _________ out_________?번역 이공장에서는다음에어떤제품을생산하나요? 해설 turn out 제조하다6. The labor _________ wants _________ work _________ for thefactory _________ .Which product will this factory turn out next?번역 노동조합은공장직원들에게더나은작업시간을원한다.The labor union wants better work hours for the factory employees.7. We need heavy _________ machinery to _________ this_________ _________.We need heavy duty machinery to do this hard job. 번역 이어려운일을하려면튼튼한기계가필요하다.8. They _________ _________ the old _________ to make __________________ _________.They tore down the old stadium to make a new one. 번역 그들은새경기장을지으려고낡은경기장을부쉈다.9. Why _________ the workers _________ their hard _________?Why didn’t the workers wear their hard hats? 번역 근로자들이왜안전모를쓰지않았나요?10. The _________ _________ _________ facility are __________________ .The tubes in the facility are painted yellow.번역이시설의파이프들은노란색으로칠해져있다.

UNIT13PART I. Picture Description: Emergency ServicesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.차량,운송수단구조,구명묶음,꾸러미장비를 갖추다묶다vehicle Cars, boats, and planes are all vehicles.rescue People got into the rescue boat before the ship sank.bundle She carried a small bundle wrapped in cloth under her arm.be outfitted All commercial airplanes are outfitted with emergencyequipment.tieAfter wrapping the present, he tied a ribbon around it.1. 자동차,배,비행기는모두운송수단이다.2. 사람들은배가가라앉기전에구명보트를탔다.3. 그녀는팔밑에천으로포장한작은짐을들고있었다.B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.4. 모든민간항공기는비상장치를구비하고있다.5. 선물을포장하고나서그는거기에리본을묶었다.bundlesled1. The _________ rescue vehicle is_________ outfitted with a sled to carrypeople on.2. The _________ bundle of things lyingon the sled is _________ tied withrope.번역1.구조용운송수단에사람들을실어나르는썰매가갖춰져있다.2.썰매위에놓여있는짐꾸러미는밧줄로묶여있다.C. Listen and write A or B.1. 2._________ BA piece of rope is tied to the rescue device.번역 밧줄하나가구조장치에묶여있다._________ AThe rescue workers are outfitted withoxygen tanks.번역 구조대원들이산소통을매고있다.107

PART IExercisesListen and choose the right answer.번역(A) The vehicle’s lights are turned on.(B) The rescue worker is carrying a small bundle.(A) 자동차등이켜져있다.(B) 구조대원은작은짐을나르고있다.1. (A) (B)√번역(A) The doctors are performing an operation.(B) The room is outfitted with a curtain and abed.(A) 의사들이수술을하고있다.(B) 방에커튼과침대가갖춰져있다.√2. (A) (B)번역(A) The rescue vehicle is in the air.(B) The vehicle is landing on the roof.(A) 구조용운송수단이공중에떠있다.(B) 이운송수단이지붕에착륙하고있다.3. (A) (B)√해설· land 착륙하다108

Unit 13. Emergency ServicesT e s tListen and choose the right answer.1. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√(A) The compass is next to a bundle of rope.(B) The people are pulling the end of the rope.(C) The rope is tied to a tree.(D) The woman is cutting the rope.(A) 나침반이밧줄더미옆에놓여있다.(B) 사람들이밧줄의끝을잡아당기고있다.(C) 밧줄이나무에묶여있다.(D) 여자가밧줄을자르고있다.번역(A) The cards are on the beach.(B) The guard is riding in a vehicle.(C) The rescue worker is outfitted with a whistle.(D) The woman is raising her hand for help.(A) 카드가해변에놓여있다.(B) 경비원이차를타고간다.(C) 구조대원이호루라기를가지고있다.(D) 여자가도와달라고손을들고있다.√2. (A) (B) (C) (D)(A) A sled is tied to the back of the vehicle.(B) The emergency vehicle is near the building.(C) The man is opening the back door.(D) The patient is hurrying to the hospital.(A) 썰매가차량뒤쪽에매어있다.(B) 긴급차량이건물가까이있다.(C) 남자가뒷문을열고있다.(D) 환자가서둘러병원으로가고있다.3. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√109

PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.소방관소화기화재피난장치(비상계단,사다리)연기호스firefighterfire extinguisherfire escapesmokehoseMen and women who fight fires are calledfirefighters.We have a fire extinguisher to put out fires in ourkitchen.The fire escape is outside our window.Smoke from fires can be very dangerous.Use the hose to spray water on the fire.1. 화재를진압하는사람들을소방관이라부른다.2. 부엌에불을끄는소화기가있다.3. 화재피난장치가창문밖에있다.4. 화재시나오는연기는아주위험할수있다.5. 호스를이용해서불이난곳에물을뿌리세요.B. Match the questions and answers.1. Did you call the firefighters? (A) From the fire in that building.2. Where is the fire escape? (B) Yes, I did.3. Did the firefighters bring a hose? (C) Next to the elevator.4. Where is that smoke coming from? (D) Yes they did!1. 소방관을불렀나요?2. 화재피난장치가어디에있나요?3. 소방관들이호스를가져왔나요?4. 저연기는어디서나는건가요?(A) 화재가난저건물에서요.(B) 예,제가불렀어요.(C) 엘리베이터옆에있어요.(D) 예,그들이가져왔어요!C. Listen and fill in the blanks.1. (A) Did you call the _______?(B) Yes, I did.(A) 경찰을불렀나요?(B) 예,불렀어요.2. (A) Where is the _______?(B) I don’t know.(A) 도끼가어디있죠?(B) 몰라요.3. (A) What is the emergency?(B) There is a _______!(A) 긴급사태가뭐죠?(B) 화재예요!4. (A) What was on fire?(B) My _______.(A) 무엇에화재가났나요?(B) 제아파트요.NoteNotedoctor/ambulance/firefighters/policefire extinguisher/axe/hose/fire escapebicycle accident/fire/car accident/robberycar/house/apartment/school의사/구급차/소방관/경찰소화기/도끼/호스/화재피난장치자전거사고/화재/자동차사고/강도자동차/집/아파트/학교110

Unit 13. Emergency ServicesExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.1. (A) I can’t see it.√(B) At my house!√2. (A) Yes, I do.(B) I am.3. (A) I have two cats.√(B) Everyone’s out.√4. (A) No. Do you?(B) The ambulance.Where is the fire?번역 화재가어디서났나요?(A) 보이지않아요.(B) 저희집이요!Do you need this hose?번역 이호스가필요한가요?(A) 예,필요해요.(B) 저는그래요.How many people are in the house?번역집에몇사람이있나요?(A) 고양이두마리가있어요.(B) 모두나왔어요.Do you smell smoke?번역연기냄새가나나요?(A) 아니오,당신은요?(B) 구급차예요.T e s tListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√2. (A) (B) (C)√3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. My house is on fire! Whatshould I do?(A) Call an ambulance.(B) Call a fire truck.(C) Call the police.저희집에불이났어요!어떻게해야하나요?(A) 구급차를불러요.(B) 소방차를불러요.(C) 경찰을불러요.3. Where is the fire?(A) It’s the smoke.(B) In the kitchen.(C) It is hot.화재가어디에났나요?(A) 연기예요.(B) 부엌에요.(C) 뜨거워요.번역번역2. What can I use to put out a fire?(A) A fire extinguisher.(B) An ambulance.(C) Get help.불을끄려면무엇을사용하면되나요?(A) 소화기요.(B) 구급차요.(C) 도움을구해요.4. Where do you live?(A) Use the fire escape.(B) I’m at school.(C) On Main St.어디에사나요?(A) 화재피난장치를이용하세요.(B) 저는학교에있어요.(C) 메인스트리트에살아요.111

PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.화재경보부상응급의료진사이렌응급처치fire alarm There is smoke coming into the room! Pull the fire alarm!injury If you have an injury, you might have to call an ambulance.paramedic Paramedics can save lives!siren All emergency vehicles have loud sirens and flashing lights.first aid I want to learn first aid so I can help people if they are hurt.1. 방으로연기가들어오고있어!화재경보를눌러!2. 부상을당하면구급차를불러야할거예요.3. 응급의료진들이생명을구할수있어요!B. Types of Questions: Emergency Services4. 모든긴급차량에는시끄러운사이렌과점멸등이달려있다.5. 나는사람들이다쳤을때도와줄수있도록응급처치법을배우고싶다.a. Main Idea What did the man break?What will the person check?b. Inference Where is the fire?Why are the paramedics tired?c. Cause and Effect What is she going to get for her house?What caused the smoke?d. Facts and Details Where is the fire?What will the paramedics need?C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.M: I need to report a fire!W: Where is the fire?M: It’s in a building on the corner of Main and Fern St.1. What is the person reporting? __________ ❸번역해설M 화재신고합니다!W 화재가어디서났나요?M 메인스트리트와펀스트리트가만나는모퉁이건물에서요.1.이사람은무엇을신고하고있는가?화재· report 신고하다,통보하다We need to send an ambulance and paramedics to the corner ofMain and Fern St. There is a large fire there, so you will need oxygentanks and bandages.번역2. What will the paramedics need? __________ ❷M: This fire is terrible. Both the firefighters and the paramedics aregetting tired.W: Should I call for more help?M: Yes, I think we need more rescue workers.번역 MWM3. Why are the paramedics tired? __________ ❶Many people need help. Oxygen tanks A fire The fire extinguisher❶ ❷ ❸ ❹우리는구급차와응급의료진들을메인스트리트와펀스트리트가만나는모퉁이로보내야합니다.거기서큰화재가났기때문에산소통과붕대가필요할겁니다.2.응급의료진들은무엇이필요한가?산소통이화재는끔찍해요.소방관들과응급의료진들모두지쳐가고있어요.도움을더요청할까요?예,더많은구조대원이있어야할것같아요.3.응급의료진들은왜지쳤는가?도움을필요로하는사람이많아서112

Unit 13. Emergency ServicesExercisesListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. Why does he need the paramedics?(A) He is injured.(B) A child has an injury.번역√남자는왜응급의료진을필요로하는가?(A) 그는다쳤다.(B) 아이가부상을입었다.1. (M) I’ve been in a car accident and I thinkI’m hurt.(W) Do we need to send the paramedics?(M) Yes, I think I will need first aid.번역 (M) 자동차사고를당했는데제가다친것같아요.(W) 응급의료진을보내드려야하나요?(M) 예,응급처치가필요해요.2. What does he hear?번역√(A) Sirens3. What will the person check?번역√그는무엇을듣는가?(A) 사이렌 (B) 자동차경적(A) His injury이사람은무엇을확인할까?(A) 남자의부상 (B) 자동차4. What did the person break?(A) His arm번역 이사람은무엇이부러졌는가?(A) 팔 (B) 다리해설 2.get stuck ~에끼다,막히다(B) Car alarms(B) The car√(B) His leg2. (M) I hear the sirens from the ambulance sothey must be close <strong>by</strong>. I hope they don’tget stuck in traffic!번역 (M) 구급차사이렌소리가들리는걸로봐서가까이왔나봐.교통이막히지않아야할텐데!3. (W) Did you call for an ambulance?(M) Yes, I’ve had a car accident and I am hurt.(W) Don’t move and I will check your injury.번역 (W) 구급차를요청했나요?(M) 예,자동차사고가나서제가다쳤어요.(W) 움직이지마세요.제가상처를확인해보죠.4. (W) You have broken your leg. I am going tocarefully lift you out of the car and takeyou in the ambulance to the hospital. Adoctor will help you when we get there.번역 (W) 다리가부러졌군요.당신을조심스럽게차에서빼내구급차로병원에데려가죠.거기가면의사가도와줄겁니다.T e s tListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. Where is the fire?(A) In the bedroom(C) In the living room번역어디에서화재가났는가?(A) 침실 (B) 부엌 (C) 거실 (D) 욕실2. What caused the smoke?(A) A cigarette(C) Burning food번역√무엇때문에연기가났는가?(A) 담배 (B) 거실벽난로 (C) 타고있는음식 (D) 고장난사이렌(B) In the kitchen(D) In the bathroom(B) The living room fireplace번역(D) A broken siren3. What is she going to get for her house?(A) A hose(B) Water(C) A fire alarm(D) A fire extinguisher번역 그녀는집에무엇을마련하려하는가?(A) 호스 (B) 물 (C) 화재경보기 (D) 소화기3. (W) I’m not sure what to use to put out the fire,water or something else.(M) For some fires you can use water, but a fireextinguisher will put out all kinds of fires.(W) Thanks for your suggestions. I think I’ll get afire extinguisher for my house.√√번역1. (M) Hello, is there an emergency?(W) Yes, there is. I was cooking when afire started in the oven. I need afire truck to come to my house.(M) OK, stay calm and we will send a번역(W) 무엇으로불을꺼야할지모르겠어.물인지다른건지.(M) 어떤불은물로끌수있지만소화기를사용하면모든불을끌수있지.(W) 말해줘서고마워.집에소화기를마련해야겠다.fire truck right away.(M) 여보세요,긴급상황인가요?(W) 예,요리를하는데오븐에불이붙었어요.저희집으로소방차를보내주세요.(M) 알겠습니다.침착하세요.저희가당장소방차를보내죠.2. (W) I was in the living room whensuddenly the fire alarm went off.Then I saw the kitchen was full ofsmoke. I turned off the oven. Thefood inside the oven was burning.(W) 내가거실에있었는데갑자기화재경보기가울렸어.봤더니부엌이온통연기로가득찼어.나는오븐을껐지.오븐안에들어있던음식이타고있었어.113

D i c t a t i o nListen and complete the sentences.1. Where is that _________ _________ _________?Where is that smoke coming from?번역저연기가어디서나는거죠?2. _________ from _________ can be very _________.Smoke from fires can be very dangerous. 번역 화재시연기는아주위험할수있어요.3. _________ _________ _________ the firefighters?Did you call the firefighters?번역소방서에전화하셨나요?4. What _________ _________ _________?What is the emergency? 번역 긴급상황이뭐죠?5. _________ you _________ _________?Are you in danger? 번역 당신은위험한상태인가요?6. Paramedics _________ _________ _________!Paramedics can save lives! 번역 응급의료진이생명을구할수있어요!7. I _________ I will _________ _________ _________.I think I will need first aid. 번역 응급처치가필요할것같아요.8. You _________ _________ _________ _________.You have broken your leg. 번역 다리가부러졌군요.9. _________ tried _________ _________ the _________.I tried to stop the fire. 번역 불을끄려고했어요.10. I’ll go _________ _________ _________ extinguisher for_________ _________.I’ll go get a fire extinguisher for my house.번역집에소화기를마련해야겠다.

UNIT14PART I. Picture Description: Bank and MoneyW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.삽입하다구멍,홈통장확인하다잔액insertslotbank bookcheckbalanceInsert the key and turn it to unlock the door.Put the letter in the slot of the mailbox.My bank book shows how much money is in my account.I need to check how much money I have.The balance in my account is low.1. 열쇠를집어넣고돌리면문이열립니다.2. 편지를우편함구멍에넣으세요.3. 내통장을보면계좌에돈이얼마나있는지알수있다.4. 내게돈이얼마나있는지확인해야겠다.5. 내계좌에잔고가얼마없다.해설 3,5.account 계좌,예금액B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.slotbank book1. The woman is _________ inserting thebank book into the _________. slot2. She will update her bank _________ bookand check the _________. balance번역해설1.여자가홈에통장을집어넣고있다.2.그녀는통장정리를하고잔고를확인할것이다.· update 갱신하다,새롭게하다C. Listen and write A or B.1. 2._________ AThe bank book is in the slot.번역 통장이홈속에있다._________ BHe is inserting his bank card into the ATM.번역 그는은행카드를자동지급기에집어넣고있다.115

PART IExercisesListen and choose the right answer.1. (A) (B)번역(A) She is checking the balance.(B) The check is not signed.(A) 그녀는잔고를확인하고있다.(B) 수표에배서가되어있지않다.√번역(A) This slot is for coins.(B) Coins are in the slot.(A) 이홈은동전을집어넣는곳이다.(B) 동전들이홈속에있다.√2. (A) (B)(A) The customer has her bank book.(B) The teller is helping the customer.(A) 고객이통장을가지고있다.(B) 출납원이고객을도와주고있다.3. (A) (B)번역√116

Unit 14. Bank and MoneyT e s tListen and choose the right answer.1. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√(A) The balance is shown in the bank book.(B) The check is full.(C) She is paying her balance.(D) She is ringing up a bill.(A) 통장에잔고가나타난다.(B) 그수표는꽉찼다.(X)(C) 그녀는잔액을치르고있다.(D) 그녀는계산을하고있다.번역(A) The slot is empty.(B) Mail is inserted in the slot.(C) He is checking the mail.(D) The bank books are being updated.(A) 홈은비어있다.(B) 편지는홈속에들어있다.(C) 그는우편을확인하고있다.(D) 통장이정리되고있다.√2. (A) (B) (C) (D)(A) Her balance is one hundred dollars.(B) Her bank book is filled with money.(C) She is paying a bill.(D) She is taking a bill out of her wallet.(A) 그녀의잔고는백달러이다.(B) 그녀의통장에는많은돈이들어있다.(C) 그녀는돈을지불하고있다.(D) 그녀는지갑에서지폐를꺼내고있다.3. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√117

PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.출납계원안전금고자동인출기은행카드명세서tellersafety deposit boxATMbank cardstatementThe teller at the bank can help you with yourbanking.I put my valuables in a safety deposit box.ATM machines are very convenient.I can use my bank card like a credit card.Read the bank statement carefully to checkif it is correct.1181. 은행출납계원이당신의은행일을도와줄겁니다.2. 나는귀중품을은행의안전금고에둔다.3. 자동인출기는아주편리하다.해설 3.ATM (= automated teller machine)B. Match the questions and answers.1. Who is next in line? (A) Right beside the entrance.2. Do you have a bank card? (B) I am.3. Would you like your statement? (C) No, I don’t.4. Where is the ATM? (D) If it’s not too much trouble.1. 다음손님?2. 은행카드있어요?3. 명세서를드릴까요?4. 자동인출기가어디있나요?C. Listen and fill in the blanks.1. (A) Do you have your _______ with you?(B) Yes, I do.(A) 수표있어요?(B) 네,있어요.2. (A) Where are the _______?(B) Right over there.(A) 출납계원이어디있죠?(B) 저쪽에있어요.3. (A) How can I help you?(B) I’d like to _______.(A) 도와드릴까요?(B) 예금을하고싶어요.4. (A) What services would you likewith your account?(B) I’d like _______.해설(A) 어떤계좌서비스를원하세요?(B) 월별명세서를원해요.3.deposit (돈을)맡기다,예금하다4. 나는내은행카드를신용카드처럼사용할수있다.5. 은행명세서를잘읽고맞는지확인하세요.(A) 입구바로옆에있습니다.(B) 접니다.(C) 아니,없어요.(D) 번거롭지않으시다면.NoteNotecredit card/bank card/checks/moneyATMs/tellers/offices/safety deposit boxesmake a withdrawal/make a deposit/use the ATM/cash a checkmonthly statements/a check book/a bank card/a credit card신용카드/은행카드/수표/돈자동인출기/출납계원/사무실/안전금고인출/예금/자동인출기사용/수표현금화월별명세서/수표장/은행카드/신용카드

Unit 14. Bank and MoneyExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) The teller.(B) Your bank book.Who can help me at the bank?번역 은행에가면누가도와주지?(A) 출납계원이야.(B) 너의통장이야.2. (A) You need a bank card.√(B) It is outside the bank.√3. (A) Yes, you do.(B) No, you can’t.4. (A) Thank you√(B) Certainly.Where is the ATM?번역 자동인출기가어디있나요?(A) 은행카드가필요해요.(B) 은행밖에있습니다.Do I need to pay a fee for a safety deposit box?번역 안전금고를이용하는데수수료를내야하나요?(A) 예,그렇습니다.(B) 아니오,할수없습니다.Can you send my statements in the mail?번역 명세서를우편으로보내줄수있나요?(A) 감사합니다.(B) 물론이죠.T e s tListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√2. (A) (B) (C)√3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. Is there an ATM around here?(A) Right outside.(B) To deposit money.(C) With a bank card.근처에자동인출기가있나요?(A) 바로밖에있어요.(B) 예금을하려고요.(C) 은행카드로요.3. How do I get a bank card?(A) Fill out this form.(B) The ATM.(C) The balance is on yourstatement.은행카드를어떻게발급받나요?(A) 이양식을작성해주세요.(B) 자동인출기.(C) 명세서에잔고가나와있습니다.번역번역2. How can I sign up for a safety depositbox?(A) With credit.(B) Ask the teller.(C) The statement shows your deposit.안전금고신청을어떻게하죠?(A) 신용으로해요.(B) 출납계원에게문의하세요.(C) 명세서에예금이나와있어요.4. What time does the bank close today?(A) Any time is fine.(B) Have a nice day.(C) At 5:00.오늘몇시에은행문을닫나요?(A) 언제든좋습니다.(B) 좋은하루보내세요.(C) 5시예요.119

PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.계산기대출동전서명이용수수료calculatorloancoinsignatureservice chargeUse the calculator to add up all your money.The bank gave me a $1000 loan.It makes my wallet heavy when I have too many coins.Please put your signature on the bottom of the check.There is a monthly service charge on the savings account.1. 계산기를이용해서총액을계산하세요.2. 은행에서내게천달러를대출해주었다.3. 동전이너무많으면지갑이무거워진다.4. 수표밑에서명을하세요.B. Types of Questions: Bank and Money5. 예금계좌에는월별이용수수료가붙습니다.해설5.savings account 보통예금(계좌)120a. Main Idea What does the bank require people to do?What does the customer want to exchange?b. Inference What will the man do?What kind of fee is being described?c. Cause and Effect What is the service charge for?Why does he need a loan?d. Facts and Details Where is the calculator?What has the man lost?C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.M: Is there a calculator here I can use?번역W: Yes, it is on the counter with the deposit forms.M: Thank you. I need to calculate the amount of my deposit.1. Where is the calculator? __________ ❷W: The monthly fee on the savings account is $7.00 a month. Thatincludes unlimited use of ATMs and bank statements that will bemailed to your home. It does not include fees for any safetydeposit boxes.2. What kind of fee is being described? __________ ❶M: I would like to exchange these coins for dollar bills.W: How many coins do you have?M: I have three rolls of coins. I think it is about $12.00.3. What does the customer want to exchange? __________ ❸The service charge On the counter Coins In the bank book❶ ❷ ❸ ❹번역번역M 사용할수있는계산기있어요?W 예,계산대위에예금양식과함께있네요.M 고마워요.예금액수를계산해야해요.1.계산기는어디에있는가?계산대에W 예금계좌에붙는월별수수료는한달에7달러입니다.여기에는자동인출기무제한이용및집으로우편발송되는은행명세서이용이포함됩니다.안전금고이용에대한수수료는포함되지않습니다.2.어떤수수료를얘기하고있는가?이용수수료M 이동전들을달러지폐로교환하고싶어요.W 동전이몇개나되죠?M 세뭉치가있어요.12달러쯤될거예요.3.고객은무엇을교환하려하는가?동전

Unit 14. Bank and MoneyExercisesListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. When would the customer like the appointment?(A) Thursday(B) Today번역√2. What does the bank require people to do?(A) Fill out loan applications (B) Fill out applications for accounts번역√3. What is NOT on the application?(A) His address(B) His signature번역4. Why does he need a loan?(A) To buy a car번역√고객은약속을언제로잡고싶어하는가?(A) 목요일 (B) 오늘은행에서사람들에게요구하는것은?(A) 대출신청서작성 (B) 계좌신청서작성신청서에없는것은?(A) 주소 (B) 서명그는왜대출을원하는가?(A) 자동차를사려고 (B) 사업을하려고√(B) For business1. (M) I need to make an appointment to get aloan from the bank.(W) OK, what day and time would you like tocome in?(M) I’d like to come Thursday at 4:00.번역 (M) 은행대출을받기위해서약속을잡고싶어요.(W) 좋습니다.몇일몇시에오시겠어요?(M) 목요일4시에가겠습니다.2. (W) The bank requires customers to fill outloan applications before we can give youa loan. Please fill out all the information번역번역and return the application to a teller.(W) 은행에서는고객들에게대출을해주기전에대출신청서를작성하도록합니다.모든정보를작성하시고출납계원에게제출해주십시오.3. (M) I finished the loan application.(W) Is your signature on the application?(M) Oh, I forgot to sign it.(M) 대출신청서를다작성했습니다.(W) 신청서에서명하셨나요?(M) 오,깜빡잊었군요.4. (M) I would like to borrow $5,000because I need to buy a car. I havetwo letters of reference here. I alsohave my credit report.번역 (M) 자동차를사야하기때문에5천달러를대출하고싶습니다.여기두장의신원증명서가있습니다.신용평가서도가지고왔습니다.해설 reference 신원증명서,조회서T e s tListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What has the man lost?(A) His credit card(C) His signature번역남자는무엇을잃어버렸나?(A) 신용카드 (B) 은행카드 (C) 서명 (D) 통장(B) His bank card(D) His bank book2. What is the service charge for?번역(A) To fill out applications (B) To pay the tellers(C) To replace lost bank cards (D) To get a safety deposit box번역√3. What will the man do?(A) Use the calculator(C) Pay the service charge번역√무엇에대한이용수수료인가?(A) 신청서작성 (B) 출납계원에게지불 (C) 분실한은행카드교체 (D) 안전금고이용√(B) Sign up for a PIN number(D) Speak to a teller남자는무엇을할까?(A) 계산기를이용한다 (B) 비밀번호를신청한다 (C) 이용수수료를지불한다 (D) 출납계원에게말한다3. (M) Will I be able to use my new bank card inthe ATM machine?(W) Yes, you will need to get a PIN number first.(M) How do I get a PIN number?번역해설1. (M) I’ve lost my bank card and I need to get anew one.(W) Do you have something with yoursignature on it?(M) Yes, my credit card has my signature on it.번역(M) 새은행카드로자동인출기를이용할수있나요?(W) 예,먼저비밀번호를받아야합니다.(M) 비밀번호를어떻게발부받죠?(M) 은행카드를잃어버려서새카드를발급받고싶어요.(W) 서명이되어있는물품이있나요?(M) 예,제신용카드에서명이되어있어요.2. (W) There is a service charge of $5.00 toreplace lost bank cards. When you getPIN (= personal identification number)your new card, please sign the back.(W) 분실한은행카드를교체하려면5달러의이용수수료가붙습니다.새카드를받으면뒷면에서명을해주십시오.121

D i c t a t i o nListen and complete the sentences.1. Do _________ _________ a _________ _________?Do you have a bank card? 번역 은행카드있어요?2. _________ is the _________ _________?Where is the ATM machine? 번역 자동인출기가어디있나요?3. Can you _________ _________ statements _________ __________________?Can you send my statements in the mail?번역내명세서를우편으로보내줄수있나요?4. _________ _________ _________ signature on the _________ ofthe _________.Please put your signature on the bottom of the page.번역이페이지밑에서명을해주세요.5. There is a _________ _________ _________ on the savings_________.There is a monthly service charge on the savings account. 번역 예금계좌에는월별이용수수료가붙습니다.6. The _________ is on the _________ _________ _________.The calculator is on the counter over there. 번역 계산기는저기계산대위에있어요.7. The _________ fee on the savings account is __________________ _________.번역 예금계좌에붙은월별이용수수료는한달에7달러입니다.The monthly fee on the savings account is $7.00 a month.8. I’d like to _________ _________ at _________.I’d like to come Thursday at 4:00. 번역 목요일4시에오겠습니다.9. I’d like to _________ _________ the _________ manager about a_________.I’d like to speak to the bank manager about a loan. 번역 대출에관해은행관계자와얘기하고싶습니다.10. I’ve lost my _________ _________ and I need to get a __________________.I’ve lost my bank book and I need to get a new one.번역통장을잃어버려서새통장이필요해요.

Review 2PART I. Picture DescriptionListen and choose the right answer.1. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√(A) The girl is looking through the lens.(B) The device is off.(C) The scientists are observing the animals.(D) The experiment is finished.(A) 소녀가렌즈를들여야보고있다.(B) 이장치는꺼져있다.(C) 과학자들이동물을관찰하고있다.(D) 실험이끝났다.번역(A) The man is lounging around at home.(B) The construction worker is grasping the ladder.(C) The ambulance is outfitted with a ladder.(D) The rescue ladder is missing.(A) 남자가집주변을돌아다니고있다.(B) 건설노동자가사다리를붙잡고있다.(C) 구급차에사다리가비치되어있다.(D) 구조용사다리가없어졌다.√2. (A) (B) (C) (D)(A) Firefighters are using hoses.(B) The paramedics are in the rescue vehicle.(C) He is doing some first aid.(D) Paramedics are moving a patient.(A) 소방관들이호스를사용하고있다.(B) 응급의료진들이구조차량에탔다.(C) 남자가응급처치를하고있다.(D) 응급의료진들이환자를옮기고있다.3. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√123

Review 24. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√(A) The sculpture is on the pedestal.(B) The statue is in the first row.(C) The corridor is empty.(D) People are admiring the statue.(A) 조각상이받침대위에있다.(B) 조각상이첫번째줄에있다.(C) 복도가비어있다.(D) 사람들이조각상을감상하고있다.번역(A) The device is being adjusted.(B) The scientist is observing the results.(C) There are many tubes connected to the machine.(D) The experiment is successful.(A) 장치를조절하고있다.(B) 과학자는결과를관찰하고있다.(C) 기계에많은파이프가연결되어있다.(D) 실험이성공했다.√5. (A) (B) (C) (D)6. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역해설√(A) The city is festive.(B) Lights are set up in the room.(C) Firecrackers are going off.(D) There is a wedding ceremony.(A) 도시가축제분위기다.(B) 방에전등이설치되어있다.(C) 폭죽이터지고있다.(D) 결혼식이있다.사진에는불꽃놀이(firework)가묘사되고있다.firecracker(폭죽,딱총)은작은막대모양으로주로큰소음을낸다.124

Review 2(A) The woman is checking her safety deposit box.(B) The ATM is broken.(C) The bank book is in the slot.(D) The woman is standing near the ATM.(A) 여자가안전금고를확인하고있다.(B) 자동인출기가고장났다.(C) 통장이홈에끼워져있다.(D) 여자가자동인출기근처에서있다.7. (A) (B) (C) (D)번역√PART II. Questions & ResponsesListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√√2. (A) (B) (C)3. (A) (B) (C)√√4. (A) (B) (C)5. (A) (B) (C)√6. (A) (B) (C)√7. (A) (B) (C)√8. (A) (B) (C)√9. (A) (B) (C)√10. (A) (B) (C)번역번역번역번역번역1. Did you see today’s headlines?(A) I have a headache.(B) The journalist was so busy.(C) I was so shocked!오늘신문머릿기사봤니?(A) 머리가아파.번역(B) 기자는너무바빴어.(C) 나는너무놀랐어!3. What treat do you want to buy?(A) Some cookies.(B) A steak.(C) Trick or Treat!어떤과자를사고싶니?(A) 쿠키요.(B) 스테이크요.번역(C) 과자안주면골탕먹일거야!5. Can I see your lab report?(A) The lab looks dirty.(B) I’m not finished yet.(C) When is it due?실험보고서보여줄래?(A) 실험실이더러워.(B) 아직못끝냈어.(C) 언제까지내야하니?번역7. How is being a check-out clerk?(A) Let’s check out the departmentstore sales.(B) I enjoy using the cash register.(C) I always use cash.계산원일어때?(A) 백화점할인판매알아보자.번역(B) 금전등록기를사용하는게재미있어.(C) 나는항상현금을사용해.9. In case of fire, what will you do?(A) Fire the foreman.(B) Go down the fire escape.(C) Make a fire.화재가나면어떻게할거니?(A) 현장주임을해고해요.번역(B) 화재비상장치를타고내려가요.(C) 불을내요.2. Have you finished yourassignment yet?(A) I’m still working on it.(B) Your assignment looks good.(C) Yes, I’m graduating this year.숙제끝냈니?(A) 아직하고있어.(B) 숙제잘했구나.(C) 예,올해졸업해요.4. Is that a new lens on yourcamera?(A) I want to buy contact lenses.(B) I got it last year.(C) My camera has a zoom lens.네카메라에달린게새렌즈니?(A) 콘택트렌즈를사고싶어.(B) 작년에샀어.(C) 내카메라에는줌렌즈가달려있어.6. Where is that new sculpture?(A) It’s on the pedestal.(B) It’s beautiful.(C) It’s expensive.새조각상이어디있니?(A) 받침대위에있어.(B) 아름다워.(C) 비싸.8. What does this plant manufacture?(A) Manpower.(B) Raw materials.(C) Heavy duty machinery.이공장에서는무엇을제조하니?(A) 노동력이야.(B) 원료야.(C) 튼튼한기계야.10. How can I check my balance?(A) Use the ATM.(B) Take out some money.(C) Insert it into this slot.내잔고를어떻게확인할수있나요?(A) 자동인출기를이용하세요.125(B) 돈을조금인출하세요.(C) 그것을이홈에넣으세요.

Review 2PART III. Short Conversations & TalksListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What does the man think?(A) Being a paramedic is easy.(B) Paramedics never do first aid.(C) √ Paramedics must treat many injuries.(D) He wants to be a paramedic.번역남자는무슨생각을하는가?(A) 응급의료진되는것은쉽다.(C) 응급의료진은많은부상을다뤄야한다.(B) 응급의료진은절대응급처치를하지않는다.(D) 그는응급의료진이되기를원한다.1. (M) I could never be a paramedic.(W) Me neither. Doing all that first aidis not easy.(M) Or seeing all those injuries.번역 (M) 난응급의료진은절대될수없을거야.(W) 나도그래.그모든응급처치를하는게쉽지않아.(M) 부상당한모습을보는것도그래.1262. According to the passage, what is <strong>Step</strong>hen Hawking famous for?(A) Meeting brilliant scientists (B) √ Having new ideas(C) Changing old theories (D) Doing new experiments번역이글에의하면스티븐호킹은무엇으로유명한가?(A) 훌륭한과학자만나기(C) 낡은이론바꾸기3. What did John do?(A) Started a company(C) Quit his job번역√존은무엇을했는가?(A) 회사창업(C) 퇴사(B) Made a notice(D) Started a new hob<strong>by</strong>4. What does the man usually do on Saturdays?해설(A) Teaches(B) Gardens(C) Lounges around(D) Learns something번역남자는토요일에보통무엇을하는가?(A) 가르치기(C) 그냥돌아다니기5. What will they do?(A) √ Go to a different show(C) Go home번역이들은무엇을할까?(A) 다른공연을보기(C) 집에가기(B) 새로운아이디어창출하기(D) 새로운실험하기(B) 게시(벽보)(D) 새로운취미활동√(B) 정원손질(D) 무언가배우기(B) ‘캣츠’보기(D) 개막일입장권사기2. (W) One of the most brilliant scientistsrecently is <strong>Step</strong>hen Hawking. His newideas in physics have created many newtheories. Scientists are now doingexperiments to check his hypotheses.번역3. (M) Did you hear that John gave notice?(W) No. Why did he do that?(M) He got a better offer from another번역번역company.(M) 존이퇴직통보를했다는이야기들었어?(W) 아니.그가왜그랬지?(M) 다른회사에서더나은일자리를제시했대.4. (W) It’s Saturday! Don’t you have sketchingclass today?(M) No, it was cancelled. The teacher hadto go to a school meeting.(W) In that case, let’s do some gardening inour backyard.(W) 토요일이야!오늘스케치수업없니?(M) 취소됐어.선생님께서학교회의에가야한대.(W) 그러면우리뒤뜰에서정원손질을하자.(B) See Cats(D) Buy tickets for opening night5. (M) So, did you get the tickets for Cats?(W) No, it was sold out. Everyone wants togo to opening night.(M) I guess we’ll have to try to see ThePhantom instead.번역(W) 최근가장뛰어난과학자중한사람은스티븐호킹박사이다.물리학에있어서그의새로운아이디어는많은새로운이론을만들어냈다.과학자들은그의가설을확인하기위해실험을하고있습니다.· offer 제안,제의(M)‘캣츠’입장권구했어요?(W) 아뇨,매진됐어요.모두들개막일저녁공연을보려고해요.(M) 그러면대신‘유령’을알아봐야겠군요.

Review 26. What is this advice about?(A) √ Choosing juice(C) Enjoying shopping번역무엇에관한조언인가?(A) 주스선택 (B) 가장싼가격찾기(C) 쇼핑즐기기 (D) 과일구매7. How does the woman feel about the union?(A) It is similar to management.(B) √ It is thinking about the workers.(C) It has laid off many workers.(D) It strikes too often.번역여자는노동조합에대해어떻게생각하는가?(A) 경영진과비슷하다.(C) 많은근로자를해고했다.(B) Finding the cheapest price(D) Buying fruit8. According to the passage, which of the following is probably true?(A) The man likes to celebrate Christmas.(B) The man’s house has many Christmas decorations.(C) The woman is not festive.(D) The woman likes to celebrate Christmas.번역√이글에의하면다음중옳은것은?(A) 남자는크리스마스기념하는것을좋아한다.(C) 여자는축제분위기가아니다.(B) 근로자들처지를생각한다.(D) 너무자주파업을한다.(B) 남자의집에는크리스마스장식이많다.(D) 여자는크리스마스기념하는것을좋아한다.6. (M) The best way to buy juice is to lookat the label first. Is it made from realnutritious fruit? Or does it just haveflavoring? Finally, look at the price.번역 (M) 주스를사는가장좋은방법은라벨을먼저살펴보는겁니다.진짜영양가있는과일로만든것인지,그냥맛만첨가한 것인지를보는거예요.마지막으로가격을보세요.7. (W) Why is the labor union striking?(M) They think management is laying offtoo many workers.(W) Well, that is an important issue.Workers need to be considered too.번역 (W) 노동조합이왜파업을하나요?(M) 경영진에서너무많은근로자를해고한다고생각하나봐요.(W) 그건중요한문제군요.근로자들처지도생각해줘야해요.8. (W) So, are you all set up for the holidays?(M) No, but my family doesn’t reallycelebrate Christmas. We don’t even havea tree.(W) Wow, your house doesn’t sound veryfestive.번역(W) 너희가족은휴일준비를다했니?(M) 아니,그런데우리가족은사실크리스마스를기념하지않아.심지어우리집엔크리스마스트리도없어.(W) 와,너의집은축제분위기가나지않겠는걸.9. What is the customer getting?(A) A new account(C) A new ID번역고객은무엇을받는가?(A) 새계좌(C) 새신분증10. How does the man feel about the city’s services?(A) City workers tell lies.(B) The garbage collection is excellent.(C) The postal service is very quick.(D) The city services are not good.번역√남자는시의업무에관해어떻게생각하는가?(A) 시공무원들이거짓말을한다.(C) 우편업무가아주신속하다.(B) 귀중품보관장소(D) 월수표√(B) 쓰레기수거를잘한다.(D) 시에서수행하는업무가좋지않다.(B) A place to store valuables(D) A monthly check9. (W) In order to get a safety deposit box, youmust provide two pieces of ID and youraccount number. The fee for the box is$20 and is paid monthly.번역(W) 안전금고를이용하려면2개의신분증과계좌번호를제출해야합니다.안전금고수수료는20달러이며매월지불해야합니다.10. (M) Has the postman delivered today’smail yet?(W) Not yet. Also the garbage has notbeen picked up yet either.(M) Unbelievable! I’m going to write aletter to the city!번역 (M) 우체부가오늘우편을배달했나요?(W) 아직.쓰레기도아직수거해가지않았어요.(M) 믿을수가없군요!시에항의편지를써야겠어요!127

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