an investigation of domestic laundry in europe - habits ... - SIFO

an investigation of domestic laundry in europe - habits ... - SIFO

an investigation of domestic laundry in europe - habits ... - SIFO


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Summary 13possibility is that the dosage on the label is too low. We may conclude thatNorwegi<strong>an</strong>s consume much more energy th<strong>an</strong> the Sp<strong>an</strong>ish to ga<strong>in</strong> the samewash perform<strong>an</strong>ce for their white textiles.All the liquid detergents we tested have a signific<strong>an</strong>tly lower wash perform<strong>an</strong>ceth<strong>an</strong> the compact detergents tested. In fact, the wash perform<strong>an</strong>ce whenus<strong>in</strong>g water alone is similar to us<strong>in</strong>g the Sp<strong>an</strong>ish liquid detergent. The dosageused for the Sp<strong>an</strong>ish detergent is quite high, <strong>an</strong>d this may have caused thevery bad results for this particular detergent. The poor results, comb<strong>in</strong>ed withthe extremely high foam level dur<strong>in</strong>g test<strong>in</strong>g, may <strong>in</strong>dicate that a differentprogramme with less mech<strong>an</strong>ical action <strong>an</strong>d less programme duration is morelikely to be used for this detergent <strong>in</strong> Spa<strong>in</strong>. The liquid detergents from theother countries are signific<strong>an</strong>tly better th<strong>an</strong> us<strong>in</strong>g just water, but <strong>in</strong> terms <strong>of</strong>wash perform<strong>an</strong>ce alone we would advise consumers to use other types <strong>of</strong>detergents. However, with regard to r<strong>in</strong>se perform<strong>an</strong>ce, we f<strong>in</strong>d that the liquiddetergents have high r<strong>in</strong>se efficiency compared to the other types <strong>of</strong> detergents.This is valuable <strong>in</strong>formation for people with allergic reactions fromresidual detergent after wash.Temperature effects <strong>of</strong> the wash<strong>in</strong>g processThe <strong><strong>in</strong>vestigation</strong>s <strong>in</strong> this study <strong>in</strong>dicate that the results from the wash<strong>in</strong>g perform<strong>an</strong>cetest at different temperatures do not seem to be as differentiated(specially between Norway <strong>an</strong>d Greece) as was found <strong>in</strong> a previous <strong><strong>in</strong>vestigation</strong>done by the A.I.S.E [16].From the research results <strong>of</strong> the hygienic study, there are strong <strong>in</strong>dicationsthat the hygiene quality <strong>of</strong> washed <strong>laundry</strong> when still wet is related to thewash<strong>in</strong>g temperature <strong>an</strong>d the presence <strong>of</strong> bleach<strong>in</strong>g agents. A general observationis that the result <strong>of</strong> wash<strong>in</strong>g processes at low temperatures (15 <strong>an</strong>d 30°C)shows a rather low hygienic quality. Hardly <strong>an</strong>y reduction <strong>in</strong> numbers <strong>of</strong> micro-org<strong>an</strong>ismsis achieved. This is confirmed by <strong>an</strong> additional test. Almost allmicro-org<strong>an</strong>isms were removed from the <strong>laundry</strong> samples by a 95°C programmeus<strong>in</strong>g a detergent conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g bleach.One <strong>of</strong> the most <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gs is that wash<strong>in</strong>g at low temperaturesseems to spread micro-org<strong>an</strong>isms among the different <strong>laundry</strong> items <strong>in</strong> awash<strong>in</strong>g sample rather th<strong>an</strong> remov<strong>in</strong>g them. Temperature <strong>an</strong>d hardness <strong>of</strong> waterboth affect wash<strong>in</strong>g efficiency. Temperature alone is far more decisiveth<strong>an</strong> hardness alone. Together there might be a re<strong>in</strong>forcement <strong>of</strong> effects, butthis must be <strong>an</strong>alyzed further <strong>in</strong> order to reach a conclusive result.

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