Tackling Obesity in England - National Audit Office

Tackling Obesity in England - National Audit Office

Tackling Obesity in England - National Audit Office


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TACKLING OBESITY IN ENGLANDPart 3Management of obesity <strong>in</strong> the<strong>National</strong> Health Service3.1 In this part we consider the roles and activities of theDepartment of Health and NHS bodies, at national andlocal level, which contribute to the tw<strong>in</strong> objectives oftreatment and prevention of obesity. We look at fourdist<strong>in</strong>ct areas of activity:a) Action by the Department of Health and the NHSExecutive;b) Local strategies to address obesity;c) Manag<strong>in</strong>g obesity <strong>in</strong> general practice; andd) Interventions elsewhere <strong>in</strong> the NHS.a) Action by the Department of Healthand the NHS Executive3.2 Responsibility for policy on public health aspects of dietand nutrition and physical activity, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g obesity,falls to the Department's Public Health Group.Appendix 7 provides details of policies and <strong>in</strong>itiativescommissioned or supported by the Department ofHealth s<strong>in</strong>ce 1997 which address aspects of obesity andthe related areas of diet and physical activity.3.3 Some of the key <strong>in</strong>itiatives that demonstrate theimportance attributed by the Department of Health tothe prevention of obesity <strong>in</strong>clude the follow<strong>in</strong>g:nnnThe NHS Plan 7 . This states the <strong>in</strong>tention to tackleobesity and physical <strong>in</strong>activity, <strong>in</strong>formed by advicefrom the Health Development Agency. Action isplanned over the next five years to improve diet,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g by <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g fruit and vegetableconsumption and reduc<strong>in</strong>g salt, fat and sugar <strong>in</strong>take;The <strong>National</strong> Service Framework for coronary heartdisease 6 . This focuses on local action designed toprevent coronary heart disease, such as bypromot<strong>in</strong>g healthy eat<strong>in</strong>g and physical activity andreduc<strong>in</strong>g overweight and obesity;The annual Health Survey for <strong>England</strong> 1 . Thisprovides an important source of trend data onphysical activity, eat<strong>in</strong>g habits, height, weight andbody shape;nnExercise referral schemes. These give patients whowould benefit from <strong>in</strong>creased physical activityaccess to a subsidised exercise programme throughtheir general practitioner. The Department of Healthplan to release guidance on 'General PractitionerReferral Frameworks' <strong>in</strong> 2001;Dissem<strong>in</strong>ation of the report '<strong>Tackl<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>Obesity</strong>- aToolbox for Local Partnership Action', produced bythe Faculty of Public Health Medic<strong>in</strong>e of the RoyalColleges of Physicians 21 . This provides a frameworkfor develop<strong>in</strong>g local action plans to prevent andcontrol obesity. The Department paid for this reportto be sent to all health authorities.Central guidance on the management ofobesity3.4 There are no national guidel<strong>in</strong>es for health authoritieson the way <strong>in</strong> which their plans should address obesity.The most relevant guidance was published <strong>in</strong>March 2000 as part of the <strong>National</strong> Service Frameworkfor coronary heart disease 6 . The Framework identifiesthe need for each health authority to develop, byApril 2001, effective policies for promot<strong>in</strong>g healthyeat<strong>in</strong>g and physical activity and reduc<strong>in</strong>g overweightand obesity, and by April 2002 to have <strong>in</strong> placearrangements for monitor<strong>in</strong>g their implementation. TheHealth Development Agency has produced guidel<strong>in</strong>esto support the Framework which cover <strong>in</strong>terventionsrelated to lifestyle issues such as physical activity,healthy eat<strong>in</strong>g and obesity prevention.3.5 The <strong>National</strong> Service Framework also identifies the roleof general practitioners and primary care teams <strong>in</strong>tackl<strong>in</strong>g overweight and obesity. It sets out a 10 yearprogramme of action with a first priority of treat<strong>in</strong>g andadvis<strong>in</strong>g those with established cardiovascular disease.A later stage will be to identify and treat those at highrisk of develop<strong>in</strong>g cardiovascular disease, but who haveyet to develop symptoms, and to offer appropriateadvice and treatment to reduce their risks. The adviceshould <strong>in</strong>clude <strong>in</strong>formation about these risks and howthey can be reduced as well as advice about physicalactivity, diet and weight management.part three19

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