Final Program [5.4MB pdf] - American College Health Association

Final Program [5.4MB pdf] - American College Health Association Final Program [5.4MB pdf] - American College Health Association


ACHA 2008 ANNUAL MEETINGSCHEDULE OF PROGRAMS AND EVENTSFRIDAY General Sessions1:45 PM - 3:15 PM (cont.)110 FR154. Chatty Clinicians: DoesSelf-disclosure Really Help Patients?Room: Crystal M & NCME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Identify two types of self-disclosure.2. Identify self-disclosure characteristicsthat lead to negative outcomes.3. Identify ways to use shared experienceto help a patient without necessarilyintroducing that material into the visititself.Presenter(s): Eleanor Davidson, MD (CaseWestern Reserve University); John Miner, MD(Williams College)Presider: Margaret Higham, MD (TuftsUniversity)Facilitator: Marci Miner, RN (Bard College atSimon’s Rock)111 FR194. Issues in the Diagnosis andTreatment of Bipolar DisorderRoom: Crystal J1CME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Identify the criteria for the differentialdiagnosis of bipolar disorder.2. List therapeutic options, advantages,disadvantages, and side-effects.3. Describe the effects of bipolar disorderon an individual’s life.Presenter(s): Alan Barnes, MDCM, MichelleJacobs, MD, and Stephen Hsu, MD, PhD(University of Florida)Presider: Joetta Carr, PhD (Western MichiganUniversity)Facilitator: Robert Portnoy, PhD (University ofNebraska-Lincoln)112 FR208. Brief Interventions for HighriskDrinking, Part 1: Evidence-basedPractice for Clinicians and CounselorsRoom: Crystal P & QCME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Describe current evidence supportingscreening and brief intervention incollege health settings.542. Describe principles and content ofmotivational enhancement programsdesigned to reduce high-risk drinkingin college students.3. Describe practical strategies to implementscreening and brief interventionon campuses.Presenter(s): Paul Grossberg, MD (Universityof Wisconsin-Madison); James Schaus, MD(University of Central Florida); Jason Kilmer,PhD (University of Washington and EvergreenState University)Presider: Mary Covington, MD (University ofNorth Carolina-Chapel Hill)Facilitator: Susan Stahley, MSW (George MasonUniversity)113 FR218. Emotional Intelligence inHigher Education: Implications forRetention, Student Development andLeadership Programs, and Risk-basedBehaviorsRoom: Crystal G1CME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Describe how emotional intelligence canincrease students’ academic success.2. Discuss how risk-based behaviorscorrelate with emotional intelligence.Presenter(s): Carol Day, BSN, MN, and PatrickKilcarr, PhD (Georgetown University); JamesParker, PhD (Trent University)Presider: Lori Dewald, EdD, ATC, CHES(Salisbury University)Facilitator: Rosa Emory Thomas, MPH, CHES(University of Tennessee)3:45 PM - 5:15 PM114 FR027. Collaborative ProactiveModel of Campus Crisis ManagementRoom: Crystal E & FCME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Describe areas of clinical concern.2. Describe proactive approach.3. Discuss legal issues and limits.Presenter(s): Shane Owens, PhD, AndrewBerger, PhD, ABPP, and Marvin Fischer, AAS(Farmingdale State College)Presider: Deloise Williams, RN (LincolnUniversity)FR046. Strategies to Increase CulturalCompetency and Decrease HealthDisparitiesCME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Identify various approaches to decreasinghealth disparities among underservedstudent populations.2. Describe how the intersection of multipleidentities impacts health and mentalhealth care decisions and behaviors.3. Discuss individual and institutionalpractices that foster cultural competence.Presenter(s): Francesca Maresca, PhD, MA,Elizabeth Amaya-Fernandez, MPH, (RutgersUniversity-New Brunswick/Piscataway); TheresaTantay-Wilson, MA (Rutgers University-Newark)115 FR119. Health Implications ofChronic Marijuana UseRoom: Crystal A & BCME:0 AAFP-P:0 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5 PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Discuss prevalence of marijuana useamong college-aged individuals.2. Explain the pathophysiologic effects ofmarijuana use.3. Identify the psychosocial effects ofmarijuana use.4. List current available treatment options.Presenter(s): Amy Bruno, MSN (SuffolkUniversity)Presider: Elizabeth Drexler (Suffolk University)Facilitator: Kathy McNaul, APRN-BC (MacalesterCollege)CANCELLEDLatin Fusion Dance ClassFriday, June 6, 5:30 PM - 6:30 PMRoom: New York / New OrleansGet your body moving to a new beat! LatinFusion combines high energy and motivatingmusic with unique moves and combinationsthat allow participants to dance awaytheir worries. It is based on the principlethat a workout should fun and easy to do.Latin Fusion is great not just for the bodybut for the mind as well. It is truly a “feelhappy” workout!

Partners Under the PalmsSCHEDULE OF PROGRAMS AND EVENTSFRIDAY General Sessions3:45 PM - 5:15 PM (cont.)116 FR125. Atypical HPV Infections(Male/Anal/Oral): Advances in KnowledgeRoom: Crystal J2CME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:0 NBCC:0PhCE:1.5 contact hours (program no. 067-999-08-016-L04-P)The attendee should be able to:1. Explain at least two factors contributingto the prevalence of HPV infectionamong college students.2. Identify current and potential screeningmethods for atypical HPV infections.3. Describe treatments for atypical HPVinfections.4. Describe contemporary research findingsrelated to atypical HPV infections.Presenter(s): Kathleen MacLachlan, MS,APRN-BC, and James Jacobs, MD, PhD(Syracuse University)Presider: Connie Barker, BSPharm (SyracuseUniversity)Facilitator: Brigitte Hale (Syracuse University)117 FR129. Hot Topics: Health PromotionRoom: Crystal J1CME:0 AAFP-P:0 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:0 NBCC:0 PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Identify key ways to manage parentalexpectations and balance their influence.2. Identify areas of collaboration betweenparents and health promotion staff toimprove services to millennial students.3. Discuss implications for parent partnershipson college health promotionstrategies.Presenter(s): Amy Melichar, MEd, CHES(Marquette University); Jenny Haubenreiser, MA(Montana State University), Gina Baral Abrams,MPH, LSW, CHES (Princeton University)Presider: Michael McNeil, MS (ColumbiaUniversity)Facilitator: Melissa Ruwitch (WashingtonUniversity)118 FR151. Preparing Students forStudy AbroadRoom: Crystal G2CME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:0 NBCC:0 PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Define potential risks associated withstudy abroad.2. List interventions available to studyabroad participants to maintain health.Presenter(s): Susan Kirby, MS, and CarmineMcDonald, RN (University of Utah)Presider: Karen Anderson, RN, BSN, MALS, BC(Wake Forest University)Facilitator: Mary Madsen, RN-BC (University ofRochester)FR158. Step it Up: A Pedometer-basedWalking Program to Encourage PhysicalActivity and Build CommunityCME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:0 NBCC:0 PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. List components of a successful walkingprogram on campus.2. List ways to make the programsustainable.Presenter(s): Ilene Hofrenning, MSN, andLauren Levesque (Framingham State College)119 FR189. Benchmarking Committee —2008Room: Crystal K & LCME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Discuss institutional and departmentalattributes that correlate with the designof a college health program.2. Discuss institutional attributes whicheffect college health center utilization.3. Describe the range of salary andstaffing patterns utilized at collegehealth services.4. List several components of patientsatisfaction.Presenter(s): Sarah Van Orman, MD (Universityof Wisconsin-Madison); Dana Mills, MPH(Marquette University)120 FR205. Developing Web-basedHealth Promotion InterventionsRoom: Crystal G1CME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:0 NBCC:0 PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Describe theory and evidence usedto develop online health promotionprograms.2. Discuss planning, implementation, andevaluation of physical activity and higherrisk drinking (21st birthday celebratory) Identify practical strategies fordeveloping online programs.Presenter(s): Justin Laird, PhD, MSEd (ColumbiaUniversity)Presider: William Smith, MS (University ofMissouri-Kansas City)Facilitator: Lindsey Bickers Bock, MPH (DukeUniversity)121 FR209. Brief Interventions for HighriskDrinking, Part 2: Multidisciplinary“Hands-on” Skills Training andImplementation StrategiesRoom: Crystal M & NCME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Describe application of patient-centered,motivational interviewing conversationswith high-risk drinkers on campus.2. Identify essential elements of BASICSand ASTP.3. Discuss ways to motivate high-riskdrinkers who are in denial, ambivalentabout change, or “pre-contemplative.”Presenter(s): Paul Grossberg, MD (Universityof Wisconsin-Madison); James Schaus, MD(University of Central Florida); Jason Kilmer,PhD (University of Washington and EvergreenState College)Presider: Mary Covington, MD (University ofNorth Carolina-Chapel Hill)Facilitator: Susan Stahley, MSW (George MasonUniversity)122 FR216. Risk Assessment for ViolenceRoom: Crystal C & DCME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Identify the role of paranoia in violence.2. List four patterns of violence.Presenter(s): Phillip Resnick, MD (Case WesternReserve University)Presider: Bryant Ford, PhD (Dartmouth College)Facilitator: Joy Himmel, PsyD, APRN, BC, LPC,NCC (Pennsylvania State University-Altoona)Out of courtesy to speakers and yourfellow attendees, please turn offyour cell phone or pager or place themon vibrate during sessions.Final Program55

ACHA 2008 ANNUAL MEETINGSCHEDULE OF PROGRAMS AND EVENTSFRIDAY General Sessions1:45 PM - 3:15 PM (cont.)110 FR154. Chatty Clinicians: DoesSelf-disclosure Really Help Patients?Room: Crystal M & NCME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Identify two types of self-disclosure.2. Identify self-disclosure characteristicsthat lead to negative outcomes.3. Identify ways to use shared experienceto help a patient without necessarilyintroducing that material into the visititself.Presenter(s): Eleanor Davidson, MD (CaseWestern Reserve University); John Miner, MD(Williams <strong>College</strong>)Presider: Margaret Higham, MD (TuftsUniversity)Facilitator: Marci Miner, RN (Bard <strong>College</strong> atSimon’s Rock)111 FR194. Issues in the Diagnosis andTreatment of Bipolar DisorderRoom: Crystal J1CME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Identify the criteria for the differentialdiagnosis of bipolar disorder.2. List therapeutic options, advantages,disadvantages, and side-effects.3. Describe the effects of bipolar disorderon an individual’s life.Presenter(s): Alan Barnes, MDCM, MichelleJacobs, MD, and Stephen Hsu, MD, PhD(University of Florida)Presider: Joetta Carr, PhD (Western MichiganUniversity)Facilitator: Robert Portnoy, PhD (University ofNebraska-Lincoln)112 FR208. Brief Interventions for HighriskDrinking, Part 1: Evidence-basedPractice for Clinicians and CounselorsRoom: Crystal P & QCME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Describe current evidence supportingscreening and brief intervention incollege health settings.542. Describe principles and content ofmotivational enhancement programsdesigned to reduce high-risk drinkingin college students.3. Describe practical strategies to implementscreening and brief interventionon campuses.Presenter(s): Paul Grossberg, MD (Universityof Wisconsin-Madison); James Schaus, MD(University of Central Florida); Jason Kilmer,PhD (University of Washington and EvergreenState University)Presider: Mary Covington, MD (University ofNorth Carolina-Chapel Hill)Facilitator: Susan Stahley, MSW (George MasonUniversity)113 FR218. Emotional Intelligence inHigher Education: Implications forRetention, Student Development andLeadership <strong>Program</strong>s, and Risk-basedBehaviorsRoom: Crystal G1CME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Describe how emotional intelligence canincrease students’ academic success.2. Discuss how risk-based behaviorscorrelate with emotional intelligence.Presenter(s): Carol Day, BSN, MN, and PatrickKilcarr, PhD (Georgetown University); JamesParker, PhD (Trent University)Presider: Lori Dewald, EdD, ATC, CHES(Salisbury University)Facilitator: Rosa Emory Thomas, MPH, CHES(University of Tennessee)3:45 PM - 5:15 PM114 FR027. Collaborative ProactiveModel of Campus Crisis ManagementRoom: Crystal E & FCME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Describe areas of clinical concern.2. Describe proactive approach.3. Discuss legal issues and limits.Presenter(s): Shane Owens, PhD, AndrewBerger, PhD, ABPP, and Marvin Fischer, AAS(Farmingdale State <strong>College</strong>)Presider: Deloise Williams, RN (LincolnUniversity)FR046. Strategies to Increase CulturalCompetency and Decrease <strong>Health</strong>DisparitiesCME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Identify various approaches to decreasinghealth disparities among underservedstudent populations.2. Describe how the intersection of multipleidentities impacts health and mentalhealth care decisions and behaviors.3. Discuss individual and institutionalpractices that foster cultural competence.Presenter(s): Francesca Maresca, PhD, MA,Elizabeth Amaya-Fernandez, MPH, (RutgersUniversity-New Brunswick/Piscataway); TheresaTantay-Wilson, MA (Rutgers University-Newark)115 FR119. <strong>Health</strong> Implications ofChronic Marijuana UseRoom: Crystal A & BCME:0 AAFP-P:0 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5 PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Discuss prevalence of marijuana useamong college-aged individuals.2. Explain the pathophysiologic effects ofmarijuana use.3. Identify the psychosocial effects ofmarijuana use.4. List current available treatment options.Presenter(s): Amy Bruno, MSN (SuffolkUniversity)Presider: Elizabeth Drexler (Suffolk University)Facilitator: Kathy McNaul, APRN-BC (Macalester<strong>College</strong>)CANCELLEDLatin Fusion Dance ClassFriday, June 6, 5:30 PM - 6:30 PMRoom: New York / New OrleansGet your body moving to a new beat! LatinFusion combines high energy and motivatingmusic with unique moves and combinationsthat allow participants to dance awaytheir worries. It is based on the principlethat a workout should fun and easy to do.Latin Fusion is great not just for the bodybut for the mind as well. It is truly a “feelhappy” workout!

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