Final Program [5.4MB pdf] - American College Health Association

Final Program [5.4MB pdf] - American College Health Association Final Program [5.4MB pdf] - American College Health Association


ACHA 2008 ANNUAL MEETINGSCHEDULE OF PROGRAMS AND EVENTSTHURSDAY General Sessions8:00 AM - 9:30 AM (cont.)33 TH072. Breast Health, Cancerousand Non-Cancerous Breast IssuesRoom: New York & New OrleansCME:0 AAFP-P:0 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:0 NBCC:0 PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Describe how to conduct a completebreast health history.2. Describe a comprehensive work-up forbreast pathology.3. Discuss treatment options for breastpathology.Presenter(s): Tobie Caron, PA-C, and ArthurKlossner, PA-C, MS, MA, MBA (Suffolk University)Presider: Karen Yerkes, MA, ARNP (University ofFlorida)34 TH127. Healthy Approaches toWeight Management: ColumbiaUniversity’s Collaborative InitiativeRoom: Crystal E & FCME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:0 NBCC:0 PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Identify the needs of a student healthbased weight management program ina university setting.2. Describe the components of a studenthealth based weight managementprogram and strategies for planning,implementation, and evaluation.3. Discuss the effectiveness of the weightmanagement program and its impact onthe students.Presenter(s): Minnie Taw, MD, MarcyFerdschneider, DO, Ina Tsagarakis, KristinLathrop, and Justin Laird, PhD, MSEd(Columbia University)Presider: Sandra Murray, RN, MSN (Universityof Virginia)Facilitator: Feloniece Davis-Marsaw, RN (TexasSouthern University)35 TH143. A Social EcologicalFramework for Addressing Student StressRoom: Crystal J2CME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Describe a social ecological frameworkfor addressing stress on the collegecampus.382. Identify interventions at each level ofthe social ecological framework.3. Describe the state of the literature oncollege student stress.4. Describe research issues related tomeasuring college student stress.Presenter(s): Susan Hochman, MPH (ColumbiaUniversity); William Kernan, EdD, MS, MPA(Columbia University Medical Center)Presider: William Smith, MS (University ofMissouri-Kansas City)Facilitator: Kathryn Haworth, RN (University ofToronto)36 TH148. Applying Toyota “LEAN”Principles to Student Health: A Case StudyRoom: Crystal C & DCME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:0 NBCC:0 PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Define Toyota “LEAN” processes asutilized in a student health service.2. Identify “LEAN” processes as a strategyfor change and process assessment.3. Define the role of the student healthservice leadership in the “LEAN”process.Presenter(s): Richard Sipp, MBA, GlennEgelman, MD, FACP, and Barbara Hoffman,MSN, CNP (Bowling Green State University)Presider: Jerry Barker, EdD (North CarolinaState University)Facilitator: Judy Davis (The University ofAlabama)37 TH166. Healthy Campus 2010Midcourse Review and Its ApplicationRoom: Crystal K & LCME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Describe the Healthy Campus 2010Midcourse Review.2. Explain how the Midcourse Reviewdata can be used.3. Explain limitations of the data anddata needs.Presenter(s): Jim Grizzell, MBA, MA, CHES, HFI(California State Polytechnic University-Pomona); Cynthia Burwell, EdD, CHES (NorfolkState University); Lori Dewald, EdD, ATC, CHES(Salisbury University); Laurie Dusselier (IowaState University)Presider: Karen Gordon, MPH (The College ofNew Jersey)Facilitator: Sandra Samuels, MD (RutgersUniversity-Newark)38 TH223. Pharmacy Hot Topic:Tobacco CessationRoom: Crystal P & QCME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:0 PsyCE:0 NBCC:0PhCE:1.5 contact hours (program no. 067-999-08-009-L01-P)The attendee should be able to:1. List health risks associated with chronictobacco use.2. Identify the five A’s for promotingtobacco cessation among patients.3. Describe the points to include in counselinga tobacco user on the proper useof first-line pharmacologic agents.Presenter(s): Sandra Bentley (University ofMississippi)Presider: Melanie Lunn, PharmD (South DakotaState University)Facilitator: Karen Hagemeyer, BSPharm(Bowling Green State University)39 TH227. Improving the Use of HealthServices Among College Students ThroughOutreach ProjectsRoom: Crystal G2CME:0 AAFP-P:0 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:0 NBCC:0 PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Explain the current perception ofhealth services among an urban collegecampus.2. Discuss methods to increase studentawareness.3. Describe a program evaluation.Presenter(s): Stephanie Burke, MHA, and AnneMiller, RN, NP, MS (Fashion Institute ofTechnology)Presider: Nancy Anderson, RN-C (College ofWooster)Facilitator: Beverly Eden, LPN (Our Lady ofHoly Cross College)Presenter HandoutsAsk the speakers at the presentations youattend if they plan to submit their materialsfor ACHA website inclusion. Attendees whoare ACHA members can download thematerials from after July 18.

Partners Under the PalmsSCHEDULE OF PROGRAMS AND EVENTSTHURSDAY General Sessions8:00 AM - 9:30 AM (cont.)40 TH234. Partnering to Respondto At-risk Students: Administrators,Clinicians, and CounselRoom: Crystal J1CME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Identify the major legal implications indealing with the at-risk student.2. Identify the clinical and administrativeroles and personnel that comprise aneffective at-risk committee.Presenter(s): John Miner, MD (Williams College);Daryl Lapp, JD (Edwards Angell Palmer &Dodge LLP)Presider: Robert Portnoy, PhD (University ofNebraska-Lincoln)Facilitator: Mike Malmon-Berg, PhD (College ofWooster)41 TH249. Eat Right, Feel Good,Work GreatRoom: Crystal G1CME:0 AAFP-P:0 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:0 NBCC:0 PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Identify why you may need to makesome life-saving changes.2. Discuss ways to reinvigorate your bodyand improve your health.3. List eight specific steps you canimplement to change your life.4. Describe why diets do not work andhow they are dangerous.Presenter(s): Deanna Latson, MA, CNN (GoodThinking Co.)Presider: Don Post, BS, EMT (University ofCentral Florida)10:00 AM - 11:30 AM42 TH004. Health Hazards Associatedwith ObesityRoom: Crystal K & LCME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Discuss the morbidity associated withobesity.2. Explain the effect of obesity on lifestyle.3. List the relationship between obesityand mortality.Presenter(s): Victoria Judd, MD, MBA(University of Utah)Presider: Angeline Price, MSN (Buffalo StateCollege)Facilitator: Susan Thomas, RT (WesternMichigan University)43 TH015. Presidential Session: Historyof College Health in the United StatesRoom: Crystal G1CME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Define the major trends in the evolutionof the field of college health from 1850to the present.2. Describe the historical development ofcollege health from the perspective ofdifferent disciplines, including medicalpractitioners, nurses, mental healthprofessionals, and health educators.3. Describe the highlights of the foundingand development of the AmericanCollege Health Association (ACHA).Presenter(s): William Christmas, MD (DukeUniversity Health Care System); David Kraft,MD, MPH; Spence Turner, MD, MS; Ted Grace,MD, MPH (The Ohio State University); MichaelMcNeil, MS (Columbia University); ConnieCrihfield, MSN, CRNP (Case Western ReserveUniversity)Presider: Lesley Sacher, MHA, FACHE, FACHA(Florida State University)44 TH018. Optimizing PsychotropicMedication Therapy: UnderstandingDrug IntolerabilityRoom: Crystal A & BCME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:1.5 contact hours (program no. 067-999-08-010-L01-P)The attendee should be able to:1. Explain how pharmacology andpharmacokinetics of drug therapy cancontribute to poor psychotropic drugtolerability.2. Describe drug-drug interactions andtheir predictability.3. Describe four CYP 450 genotypes andtheir clinical implications on poorpsychotropic drug tolerability.Presenter(s): Charles Caley, PharmD, BCPP(University of Connecticut) Deborah Hubbell, BSPharm, RPh(University of Connecticut)Facilitator: Ann Roth, BSPharm (University ofNorth Carolina-Wilmington)45 TH023. A Campus Strategy forEnhancing Health Care and ReducingStudent Fees Through ContractedManagementRoom: Crystal M & NCME:0 AAFP-P:0 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:0 NBCC:0 PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Discuss the principles of outsourcinga university student health center.2. Describe establishing revenue strategybased on third party insurance billingand elimination of student fee funding.3. List stages of outsourcing from RFPthrough transition.Presenter(s): Robert Hetzel, PhD, MBS, MS, BBA,and Cindy Vetter (University of NorthernColorado)Presider: Marilyn Yourdon, RN, ARNP (WichitaState University)46 TH042. ACHA/ANCC Partners inCollege Health Nursing: The RecognitionProcessRoom: Crystal P & QCME:0 AAFP-P:0 CH:1.5 CECH:0 PsyCE:0 NBCC:0 PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Describe the history of the ACHA/ANCCNursing Recognition program.2. Define the standards of college healthnursing practice.3. List the requirements that a collegehealth nurse must meet to be eligible toapply for the ACHA/ANCC recognition.Presenter(s): Doreen Perez, MS, RN-BC(University of North Florida); Carol PerkinsKozel, RN (University of North Carolina-ChapelHill); Dorothy Kozlowski, NP-C, MSN (RutgersUniversity)Presider: Christine Sullivan, RN, MSN (LouisianaState University)Facilitator: Connie Peters, RN (Juniata College)Out of courtesy to speakers and yourfellow attendees, please turn offyour cell phone or pager or place themon vibrate during sessions.Final Program39

ACHA 2008 ANNUAL MEETINGSCHEDULE OF PROGRAMS AND EVENTSTHURSDAY General Sessions8:00 AM - 9:30 AM (cont.)33 TH072. Breast <strong>Health</strong>, Cancerousand Non-Cancerous Breast IssuesRoom: New York & New OrleansCME:0 AAFP-P:0 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:0 NBCC:0 PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Describe how to conduct a completebreast health history.2. Describe a comprehensive work-up forbreast pathology.3. Discuss treatment options for breastpathology.Presenter(s): Tobie Caron, PA-C, and ArthurKlossner, PA-C, MS, MA, MBA (Suffolk University)Presider: Karen Yerkes, MA, ARNP (University ofFlorida)34 TH127. <strong>Health</strong>y Approaches toWeight Management: ColumbiaUniversity’s Collaborative InitiativeRoom: Crystal E & FCME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:0 NBCC:0 PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Identify the needs of a student healthbased weight management program ina university setting.2. Describe the components of a studenthealth based weight managementprogram and strategies for planning,implementation, and evaluation.3. Discuss the effectiveness of the weightmanagement program and its impact onthe students.Presenter(s): Minnie Taw, MD, MarcyFerdschneider, DO, Ina Tsagarakis, KristinLathrop, and Justin Laird, PhD, MSEd(Columbia University)Presider: Sandra Murray, RN, MSN (Universityof Virginia)Facilitator: Feloniece Davis-Marsaw, RN (TexasSouthern University)35 TH143. A Social EcologicalFramework for Addressing Student StressRoom: Crystal J2CME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Describe a social ecological frameworkfor addressing stress on the collegecampus.382. Identify interventions at each level ofthe social ecological framework.3. Describe the state of the literature oncollege student stress.4. Describe research issues related tomeasuring college student stress.Presenter(s): Susan Hochman, MPH (ColumbiaUniversity); William Kernan, EdD, MS, MPA(Columbia University Medical Center)Presider: William Smith, MS (University ofMissouri-Kansas City)Facilitator: Kathryn Haworth, RN (University ofToronto)36 TH148. Applying Toyota “LEAN”Principles to Student <strong>Health</strong>: A Case StudyRoom: Crystal C & DCME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:0 NBCC:0 PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Define Toyota “LEAN” processes asutilized in a student health service.2. Identify “LEAN” processes as a strategyfor change and process assessment.3. Define the role of the student healthservice leadership in the “LEAN”process.Presenter(s): Richard Sipp, MBA, GlennEgelman, MD, FACP, and Barbara Hoffman,MSN, CNP (Bowling Green State University)Presider: Jerry Barker, EdD (North CarolinaState University)Facilitator: Judy Davis (The University ofAlabama)37 TH166. <strong>Health</strong>y Campus 2010Midcourse Review and Its ApplicationRoom: Crystal K & LCME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:1.5 NBCC:1.5PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Describe the <strong>Health</strong>y Campus 2010Midcourse Review.2. Explain how the Midcourse Reviewdata can be used.3. Explain limitations of the data anddata needs.Presenter(s): Jim Grizzell, MBA, MA, CHES, HFI(California State Polytechnic University-Pomona); Cynthia Burwell, EdD, CHES (NorfolkState University); Lori Dewald, EdD, ATC, CHES(Salisbury University); Laurie Dusselier (IowaState University)Presider: Karen Gordon, MPH (The <strong>College</strong> ofNew Jersey)Facilitator: Sandra Samuels, MD (RutgersUniversity-Newark)38 TH223. Pharmacy Hot Topic:Tobacco CessationRoom: Crystal P & QCME:1.5 AAFP-P:1.5 CH:1.5 CECH:0 PsyCE:0 NBCC:0PhCE:1.5 contact hours (program no. 067-999-08-009-L01-P)The attendee should be able to:1. List health risks associated with chronictobacco use.2. Identify the five A’s for promotingtobacco cessation among patients.3. Describe the points to include in counselinga tobacco user on the proper useof first-line pharmacologic agents.Presenter(s): Sandra Bentley (University ofMississippi)Presider: Melanie Lunn, PharmD (South DakotaState University)Facilitator: Karen Hagemeyer, BSPharm(Bowling Green State University)39 TH227. Improving the Use of <strong>Health</strong>Services Among <strong>College</strong> Students ThroughOutreach ProjectsRoom: Crystal G2CME:0 AAFP-P:0 CH:1.5 CECH:1.5 PsyCE:0 NBCC:0 PhCE:0The attendee should be able to:1. Explain the current perception ofhealth services among an urban collegecampus.2. Discuss methods to increase studentawareness.3. Describe a program evaluation.Presenter(s): Stephanie Burke, MHA, and AnneMiller, RN, NP, MS (Fashion Institute ofTechnology)Presider: Nancy Anderson, RN-C (<strong>College</strong> ofWooster)Facilitator: Beverly Eden, LPN (Our Lady ofHoly Cross <strong>College</strong>)Presenter HandoutsAsk the speakers at the presentations youattend if they plan to submit their materialsfor ACHA website inclusion. Attendees whoare ACHA members can download thematerials from after July 18.

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