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(UPLR) of the manual trunk exchange were transferred from the linefinderstage in the AGF exchange to the ARM 50 stage, and the registers werechanged for 5-digit numbering. Simultaneously with the ARM 50 stage, thecompany had ordered the installation of a new power plant for 24 volts50 amps. Thus when long distance subscriber dialling is extended to Aland,there will be equipment ready to receive the long distance circuits on a 4-wirebasis. Mariehamn also administers Jiirso exchange with its 30 subscribers,which is to be converted to the crossbar ARK system in 1957. The muchdiscussed underwater mine at Nyhamn will be among the subscribers of thelatter exchange.BuildingsThe rural automatic exchange buildings have been constructed of wood,the walls being made of old telephone poles that are still in reasonable condition,sawn down to 4" • 4" and bolted together. The walls were thereaftercovered off with insulating material. The cost of such buildings ranged from225,000—500,000 marks according to the size of the building. Owing to thekey position of the Godby exchange, however, the latter building was constructedof Siporex blocks (30 cm, k = 0.5). It measures 4x8 metres andcosts 750,000 marks. On the other hand there is an annual saving of about7,000 marks on fire insurance premiums as compared with a similar woodenbuilding. Power consumption up to now has amounted to about 70 kWhper cu.m. per annum, maintaining a minimum temperature in the automaticexchange buildings of 5—8° C. By pressing the minimum temperatureto + 1 ° C, however, it should be possible to lower the power consumption.The Mariehamn building has been extended on the north side by some10 metres to accommodate the ARM 50 equipment, the M.D.F. being placedbetween the local exchange and the transit stage. The extension also providesspace for the new power plant with its distribution board.FinanceTo finance the extensive project, the Alands Telefonandelslag decided toraise the deposit from 10 to 30,000 marks per share, to be paid up over anumber of years. The installation charge was fixed at 20,000 marks withina 3-kilometre area, and the annual subscription at 7.000 marks irrespectiveof distance.In 1952 operators' salaries amounted to 8 million marks per annum. Theyhave now fallen to half that amount, and the saving well covers the interestand amortization on the investment in automatic equipment and buildings.The long term debt is at present 42 million marks and is calculated to riseto 70 million by 1960. By that time the outside plant will have been practicallyentirely renewed. Plant, property and equipment is expected to stand at about150 million marks at the same date. The company's annual budget at presentruns at about 55 million marks. After 1960, when all larger outlays havebeen completed, it should be possible to reduce outstanding debts fairly rapidlywhile at the same time lowering the tariffs.System of Charges and Numbering SchemeThe company's previous charges, in manual and automatic areas alike,were 4 marks for local calls and 12 marks for a 3-minute zone call includingthe basic impulse in the automatic area. The automatic charges have nowbeen unified to a single tariff of 10 marks per 2 minute period irrespectiveof the origin of the call. The reason for this step was the difficulty of arrivingat fair rates for the different parishes since the group area boundaries andparish boundaries do not coincide. Moreover, one parish may have one

exchange, while another has perhaps two or three. Thus the basic impulse feehas been deducted from the previous automatic charge, and local calls arecharged on a time basis.The local fee in Mariehamn is now 2 marks a minute, and for calls to ruraldistricts 5 marks a minute—the same charge as within the rural network.The tariffs of the manual group are 15 marks per 3 minute call to ruraldistricts and 5 marks per local call.When the ARM 50 stage was taken into use, 5-digit numbering was adoptedthroughout the entire automatic area including Mariehamn. By this meansMariehamn. which is growing steadily at a rate of nearly 100 subscribers ayear, was assured of an adequate number reserve. At the same time thefuture connection of the outlying islands to the automatic area will be ableto take place without friction.Staff PolicyAn important role in any reconstruction project of this magnitude, involvinglarge investments and difficulty in obtaining capital, is played by thestaff, whose competence and proficiency will have a decisive effect on thefinal success. Special attention must be paid to the powers of leadership,sense of responsibility and proficiency of foremen and others in keypositions. If the care of pole lines, cables and exchange equipment—not tomention stores, office work and motor vehicles—can be entrusted to capablehands, the managing director and chief engineer will be freed from manyunnecessary worries and the company will save substantial sums every year.Thought must likewise be devoted to the training of craftsmen and to thequestion of how to get trained staff to remain in the company's service. Itmay be pointed out here that Alands Telefonandelslag pays 50 % of the costof correspondence courses taken by its employees whenever such studies areconsidered of benefit to the company. In addition, the company pays for thetraining of capable fitters at Helsinki and Stockholm.With a view to binding the staff to the company, all salaried employees 24years of age and with 3 years in the company's service are granted a pensioninsurance. The insurance includes full retiring age pension in addition toinvalidity and family pension and funeral expenses. The company pays 2 /3,and the employee Vs. of the premium. The employee's share amounts on anaverage to 6 % of his salary. Other social benefits, such as staff housing etc.,are provided as far as the company's finances permit.Public RelationsAn important factor—perhaps the most important for successful operation—is good relations with subscribers. A speedy trouble clearing service, politenesson the part of repairmen, the production of visible results, and anefficient information service in regard to all changes affecting subscribers,are examples of the means to strengthen these relations.—At a later stage asystem of systematic observation of traffic conditions should be started, basedon statistics, and the results should be used to maintain the quality of serviceabove a minimum level of profitability and satisfaction to subscribers.By the time Alands Telefonandelslag has completed the mechanization ofits area in 1960, it will have roughly 4,000 dial subscribers. Of the remainingmagneto subscribers, it should be possible to link up the 300 Foglo lineswith the rest of the network. Under present conditions, on the other hand,it is hardly conceivable that the 400 P.T.T. subscribers in the outerarchipelago can be put on dial service without great financial sacrifice. Buttechnical progress is rapid, and within a few years the conditions will bechanged by the electrification of the archipelago—a fundamental condition forthe fullscale conversion of this part of the area to automatic working.13

(UPLR) of the manual trunk exchange were transferred from the linefinderstage in the AGF exchange to the ARM 50 stage, and the registers werechanged for 5-digit numbering. Simultaneously with the ARM 50 stage, the<strong>com</strong>pany had ordered the installation of a new power plant for 24 volts50 amps. Thus when long distance subscriber dialling is extended to Aland,there will be equipment ready to receive the long distance circuits on a 4-wirebasis. Mariehamn also administers Jiirso exchange with its 30 subscribers,which is to be converted to the crossbar ARK system in 1957. The muchdiscussed underwater mine at Nyhamn will be among the subscribers of thelatter exchange.BuildingsThe rural automatic exchange buildings have been constructed of wood,the walls being made of old telephone poles that are still in reasonable condition,sawn down to 4" • 4" and bolted together. The walls were thereaftercovered off with insulating material. The cost of such buildings ranged from225,000—500,000 marks according to the size of the building. Owing to thekey position of the Godby exchange, however, the latter building was constructedof Siporex blocks (30 cm, k = 0.5). It measures 4x8 metres andcosts 750,000 marks. On the other hand there is an annual saving of about7,000 marks on fire insurance premiums as <strong>com</strong>pared with a similar woodenbuilding. Power consumption up to now has amounted to about 70 kWhper cu.m. per annum, maintaining a minimum temperature in the automaticexchange buildings of 5—8° C. By pressing the minimum temperatureto + 1 ° C, however, it should be possible to lower the power consumption.The Mariehamn building has been extended on the north side by some10 metres to ac<strong>com</strong>modate the ARM 50 equipment, the M.D.F. being placedbetween the local exchange and the transit stage. The extension also providesspace for the new power plant with its distribution board.FinanceTo finance the extensive project, the Alands Telefonandelslag decided toraise the deposit from 10 to 30,000 marks per share, to be paid up over anumber of years. The installation charge was fixed at 20,000 marks withina 3-kilometre area, and the annual subscription at 7.000 marks irrespectiveof distance.In 1952 operators' salaries amounted to 8 million marks per annum. Theyhave now fallen to half that amount, and the saving well covers the interestand amortization on the investment in automatic equipment and buildings.The long term debt is at present 42 million marks and is calculated to riseto 70 million by 1960. By that time the outside plant will have been practicallyentirely renewed. Plant, property and equipment is expected to stand at about150 million marks at the same date. The <strong>com</strong>pany's annual budget at presentruns at about 55 million marks. After 1960, when all larger outlays havebeen <strong>com</strong>pleted, it should be possible to reduce outstanding debts fairly rapidlywhile at the same time lowering the tariffs.System of Charges and Numbering SchemeThe <strong>com</strong>pany's previous charges, in manual and automatic areas alike,were 4 marks for local calls and 12 marks for a 3-minute zone call includingthe basic impulse in the automatic area. The automatic charges have nowbeen unified to a single tariff of 10 marks per 2 minute period irrespectiveof the origin of the call. The reason for this step was the difficulty of arrivingat fair rates for the different parishes since the group area boundaries andparish boundaries do not coincide. Moreover, one parish may have one

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