Latvian Maritime academy

Latvian Maritime academy

Latvian Maritime academy


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although very unstable and can vary significantly likely significantly higher turnover in excess of 1150thousand tons. However, the dynamics of Riga seaport captured significantly more than 4 times fastergrain handling rate, which suggests that the economic development of events in line with the time-rundynamics around year 2023 analyzed grain handling ports equalized and reach 1337.33 thousand tons.Linear trend forecasting adjustment linear regression suggests that the Riga port handling issignificantly dependent on transit cargo of grain, especially after the increase of grain transported by railfrom Kazakhstan flows, while 70 percent of all cargo in Klaipeda seaport 2013, the first quarter amountedto Lithuania harvested grain handling exports. Causal analysis, it was observed that Lithuania is moredeveloped export environment, because grain growers directly exported grain to Western Europeancountries, while in Latvia the trend is deduced that the grain exported via grain purchasers.Another significant difference between the neighboring ports is storage options. Riga port cansimultaneously store 52.8 thousand tons of grain, while the port of Klaipeda-based company “Klasco”with two grain handling terminals can simultaneously store 105 thousand tons. Only this company aheadof all its possibilities in Riga port, while the port of Klaipeda is still three companies with one terminaland of course the containers in which to store grain. “Achema” group belonging to the port cargocompany “Klasco” per day can handle up to 33 thousand tons of grain, while the entire port of Riga only8 thousand tons. These disparities suggest that the Klaipeda seaport of grain per year, handles an averageof 2.59 times, even more than the Riga seaport what is largely due to the fact that the port of Klaipedaextended grain export market, increasing the number of grain export countries.References1. Alderton, P. Port management and operations. London, 2008.2. Anderson, M. What the World Will be Eating in 2030 - 164 NSRC, 1101 West Peabody DriveUrbana, IL 61801.3. Ballou, R. H. Business logistics management. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River,1999.4. Becker, S. The Soaking of Grains Investigated – 305 Bell Park Dr Woodstock, GA 30188.5. Branch, A., E. Elements of shipping. London, 2007.6. Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, Logistics and Multi-modal Transport, 2012.7. Lorange, P. Shipping company strategies. Bingley, 2005.8. Masiulis, E. The Baltic Sea – gateway to Eurasia. Jura Mope Sea, Vol.62, Issue 3-4, 2011, p. 5.9. Mickiene, R., Belova, J. Uosto veiklos valdymas:ekonominis aspektas, Klaipeda, 2012.10. Penn State University „Whole Grain Diets Lower Risk Of Chronic Disease, Study Shows“ – 201Old main, University park, Pennsylvania 16802, 200811. Perret, F-L. et. al. Essentials of logistics and management, Florida: Boca Raton, 2007.12. Stevens, H. The institutional position of seaports. Vlissingen, 1999.13. Stopford, M. <strong>Maritime</strong> economics. New York: Third Avenue, 2009.14. Talley, W., K. Port economics. New York: Madison Avenue, 2009.15. Worldwatch Institute: „World Grain Production Down, But Recovering” - 1400 16th St., NW,Suite 430 Washington, DC 20036, 2011.Online sources16. Bulk Cargo Terminal „Fertex Transport“ page: http://www.fertex.lt/lt/biriu_kroviniu_terminalas/17. European statistics on Eurostat link:http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/eurostat/home/18. Freeport of Riga website: http://www.rop.lv/en/about-port/statistics.html19. Freeport of Riga. http://www.rto.lv/files/roe_eng_3e0f1.pdf20. JSC “Bega“ website: http://www.bega.lt/index.php?338362164721. Klaipeda State Seaport 2008-2012 Annual Report.22. Klaipeda State Seaport website: http://www.portofklaipeda.lt/prezentacijos23. Lithuanian Department of Statistics link: http://www.stat.gov.lt/lt/24. Lithuanian Ministry of Agriculture website: www.zum.lt25. Public company „Klasco“ website: http://www.klasco.lt/lt/grudu88

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