Latvian Maritime academy

Latvian Maritime academy Latvian Maritime academy


Assembled blocks are joined together to make huge blocks and, at this point, rigging pipes, electric wiresand other. Most of this is being done while block is still on the ground to make job more efficient [5].Following step is to accurately mount these blocks together to make them in to a vessel. Afterassembling blocks together following stage is launching the ship in to the water. It is the most thrillingand exciting moment of all shipbuilding process. The finishing operation is carried out with the launchedhull at the quay. Starting with finishing work of accommodation and control sections, every equipmentand instrument is checked and re-examined in practice. The trial cruise includes tests of speed, engineperformance and operation of all equipment and instruments. The test results are kept as the performancerecord of the vessel. A new ship is born. Complexity and number of processes is displayed further in thearticle (Figure 4).After the delivery ceremony, the captain, chief engineer and crew embark for the ship’s maidenvoyage. Lately ships mostly built in docks. Docks in our days is a complicated hydro technical structurewith flat bottom. Docks can be up to 1000 meters in length and width up to 100 meters with depth about14 meters. Overall length of dock can be built partitions and in one dock can build a few ships at once [6].Process complexity, ship type and function, educated engineers, port infrastructure and technologieshave main impact on shipbuilding process. Moreover high quality materials are needed and the mostimportant is experienced workforce. As an example we can analyze indicators of shipbuilding in JSC“Western Baltic shipbuilding” company [7].While analyzing 1998 – 2011 years period it was found that the average shipbuilding tonnage of JSC“Western Baltic shipbuilding” reached 1248 t. Biggest ship tonnage was about 7 thousand tones , andsmallest was just about 80 tones. Half of all shipbuilding tonnage was lower than 1150 t of which halfships that were built was not more than 654 t. Half of ships which were built by JSC “Western Balticshipbuilding” tonnage was between 1150 and 7 thousand tones, of which half of the ships were over1700 tones. During 1998 – 2011 years period most ships that were built by JSC “Western Balticshipbuilding” was 1700 tonnage (Figure 5).a) b)Figure 5. JSC “Western Baltic shipbuilding” ships built by tonnagea) statistic histogram; b) ship construction time dependence of tonnage under constructionIt is possible to see that JSC “Western Baltic shipbuilding” frequently build ships which do notexceed 2256 t (93%). According to the JSC “Western Baltic shipbuilding” and market analysisdetermined that company operates sufficiently in specific sphere. There were noticed two exceptions inthe whole practice – low tonnage ship took even 70 months to build and high tonnage ship buildingprocess was twice faster than the previous one. This shows us that this ship building process exceedednormal and defined term of shipbuilding (observed process of similar size), and in these ships werespotted allot of factory spoilage.Regression analyze showed that JSC “Western Baltic shipbuilding” have got efficient shipbuildingline and advanced in aspects, technology and organization of work. Therefore it could be said thatshipbuilding process duration is determined not by ship size, but by advanced technology and resources.Manufacture spoilage analyse revealed that spoilage reasons can be linked to unusual manufacturetechnology, bad installation of building facilities or the human factor because spoilage was spotted whenship didn’t defined in the usual technological production standards.78

In summary, it can be said that worldwide shipbuilding industry forms into sectors based on scale ofmanufacturing, geographic positioning, infrastructure capabilities to build certain ships, orderingdemands, logistics factors and many others.Evaluation of Lithuania’s and Poland’s shipbuilding trendsAt the beginning of researched period Lithuania’s ship construction’s average index were comparedto the whole analyzing period which was 4732 CGT. In 2002 ship construction’s industry started to showsigns of recovery after the Soviet Union collapse and reached 5215 CGT and that is about 10% more thanlast year. Ship construction industry in Lithuania didn’t take too long to recover (Figure 6).In 2003 the worldwide ship construction’s market was invaded by East Asia counties such likeChine and South Korea which can offer up to three times cheaper labour price. Due to this shipconstruction’s orders number significantly decreased. In this period 1870 CGT was built, and it decreasesmore than 63% in ship construction’s industry in comparison to 2002. Lithuania’s government refusedto help to recover Lithuania’s shipbuilders. Joining EU has led to connivance of its politics and in 2004-2006 a decision was made that ship construction’s repeating and conversions are not going to be fundedby the county or the EU. Because of this decision most companies found themselves on the brink ofbankruptcy. In 2004 220 CGT was built. In following 2005 years industry didn’t show any signs ofrecovery. During these years there was the least 1365 CGT built throughout the whole period.a) b)Figure 6. Shipbuilding indicators comparing a) Lithuania’s shipbuilding sector by CGT;b) Polish shipbuilding sector by CGTIn order to avoid financial trouble and bankruptcy shipbuilding companies began to specialize incomplex shipbuilding market and at the same time reorganization of western ship construction companiesgroup was started. These efforts to revive the industry provided well results and already in 2006 yearsthere were seen signs of recovery. Lithuanian’s shipbuilding companies built over 4506 CGT and thisamount is three times more compared to the year before. In 2007 rates also increased and reached 5600CGT.The following year ship building industry was affected by the beginning of the economic crisis.During the crisis orders decreased but this didn’t affect the production too much and 5300 CGT werebuilt. In 2009 Lithuania’s ship building industry began to recover a big amount of income was gatheredand a record number of orders was achieved. In that year, was built the largest amount of ships during theanalysis period, even 12735 CGT.As it was shown in the ship building descriptive statistical indicators Lithuanians market isdominated by ships up to 6629 CGT constructions and these kind of ships make 80% of the ships built inwhole period. Due to companies specialization processes in ship building sector, in the near future thereare no expectations of significant change in Lithuanian’s shipbuilding sector, because of existence ofstatistical distribution right asymmetry, it allows to expect smaller than 4688 CGT per year of finishedships rate.At the beginning of analysing period the Poland’s shipbuilding rates were really high. Even thoughthe collapse of Soviet Union negatively affected it’s shipbuilding rates: in 2001 ship builders stillmanaged to holdout in international market’s top 5 and had built over 477000 CGT ships per year. At the79

Assembled blocks are joined together to make huge blocks and, at this point, rigging pipes, electric wiresand other. Most of this is being done while block is still on the ground to make job more efficient [5].Following step is to accurately mount these blocks together to make them in to a vessel. Afterassembling blocks together following stage is launching the ship in to the water. It is the most thrillingand exciting moment of all shipbuilding process. The finishing operation is carried out with the launchedhull at the quay. Starting with finishing work of accommodation and control sections, every equipmentand instrument is checked and re-examined in practice. The trial cruise includes tests of speed, engineperformance and operation of all equipment and instruments. The test results are kept as the performancerecord of the vessel. A new ship is born. Complexity and number of processes is displayed further in thearticle (Figure 4).After the delivery ceremony, the captain, chief engineer and crew embark for the ship’s maidenvoyage. Lately ships mostly built in docks. Docks in our days is a complicated hydro technical structurewith flat bottom. Docks can be up to 1000 meters in length and width up to 100 meters with depth about14 meters. Overall length of dock can be built partitions and in one dock can build a few ships at once [6].Process complexity, ship type and function, educated engineers, port infrastructure and technologieshave main impact on shipbuilding process. Moreover high quality materials are needed and the mostimportant is experienced workforce. As an example we can analyze indicators of shipbuilding in JSC“Western Baltic shipbuilding” company [7].While analyzing 1998 – 2011 years period it was found that the average shipbuilding tonnage of JSC“Western Baltic shipbuilding” reached 1248 t. Biggest ship tonnage was about 7 thousand tones , andsmallest was just about 80 tones. Half of all shipbuilding tonnage was lower than 1150 t of which halfships that were built was not more than 654 t. Half of ships which were built by JSC “Western Balticshipbuilding” tonnage was between 1150 and 7 thousand tones, of which half of the ships were over1700 tones. During 1998 – 2011 years period most ships that were built by JSC “Western Balticshipbuilding” was 1700 tonnage (Figure 5).a) b)Figure 5. JSC “Western Baltic shipbuilding” ships built by tonnagea) statistic histogram; b) ship construction time dependence of tonnage under constructionIt is possible to see that JSC “Western Baltic shipbuilding” frequently build ships which do notexceed 2256 t (93%). According to the JSC “Western Baltic shipbuilding” and market analysisdetermined that company operates sufficiently in specific sphere. There were noticed two exceptions inthe whole practice – low tonnage ship took even 70 months to build and high tonnage ship buildingprocess was twice faster than the previous one. This shows us that this ship building process exceedednormal and defined term of shipbuilding (observed process of similar size), and in these ships werespotted allot of factory spoilage.Regression analyze showed that JSC “Western Baltic shipbuilding” have got efficient shipbuildingline and advanced in aspects, technology and organization of work. Therefore it could be said thatshipbuilding process duration is determined not by ship size, but by advanced technology and resources.Manufacture spoilage analyse revealed that spoilage reasons can be linked to unusual manufacturetechnology, bad installation of building facilities or the human factor because spoilage was spotted whenship didn’t defined in the usual technological production standards.78

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