Latvian Maritime academy

Latvian Maritime academy Latvian Maritime academy


F4: M/E Cylinder Cooling Water Outlet Temperature High High (Slow Down) F5: M/E Cylinder Cooling Water Low Inlet Pressure F6: M/E Cylinder Cooling Water Inlet Pressure Low Low (Slow Down) F7: M/E Cylinder Cooling Water High Outlet Pressure F8: Cooling Water High Temperature Turbo Charger (T/C) Outlet F9: M/E High Temperature Fresh Water (HTFW) Low Level Expansion Tank F10: M/E HTFW High Level Expansion Tank F11: High Sea Water Pressure F12: Low Sea Water Pressure F13: Sea Water Pressure Low Low (Slow Down) F14: High Sea Water Temperature F15: M/E Low Preheating Temperature (Don't Start the Engine) F16: Low Temperature Fresh Water (LTFW) Low Level Expansion Tank F17: LTFW High Level Expansion Tank F18: LTFW High Temperature F19: LTFW High Pressure F20: LTFW Low Pressure F21: M/E LTFW Air Cooler High Inlet Temperature F22: M/E LTFW Air Cooler Low Inlet Pressure F23: M/E LTFW Air Cooler High Inlet PressureCauses of failuresFigure 2. General flow diagram [10]The causes of the failures are coded as C1, C2, C3, ...., Cn and controls and interventions that mustbe made in accordance to these causes are coded C1A1, C1A2, ...., C1An. This coding system is shownand exemplified with an alarming condition that is given below. F is the alarm condition in the systemthat is explained before and C refers to the reason of the alarm and A is the order of the action that mustbe made to resolve the alarming condition.64

F11: High sea water pressure alarmFigure 3 shows the flow diagram of the sea water pressure alarm according to developed software.F11C1: Pressure monitoring device failure.C1-1: Pressure transmitter failure (Mechanical failure in pressure switch).C1-2: Feedback fault in pressure monitor, electronic failure.F11C2: Discharge valve is semi-closed.F11C3: The occlusion that prevents the flow of sea water after pump on sea water line.F11C4: Improper installation of LT cooler plates during cleaning or maintenance.F12: Low sea water pressure alarmFigure 3. Sea Water pressure alarm flow diagram [10]F12C1: Pressure monitoring device failure.C1-1: Pressure transmitter failure (Mechanical failure in pressure switch).C1-2: Feedback fault in pressure monitor, electronic failure.F12C2: Insufficient sea water supply.65

F11: High sea water pressure alarmFigure 3 shows the flow diagram of the sea water pressure alarm according to developed software.F11C1: Pressure monitoring device failure.C1-1: Pressure transmitter failure (Mechanical failure in pressure switch).C1-2: Feedback fault in pressure monitor, electronic failure.F11C2: Discharge valve is semi-closed.F11C3: The occlusion that prevents the flow of sea water after pump on sea water line.F11C4: Improper installation of LT cooler plates during cleaning or maintenance.F12: Low sea water pressure alarmFigure 3. Sea Water pressure alarm flow diagram [10]F12C1: Pressure monitoring device failure.C1-1: Pressure transmitter failure (Mechanical failure in pressure switch).C1-2: Feedback fault in pressure monitor, electronic failure.F12C2: Insufficient sea water supply.65

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