Latvian Maritime academy

Latvian Maritime academy Latvian Maritime academy


Hence, a new method needs to be developed to allow turbocharger adjustment of centripetal turbineswhich would minimize the losses in turbine efficiency when changing (reducing) the flow. At the sametime, the new design must offer simplicity and lower costs in comparison with the nozzle ring method andhave enough adjustment depth in order to provide an optimal Lambda (the ratio of actual air-fuel ratio tostoichiometry for a given mixture) across the full operating range of the engine.A new patented method of adjustment (control) for centripetal vane machine with vaneless turbinevolute [5-7] satisfies the above requirements and has passed all the stages of “scientific implementation”from the idea up to a prototype. The basic design of the new method is shown in Figure 1. Prototype ofvariable geometry turbocharger is shown in Figure 2. The new method is based on the cross-sectionvariation of the turbine volute acceleration section end A by means of a specially shaped element 1located in the inlet part of the volute 2. The adjustment is carried out by curvilinear progressive motionof the shaped element 1 in the direction of incoming gas flow or in the opposite direction, whereby thegeometrical shape, location and the size of the flow area of the volute acceleration section are determinedaccording to the curvilinear progressive motion of the shaped element. Position I of the shaped elementcorresponds to the minimal cross-section of the end of volute acceleration section A min and, accordingly,to the maximal depth of turbine adjustment. Position II of the shaped element corresponds to themaximal cross-section of the end of volute acceleration section A max and, hence, to the minimal depth ofadjustment.Figure 1. Method for adjustment of a centripetal turbine with vaneless volute (vaneless distributor)1 – specially shaped element; 2 – turbine volute; 3- wheelThe influence of turbine adjustment in a turbocharger with vaneless turbine volute on a dieselindices by means of computer simulation was also conducted and described in [8]. As a result acomparison of engine indices for VGT and a commercial nonadjustable turbocharger was made.It is also remarkable that the proposed method provides practically the same efficiency as that of aturbine with fixed geometry over a wide range of flow rate characteristic adjustments, which was provedby testing the adjustable turbine on an experimental stand [9].The proposed method has clear advantages in comparison with the method of adjusting of turbine bythe wastegate method. In comparison with the widespread method of adjusting with nozzle blades,implemented, for example, in BorgWarner Variable Turbine Geometry concept [10], Honeywell VNTturbochargers [11] or in Variable Geometry Turbochargers produced by Mitsubishi Heavy IndustryCorporation [12], this method has the following advantages. The nozzle ring itself is absent and themechanism of adjustment is much simpler. This significantly reduces the turbocharger cost and makes itmore reliable in exploitation. Moreover, small size turbochargers can be easily adjusted using newmethod.52

Figure 2. Prototype of variable geometry turbocharger2. Design features of the turbocharger prototype with vaneless turbine voluteBased on the method of adjustment described above, a VGT prototype (see Figure 2, b) was createdon the basis of a commercial turbocharger TKR-7H1. Four cylinder diesel engines can be equipped withthe prototype. Taking into account the possibility of adjustment system installation in a commercialturbine housing of the turbocharger TKR-7H1, dependences were established between the effective crosssectionarea of the end of turbine volute acceleration section A from relative displacement of the shapedelement (adjustment element) h . This dependence is shown in Figure 3.Figure 3. The dependence between the effective cross-section area of the end of the turbine volute accelerationsection A and relative displacement of the shaped element hAs seen in Figure 3, the depth of adjustment (the difference between minimal and maximal crosssectionarea A as percentage) for TKR – 7H1 is 16%. This value is limited by the possibility ofinstallation of the adjustment elements in the commercial turbine housing but allows for a qualitativeevaluation of the influence of adjustment in a turbocharger with vaneless turbine volute on the indices ofdiesel in various operating modes.3. Methodology of experimental investigationAn experimental investigation was conducted on a four-stroke four cylinder turbocharged dieselengine. The short specification of the engine is shown in Table 1.53

Figure 2. Prototype of variable geometry turbocharger2. Design features of the turbocharger prototype with vaneless turbine voluteBased on the method of adjustment described above, a VGT prototype (see Figure 2, b) was createdon the basis of a commercial turbocharger TKR-7H1. Four cylinder diesel engines can be equipped withthe prototype. Taking into account the possibility of adjustment system installation in a commercialturbine housing of the turbocharger TKR-7H1, dependences were established between the effective crosssectionarea of the end of turbine volute acceleration section A from relative displacement of the shapedelement (adjustment element) h . This dependence is shown in Figure 3.Figure 3. The dependence between the effective cross-section area of the end of the turbine volute accelerationsection A and relative displacement of the shaped element hAs seen in Figure 3, the depth of adjustment (the difference between minimal and maximal crosssectionarea A as percentage) for TKR – 7H1 is 16%. This value is limited by the possibility ofinstallation of the adjustment elements in the commercial turbine housing but allows for a qualitativeevaluation of the influence of adjustment in a turbocharger with vaneless turbine volute on the indices ofdiesel in various operating modes.3. Methodology of experimental investigationAn experimental investigation was conducted on a four-stroke four cylinder turbocharged dieselengine. The short specification of the engine is shown in Table 1.53

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