Latvian Maritime academy

Latvian Maritime academy Latvian Maritime academy


References1. Губайдуллин, А. А. Введение в волновую динамику газожидкостных сред. Учебноепособие. Тюмень: ТюмГНГУ, 2006. – 86 с.2. Нагиев, Ф. Б. Нелинейные колебания растворимых газовых пузырьков в жидкости. Изв. АНАз.ССР, сер.ф.-тех и мат. наук, № 1, 1985, стр. 136-140.3. Нагиев, Ф. Б. Декременты затухания колебаний растворимых газовых пузырьков,радиально пульсирующих в жидкости. Изв.АН Аз.ССР, сер.физ.-тех и матем наук, № 4, 1984, стр.125-130.4. Нигматулин, Р. И. Основы механики гетерогенных сред. М., Наука, 1978.5. Хабеев, Н. С., Нагиев, Ф. Б. Динамика растворимых газовых пузырьков. Известия АНСССР, МЖГ, № 6, 1985, стр. 52-59.6. Nigmatulin, R. I. Transaction of TDMMM (operative information). Tyumen, 1990, 86 p.7. Nigmatulin, R. I., Khabeev N. S., Nagiyev F. B. Dynamics, heat-mass transfer of vapor-gasbubbles in a liquid. Inter. J. Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol.24, No. 6, 1981, pp. 1033-1044.50

EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS OF IC DIESEL ENGINEAND VGT WITH VANELESS TURBINE VOLUTEDimitry SamoilenkoDepartment of Internal Combustion Engines,National Technical University - Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, 21 Frunze Street, Kharkiv, Ukraine,E-mail:, phone: +38-0996884272Haeng Muk ChoDivision of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Kongju National University,Budae-dong, Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do 330-717, South Korea,E-mail: haengmukcho@hanmail.netAndrey ProchorenkoDepartment of Internal Combustion Engines,National Technical University - Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, 21 Frunze Street, Kharkiv, Ukraine,AbstractBased on experimental data, the present study investigates the influence of turbine adjustment in aturbocharger with vaneless turbine volute on diesel combustion efficiency indices. Experimentalinvestigations were conducted on the high load and low engine speed mode and also on torque and powercurves modes. For these modes the influence of turbocharger adjustment with vaneless turbine volute onthe diesel combustion efficiency indices was investigated. In present research only VGT adjustment wasinvestigated, the factors like fuel injection timing and EGR were not analyzed. As a result we were able tomake a comparison of the engine combustion efficiency for VGT and a common turbocharger running ondifferent modes.Keywords: VGT, experimental investigations, combustion efficiencyNomenclatureP e : Engine powern : Engine speed: Engine indicated efficiencyη i1. IntroductionIt is known that from the thermodynamic point of view, the turbocharger system is attractivebecause it makes use of the exhaust gas energy [1]. Thus, turbocharging systems are widespread not onlyin traditional internal combustion engines (such as diesels and gasoline) but also in engines running onalternative fuels such as natural gas [2, 3]. It favors the constant development of superchargertechnologies.On the other hand, internal combustion engines with non-adjustable turbochargers have acceptablefuel efficiency and emission characteristics in a narrow range of operation modes. Matching the operationof an engine and a turbocharger in a wide range of loads and rotation speeds is an effective method ofimproving the technical and economic indices of engines and a necessary condition for conforming to upto-dateemissions standards.Various methods of compressor or turbine adjustment may be used to match an ICE and aturbocharger over a wide range of loads and speeds.Following advanced research with full access to the International patent base WIPO [4], the problemof turbochargers adjustment was investigated. New electric supercharger technologies were not taken intoaccount because they have no commercialization yet. It was established that turbine adjustment of theturbocharger is more efficient than compressor adjustment. The recent trend in turbocharger adjustmenttechnologies is next. From 1998 up to now the major method is the nozzle ring variable geometry.World experience shows that nozzle ring adjustment is the most effective method of turbochargeradjustment as it allows air supply tweaking to achieve the optimal engine output across the full range ofoperation modes: from idle speed to the maximum value. However, the main drawback of this method is acomplex actuation mechanism for nozzle rings that result in a high cost and low reliability of suchturbochargers.51

References1. Губайдуллин, А. А. Введение в волновую динамику газожидкостных сред. Учебноепособие. Тюмень: ТюмГНГУ, 2006. – 86 с.2. Нагиев, Ф. Б. Нелинейные колебания растворимых газовых пузырьков в жидкости. Изв. АНАз.ССР, сер.ф.-тех и мат. наук, № 1, 1985, стр. 136-140.3. Нагиев, Ф. Б. Декременты затухания колебаний растворимых газовых пузырьков,радиально пульсирующих в жидкости. Изв.АН Аз.ССР, сер.физ.-тех и матем наук, № 4, 1984, стр.125-130.4. Нигматулин, Р. И. Основы механики гетерогенных сред. М., Наука, 1978.5. Хабеев, Н. С., Нагиев, Ф. Б. Динамика растворимых газовых пузырьков. Известия АНСССР, МЖГ, № 6, 1985, стр. 52-59.6. Nigmatulin, R. I. Transaction of TDMMM (operative information). Tyumen, 1990, 86 p.7. Nigmatulin, R. I., Khabeev N. S., Nagiyev F. B. Dynamics, heat-mass transfer of vapor-gasbubbles in a liquid. Inter. J. Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol.24, No. 6, 1981, pp. 1033-1044.50

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