English B1A CLASS PACK - Bakersfield College

English B1A CLASS PACK - Bakersfield College

English B1A CLASS PACK - Bakersfield College


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GROUP 6 (p. 161) Jurgis began; supposing that he would be given time, he explained how the boss had takenadvantage of his wife’s position to make advances to her and had threatened her with the loss of her place…. (p.162) …the judge, whose calendar was crowded, and whose automobile was ordered for a certain hour, interruptedwith the remark: "Oh, I see. Well, if he made love to your wife, why didn't she complain to the superintendent orleave the place?"/Jurgis hesitated, somewhat taken aback; he began to explain that they were very poor--that workwas hard to get--/"I see," said Justice Callahan; "so instead you thought you would knock him down." He turned tothe plaintiff, inquiring, "Is there any truth in this story, Mr. Connor?"/"Not a particle, your Honor," said the boss. "Itis very unpleasant-- they tell some such tale every time you have to discharge a woman--"/"Yes, I know," said thejudge. "I hear it often enough. The fellow seems to have handled you pretty roughly. Thirty days and costs. Nextcase."GROUP 7 (p. 164) Ona!"/"Yes. She tried to get to work, too. She had to. We were all starving. But she had lost herplace--"/Jurgis reeled, and gave a gasp. "She went back to that place?" he screamed. "She tried to," said Stanislovas,gazing at him in perplexity. "Why not, Jurgis?"/The man breathed hard, three or four times. "Go--on," he panted,finally./"I went with her," said Stanislovas, "but Miss Henderson wouldn't take her back. And Connor saw her andcursed her. He was still bandaged up--why did you hit him, Jurgis?" (There was some fascinating mystery aboutthis, the little fellow knew; but he could get no satisfaction.)/Jurgis could not speak; he could only stare, his eyesstarting out. "She has been trying to get other work," the boy went on; "but she's so weak she can't keep up. And myboss would not take me back, either--Ona says he knows Connor, and that's the reason; they've all got a grudgeagainst us now. So I've got to go downtown and sell papers with the rest of the boys and Kotrina--"GROUP 8 (p. 181) "How is she?" echoed Madame Haupt. "How do you tink she can be ven you leave her to killherself so? I told dem dot ven they send for de priest. She is young, und she might haf got over it, und been vell undstrong, if she had been treated right. She fight hard, dot girl--she is not yet quite dead."/And Jurgis gave a franticscream. "Dead!"/"She vill die, of course," said the other angrily. "Der baby is dead now."GROUP 9 (p. 182-83) "Where have you been?" he demanded./"Selling papers with the boys," she said. "The snow--"/"Have you any money?" he demanded./"Yes."/"How much?"/"Nearly three dollars, Jurgis."/"Give it tome."/Kotrina, frightened by his manner, glanced at the others. "Give it to me!" he commanded again, and she put herhand into her pocket and pulled out a lump of coins tied in a bit of rag. Jurgis took it without a word, and went out ofthe door and down the street./Three doors away was a saloon. "Whisky," he said, as he entered, and as the manpushed him some, he tore at the rag with his teeth and pulled out half a dollar. "How much is the bottle?" he said.71

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