English B1A CLASS PACK - Bakersfield College

English B1A CLASS PACK - Bakersfield College

English B1A CLASS PACK - Bakersfield College


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list is merely to help you think of things that you may want to consider asyou critique the source.o Is the author qualified to write on the subject? What background orexperience does he/she have related to the topic?o Who is the publisher? Does the publisher have a good reputation?o Is the article new enough to be relevant?o What/who is the intended purpose/audience for the article? Doesthe author successfully reach his/her audience?o Is the article scholarly? Does that matter?o Is the argument logical? Are there any fallacies (gaps in the logic)?o Is any data taken out of context? Are there statistics that aremisleading or misapplied?o Does the evidence support the author’s thesis?o Is there sufficient evidence to support the thesis?o Does the author acknowledge opposing viewpoints and effectivelyrefute these? In other words, is the source objective?• Use quotes and paraphrases from the article to support your argument.CITE all quotes and paraphrases properly.• Be sure your argument is logical, coherent, and well-organized.Each section of the assignment should be on a separate sheet of paper andlabeled individually.THE WORKS CITEDInclude a Works Cited on a separate sheet at the very end. For help with theWorks Cited, see the MLA Handbook. (For sources from The Jungle, see section5.5.6 on p. 157-60; for Fast Food Nation or In Defense of Food, see section 5.5.2on p. 148-53; for online articles see section 5.6.2 on p. 184-89 in the MLAHandbook.) NOTE: If you’re writing on Fast Food Nation, cite the entire book onthe Works Cited page. In your introduction, clarify which section of the bookyou’re summarizing/arguing/critiquing.PLEASE NOTE: You will only receive credit for your S-A-C if the following minimumrequirements are met:-The S-A-C is complete with a 1-page summary, a 1-2 page argument, anda 1-2 page critique (no partial credit)-The S-A-C is typed, double spaced, in MLA format, with a Works Cited-The S-A-C is completely free of all forms of plagiarism-A hard copy of the S-A-C is turned in on time, in class on (or before) thedue date7

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