English B1A CLASS PACK - Bakersfield College

English B1A CLASS PACK - Bakersfield College

English B1A CLASS PACK - Bakersfield College


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interested in making money; it is almost impossible to obtain a stable, well payingcareer without one.4Let's say an employer is looking for prospective employees. They have numerousapplications in front of them and all of them looked wonderful on paper, but can theytrust that everything on the applications is the truth? When looking to hire prospectiveemployees, be careful, especially if the job involves working with children or money. Abackground check needs to be required for jobs that put the personal safety of others atrisk. Employers must know the employees in the workplace because working right nextto a sexual offender or someone that has a record of money scandal is possible. Nowthat is devastating.5Renee wakes up every morning at 5:45 to get herself and her toddler ready for the daybefore she goes to work. Her mornings are usually structured like this: take a shower,brush her teeth, put her make-up on, get dressed, get her son's clothes out, makebreakfast, bring her son to daycare, and climb six flights of stairs to her office. Renee isstressed-out. She is constantly worrying that small problems will occur in the morningthat will make her late for work, causing her to lose her job. She -- along with manyother women that make up 46 percent of the work force -- is facing this problem everyday as she tries to raise a child and work full-time (Blades 11). Every year mothers andfathers are increasing the number of hours they spend at their job, leaving them lesstime to spend with their families. Parents need to focus on raising their children firstinstead of pursuing their own careers; therefore, fathers should work at a job that earnsenough money to support their families, and mothers should stay at home to raise theirchildren.6Every illegal immigrant in the United States comes in for a purpose. Immigrants are nothere to occupy empty space or to waste their time. They come for many reasons but themain reason is to work. Immigrants suffer through great losses and struggles once theydecide they will immigrate to the United States. One of the causes of suffering that stillhurts immigrants is the very work they come in search of. It seems that the UnitedStates tries to ignore the fact that immigrants are also important to our economy. Mostimmigrants work and pay taxes, and those who do not still help society in a variety ofways. Immigrants play an important role in the economy in the United States.Furthermore, they work with many conditions that make it nearly impossible for them tobe stable or even survive; therefore, we the people of the United States should form analliance and help our economy grow even greater by making immigrants' workplace ascomfortable as our own.19

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