English B1A CLASS PACK - Bakersfield College

English B1A CLASS PACK - Bakersfield College

English B1A CLASS PACK - Bakersfield College


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Writing the Research PaperHow do I write the introduction?It is extremely difficult to say just what makes a good introduction. The only thingI can say for certain is that the introduction should introduce the topic, get thereader’s attention, and lead smoothly into the thesis statement. Rather thanlisting the many ways this can be done, I am going to provide several examplesof effective introductions. As you read each one, ask yourself what method thestudent is using and what you like (or don’t like) about the example. Then, see ifone of the examples can be of use to you as a model for your own paper.EXAMPLES:1When working parents get up in the morning, there is only one thing in their mind, andthat is how much time they have to get their kids up and ready for the day ahead ofthem. Between a hectic breakfast and a quick run to make sure everyone is ready, thereis no time left to express their feelings towards their children. Many people hardly havetime to see their kids in the morning because they have to be at work early. Regardlessof what hours people work, many parents are concentrating more on their work than thefamily they have in front of them. The absence of parents affects the upbringing ofchildren, and parents should spend more time with them by having only one parent workfull time and the other part time..2Communicating with a grown adult that has no interest of what you have to say is justas hard as communicating with a baby. Organizations, companies, and industries haveforgotten that communication is the key for a more prosperous business. If companiestook the time to talk and listen to the people who are working for them, they mightrealize that they could get some benefit out of their conversations. Communicating withemployees is so important for business success and employee satisfaction that it shouldbe take place in all businesses.3Earning a high salary is no longer only obtainable to entrepreneurs and heiresses. Infact, it is only a college degree away. Many of us know the person who ended theireducational career right after high school as well as the person who continued to seekeducation into college. Statistics prove that those who continue their education pasthigh school make substantially more money than those whose last diploma is from theirtwelfth grade graduation. The benefits of graduating college are so numerous that italmost makes no sense not to go. A college degree is crucial to all American citizens18

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