English B1A CLASS PACK - Bakersfield College

English B1A CLASS PACK - Bakersfield College

English B1A CLASS PACK - Bakersfield College


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Dynamic GogetterProfessor Willis<strong>English</strong> <strong>B1A</strong>16 April. 2009SAMPLE PARTIAL STUDENT ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHYAnnotated BibliographyThesis: To pull families out of poverty, the state and federal minimum wage must be increased.“Raising the Minimum Wage.” America 195.5 (2006): 5. Expanded Academic ASAP. Gale Web. 24 Mar. 2009.This article describes how much a worker makes a year by working under minimum wages. It gives informationon how much a couple would be making if they are both making minimum wage. This source also mentions howcity council is trying to increase wages for employees who work under Wal-mart or Target. I plan to use thissource in different ways; one way is to explain what the bill is that wants to raise minimum wage to $10 an hourfor Wal-mart and Target facilities. In addition, I want to use this source to explain how people working atminimum wage level will continue to live in poverty levels.Schlosser, Eric. “The Bare Minimum. (Cover Story).” Nation 286.13 (2008): 20-22. Academic Search Premier. EBSCOWeb. 24 Feb. 2009.This source is about how not only the United States benefits from increasing minimum wage, but Britain hasenjoyed the benefits of increasing wages. Also, the source mentions the date that minimum wage was set.Overall, this source describes some history of how minimum wage came about. I plan to use this article tocompare how great increasing minimum wage is in the United States and Britain. Also want to use this sourcebecause there were certain acts and laws that are important to understand.Sinyai, Clayton. “Fair Pay: Growing Support For a Living Wage.” Commonweal 133.5 (2006): 12-14. ExpandedAcademic ASAP. Gale Web. 24 Mar. 2009.In this article, the author describes situations of what happens regarding minimum wage. It gives examples thatgo back from 1960, to 1990’s. This article also describes how much a person was making back in 2002 when theywere earning minimum wage. I plan to use this source mostly in my introduction or first body paragraph. I willtry to explain how many people in the United States are working under the federal wages. I will also try to usethis to explain in details about what poverty is when families are living when they earn minimum wage.“The Minimum Wage Debate Balancing the Needs of Workers and Business.” Congressional Digest 86.3 (2007): 65.Academic Search Premier. EBSCO Web. 24 Feb. 2009.This source is about how minimum wage started. Also, the source discusses the President behind it all that helpsbring a law that helped set wages back in 1938. This article also explains the great things that happen whenminimum wage is increased such as getting out of poverty. I plan to use this article towards the end of myresearch paper to give exact quotes on how increasing minimum wage can be the difference between survival orstaying at poverty level. I will also use this article to explain a little bit of history behind minimum wage. Forexample, who is working for less than minimum wage in the United States?17

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