English B1A CLASS PACK - Bakersfield College

English B1A CLASS PACK - Bakersfield College

English B1A CLASS PACK - Bakersfield College


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Historical Context Report<strong>English</strong> <strong>B1A</strong>DESCRIPTION OF ASSIGNMENTWrite report on a topic of your choice related to the historical context of your researchpaper topic. Use library books and databases to gather information that will give you amore solid foundation/background for your research paper topic.REQUIREMENTS• Essay must be 4-6 pages, typed, double-spaced, in MLA format.• The essay’s main purpose is to inform; however, you should have a thesisstatement which provides the rationale behind studying your topic.• You must include in-text references, including quotes as well as paraphrasesand/or summaries, with proper parenthetical documentation and a Works Cited.• You must refer to at least three sources. The sources can be any of the readingsfrom class, textbooks, library books, articles accessed from databases, etc. OneInternet source can count toward the three. You must turn in hard copies of allsources (except text books).• No late papers will be accepted. The essay is due ____________________.HINT: Depending on your topic, you might consider answering questions such as thefollowing:What were conditions like in the past?What laws and court cases changed the situation?What is the current situation?What terms related to your topic do you need to define?For example, if you are going to write your paper on working conditions for immigrantfarm workers, you would find out when and why farm work first attracted immigrantlaborers, what conditions were like for farm workers 100 years ago, if and howconditions have improved, what role labor unions had in the changes, and what farmworkers’ main concerns are now, etc.PLEASE NOTE: You will only receive credit for your Historical Context Report if thefollowing minimum requirements are met:-The report is complete with a minimum of 4 full pages (plus the Works Cited),typed, double spaced, in MLA format-The report is completely free of all forms of plagiarism-A hard copy of the report and copies of all three additional sources are turned inon time, in class on (or before) the due dateI will post student examples on InsideBC for your reference.11

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