Mohamad-Ziad Charif - Antares

Mohamad-Ziad Charif - Antares Mohamad-Ziad Charif - Antares
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Figure 5.9: Tchi2 distribution for data, atmospheric neutrinos/muons and severalDark Matter models. The Distribution represents the 10pe-3pe 5,9,10,12 Linesperiods combined. The muon and neutrino Monte Carlo are normalized to thelifetime of the data taking. The absolute normalization of the Dark Matter distributionsare arbitrary.with high χ 2 . As for the 10 Lines period this disagreement is due to the fact thatthis period has only 2 data runs (about 2.4 hours of livetime), this effect is purely astatistical phenomenon. Finally we can combine all the different periods as seen infigure 5.9. Different WIMP annihilation spectra are included in this plot to studyhow would a Dark Matter neutrino signal manifest in the detector. Two importantobservations can be made, one is that we have a very good data Monte Carloagreement for our whole livetime, and second is that Dark Matter neutrino signalbehaves much like the atmospheric neutrinos. The second observation is not validfor all track distributions, this can be seen by looking at the Cos[Zenith] distributionin figure 5.10, this distribution was obtained by cutting loosely on Tchi2 (lessthan 2). Again we see in this figure that we have a very good data Monte Carloagreement, but that the Dark Matter neutrino distribution is slightly different fromthe atmospheric neutrinos.86

Figure 5.10: Distribution of Cos[Zenith] after a cut on Tchi2

Figure 5.10: Distribution of Cos[Zenith] after a cut on Tchi2

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