Mohamad-Ziad Charif - Antares

Mohamad-Ziad Charif - Antares Mohamad-Ziad Charif - Antares
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12.07.2015 Views Detector layoutOptical ModuleFigure 3.12: ANTARES Optical ModuleThe OM[89] is a vacuum sealed sphere made of glass, it contains among severalthings, a magnetic shield, a LED (light emitting diode) and most importantly aPMT (Figure 3.12) or PhotoMultiplier Tube is the basic unit of ANTARES. Therole of an PMT is to allow the detection of photon(s) by magnifying the electricalcurrent induced by them. This is important as the number of photons producedin a Cherenkov cone is extremely small when compared to the physical size ofthe detector. In the case of ANTARES these PMTs have to be sensitive to singlephotons in the visible domain.Some of the most important characteristic of the PMTs used in ANTARES areas following:• Photocathode area > 500 cm2• Quantum efficiency > 20 %• Collection efficiency > 80%• TTS (Transit Time Spead) < 3 ns• Dark count rate < 10 kHz• Gain up to 5.10 7 44

Figure 3.13: ANTARES storeyStoreyThe role of the stories (Figure 3.13) in ANTARES is simply to provide a physicalsupport for the three OMs, and for the LCMs (Local Control Module).The purpose of the LCM is to house the electronics that is needed to powerthe OMs, processing of the signal, and finally link different stories together.The most important part of the LCM are:• The LPB or the Local Power Box which role is to deliver the power for theelectronics and the OMs of the storey.• The CLOCK board which has the role of relaying the synchronization clocksignal of the stories (ask again about this).• The ARS motherboard which does the processing and digitization of theanalogue signal sent from the PMTs, the output would be a digital signalcontaining the hit time and the hit charge.• The DAQ/SC board which mainly hosts the operating system and gathersthe data to be sent to the onshore for storage.• The COMPASS motherboard that hosts the local sensors that detect the yaw,pitch, and roll, the temperature and the humidity. In addition to the highvoltage control that is needed to power the PMTs45 Detector layoutOptical ModuleFigure 3.12: ANTARES Optical ModuleThe OM[89] is a vacuum sealed sphere made of glass, it contains among severalthings, a magnetic shield, a LED (light emitting diode) and most importantly aPMT (Figure 3.12) or PhotoMultiplier Tube is the basic unit of ANTARES. Therole of an PMT is to allow the detection of photon(s) by magnifying the electricalcurrent induced by them. This is important as the number of photons producedin a Cherenkov cone is extremely small when compared to the physical size ofthe detector. In the case of ANTARES these PMTs have to be sensitive to singlephotons in the visible domain.Some of the most important characteristic of the PMTs used in ANTARES areas following:• Photocathode area > 500 cm2• Quantum efficiency > 20 %• Collection efficiency > 80%• TTS (Transit Time Spead) < 3 ns• Dark count rate < 10 kHz• Gain up to 5.10 7 44

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