Mohamad-Ziad Charif - Antares

Mohamad-Ziad Charif - Antares Mohamad-Ziad Charif - Antares
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Muon Energy (GeV )1p| dEdx | (GeV.cm2 /g)1 0.002110 0.0025100 0.0031000 0.00610000 0.036100000 0.353Table 3.1: Muon energy loss in water via ionization.Where:− dEdx: is the energy loss of the lepton per distance unit [m].z: is the charge of the particle.n : Electron density of the medium.I : mean excitation potential of the medium atoms.A muon traveling through water would lose energy more or less as the log ofit is energy (Table 3.1).3.1.3 Pair productionIf E Particle > 2m l c 2 wherem l is a mass of one of the three leptons, we would expectfor some energy to be lost via a production of a lepton anti-lepton pair. However,this effect is more relevant at high energies as seen in eq Cherenkov radiation− dEdx ∼ E4 lepton (3.6)The Cherenkov radiation is a special case, where the particle is not just energetic,but the velocity of the lepton is higher than the speed of light in the medium.The radiation is continuous , and is emitted at an angle (Figure 3.3) defined asfollowing (eq 3.7) where β =c v and n is the refraction index of the medium.cos(θ) = 1βn(3.7)For example in the case of ANTARES, which is an underwater neutrino telescope,trying to detect ultra-relativistic particles (β ≃ 1 ) , and with water indexn = 1.35, the emission angle would be at 42.2 degrees.36

Figure 3.3: Diagram of a particle undergoing Cherenkov radiationIt is interesting to note that because of the muon’s mass and lifetime, it ismuch more effective to detect a muon in a medium such as water than to detect anelectron or a tau. An electron has a small mass, and would lose most of its energyvia ionization or bremsstrahlung radiation at low and high energy respectively,and as for the tau and its extremely short lifetime 3.10 −13 [s] it will decay very fastbefore deposing its light in the detector, unless its energy is high enough ∼ 10 6GeV which is well above the energies of dark matter research).However, the amount of energy a muon would lose via Cherenkov radiationis negligible when compared to other processes. The number of photons a muonwould generate is roughly 330 photon per cm in the visible part of the spectrum[ 400 - 700 nm ] if the energy of the muon is well above the Cherenkov energylimit which is the case as we would be expecting high energy neutrinos (eq 3.8), but the total energy of these photons would be around 165eV −1 cm −1 ( eq 3.9)which is almost three orders of magnitude smaller than the energy loss due to theionization in water.d 2 Ndxdλ = 4π2 z 2 e 2 (hcλ 2 1 − 1 )β 2 n 2d 2 Ndxdλ = 2παλ 2 sin2 (θ)(3.8)37

Muon Energy (GeV )1p| dEdx | (GeV.cm2 /g)1 0.002110 0.0025100 0.0031000 0.00610000 0.036100000 0.353Table 3.1: Muon energy loss in water via ionization.Where:− dEdx: is the energy loss of the lepton per distance unit [m].z: is the charge of the particle.n : Electron density of the medium.I : mean excitation potential of the medium atoms.A muon traveling through water would lose energy more or less as the log ofit is energy (Table 3.1).3.1.3 Pair productionIf E Particle > 2m l c 2 wherem l is a mass of one of the three leptons, we would expectfor some energy to be lost via a production of a lepton anti-lepton pair. However,this effect is more relevant at high energies as seen in eq Cherenkov radiation− dEdx ∼ E4 lepton (3.6)The Cherenkov radiation is a special case, where the particle is not just energetic,but the velocity of the lepton is higher than the speed of light in the medium.The radiation is continuous , and is emitted at an angle (Figure 3.3) defined asfollowing (eq 3.7) where β =c v and n is the refraction index of the medium.cos(θ) = 1βn(3.7)For example in the case of ANTARES, which is an underwater neutrino telescope,trying to detect ultra-relativistic particles (β ≃ 1 ) , and with water indexn = 1.35, the emission angle would be at 42.2 degrees.36

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