Mohamad-Ziad Charif - Antares

Mohamad-Ziad Charif - Antares Mohamad-Ziad Charif - Antares
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[74] C. Hettlage, K. Mannheim, and J. G. Learned, “The Sun as a high-energyneutrino source,” Astropart.Phys., vol. 13, pp. 45–50, 2000.[75] G. Wikstrom and J. Edsjo, “Limits on the WIMP-nucleon scattering crosssectionfrom neutrino telescopes,” JCAP, vol. 0904, p. 009, 2009.[76] J. Edsjo, “Wimpsim web tool,” http: // www. physto. se/ ~edsjo/wimpsim/ scripts. html .[77] T. Sjostrand, S. Mrenna, and P. Z. Skands, “PYTHIA 6.4 Physics and Manual,”JHEP, vol. 0605, p. 026, 2006.[78] S. Fukuda et al., “Determination of solar neutrino oscillation parametersusing 1496 days of Super-Kamiokande I data,” Phys.Lett., vol. B539,pp. 179–187, 2002.[79] Y. Ashie et al., “Evidence for an oscillatory signature in atmospheric neutrinooscillation,” Phys.Rev.Lett., vol. 93, p. 101801, 2004.[80] Q. Ahmad et al., “Direct evidence for neutrino flavor transformationfrom neutral current interactions in the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory,”Phys.Rev.Lett., vol. 89, p. 011301, 2002.[81] E. Aliu et al., “Evidence for muon neutrino oscillation in an acceleratorbasedexperiment,” Phys.Rev.Lett., vol. 94, p. 081802, 2005.[82] Yao, W.-M. et al., “Review of Particle Physics,” Journal of Physics G,vol. 33, pp. 1+, 2006.[83] L. Wolfenstein, “Neutrino oscillations in matter,” Physical Review D 17,2369 (1978).[84] A. Y. S. S. P. Mikheyev, “Resonance amplification of oscillations in matterand spectroscopy of solar neutrinos,” Soviet Journal of Nuclear Physics42,913 (1985).[85] M. Maltoni, T. Schwetz, M. Tortola, and J. Valle, “Status of global fits toneutrino oscillations,” New J.Phys., vol. 6, p. 122, 2004.[86] M. Blennow, J. Edsjo, and T. Ohlsson, “Neutrinos from WIMP annihilationsusing a full three-flavor Monte Carlo,” JCAP, vol. 0801, p. 021, 2008.[87] D. J. Griffiths, “Introduction to Electrodynamics,” PHI learning.160

[88] D. J. Bailey, “Dark Matter, the deep ocean and neutrinos from heaven:Monte Carlo tools and analysis methods for understanding the ANTARESexperiment and predicting its sensitivity to Dark Matter,” Ph.D. thesis,wolfson college, University of Oxford.[89] P. Amram et al., “The ANTARES optical module,” Nucl.Instrum.Meth.,vol. A484, pp. 369–383, 2002.[90] J. Aguilar et al., “AMADEUS - The Acoustic Neutrino Detection Test Systemof the ANTARES Deep-Sea Neutrino Telescope,” 2010.[91] M. Ardid, “Positioning system of the ANTARES neutrino telescope,”Nucl.Instrum.Meth., vol. A602, pp. 174–176, 2009.[92] J. Aguilar et al., “Time Calibration of the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope,”Astropart.Phys., vol. 34, pp. 539–549, 2011.[93] M. Ageron et al., “The ANTARES Optical Beacon System,”Nucl.Instrum.Meth., vol. A578, pp. 498–509, 2007.[94] J. Aguilar et al., “The data acquisition system for the ANTARES NeutrinoTelescope,” Nucl.Instrum.Meth., vol. A570, pp. 107–116, 2007.[95] P. Amram et al., “Background light in potential sites for the ANTARESundersea neutrino telescope,” Astropart.Phys., vol. 13, pp. 127–136, 2000.[96] D. Zaborov, “Coincidence analysis in ANTARES: Potassium-40 andmuons,” Phys.Atom.Nucl., vol. 72, pp. 1537–1542, 2009.[97] J. Aguilar et al., “A fast algorithm for muon track reconstruction and itsapplication to the ANTARES neutrino telescope,” Astropart.Phys., vol. 34,pp. 652–662, 2011.[98] A. Heijboer, “Reconstruction of Atmospheric Neutrinos in Antares,”arXiv:0908.0816, 2009.[99] A. Labbate et al., “Genhen v6: ANTARES neutrino generator extensionto all neutrino flavors and inclusion of propagation through the earth,”ANTARES internal note, ANTARES-SOFT-2004-010.[100] J. Brunner, “Cherenkov Light from HE Electromagnetic and HadronicShowers,” ANTARES internal note, ANTARES-SOFT-2002-015.[101] G. Carminati, M. Bazzotti, S. Biagi, S. Cecchini, T. Chiarusi, et al., “MU-PAGE: a fast atmospheric MUon GEnerator for neutrino telescopes basedon PArametric formulas,” 2009.161

[74] C. Hettlage, K. Mannheim, and J. G. Learned, “The Sun as a high-energyneutrino source,” Astropart.Phys., vol. 13, pp. 45–50, 2000.[75] G. Wikstrom and J. Edsjo, “Limits on the WIMP-nucleon scattering crosssectionfrom neutrino telescopes,” JCAP, vol. 0904, p. 009, 2009.[76] J. Edsjo, “Wimpsim web tool,” http: // www. physto. se/ ~edsjo/wimpsim/ scripts. html .[77] T. Sjostrand, S. Mrenna, and P. Z. Skands, “PYTHIA 6.4 Physics and Manual,”JHEP, vol. 0605, p. 026, 2006.[78] S. Fukuda et al., “Determination of solar neutrino oscillation parametersusing 1496 days of Super-Kamiokande I data,” Phys.Lett., vol. B539,pp. 179–187, 2002.[79] Y. Ashie et al., “Evidence for an oscillatory signature in atmospheric neutrinooscillation,” Phys.Rev.Lett., vol. 93, p. 101801, 2004.[80] Q. Ahmad et al., “Direct evidence for neutrino flavor transformationfrom neutral current interactions in the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory,”Phys.Rev.Lett., vol. 89, p. 011301, 2002.[81] E. Aliu et al., “Evidence for muon neutrino oscillation in an acceleratorbasedexperiment,” Phys.Rev.Lett., vol. 94, p. 081802, 2005.[82] Yao, W.-M. et al., “Review of Particle Physics,” Journal of Physics G,vol. 33, pp. 1+, 2006.[83] L. Wolfenstein, “Neutrino oscillations in matter,” Physical Review D 17,2369 (1978).[84] A. Y. S. S. P. Mikheyev, “Resonance amplification of oscillations in matterand spectroscopy of solar neutrinos,” Soviet Journal of Nuclear Physics42,913 (1985).[85] M. Maltoni, T. Schwetz, M. Tortola, and J. Valle, “Status of global fits toneutrino oscillations,” New J.Phys., vol. 6, p. 122, 2004.[86] M. Blennow, J. Edsjo, and T. Ohlsson, “Neutrinos from WIMP annihilationsusing a full three-flavor Monte Carlo,” JCAP, vol. 0801, p. 021, 2008.[87] D. J. Griffiths, “Introduction to Electrodynamics,” PHI learning.160

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