Mohamad-Ziad Charif - Antares

Mohamad-Ziad Charif - Antares Mohamad-Ziad Charif - Antares
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Figure 6.23: Comparison of sensitivities to neutrino flux coming from dark matterannihilation inside the Sun as a function of WIMP mass and the annihilationchannel between multi-lines and single-line BBFit analysis .Top plot is for the softb + b − , middle is for τ + τ − , while to bottom is for W + W − .132

Figure 6.24: Ratio of multi-lines neutrino flux to single-lines flux from figure 6.23as a function of WIMP mass. Dual OptimizationThe data sets used by the multi-lines and single-line analysis are a none overlappingdata sets, this should allows to directly combine the sensitivities produced bythe two analyzes to improve them. However, we will not just use the already optimizedsensitivities and combine them (by summing the signal, the background,and then calculate ¯Φ 90% ). What we will do is re-do the optimization as following:1. Fix the χmulti 2 cut at a value in its focus region (1.2 , 2).2. Fix the χsingle 2 cut at a value in its focus region (0.7 , 1.2).3. For the χ 2 single cut, calculate the corresponding Nhit max for a dark mattermodel single-line signal distribution and apply it to the single-line data set.4. With these cuts we can estimate on a 2-D plane as a function of ∆(Ψ) &∆(θ) the background in the direction of the Sun (figure 6.25) and the signal(figure 6.26 ).5. Using figures 6.25 & 6.26 we can calculate again on a 2-D plane ¯Φ 90%(figure 6.27).6. From figure 6.27 the optimal values of ∆(Ψ) & ∆(θ) can be found thatcorrespond to best value of ¯Φ 90% .7. Process is then repeated for all possible values of (χ 2 multi , χ2 single ).133

Figure 6.23: Comparison of sensitivities to neutrino flux coming from dark matterannihilation inside the Sun as a function of WIMP mass and the annihilationchannel between multi-lines and single-line BBFit analysis .Top plot is for the softb + b − , middle is for τ + τ − , while to bottom is for W + W − .132

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