Mohamad-Ziad Charif - Antares

Mohamad-Ziad Charif - Antares

Mohamad-Ziad Charif - Antares

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tween the direction of the Sun and the direction of the muon. Previously it wascalculated as described in equation 6.5 where θ S and φ S are the zenith and azimuthangle of the Sun, while θ µ and φ µ are the zenith and azimuth angle of the reconstructedmuon. However, in this analysis it will be calculated as an angle betweentwo tracks in a two dimensional plane as we can see in equation 6.6 , so in essence∆(Ψ ◦ ) becomes ∆(θ) the difference between the zenith angle of the Sun and thereconstructed muon.∆(Ψ) = arccos(sin(θ S ).sin(θ µ ).cos(φ S − φ µ ) + cos(θ S ).cos(θ µ )) (6.5)∆(θ) = |θ S − θ µ | (6.6)So instead of looking for events inside a cone centered around the Sun, now wewould be looking for events that are located in a horizontal band centered aroundthe zenith of the Sun (figure 6.14). Selecting events that occur in horizontal bandshas the drawback of presenting us with a higher background when compared tothe half-cone angle for the multi line events as we can clearly see in figure 6.15.In the course of this analysis we will investigate whether the sensitivities producedwith the single-line analysis are competitive to those with multi-lines analysis andwhether they can be used or not to improve our overall sensitivities.Figure 6.14: A simple diagram showing the region confined by ∆(θ).123

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