Mohamad-Ziad Charif - Antares

Mohamad-Ziad Charif - Antares

Mohamad-Ziad Charif - Antares

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with 2.10 8 neutrinos per run.• Standard atmospheric neutrinos are generated between 100 GeV and 10 8GeV with 10 9 neutrinos per run.6.1.1 Dark Matter Monte CarloIn the section 5.4.1 we presented a way to simulate the dark matter neutrino signal.However, this method will not be used for this analysis because of the shortlivetime for each MC which is few hours, while it was few months in the previouschapter. So in this section we will present the new method that is based as well oneach run having its own dark matter neutrino MC.The Sun does indeed have a variable declination [−23 ◦ 26 ′ , 23 ◦ 26 ′ ] with a periodof 6 month (46 ◦ 52 ′ ), but during one run (typically 2 hours) the declination varieson average by 0.021 ◦ , so for all that matters during one run the Sun can be consideredstationary in equatorial (declination [δ] , right-ascension [RA]) coordinates.So it might be possible to use the neutrino MC generator in its point source modeto simulate a neutrinos coming from the Sun. However, we must first verify thatit works.In GENHEN, the point source mode is a mode where the source is fixed in δ butduring simulation RA is randomly generated in [0 ,2π] interval, so it is importantto verify that this will not affect the calculation of the position of the Sun with afixed δ. For this we pick a random run and calculate the position of the Sun inlocal coordinates [ Elevation, Azimuth ] via three different methods:1. True position of the Sun.2. Position of the Sun with both δ and RA fixed. Both values are calculated atmid-run time.3. Position of the Sun with δ fixed and RA randomized as in GENHEN. Theused δ is calculated at mid-run time.Figure 6.1 shows the true position of the Sun taken from the previously selectedrun. It is obvious that the position taken in the sky by the Sun is quite limitedin the coordinates space. Now if we take a look at figure 6.2, we can clearly seethat using methods (2) and (3) produce exactly the same Sun position in the localcoordinates but nevertheless they don’t look exactly like in 6.1. However, if welook at the distributions only in the region where the Sun should only be duringthe time of the run(taken from figure 6.1) we can see that the agreement is perfect(Figure 6.3).So the method for creating our signal MC is the following:109

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