Opens for MAR-JCC members - Michael-Ann Russell Jewish ...

Opens for MAR-JCC members - Michael-Ann Russell Jewish ... Opens for MAR-JCC members - Michael-Ann Russell Jewish ...


support usfinancial resource developmentsupport us• Development Director: Elizabeth Mitrani, 305-932-4200 ext. 114• Capital Campaign Co-chairs: Fanny Hanono & David WaxmanWHY GIVEThe Michael-Ann Russell Jewish Community Center derives its operating revenue from membership dues,registration fees, funding from the Greater Miami Jewish Federation and the United Way of Miami-Dade, and fromstate grants and various other sources. Although those funds are sufficient for sustaining the basic functions of theMAR-JCC, additional funds are required to provide for improvements, enhancements, and progress. That is whereyou come in!The MAR-JCC depends upon the generosity of our members, friends, businesses, as well as private and familyfoundations, to provide the additional supplemental funds necessary to ensure we can operate at an optimumlevel and are able grow and change in response to the needs of our members and our community.HOW TO GIVEWe understand that as a donor you are unique as are your interests and your passions. At the MAR-JCC, our goalis to get to know you and to understand your needs. In this way, we can customize your donor experience andassist you in reaching your personal philanthropic goals. The various ways to support our efforts are listed below.To explore one of these opportunities, please contact Elizabeth Mitrani.UNRESTRICTED GIFTSUnrestricted donations to the MAR-JCC are all-purpose gifts that allow us to apply your funds wherever they willhave the most impact. When you give an unrestricted gift, you give us the flexibility to take on new opportunities,strengthen ongoing programs, or meet unexpected financial needs.PLANNED GIFTSWhether you want to provide support immediately or design a plan that benefits MAR-JCC in the future, there aremany options to choose from, that can be integrated into your financial or estate plan. Planned giving vehiclessuch as gift annuities or charitable remainder trusts can be structured to provide income to you and/or your heirstoday, while at the same time benefitting the MAR-JCC. However, if a gift in your will is your preference, our staffwill work closely with you and/or your representative to ensure all your wishes are met.CASH GIFTSCash gifts can be made by credit card, on the phone or in person, or by check made payable to the Michael-Ann Russell Jewish Community Center. Checks may be delivered in person or mailed to Gary Bomzer, Presidentand CEO, MAR-JCC, 18900 NE 25th Avenue, North Miami Beach, Florida 33180.GIFTS OF APPRECIATED SECURITIESMarketable appreciated securities, held for more than one year, can be delivered in person or sent through anelectronic transfer authorization. Be sure to notify us of your decision in advance. Securities will be sold immediatelyand the funds allocated based upon your giving preference and instructions.GIFTS-IN-KINDGifts-in-kind are an important way of giving to the MAR-JCC. This option includes donations of property (otherthan cash and marketable securities) such as real estate, works of art, equipment, furnishings, software, andlicensing. A gift-in kind requires an official transfer of ownership and requires the donor to determine the fairmarket value of the gift for tax reporting purposes.-12-

WHERE TO GIVEfinancial resource developments u p p o r t u ssupport usCULTURE • ARTS • FITNESS • GYMNASTICS CAPITAL CAMPAIGNWhen you give to the Capital Campaign you are investing in the growth and in the future of the MAR-JCC. Thesuccess of this $10 million dollar campaign will result in a brand new Cultural Arts & Education Building right on theSanford L. Ziff Campus, featuring a 200-seat theater, a “Rikudim” Israeli Dance Center, both a Music Center and ArtCenters along with new rooms for group fitness. This phase of growth will also generate the space for an improvedand expanded fitness center, a gymnastics studio, additional ECD classrooms, and much-needed office space.Naming opportunities are available and an incredible way to leave a family legacy. However, there are unique waysfor every donor, at every giving level, to get involved.PRESIDENTS’ FUND FOR THE FUTUREThis endowment was created to ensure the growth and prosperity of the JCC. The annual interest earned on thisaccount is used for the upkeep and enhancement of the MAR-JCC as determined by the Board of Directors.MITZVAH FUNDBar/Bat Mitzvah children perform a Mitzvah by giving a portion of their gifts to the Mitzvah Fund and by inspiring theirparents and grandparents to match their gift. The Mitzvah Fund supports our Special Needs Programs and theScholarship Fund.HABIMAH SOCIETY FUNDKnowing that a theatre program cannot be sustained by ticket sales alone, the Habimah Society provides aninvaluable source of support to the J Cultural Arts Theatre’s year-round program through fundraising projects andfinancial contributions. Gifts of $1,000 or more receive choice seating for all J-CAT productions and all gifts arerecognized in each production’s “playbill.” Visit us at to learn how you can become part of theHabimah Society.NETZACH TRIBUTE FUNDSTribute Funds are a wonderful way to commemorate an event, or honor the life or the memory of a loved one. Whenestablishing a Tribute Fund, you are able to determine both the name of the fund as well as its ultimate purpose andwill forever provide support to the areas of the MAR-JCC that are most important to you. A minimum contribution of$25,000 is required to endow a fund. As an alternative, you can donate to one of the established Tribute Funds listedbelow. Tribute Funds are held in an endowment with the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. An endowed fund isinvested in perpetuity and only the annual interest earnings are utilized. The funds are combined with those of otherdonors for investment purposes and the investments are overseen by the GMJF Investment committee and aremanaged by a professional investment firm.Manny Berlatsky FundScholarship assistanceJacobo CababieMemorial FundUpkeep of Social CenterFanny Hanono FundYouth and teenprogramsPapa ZZ Fund,in memory ofBuzzy JacobsECDSteven Kravitz FundAdult JewisheducationLorraine Fay LinderGrocery ShoppingTransportation Fundprovides freebus service for seniorsMuriel RussellMemorial FundSpecial populationsJulius Werbner FundScholarship assistanceMoris KhoudariMemorial FundLearn to Swim ProgramJCC General FundScholarship assistanceCORPORATE PARTNERSHIPSImportant to Financial Resource Development is building long-term relationships with the local and extendedbusiness community. The goal of the MAR-JCC Corporate Partnership Program is to offer the opportunity forcorporations, both large and small, to create a presence at our Center through participation in our varied eventsand programs. Our calendar is jam-packed each month with new, exciting activities, each with its own uniquedemographic and attendance. As a Corporate Partner, you will have the invaluable opportunity to interact withthe participants and to establish relationships with the leadership, members, and guests of the MAR-JCC. OurCorporate Partners may select pre-designed options or are able to customize annual packages to market to theaudiences that are most valuable to you. Please review our calendar and events on pages 2 and 15, for asampling of just how much we have to offer.-13-

support usfinancial resource developmentsupport us• Development Director: Elizabeth Mitrani, 305-932-4200 ext. 114• Capital Campaign Co-chairs: Fanny Hanono & David WaxmanWHY GIVEThe <strong>Michael</strong>-<strong>Ann</strong> <strong>Russell</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> Community Center derives its operating revenue from <strong>members</strong>hip dues,registration fees, funding from the Greater Miami <strong>Jewish</strong> Federation and the United Way of Miami-Dade, and fromstate grants and various other sources. Although those funds are sufficient <strong>for</strong> sustaining the basic functions of the<strong>MAR</strong>-<strong>JCC</strong>, additional funds are required to provide <strong>for</strong> improvements, enhancements, and progress. That is whereyou come in!The <strong>MAR</strong>-<strong>JCC</strong> depends upon the generosity of our <strong>members</strong>, friends, businesses, as well as private and familyfoundations, to provide the additional supplemental funds necessary to ensure we can operate at an optimumlevel and are able grow and change in response to the needs of our <strong>members</strong> and our community.HOW TO GIVEWe understand that as a donor you are unique as are your interests and your passions. At the <strong>MAR</strong>-<strong>JCC</strong>, our goalis to get to know you and to understand your needs. In this way, we can customize your donor experience andassist you in reaching your personal philanthropic goals. The various ways to support our ef<strong>for</strong>ts are listed below.To explore one of these opportunities, please contact Elizabeth Mitrani.UNRESTRICTED GIFTSUnrestricted donations to the <strong>MAR</strong>-<strong>JCC</strong> are all-purpose gifts that allow us to apply your funds wherever they willhave the most impact. When you give an unrestricted gift, you give us the flexibility to take on new opportunities,strengthen ongoing programs, or meet unexpected financial needs.PLANNED GIFTSWhether you want to provide support immediately or design a plan that benefits <strong>MAR</strong>-<strong>JCC</strong> in the future, there aremany options to choose from, that can be integrated into your financial or estate plan. Planned giving vehiclessuch as gift annuities or charitable remainder trusts can be structured to provide income to you and/or your heirstoday, while at the same time benefitting the <strong>MAR</strong>-<strong>JCC</strong>. However, if a gift in your will is your preference, our staffwill work closely with you and/or your representative to ensure all your wishes are met.CASH GIFTSCash gifts can be made by credit card, on the phone or in person, or by check made payable to the <strong>Michael</strong>-<strong>Ann</strong> <strong>Russell</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> Community Center. Checks may be delivered in person or mailed to Gary Bomzer, Presidentand CEO, <strong>MAR</strong>-<strong>JCC</strong>, 18900 NE 25th Avenue, North Miami Beach, Florida 33180.GIFTS OF APPRECIATED SECURITIESMarketable appreciated securities, held <strong>for</strong> more than one year, can be delivered in person or sent through anelectronic transfer authorization. Be sure to notify us of your decision in advance. Securities will be sold immediatelyand the funds allocated based upon your giving preference and instructions.GIFTS-IN-KINDGifts-in-kind are an important way of giving to the <strong>MAR</strong>-<strong>JCC</strong>. This option includes donations of property (otherthan cash and marketable securities) such as real estate, works of art, equipment, furnishings, software, andlicensing. A gift-in kind requires an official transfer of ownership and requires the donor to determine the fairmarket value of the gift <strong>for</strong> tax reporting purposes.-12-

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