DAVE ELFASSY - Top Agent Magazine

DAVE ELFASSY - Top Agent Magazine

DAVE ELFASSY - Top Agent Magazine

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<strong>DAVE</strong> <strong>ELFASSY</strong>

<strong>DAVE</strong> <strong>ELFASSY</strong>Maintaining unbelievable levels of enthusiasmand energy, Dave Elfassy has conqueredToronto’s real estate market. “Energy isdefinitely something that is contagious,”Elfassy says. “When someone calls me, weestablish a connection almost instantaneously.People can see that I’m enthusiastic about theopportunity to work with them.”As a top performing agent with Right AtHome Realty, Elfassy pursues very aggressivemarketing tactics that put his listings in frontof a selectively targeted group of buyers. Heutilizes search engine optimization andGoogle analytics to ensure that his webmarketing reaches all the right people in evergrowing numbers. His tactics are workingwell. As he enters his fourth year in thebusiness, he has huge accolades to his name.In 2011, he added REALTOR ® of the Year tohis list of titles, an honor bestowed by theprestigious Canadian Real Estate <strong>Magazine</strong>.Elfassy came to the real estate game in 2008,following a career in the health and fitnessindustry. He knew that his background as aCopyright <strong>Top</strong> <strong>Agent</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

GOING FOR GOLDkinesiologist and an athlete would allow himto master any task put him in front of him.Whether it is the physical challenges of along work day, or the mental demands ofconstantly learning new things, Elfassy hasproven that he can meet and exceed everyexpectation. Perhaps what sets him apart isthat he does it all with a thousand-watt smile.Another key to his success is delegation.While some professionals find it difficult tolet go of the control over every aspect, Elfassysees it as an opportunity to accomplish evenmore. “My philosophy is that I don’t need toknow everything about everything,” he says.“I sell real estate, and I sell it really well. Theother things, I outsource.” He works withexperts on marketing, internet technology andother tasks that otherwise would take his timeaway from what he’d rather be doing—talkingto clients about real estate.In a major metropolitan market like Toronto,Elfassy could narrow his focus to workingwith just one kind of client, but he seems tolove the process just as much as the paycheck.Copyright <strong>Top</strong> <strong>Agent</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

<strong>DAVE</strong> <strong>ELFASSY</strong> HAS SOLD PROPERTIES RANGING FROM $150,000TO $7 MILLION, AND HIS VAST EXPERIENCE WITH CLIENTSFROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE HAS HELPED HIM TO DEVELOPAN EVER DEEPENING UNDERSTANDING OF HUMAN NATURE.As a result, he focuses less on listing priceand more on the relationship with the client,no matter what price range the client islooking for. “When I started in the business, Iset out to become kind of a chameleon,” hesays. “I’ll work for anyone, anywhere.” Hehas sold properties ranging from $150,000 to$7 million, and his vast experience withclients from all walks of life has helped himto develop an ever deepening understandingof human nature.“I find that when you segment the market,and when you work with one type of buyer orseller, your experiences are limited,” he says.“In this business, the more experience youhave and the more issues you are able toresolve, the more complete you become as aservice provider.” Elfassy doesn’t limithimself, and as a result, the process has beenmuch richer for him and for his clients.As he moves forward in his career, Elfassyintends to add new agents to his team, takingless experienced professionals under his wingand letting them in on some of the secrets hehas fought hard to learn. Through struggles,he has grown and become better in both thework and life arenas. “My motto used to bethat failure is not an option, but I’m not sure Ihad it right,” he says. “Through failure, I’velearned some of my greatest life lessons.”Dave ElfassyRIGHT AT HOME REALTY INC.,BROKERAGETORONTO, ON(416) 899-1199INFO@<strong>DAVE</strong><strong>ELFASSY</strong>.COMWWW.<strong>DAVE</strong><strong>ELFASSY</strong>.COMCopyright <strong>Top</strong> <strong>Agent</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

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