Download Report - Independent Evaluation Group - World Bank

Download Report - Independent Evaluation Group - World Bank Download Report - Independent Evaluation Group - World Bank
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43 Annex C4. Sector Liberalization and Additional Sector Reforms. The Borrower shall have: (a)granted at least two airport concessions to qualified and experienced privateoperators; (b) invited telecommunications operators to bid for a national license toprovide telecom services; and(c) enacted a law governing the fiscal regime of miningprojects whose investment costs exceed about US$200 million, includingimplementation decrees.Public Finance Reform5. Revenue Policies and Monitoring. The Borrower shall have established a unit withinthe Ministry of Budget with terms of reference satisfactory to IDA to monitor publicrevenues and to review medium and long-term tax policy and tax administrationreforms.6. Expenditure Monitoring in Social Sectors. The Borrower shall have: (a) establishedan appropriate monitoring system to capture the implementation of the Borrower'ssocial policies and expenditures actually incurred for primary education and basichealth with respect to the specific budget items and sectoral policies specified inparagraph 24 of the LDP; and (b) carried out a survey based on a methodology aimedat assessing the Borrower's performance in the delivery of primary education andbasic health services.7. Fishing Licenses. The Borrower shall have: (a) established an appropriate system,satisfactory to the Association, to allocate shrimp fishing licenses in a nondiscretionary,competitive and transparent manner, (b) adjusted annual shrimp fishingfees for licenses granted for the 1999 fishing campaign in accordance with themethodology adopted as a result of the revamped licensing system referred to above;and (c) carried out the recommendations resulting from the technical and financialaudits of the FDHA.8. Financial Sector Reforms. The Borrower shall have: (a) carried out the financial,organizational and actuarial audits through independent consultants for the insurancecompanies Ny Havana and Aro, and the social security funds CNAPS, CRCM andCPR; and (b) adopted action plans to improve their performance.RESTRUCTURING OF SEPTEMBER 2002CORE MEASUREThe Core Measure with respect to Air Transport was modified as follows:• With respect to air transport operations, the Borrower shall haveconcluded a performance-based management contract with a reputableoperator for the management and restructuring of Air Madagascar, on termsand conditions acceptable to the Association and in accordance withparagraph 18 of the Supplement to the Letter of Development Policy;

44 Annex CADDITIONAL MEASURESAdditional measures 2, 4, 7 and 8 were modified as follows:2. With respect to its anti-corruption program of activities, the Borrower shall have:• established a national anti-corruption task force, whose mandate, compositionand terms of reference shall be acceptable to the Association, to be responsiblefor provision of advice on the development of a national anti-corruptionstrategy, provision of general policy guidance on the practical application andimplementation of the anti-corruption strategy, and regular monitoring of theimpact and achievements of the anti-corruption program, in accordance withpara. 33 of the Supplement to the Letter of Development Policy;• adopted a decree requiring ministers, senior officials and judges to issue annualdeclarations of their assets and those of their close relatives, in accordancewith paragraph 34 of the Supplement to the Letter of Development Policy.4. With respect to the mining sector, the Borrower shall have enacted a lawgoverning the fiscal regime of mining projects whose investment costs are estimatedto exceed FMG 1 trillion, along with all necessary implementation decrees required togive full effect to the law, all in form and substance satisfactory to the Association.7. With respect to the fisheries and forestry sectors, the Borrower shall have:• established an appropriate regulatory framework, acceptable to the Association,to allocate shrimp fishing licenses in a non-discretionary, competitive andtransparent manner;• developed an action plan and schedule for such a regulatory framework to besimilarly established and applied in the forestry sector;• in the case of both the fisheries and forestry sectors, completed a statusreview of all licenses issued to date and taken appropriate steps towithdraw all licenses which have been issued in contravention of, orwithout due regard to, the relevant legislation.8. With respect to financial management, the Borrower shall have taken appropriatemeasures to strengthen its organs of budgetary control, including:• completion of a detailed report of the operation and use of Special Fundsduring FY 2001 and the first half of FY 2002, and adoption of a full andcomprehensive list of corrective measures, acceptable to the Association,designed to strengthen the management of such Special Funds, including: (i)measures to prevent any possibility of misuse of funds allocated to, or onaccount of, such Special Funds; and (ii)sanctions, as appropriate, againstofficials involved in incidences of misuse of such funds;• adoption of a decree mandating the Chambre des Comptes to conduct semiannualaudits of Special Funds;• completion of the audit of HIPC funds for FY01;• merger of the Ministries of Finance and Budget.

43 Annex C4. Sector Liberalization and Additional Sector Reforms. The Borrower shall have: (a)granted at least two airport concessions to qualified and experienced privateoperators; (b) invited telecommunications operators to bid for a national license toprovide telecom services; and(c) enacted a law governing the fiscal regime of miningprojects whose investment costs exceed about US$200 million, includingimplementation decrees.Public Finance Reform5. Revenue Policies and Monitoring. The Borrower shall have established a unit withinthe Ministry of Budget with terms of reference satisfactory to IDA to monitor publicrevenues and to review medium and long-term tax policy and tax administrationreforms.6. Expenditure Monitoring in Social Sectors. The Borrower shall have: (a) establishedan appropriate monitoring system to capture the implementation of the Borrower'ssocial policies and expenditures actually incurred for primary education and basichealth with respect to the specific budget items and sectoral policies specified inparagraph 24 of the LDP; and (b) carried out a survey based on a methodology aimedat assessing the Borrower's performance in the delivery of primary education andbasic health services.7. Fishing Licenses. The Borrower shall have: (a) established an appropriate system,satisfactory to the Association, to allocate shrimp fishing licenses in a nondiscretionary,competitive and transparent manner, (b) adjusted annual shrimp fishingfees for licenses granted for the 1999 fishing campaign in accordance with themethodology adopted as a result of the revamped licensing system referred to above;and (c) carried out the recommendations resulting from the technical and financialaudits of the FDHA.8. Financial Sector Reforms. The Borrower shall have: (a) carried out the financial,organizational and actuarial audits through independent consultants for the insurancecompanies Ny Havana and Aro, and the social security funds CNAPS, CRCM andCPR; and (b) adopted action plans to improve their performance.RESTRUCTURING OF SEPTEMBER 2002CORE MEASUREThe Core Measure with respect to Air Transport was modified as follows:• With respect to air transport operations, the Borrower shall haveconcluded a performance-based management contract with a reputableoperator for the management and restructuring of Air Madagascar, on termsand conditions acceptable to the Association and in accordance withparagraph 18 of the Supplement to the Letter of Development Policy;

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