New Releases - October 2009 - Learningemall.com

New Releases - October 2009 - Learningemall.com

New Releases - October 2009 - Learningemall.com


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Audience : Grades 7 - AdultCopyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 119.99Copyright : <strong>2009</strong>StdBkNo : 9781559748124Price : USD 133.00differences between human and animal<strong>com</strong>munication and the relationshipbetween language and thought.HISTORY OF CHINESEAMERICAN ACHIEVEMENT,AJoin host Archie Kao as he shares theincredible story of Chinese AmericanAchievement, from the first wave ofimmigrants in California's gold fields to theentrepreneurs of the 21st century'sInformation Age. It is a spellbindingaccount of ac<strong>com</strong>plishment ... Jerry Yangand the creation of Yahoo ... Amy Tan'sfascinating novels of Chinese Americanlife ... I.M Pei and his magnificentarchitecture ... Michelle Kwan, the darlingof American figure skaters ... Yo Yo Ma'sacclaimed cello performances ... Thelegendary Bruce Lee and his extraordinarymartial arts ... And over 40 more stories ofChinese American achievers who havehelped shaped America into its leadershiprole in the 21st century..Program 1: The Chinese Find a <strong>New</strong>HomelandProgram 2: Exclusion and AcceptanceProgram 3: Chinese Americans SpreadTheir WingsProgram 4: A <strong>New</strong> Chinese AmericanIdentity EmergesProgram 5: Chinese Americans EnterMainstream CultureProgram 6: The Chinese American SuperAchieversProgram 7: America Embraces ChineseCultureProgram 8: The Modern ChineseAmericanItem no.Format: ZG05450047: 4 DVDs (ClosedCaptioned, With SpanishSubtitles): 240 minutes: Grades 7 - AdultDurationAudienceCopyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 129.99AMERICANAALL AMERICAN HIGHBy Keva RosenfeldThis insightful documentary captures onfilm a uniquely American experience -senior year in a suburban high school.Seen through the eyes of a foreignexchange student from Finland, the ritesof passage that are familiar to every highschool student in the U.S. take on anexotic flavor. From the first day of the yearto the Senior Prom, All American Highpresents new perspectives on the timelesssocial rituals of educational institutions inthe United States.Email: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong>MAN THEY CALL WILLJAMESBy Gwendolyn ClancyCowboy. Artist. Cattle rustler. Author.Bronco buster. Movie stuntman. In the1920's and 1930's, a man who laid claimto all of these callings was among themost famous chroniclers of the AmericanWest. Born Ernest Dufault in Quebec, hestruck out on his own while still a teenagerand, as "Will James," began living thecowboy life he dreamed of. A natural artist,he recorded in drawing the vigorous worldof the working ranch. After a bronco threwhim head first into a railroad tie, he wasforced to give up cow punching, andturned instead to the endeavor that wouldearn him great fame. James thecowboy-novelist produced more thantwenty illustrated books. many of whichwere made into movies. Yet at the heightof his popularity, the strain of city living andof fighting Hollywood's sugary adaptationof his works wore him down. Alcoholismtook its toll on is personal life. But hecontinued to turn out book after book forhis fans until his death at the age of fifty.The Man They Call Will James is anintimate view of an enigmatic and colorfulman who created a life and lived it -- firston a horse and then, vicariously, throughhis writing -- with vigor. Shot on location inNevada, Montana, and California withnarration by actor Richard Farnsworth, thefilm presents an intriguing view of aself-made cowboy legend who helpedshape the world's view of the AmericanWest.Awards• Western Heritage Wrangle Award• National Cowboy Hall of Fame/BlueRibbon• American Film and VideoFestival/Gold AppleItem no. : FN08880100Format : DVD (Color)Duration : 29 minutesAudience : Grade 7 or aboveCopyright : <strong>2009</strong>StdBkNo : 1559748079Price : USD 133.00ANTHROPOLOGYBIRTH OF LANGUAGEBy Paul JayLearning Rendezvous LimitedFeaturing such renowned experts asanthropologists Jane Goodall andSherwood Washburn, the film <strong>com</strong>paresthe special language ability of humans tothe instinctual and involuntary form of<strong>com</strong>munication used by animals. Theoriesare illustrated by remarkable animalfootage including the famous Chantek apeexperiment in which an orangutan istaught to <strong>com</strong>municate with American SignLanguage. The varied informationpresented in The Birth of Languagestrongly supports Charles Darwin'stheories on evolution and naturalselection.Presenting <strong>com</strong>plex social and biologicalconcepts in a logical and accessibleformat, The Birth of Language explains themystery that sets the human race apartfrom all other animals: the ability to thinkand translate our abstract ideas intoconcrete realities.Item no. : NT08880065Format : DVD (Color)Duration : 58 minutesAudience : Grade 7 or aboveCopyright : <strong>2009</strong>StdBkNo : 155974801XPrice : USD 133.00ARCHEOLOGY &ANTHROPOLOGYSECRETS OF THE DEAD:BLACKBEARD'S LOST SHIPOff the coast of North Carolina, marinearchaeologists have discovered theremains of the Queen Anne's Revenge ,the pirate Blackbeard's flagship. Theircareful preservation and analysis of theremains are helping to solve the biggestmystery about the infamous pirate's reign:Was the ship's sinking an accident or wasthe grounding a carefully laid plot byBlackbeard to double-cross his men andsteal the treasure for himself?Item no.Format: BH06582000: DVD (Color, ClosedCaptioned): 60 minutesDurationAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 77.00TIME TEAM AMERICA:FORT JAMES, SDWhat is the meaning of language? HowIn 1865, a unit of cavalry soldiers foundand where did it begin? This highly originalthemselves sent west to defend pioneerand challenging film examines thesesettlers against angry Sioux Indians inquestions as it explores human evolutionwhat is now South Dakota. The soldiersand the development of language. Thebuilt one of the few stone forts on theBirth of Language uses a uniqueItem no. : MC08880058American frontier. The fort's quartzite walls<strong>com</strong>bination of extraordinary documentaryFormat : DVD (Color)still peek out from under a grassy field.footage, expert interviews and dramaticDuration : 60 minutesOur team has just three days to map, dig,re-enactments to unravel the fascinatingAudience : Grade 9 or aboveand uncover what remains of Fort James,origins of language, the essentialand what they find tells an intriguing tale of________________________________________________________________________________________________________3Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk

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