New Releases - October 2009 - Learningemall.com

New Releases - October 2009 - Learningemall.com

New Releases - October 2009 - Learningemall.com


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AMERICAN EXPERIENCE:WE SHALL REMAINA provocative multi-media project thatestablishes Native history as an essentialpart of American history. The centerpieceof this initiative is a television series thattells five heartbreaking, yet inspiringstories. Together they highlight Nativeingenuity and resilience over the course of300 years. The series upendstwo-dimensional stereotypes of AmericanIndians as simply ferocious warriors orpeaceable lovers of the land.Item no.Format: SS06581593: 3 DVDs (Color, ClosedCaptioned): 450 minutesDurationAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 112.00BEEF STATEThe hour-long program tells a tale ofeconomic, ecological and culturalupheaval, as well as the personal storiesof victory, loss and true grit that madeNebraska the Beef State. It weavestogether historical background and humandetermination into a fascinating saga thattakes viewers on a panoramic sweepthrough a century of American history.Item no.Format: AC06581607: DVD (Color, ClosedCaptioned): 60 minutesDurationCopyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 77.00LOOKING FOR LINCOLNThe series will dissect the myths that havegrown up around Abraham Lincoln, and indoing so, will address outstandingquestions surrounding him - questionsabout race, equality, religion, depression,and sexuality - by carefully interpreting theevidence provided by people who actuallyknew him.Item no.Format: CB06581806: DVD (Color, ClosedCaptioned): 120 minutesDurationAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 77.00WAR & MILITARYItem no.Format: NC06581733: DVD (Color, ClosedCaptioned): 60 minutesDurationCopyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 77.00LEGACY OF WARThis program details the successful launchand execution of the Marshall Plan --America's expansive <strong>com</strong>mitment tore-build Europe at the end of the war.Walter Cronkite traces the <strong>com</strong>plex andchanging relationship between the UnitedStates and England and explores thedramatic shifts of the Cold War from theend of the war up to the present.Item no.Format: WS06581779: DVD (Color, ClosedCaptioned): 60 minutesDurationCopyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 77.00WEIGHTMANAGEMENTEXERCISE PROGRAMMINGFOR OBESE ANDWEIGHT-LOSS CLIENTSBy Tanya ColucciObesity is proliferating in the United States.One of the byproducts of this situation isthe ever-increasing number of clients whowant to make positive changes in theirlives and who are seeking professionalhelp from personal trainers. Unfortunately,many of these individuals have a host ofmusculoskeletal problems that impact theirability to exercise safely. ExerciseProgramming for Obese and Weight-LossClients details exercise-program designconsiderations and corrective-exercisestrategies for clients with chronicconditions specific to the hip, knee, andfoot. In addition, the DVD features casestudies that show applicable real-life clientsuccess stories.Among the topics covered:• Statistics on obesity• Five elements of life• Assessment process• Corrective-exercise process• Common injuries• Program design <strong>com</strong>ponents• Stage training• Sample programWILDLIFESHARK CALLERS OFKONTU, THEBy Dennis O'RourkeFor centuries, the villagers of Kontu, inPapua <strong>New</strong> Guinea, have gone to sea infrail outrigger canoes to call, trap, and killsharks by hand. Now, after a hundredyears of colonization and missionaryactivity, only a few men still understand themagic rituals of shark calling.The SharkCallers of Kontu illustrates the effects ofcultural contact on the shark callingtraditions.The people of Kontu associate the sharkswith spiritual forces and believe men cancontrol these spiritual forces to their ownadvantage, or, through correct ritual,protect themselves from harm if they <strong>com</strong>ein contact with the sharks. Now the base oftheir culture has shifted. The influence ofWestern culture and Christian beliefs hasbrought many changes to the islands.Some of the more <strong>com</strong>plex ritualsassociated with shark calling have beenlost over the years. When the men whonow practice shark calling die, this uniqueand dangerous practice will probably diewith them.Reviews• "O'Rourke's sympathies for hissubjects are deeply political, althoughSharkcallers is no dry manifesto.Rather, by allowing the villagers tospeak for themselves and the camerasimply to reveal the remarkablenature of the mens' work, he relatesthe spiritual world of 'magic' to more<strong>com</strong>prehensible forces with admirablelucidity." - Geoff Andrew, Time Out• "O'Rourke's film carries us through awhole revolution, or devolution, ofvalues, and I for one found it anexperience that was sometimesbeautiful, and sometimes shamingand painful … O'Rourke is one of thegreat Australian documentarists." -John Hinde, ABC Radio (Sydney)Item no. : AT08880114Format : DVD (Color)Duration : 54 minutesAudience : Grade 7 or aboveCopyright : <strong>2009</strong>StdBkNo : 9781559747998Price : USD 350.00WORLDHALLOWED GROUNDSThis hour-long program visits twenty-twoAmerica's overseas military cemeteries ineight different countries. Each of theseplaces is a national treasure, withfascinating stories to tell. The programweaves elements of a historicaldocumentary with beautiful, contemporaryscenes of the cemeteries, and powerfulstories about the men and women who areburied in them.Email: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong>Item no. : AE08500664Format : DVDDuration : 149 minutesCopyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 60.00Learning Rendezvous LimitedHISTORY DETECTIVES:EPISODE 701America's top gumshoes are back... In thisepisode: a couple in Cincinnati acquire apeculiar phonograph at an antiquesauction; a World War II collector fromKansas, has a cryptic letter from a soldierto another military man; and the newowners want to know more about a watchfob <strong>com</strong>memorating Francisco "Pancho"Villa's murderous raid on the border town________________________________________________________________________________________________________33Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk

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