New Releases - October 2009 - Learningemall.com

New Releases - October 2009 - Learningemall.com

New Releases - October 2009 - Learningemall.com


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and, after study in Paris, went on to createsome of the most resonant and influentialsculptures of the age. Among hisbest-known works are the statue ofGeneral Sherman in <strong>New</strong> York's CentralPark, Boston's Robert Gould ShawMemorial, the female nude Diana, and the1881 statue of admiral David Farragut.Augustus Saint Gaudens: An AmericanOriginal draws on photographs, letters,literary documents and the artist's works --which are found in major cities, publicparks and museums throughout the UnitedStates -- to create a beautiful andinformative portrait of a neglected giant ofAmerican art. Centering on the artist'sadopted home of Cornish, <strong>New</strong> Hampshire,the film is an excellent introduction to theman and his times, and to the work thathelped a weary nation begin to makesense of the war that almost tore it apart.Review• "A splendid profile of a premierAmerican sculptor..A timelessproduction." - BooklistItem no. : NZ08880064Format : DVD (Color)Duration : 28 minAudience : Grade 7 or aboveCopyright : <strong>2009</strong>StdBkNo : 9781559748025Price : USD 133.00SHORT FILMSDOUBLETALKBy Alan BeattieIn this clever dramatic short, a boy arrivingto pick up his date gets stuck makinginane small talk with the girl's parents.Humorous yet poignant, this classic filmuses overlapping soundtracks to revealthe true thoughts of three people and toexplore the nuances of spoken andunspoken <strong>com</strong>munication.Note• Academy Award Nomination 1976,Best Short FilmItem no. : TR08880072Format : DVD (Color)Duration : 9 minutesAudience : Grade 10 or aboveCopyright : <strong>2009</strong>StdBkNo : 9781559748087Price : USD 105.00RUSHESBy Barry SpinelloWill he really do it? A young filmmakerproposes to film the last twenty-four hoursof his life -- before he <strong>com</strong>mits suicide. Is ita desperate cry for help, or is it... only amovie?Item no. : NZ06581708Format : DVD (Color, ClosedCaptioned)Item no. : ZT08880112Duration : 60 minutesFormat : DVD (Color)Copyright : <strong>2009</strong>Duration : 48 minutesPrice : USD 77.00Audience : Grade 10 or above________________________________________________________________________________________________________Email: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong>Copyright : <strong>2009</strong>StdBkNo : 9781559748018Price : USD 133.00SOCIAL ISSUESAMERICA AT ACROSSROADS: THEMOSQUE IN MORGANTOWNThis is a story of <strong>com</strong>peting paths to socialchange, American identity, and the natureof religion itself. Working in Pakistan,former reporter Asra Nomani found herselfpregnant and abandoned by the Pakistaniman she thought would be her husband,then her friend Daniel Pearl was murdered.She and her son returned to herhometown in West Virginia to find that themosque had been taken over by men shesaw as extremists.Item no.Format: FA06581482: DVD (Color, ClosedCaptioned): 76 minutesDurationCopyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 77.00FRONTLINE: BLACKMONEYFRONTLINE examines the shadowy worldof international bribery, revealing howmulti-national <strong>com</strong>panies create slushfunds, set up front <strong>com</strong>panies, and makesecret payments, all to get billions inbusiness. These practices are facing anew international crackdown. At the centerof this is a controversial, ongoinginvestigation into the British-basedmulti-national BAE Systems andallegations about billion dollar bribes.Item no.Format: DA06581671: DVD (Color, ClosedCaptioned): 60 minutesDurationCopyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 77.00FRONTLINE: THERELEASEDIn this follow up to the groundbreaking filmThe <strong>New</strong> Asylums, FRONTLINE examineswhat happens to the mentally ill when theyleave prison and why they return at suchalarming rates. The intimate stories of thereleased-along with interviews with paroleofficers, social workers, andpsychiatrists-provide a rare look at thelives of the mentally ill as they struggle tostay out of prison and reintegrate intosociety.Learning Rendezvous LimitedNOW 2008: EDUCATIONCITYWhile America's reputation in the MiddleEast is hovering at historic lows, thedemand for a U.S. university-brandededucation has never been greater. NOWtravels to the tiny energy-rich nation ofQatar to visit the largest collection of U.S.universities in the Middle East. Theschools, including Carnegie Mellon andGeorgetown, are enthusiastically attendedby students throughout the region. But isexporting American education a riskyendeavor?Item no.Format: HN06581908: DVD (Color, ClosedCaptioned): 30 minutesDurationAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 56.00PETER MATTHIESSEN: NOBOUNDARIESThis is an intimate documentary focusingon capturing the essence of the literaryand spiritual force that is PeterMatthiessen. Novelist, travel writer,explorer, Zen monk--Matthiessen is all thisand more. The interviews will center onhow the events and circumstances of hislife have shaped his point-of-view,established the trajectory of his spiritualquest and guided his selection of subjectmatter.Item no.Format: ND06581976: DVD (Color, ClosedCaptioned): 60 minutesDurationAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 77.00WHEN THE WATER TAPRUNS DRYThe greatest impacts from climate changewill not be warmer temperatures but watershortages. Learn how America's waterinfrastructure is incapable of handlingthese changes. There exist solutions thatwill make us rethink everything from howwe use water, to where we live, to whoowns water.Every drop of water that flows throughAmerica's rivers or is stored in our lakesand reservoirs is spoken for. Now, Americais over-drafting its water supply. How did it<strong>com</strong>e to this? The answers lie in America'soutdated water infrastructure, an inflexiblewater storage system, greater demandfrom an increasing population and theimpacts of global warming. In When theWater Tap Runs Dry, we will look at theseissues and provide essential solutionsbased on a new vision of America's waterinfrastructure, and customized water rightsagreements. If the water crisis is notaddressed, the water tap will run dry formany Americans.Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk30

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