New Releases - October 2009 - Learningemall.com

New Releases - October 2009 - Learningemall.com

New Releases - October 2009 - Learningemall.com


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MUSICLATIN MUSIC U.S.A.LATIN MUSIC USA highlights the greatAmerican music created by Latinos, andcelebrates the Latin rhythms at the heartof jazz, rock, country, and rhythm andblues. It's a fresh take on Americanmusical history, reaching across fivedecades to portray the rich mix of soundscreated by Latinos and embraced by all.Item no.Format: NH06581777: 2 DVDs (Color, ClosedCaptioned): 240 minutesDurationCopyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 77.00NUCLEAR POWER& NUCLEAR WARSL-1: AMERICA'S FIRSTFATAL NUCLEAR REACTORACCIDENTBy Diane OrrThis chilling films uses recentlydeclassified government film footage tore-create the true story of America's firstnuclear accident, which took place inIdaho in 1961. The previously suppressedmaterial indicates that the disaster mayhave been caused by the suicidal impulseof an individual technician. Filmed in astark and formally challenging visual style,SL-1 explores the consequences ofnuclear radiation while raising seriousquestions about human fallibility.Reviews• "A powerful and poignant blend ofjournalism and drama, SL-1 is<strong>com</strong>pelling viewing." - WEEKLYVARIETY• "…cuts through any <strong>com</strong>placency thatmight still be hidden in the mind of theviewer. Re<strong>com</strong>mended viewing foranyone still foolish enough to believethat we can survive a nuclear war." -SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLEItem no. : KC08880117Format : DVD (Color)Duration : 60 minutesAudience : Grade 9 or aboveCopyright : <strong>2009</strong>StdBkNo : 9781559748148Price : USD 133.00Email: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong>PAINTING ANDPAINTERSSTROKES OF GENIUS:FRANZ KLINEREMEMBEREDBy Carl ColbyHosted by Dustin Hoffman, the filmportrays Franz Kline, best known for hisvigorous, large-scale black and whiteabstractions. Kline (1910-1962) is one ofthe preeminent painters of our century.Rare personal interviews with Kline'scontemporaries explore the iconoclasticspirit of the artist. Beginning in hischildhood in Pennsylvania's coal towns tohis bohemian lifestyle in the GreenwichVillage of the 1930's and 40's, Franz KlineRemembered documents the struggles,innovations, and triumphs of one of the<strong>New</strong> York School's most daring artists..Awards• Red Ribbon, American Film Festival;• CINE Golden EagleItem no. : EE08880122Format : DVD (Color)Duration : 29 minutesAudience : Grade 9 or aboveCopyright : <strong>2009</strong>StdBkNo : 9781559748094Price : USD 133.00PERSONALFINANCEYOUR LIFE, YOUR MONEYTold through real-life stories by a series ofengaging characters, this presents abroad range of fundamental financialinformation from basic banking to loansand insurance. - aimed at teens/youngadults. Hosted by Donald Faison (Scrubs).Item no.Format: CN06582061: DVD (Color, ClosedCaptioned): 60 minutesDurationCopyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 77.00PERSONALTRAINING4-DAY ROTATION:LIMITLESS OPTIONS FORGROUP STRENGTHBy Keli Roberts4-Day Rotation: Limitless Options forGroup Strength provides an overview ofan innovative approach featuring aminimalist program that offers fast results.The DVD details four program designs thatuse only two pieces of equipment perclass. The DVD explains how rotating andvarying the equipment and goals of the________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous Limitedclass can create effective ways to crosstrain. For example, the four-day rotationmight entail the following: Day 1—bodybars and gliding discs; Day 2—body barsand steps; Day 3—body bars and stabilityballs; and Day 4—resistance bands andsteps. The DVD is designed to showtrainers how to create goal-driven,group-exercise strength programming thatwill keep participants <strong>com</strong>ing back formore.Among the Topics Covered:• Introduction• Complex training• Super sets• Compound training• Circuit trainingItem no. : ZN08500641Format : DVDDuration : 103 minutesCopyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 60.00ADVANCED PILATESCHALLENGEBy Alisa WyattOne element missing from many Pilatesmat classes is Joseph Pilates' strong,athletic style. Advanced Pilates Challengeexplains how Pilates instructors can teachJoe's way—with flow, control, andseamless transitions. The workshopshows how to turn Joe's most challengingmovements into 'poetry in motion.'Among the topics covered:• Abdominal exercises• Back exercises• Side kicks• Teaser series• Star• Snake twist• Seal and stand• CrabItem no. : CE08500642Format : DVDDuration : 73 minutesCopyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 60.00BEYOND STRETCHING:ROM TRAININGBy Tom PurvisMany people firmly believe that stretchingis a key <strong>com</strong>ponent of a sound exerciseprogram. Unfortunately, considerable mythand misinformation exists concerning thewhys and hows of proper stretching.Beyond Stretching: ROM Trainingexplores stretching from the perspective ofa detailed, inside view of the body. TheDVD examines <strong>com</strong>mon types and goalsof stretching and the research (or lackthereof) concerning stretching, as well asmyths attendant to stretching. The DVDemphasizes the fact that fitnessprofessionals must be prepared to stretchtheir minds in order to let go of theiremotional attachments to traditionalWebsites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk20

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