New Releases - October 2009 - Learningemall.com

New Releases - October 2009 - Learningemall.com

New Releases - October 2009 - Learningemall.com


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Copyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 56.00NOW <strong>2009</strong>: ABORTIONPROVIDERS UNDER SIEGEThe murder of Dr. George Tiller hasreignited the abortion debate and raisedthe question: Should violence againstmedical doctors who perform abortions beviewed and prosecuted as domesticterrorism? NOW Maria Hinojosa sits downwith two of the handful of doctors whopublicly acknowledge performing lateabortions, and sees how Tiller's killing andits ramifications are impacting doctors,free speech and a civilized society.Item no.Format: GT06581942: DVD (Color, ClosedCaptioned): 30 minutesDurationAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 56.00NOW <strong>2009</strong>: BILLIONS INBOGUS BONUSES?President Obama has issued a scathingcritique of Wall Street following news thatWall Street employees were paid morethan $18 billion in bonuses last year as thefinancial sector melted down. What shouldhis administration do to crack down onbanks, given that some experts aresuggesting an additional $1 trillion to $2trillion may be needed to bail them out?Item no.Format: MA06581943: DVD (Color, ClosedCaptioned): 30 minutesDurationAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 56.00NOW <strong>2009</strong>: CAN COAL BEEARTH-FRIENDLY?Americans are addicted to coal - it powershalf of all our electricity, and is bothplentiful and cheap. In fact, some callAmerica the "Saudi Arabia of Coal." Butare we paying too high an environmentalprice for all this cheap energy?Item no.Format: TC06581944: DVD (Color, ClosedCaptioned): 30 minutesDurationAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 56.00NOW <strong>2009</strong>: CAN THE U.N.KEEP THE PEACE?NOW travels to the Democratic Republicof the Congo to witness today's largestand most expensive peacekeepingoperation. There, 17,000 U.N. troops aretasked with protecting millions of peopleover a rugged and dangerous territory thesize of the Eastern United States. But theeffort is struggling, how can U.N.peacekeeping be improved so that it fulfillsits promise of protection to the world?Item no.Format: ES06581945: DVD (Color, ClosedCaptioned): 30 minutesDurationAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 56.00NOW <strong>2009</strong>: COMING HOME& PARADISE LOST,REVISITEDThousands of U.S. troops are gettingdischarged out of the army, suffering frompost traumatic stress disorders and braininjuries, and aren't getting the care theyneed. The Army claims these soldiershave pre-existing mental illnesses or areguilty of misconduct.Item no.Format: TP06581946: DVD (Color, ClosedCaptioned): 30 minutesDurationAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 56.00NOW <strong>2009</strong>: CREDITCRUNCHThis week, NOW takes a hard look at thesmall print in credit card offers, and atCongressional legislation aimed atregulating the industry. Are you getting thecredit you deserve?Item no.Format: LU06581947: DVD (Color, ClosedCaptioned): 30 minutesDurationAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 56.00NOW <strong>2009</strong>: FOOD, INC.David Brancaccio talks with filmmakerRobert Kenner, the director of Food, Inc.,which takes a hard look at the secretiveand surprising journey food takes on theway from processing plants to our dinnertables. The two discuss why contemporaryfood processing secrets are so closelyguarded, their impact on our health, andanother surprising fact: how consumersare actually empowered to make adifference.Item no.Format: YW06581948: DVD (Color, ClosedCaptioned): 30 minutesDurationAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 56.00NOW <strong>2009</strong>: GAMBLINGWITH HEALTH CARELosing your job is a blow not just to yourin<strong>com</strong>e, but also to your health insurance.Many can't afford high COBRA premiums,much less private insurance. And thesputtering economy is making a badsituation tragic. NOW shares the humanstories behind the distressing numbers,and investigates possible solutions andresponses.Item no.Format: ND06581949: DVD (Color, ClosedCaptioned): 30 minutesDurationAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 56.00NOW <strong>2009</strong>: GREEN JOBS -HOPE OR HYPE?NOW talks with environmental activist VanJones, founder of "Green For All," a groupdedicated to bringing green jobs todisadvantaged Americans. In March,Jones was appointed Special Advisor onGreen Jobs at the President's Council forEnvironmental Quality. Now that he hasthe President's ear, will Jones be creatinga new career frontier for America?Item no.Format: ED06581950: DVD (Color, ClosedCaptioned): 30 minutesDurationAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 56.00NOW <strong>2009</strong>: HELP FORHOMEOWNERS?Across the country, cities are in crisisbecause of the fallout from the mortgagemess - property taxes are way down, andabandoned homes are bringing downproperty values, inviting crime, anddraining government coffers.Neighborhoods are being destroyed. Yetthe federal bailout money is not goingdirectly to desperate <strong>com</strong>munities andhomeowners, but to local and nationalbanks.Item no.Format: TL06581951: DVD (Color, ClosedCaptioned): 30 minutesDurationAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : <strong>2009</strong>Price : USD 56.00NOW <strong>2009</strong>: HOMES FORTHE HOMELESS?American streets are littered withforeclosed houses, but one daringadvocate says they shouldn't go to waste.He encourages and facilitates homeless"squatting." It's an idea that addresses twoissues at once - homelessness and________________________________________________________________________________________________________Email: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong>Learning Rendezvous LimitedWebsites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk17

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