WINES & SPIRITS PROGRAM 2006 - Le Cordon Bleu

WINES & SPIRITS PROGRAM 2006 - Le Cordon Bleu

WINES & SPIRITS PROGRAM 2006 - Le Cordon Bleu


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WINTER <strong>2006</strong>*Superior level January 23Intermediate level January 24Basic level January 25Intermediate level** January 26SUMMER <strong>2006</strong>*Superior level June 19Intermediate level June 20Basic level June 21*Starting date**Courses in french translated into japaneseSPRING <strong>2006</strong>*Superior level April 10Intermediate level April 11Basic level April 12Superior level** April 13FALL <strong>2006</strong>*Superior level September 18Intermediate level Septembre 19Basic level Septembre 20Superior level** September 21PRICE:Per level : 340 EurosFor the 3 levels : 870 Euros<strong>WINES</strong> AND <strong>SPIRITS</strong> <strong>PROGRAM</strong>In recognition of rapidly growing interest inwines and spirits, the vital importance of thesubject to culinary graduates entering thefood industry, and the strategic location ofthe Paris school within easy reach of severalof the world's most famous vineyards, LECORDON BLEU offers wine courses as anessential adjunct to its courses in the culinaryarts.The LE CORDON BLEU Wine Departmentoffers courses at three levels, Basic,Intermediate, and Superior. Each courseconsists of six sessions in consecutive weeks,7 - 8:30 pm.Courses focus on French wines and vineyardsat the Basic and Intermediate levels. Finewines and spirits from other countries are featuredin the “Superior Wine Course”, whichalso includes more in-depth study ofBurgundy and Bordeaux.- BASIC WINE, "<strong>Le</strong>s ABCs du Vin", providesfoundation knowledge in this vast subject,in the same way that Basic Cuisine andBasic Pastry prepare students for furtherstudy.-INTERMEDIATE WINE, "Wines &Regions", like its counterparts, IntermediateCuisine and Intermediate Pastry, exploresthe rich diversity of the great Frenchvineyards.- SUPERIOR WINE & <strong>SPIRITS</strong>, "GreatWines & Spirits" offers students an opportunityto extend their knowledge to the greatwines and spirits of the world, and to acquirea greater understanding of the two mostfamous French vineyards, Burgundy andBordeaux.At each meeting, a lecture is followed bya tasting of five or six wines, accompanied byappropriate cheeses.Vineyard study trips (optional, prices varyaccording to destination) are proposed severaltimes a year and provide an opportunity toexplore the riches of the French vineyards.A theory test and a practical examination isadministered after each course. The LECORDON BLEU certificate is awardedupon satisfactory completion of each course.

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