SECTION 5: Provider Claims Information - TRICARE Overseas

SECTION 5: Provider Claims Information - TRICARE Overseas

SECTION 5: Provider Claims Information - TRICARE Overseas


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<strong>TRICARE</strong> overseas Program<strong>Provider</strong> ManualThe Secure Message Transmission method available throughyour secure account on www.tricare-overseas.com allows youto submit messages directly to the <strong>TRICARE</strong> <strong>Overseas</strong> Program(TOP) Customer Service department.To access your secure messages, select the ‘Secure Message’button in the top navigation bar to be taken to your securemessage inbox. Your Inbox is a record of inquiries you havemade to the <strong>TRICARE</strong> <strong>Overseas</strong> Program via the securemessaging service and replies received from our CustomerService department.The Secure Message Inbox tab will display all messagescurrently in your secure message account.The Inbox view uses the following display format:■ Check Box: This box is used to mark messages for deletion.Only use this box when you want to delete a message fromyour Inbox. You can select an individual message or multiplemessages for deletion. Deletion of messages is permanent.■ Date: Date of last action on the email message. Date format isMM/DD/YYYY. By default, messages will display in your Inboxin the order of most recent date to oldest date.■ Subject: This field displays the message subject. Themessage subject is set to the inquiry type you select whencomposing the original message. Subject options include onlythe following:— New Claim— Claim Status— General— Eligibility— Appeal■ Status: The Status field will display one of the following twooptions:— Sent: These are messages you have composed and sentto the <strong>TRICARE</strong> <strong>Overseas</strong> Program that have not yet beenviewed by our Customer Service department.— Received: The received status appears when your sentmessage has been reviewed by the Customer Servicedepartment.Note that the column heading can be clicked to sort the view ofyour Inbox by Date, Subject, or Status.The New Messages tab of the mailbox uses the same format asthe Message Inbox tab, but will only display messages with astatus of Sent, allowing you to see only those messages to whichthe Customer Service department has not yet replied.Your Inbox will store up to a maximum of 2,500 messages. Toavoid potential issues with your secured mail account, be sure tomanage your mail to not exceed this limit.36

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