Egyptological Studies - Oxbow Books

Egyptological Studies - Oxbow Books Egyptological Studies - Oxbow Books
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Forthcoming & New TitlesHarrassowitz VerlagThe Legal Register of Ramesside Private Law Instrumentsby Arlette DavidPursuing the study of legal discourse in ancient Egypt during the well-documented 19th and 20th dynasties(circa 1300-1100 BC), this volume describes the legal language used in recording wills and gifts. Itis compared with the language of royal decrees and with some examples of legal languages associatedwith private instruments in Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and modern times. After presentation ofthe criteria used to establish the corpus and the multiple dilemmas involved, each text is analyzed for itslinguistic and graphic features, as well as the lexico-semantic features associated with the categorizationsystem embedded in the script. Related textual categories are dealt with separately. A distinct Ramessideprivate deeds register (variety of language distinguished according to use) emerges from the analysis,resulting from choices and strategies adapted to a specific legal topic and communicative purpose.331p (Harrassowitz Verlag 2010, Göttinger Orientforschungen. IV. Reihe Ägypten 38) paperback, 9783447061438,$111.00. Special Offer $89.00The Bronzes of Ptolemy II Philadelphusby Wendy A CheshireThe study of bronzes from Greco-Roman Egypt offers awide spectrum of possibilities for researchers in ClassicalArchaeology and Egyptology alike, but the complexityof many interdisciplinary topics can only be well-servedthrough specialized investigations of limited scope. Thebronze portrait sculptures of Ptolemy II offer an idealpoint of departure for such an investigation, since it wasduring that king’s rule that court artists consciouslycreated art forms that fused the style, subject matterand iconography of the artistic heritage of theirnative subjects with their own Greek traditions.256p, illus (Harrassowitz Verlag 2009, Ägypten und AltesTestament 77) hardback, 9783447060103, $114.00.Special Offer $92.00Drei Totenpapyri aus einer thebanischen Werkstattder SpätzeitpBerlin P. 3158, pBerlin P. 3159, pAberdeen ABDUA 8402by Burkhard BackesThis volume presents a small group of three Death Papyri whose strikingsimilarities in text selection, spelling, iconography and presentation stylemake plausible the assumption that they were all created by a single“workshop.” The contents of the papyri are also remarkable: based ontheir physical appearance they could be classified as an ancient EgyptianBook of the Dead, but those chapters only make up a small portion ofits contents. Most of the texts are documented as labeling other partsof the grave goods, some of which are still unknown. German text.108p, CD-ROM with col illus (Harrassowitz Verlag 2009, Handschriften desAltägyptischen Totenbuches 11) paperback, 9783447058100, $117.00.Special Offer $94.00Den Dolch betreffendTypologie der Stichwaffen in Ägyptenvon der prädynastischen Zeit bis zur 3. Zwischenzeitby Susanne PetschelThis typological study on ancient Egyptian cutting weapons isa contribution to Egyptian military history. For the first time, itpresents the systematic collection and processing of an ancient typeof weapon and its historical significance. The development of cuttingweapons is graphically and photographically documented in an extensivecatalog section, with particular reference on influences fromneighboring countries over a period of about 2,600 years. The analyticalpart of the investigation not only covers the nature and qualityof weapons, but their social and cultural significance. German text.532p, illus (Harrassowitz Verlag, December 2010, Philippika 36)hardback, 9783447061803, $252.00. Special Offer $202.00Das Anzünden der FackelUntersuchungen zu Spruch 137des Totenbuchesby Daniela C LuftThis work deals with saying 137of the Book of the Dead, whichaccompanied the ritual act ofthe torch-lighting. All knowntext sources have been used forthe text edition with annotatedtranslation and include a synopsisof the hieroglyphic texts. The authoranalyzes the text of Tb 137 and then expands the focus to the use of thesayings in many ritual and funerary texts outside the Book of the Dead.Additionally, the use and further adaptation of the texts after their inclusionin the Book of the Dead is presented, as well as interpretations, structuralanalysis, and an examination of the localization of the saying. German text.349p, 4 illus (Harrassowitz Verlag 2009, Studien zum Altägyptischen Totenbuch 15)paperback, 9783447060141, $102.00. Special Offer $82.00The David Brown Book Co. — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

Harrassowitz VerlagForthcoming & NewTitlesLand und Leute am Nil nach demotischen Inschriften, Papyri und OstrakaGesammelte Schriften. Teil 1 und Teil 2by Ursula Kaplony-HeckelKnown Egyptian hieroglyphic writing begins in the third millennium BC and ends in the second centuryAD with the so-called Demotic. The author systematically analyzes short texts on wooden tables, limestoneboulders, and clay fragments. She separates them by district, as the endemic Egyptian administrationof the state and temple had certificate formulas for each district starting from the second century BC.This overview (which includes common indicators) of the author’s writings, which have appeared in 26different publications, is an important reference work for the late Egyptian era. German text.2 vols, 1585p (Harrassowitz Verlag 2009, Ägyptologische Abhandlungen 71) hardback, 9783447060110,$297.00. Special Offer $238.00Erinnerung ÄgyptenFrühe Photographien, Lithographien, Stiche und Kartenaus der Sammlung Dan Kyram, Jerusalemedited by Max KunzeSince the time of Herodotus (484–420 BC), travelers have been enchanted and fascinatedby Egypt. This book, the companion volume to an exhibition held at the Winckelmann-Museum in Stendal, Germany, presents early photographs, lithographs, engravings,and maps from the Dan Kyram Collection in Jerusalem in full color. German text.173p, 162 col illus (Harrassowitz Verlag, November 2010) paperback, 9783447062978, $57.00.Special Offer $46.00Die Inschriften der SpätzeitTeil III: Die 25. Dynastie (Nubierzeit)by Karl Jansen-WinkelnThis third volume of Inschriften der Spätzeit consistsof seven sections discussing texts of the 25th dynasty.These sections are in turn classified into the periods of thereigning kings: Shabako, Schebitku, Taharka, Tanutamunand some local rulers. In addition to these, there are quitea few texts on the Theban “Wives of the Gods” and theirofficials, which are undated and can thus not clearly be attributedto a reign of one of these kings. The conclusion ofthe volume, as with the two preceding volumes, containsa longer section summarizing those inscriptions thatcan either certainly or probably be attributed to the 25thdynasty but contains no evidence or dating that can beattributed to a particular ruler. The collection also includesmany previously unpublished texts, and many older publicationshave been collated. Detailed indexes facilitate easysearching for monuments in museums, royal and nonroyalpersons, as well as periods of reign. German text.619p (Harrassowitz Verlag 2009) hardback, 9783447060004,$147.00. Special Offer $118.00Sakrale Architektur im FlachbildZum Realitätsbezug von Tempeldarstellungenby Arnulf SchlüterThe ancient Egyptian representation of sacred architecture reflects their structuraland functional diversity and is thus of particular interest for the reconstruction of anancient Egyptian temple landscape. The study examines the representations as theyadhere to reality as well as the context given to their ritual actions. The function ofthe images, as well as their context and their functional or magical-ritual interpretationis considered. The use of renderings of religious architectures are also of greatrelevance for the understanding of ancient Egyptian images in general. German text.534p (Harrassowitz Verlag 2009, Ägypten und Altes Testament 78) hardback,9783447060882, $147.00. Special Offer $118.00Das Sahidische Alte und Neue TestamentLieferung 2: sa 621–672edited by Karlheinz SchüsslerThe series Biblia Coptica provides the first systematic compilation of Biblical texts from the Oldand New Testaments originating from the old Coptic church of Egypt. Karlheinz Schüssler wasable to reconstruct the original structure of various Codices by comparing handwritings of themany pages that were torn from the originals and are now kept in various libraries and museums.Each text contains a detailed description and its place of repository. The work is of fundamentalimportance to biblical theology/exegesis and to church and canon history. German text.192p (Harrassowitz Verlag 2009, Biblia Coptica 4) paperback, 9783447060516, $96.00. Special Offer $77.00The David Brown Book Co. — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

Harrassowitz VerlagForthcoming & NewTitlesLand und Leute am Nil nach demotischen Inschriften, Papyri und OstrakaGesammelte Schriften. Teil 1 und Teil 2by Ursula Kaplony-HeckelKnown Egyptian hieroglyphic writing begins in the third millennium BC and ends in the second centuryAD with the so-called Demotic. The author systematically analyzes short texts on wooden tables, limestoneboulders, and clay fragments. She separates them by district, as the endemic Egyptian administrationof the state and temple had certificate formulas for each district starting from the second century BC.This overview (which includes common indicators) of the author’s writings, which have appeared in 26different publications, is an important reference work for the late Egyptian era. German text.2 vols, 1585p (Harrassowitz Verlag 2009, Ägyptologische Abhandlungen 71) hardback, 9783447060110,$297.00. Special Offer $238.00Erinnerung ÄgyptenFrühe Photographien, Lithographien, Stiche und Kartenaus der Sammlung Dan Kyram, Jerusalemedited by Max KunzeSince the time of Herodotus (484–420 BC), travelers have been enchanted and fascinatedby Egypt. This book, the companion volume to an exhibition held at the Winckelmann-Museum in Stendal, Germany, presents early photographs, lithographs, engravings,and maps from the Dan Kyram Collection in Jerusalem in full color. German text.173p, 162 col illus (Harrassowitz Verlag, November 2010) paperback, 9783447062978, $57.00.Special Offer $46.00Die Inschriften der SpätzeitTeil III: Die 25. Dynastie (Nubierzeit)by Karl Jansen-WinkelnThis third volume of Inschriften der Spätzeit consistsof seven sections discussing texts of the 25th dynasty.These sections are in turn classified into the periods of thereigning kings: Shabako, Schebitku, Taharka, Tanutamunand some local rulers. In addition to these, there are quitea few texts on the Theban “Wives of the Gods” and theirofficials, which are undated and can thus not clearly be attributedto a reign of one of these kings. The conclusion ofthe volume, as with the two preceding volumes, containsa longer section summarizing those inscriptions thatcan either certainly or probably be attributed to the 25thdynasty but contains no evidence or dating that can beattributed to a particular ruler. The collection also includesmany previously unpublished texts, and many older publicationshave been collated. Detailed indexes facilitate easysearching for monuments in museums, royal and nonroyalpersons, as well as periods of reign. German text.619p (Harrassowitz Verlag 2009) hardback, 9783447060004,$147.00. Special Offer $118.00Sakrale Architektur im FlachbildZum Realitätsbezug von Tempeldarstellungenby Arnulf SchlüterThe ancient Egyptian representation of sacred architecture reflects their structuraland functional diversity and is thus of particular interest for the reconstruction of anancient Egyptian temple landscape. The study examines the representations as theyadhere to reality as well as the context given to their ritual actions. The function ofthe images, as well as their context and their functional or magical-ritual interpretationis considered. The use of renderings of religious architectures are also of greatrelevance for the understanding of ancient Egyptian images in general. German text.534p (Harrassowitz Verlag 2009, Ägypten und Altes Testament 78) hardback,9783447060882, $147.00. Special Offer $118.00Das Sahidische Alte und Neue TestamentLieferung 2: sa 621–672edited by Karlheinz SchüsslerThe series Biblia Coptica provides the first systematic compilation of Biblical texts from the Oldand New Testaments originating from the old Coptic church of Egypt. Karlheinz Schüssler wasable to reconstruct the original structure of various Codices by comparing handwritings of themany pages that were torn from the originals and are now kept in various libraries and museums.Each text contains a detailed description and its place of repository. The work is of fundamentalimportance to biblical theology/exegesis and to church and canon history. German text.192p (Harrassowitz Verlag 2009, Biblia Coptica 4) paperback, 9783447060516, $96.00. Special Offer $77.00The David Brown Book Co. — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

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