Egyptological Studies - Oxbow Books

Egyptological Studies - Oxbow Books Egyptological Studies - Oxbow Books
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Forthcoming & New TitlesPeeters PublishersThe Necropolis of AssiutA Case Study of Local Egyptian Funerary Culture from the Old Kingdom to the End of the Middle Kingdomby M ZitmanThe history of Assiut in the First Intermediate Period and Middle Kingdom has mainly been written on the basis of its famous nomarchaltombs. This study takes a different approach by focusing on the other funerary remains from Assiut. It is based on a comprehensive collectionof the finds from excavations conducted during the first half of the 20th century, including the unpublished work by D.G. Hogarth and E.Schiaparelli. The study presents a survey of the fieldwork conducted, a spatial analysis of the Siutian necropolis, ‘new’ candidates for hithertounidentified nomarchal tombs, and a thorough analysis of the available funerary finds, many of which were previously unpublished.2 vols, 709p, illus (Peeters Publishers, October 2010, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 180) hardback, 9789042921061, $232.00. Special Offer $186.00A Palaeographic Studyof Early Writing in Egyptby I RegulskiIn trying to reconstruct the early phases of our culture,we rely mostly on sources from the ancient Near East.This is perhaps more true of the history of writing thanof any other great cultural accomplishment. It would beunthinkable to even try to sketch the history of writingwithout taking into consideration the written sourcesof ancient Egypt. The present study contributes to theresearch of writing evolution in Egypt as an attempt tocollect, describe, and evaluate the earliest attestations ofwriting from a palaeographic point of view. The book aimsto present a thorough investigation of the developmentof sign forms, from its first appearance around 3250 BCuntil the reign of Djoser (ca. 2700 BC) at the beginningof Dynasty III. It features the first-ever palaeographiccollection of all available signs and inscriptions. Thesurvey permitted reconstruction of the complex process ofcodification and reform of the Egyptian script that finallyresulted in the hieroglyphic writing of the Old Kingdom.824p (Peeters Publishers, October 2010, Orientalia LovaniensiaAnalecta 195) hardback, 9789042923263, $153.00.Special Offer $123.00The Second Intermediate Period(Thirteenth–Seventeenth Dynasties)Current Research, Future Prospectsby M MaréeDuring the 18th–16th centuries BC, from the late Middle Kingdomto the early New Kingdom, Pharaonic Egypt went through a periodof great political and cultural change. Kings came and went at unprecedentedspeed, saw their power reduced, and failed to keep theland under one scepter. In the eastern Nile Delta, a community ofAsiatic origin proclaimed its own rulers, known later as the Hyksos,who ultimately controlled the entire northern half of Egypt. Kings atThebes maintained a fragile independence, then went to war anddefeated the Hyksos, restoring national unity. Ongoing fieldworkand research have thrown new light on all stages and aspects ofthis fascinating era. This volume, resulting from an internationalcolloquium at The British Museum, assembles work of prime importancefrom leading scholars in the field, and will long be a majorsource of reference for researchers as well as the interested layman.365p, 133 pls (Peeters Publishers, October 2010, Orientalia LovaniensiaAnalecta 192) hardback, 9789042922280, $138.00.Special Offer $111.00Honi Soit Qui Mal y PenseStudien zum pharaonischen, griechisch-römischen und spätantiken Ägypten zu Ehren von Heinz-Josef Thissenedited by H Knuf, C Leitz and D von RecklinghausenThis Festschrift celebrating the 70th birthday of Heinz-Josef Thissen contains over 50 contributions from an internationalselection of friends, colleagues and students. The book contains articles from various areas of Egyptology, papyrology,Coptology, ancient history and numismatics and reflects the broad spectrum of the work and interests of Thissen.Emphasis is placed on Greco-Roman Egypt. In addition to many sources (religious, literary and scientific texts, letters anddocuments) in hieroglyphic, hieratic, demotic, Coptic and Greek alphabets published here for the first time, many aspectsof Egyptian history, literature and religion, intercultural exchange between Egyptians and Greeks, and the survivalof Egyptian culture in the Western and Eastern spiritual world are examined. Papers in German, French, and English.627p, 111 pls (Peeters Publishers 2010, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 194) hardback, 9789042923232, $138.00. Special Offer $111.00The David Brown Book Co. — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

Peeters PublishersForthcoming & New TitlesEugnosteLettre sur le Dieu transcendant (NH III, 3 et V, 1): Commentaireby A PasquierDiscovered in a Coptic manuscript from the 4th century, the text called Eugnostos is certainly of older origin and can be dated to the firsthalf of the second century AD. It is characterized by the importance given to the myth of Primeval Man, who is the manifest form of the supremeGod. This volume analyzes the version of the Eugnostos text preserved in the Codices III and V from Nag Hammadi. French text.290p (Peeters Publishers, September 2010, Bibliothèque Copte de Nag Hammadi. Section Textes 33) paperback, 9789042921382, $102.00. Special Offer $82.00Elkab and BeyondStudies in Honour of Luc Limmeedited by W Claes, H De Meuelenaere and S HendrickxThis volume honours Dr Luc Limme with 34 contributions from his friends and colleagues on awide variety of topics concerning the study of ancient Egypt. The first set of articles focuses on thesite of Elkab; among them are reports of fieldwork as well as studies dealing with the more recenthistory of this important site. Articles in the next section investigate issues of Egyptian history,with an emphasis on the later periods, and include archaeological, art historical, papyrologicaland philological topics, reflecting Luc Limme’s wide ranging interests in the field of Egyptology.557p (Peeters Publishers 2009, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 191) hardback, 9789042922396, $130.00.Special Offer $104.00Sitting Beside LepsiusStudies in Honour of Jaromir Malekat the Griffith Instituteedited by Diana Magee, Janine Bourriauand Stephen QuirkeThis volume presents contributions from thirtycolleagues in honour of Jaromir Malek, for hisinspirational role, both in Egyptology morewidely, and in the direction of the TopographicalBibliography section of the Griffith Institute, atthe Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. The papersreflect the encyclopaedic variety of his interestsand research. Several focus on the primaryevidence for the past, from Old Kingdom toLate Period sculpture, and from the pyramidsto the cat in ancient Egypt. Among the workspreserved in museum collections or unearthedin recent excavation, some items are publishedfor the first time, while other papers bring outthe wider significance of specific monuments ormonument-types. The remaining authors consideran international spectrum of written and pictorialarchives, material which Jaromir Malek, morethan any of us, has made accessible and taught usto value as primary evidence in a particular form.604p (Peeters Publishers 2009, OrientaliaLovaniensia Analecta 185) hardback,9789042921719, $124.00. Special Offer $100.00Le méroïtiqueet sa famille linguistiqueby C RillyThe linguistic family of Meroitic, thelanguage of the pharaonic kingdomof Meroë/Kush in Sudan, has been asubject of lively discussion for more than acentury. Was it Kushite, Nilo-Saharian, orisolated like Sumerian and Etruscan? Thisvolume proposes its placement within anew branch of the linguistic family tree,called “North-west Sudanic” (soudaniqueoriental nord [SON]). French text.557p (Peeters Publishers 2010, Société d’Études Linguistiques et Anthropologiques deFrance 454) paperback, 9789042922372, $66.00. Special Offer $53.00L’iconographie de la barque processionnelle divineen Égypte au Nouvel Empireby C KarlshausenThis volume studies the representations and iconography of processionalbarques carrying the images of gods during the New Kingdom, of which theBark of Amun is the most well-known example. Working with visual andtextual sources, it places the scenes within their chronological and religiouscontext from the Middle Kingdom to Graeco-Roman times. French text.418p (Peeters Publishers 2009, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 182) hardback,9789042921184, $109.00. Special Offer $88.00The David Brown Book Co. — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

Forthcoming & New TitlesPeeters PublishersThe Necropolis of AssiutA Case Study of Local Egyptian Funerary Culture from the Old Kingdom to the End of the Middle Kingdomby M ZitmanThe history of Assiut in the First Intermediate Period and Middle Kingdom has mainly been written on the basis of its famous nomarchaltombs. This study takes a different approach by focusing on the other funerary remains from Assiut. It is based on a comprehensive collectionof the finds from excavations conducted during the first half of the 20th century, including the unpublished work by D.G. Hogarth and E.Schiaparelli. The study presents a survey of the fieldwork conducted, a spatial analysis of the Siutian necropolis, ‘new’ candidates for hithertounidentified nomarchal tombs, and a thorough analysis of the available funerary finds, many of which were previously unpublished.2 vols, 709p, illus (Peeters Publishers, October 2010, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 180) hardback, 9789042921061, $232.00. Special Offer $186.00A Palaeographic Studyof Early Writing in Egyptby I RegulskiIn trying to reconstruct the early phases of our culture,we rely mostly on sources from the ancient Near East.This is perhaps more true of the history of writing thanof any other great cultural accomplishment. It would beunthinkable to even try to sketch the history of writingwithout taking into consideration the written sourcesof ancient Egypt. The present study contributes to theresearch of writing evolution in Egypt as an attempt tocollect, describe, and evaluate the earliest attestations ofwriting from a palaeographic point of view. The book aimsto present a thorough investigation of the developmentof sign forms, from its first appearance around 3250 BCuntil the reign of Djoser (ca. 2700 BC) at the beginningof Dynasty III. It features the first-ever palaeographiccollection of all available signs and inscriptions. Thesurvey permitted reconstruction of the complex process ofcodification and reform of the Egyptian script that finallyresulted in the hieroglyphic writing of the Old Kingdom.824p (Peeters Publishers, October 2010, Orientalia LovaniensiaAnalecta 195) hardback, 9789042923263, $153.00.Special Offer $123.00The Second Intermediate Period(Thirteenth–Seventeenth Dynasties)Current Research, Future Prospectsby M MaréeDuring the 18th–16th centuries BC, from the late Middle Kingdomto the early New Kingdom, Pharaonic Egypt went through a periodof great political and cultural change. Kings came and went at unprecedentedspeed, saw their power reduced, and failed to keep theland under one scepter. In the eastern Nile Delta, a community ofAsiatic origin proclaimed its own rulers, known later as the Hyksos,who ultimately controlled the entire northern half of Egypt. Kings atThebes maintained a fragile independence, then went to war anddefeated the Hyksos, restoring national unity. Ongoing fieldworkand research have thrown new light on all stages and aspects ofthis fascinating era. This volume, resulting from an internationalcolloquium at The British Museum, assembles work of prime importancefrom leading scholars in the field, and will long be a majorsource of reference for researchers as well as the interested layman.365p, 133 pls (Peeters Publishers, October 2010, Orientalia LovaniensiaAnalecta 192) hardback, 9789042922280, $138.00.Special Offer $111.00Honi Soit Qui Mal y PenseStudien zum pharaonischen, griechisch-römischen und spätantiken Ägypten zu Ehren von Heinz-Josef Thissenedited by H Knuf, C Leitz and D von RecklinghausenThis Festschrift celebrating the 70th birthday of Heinz-Josef Thissen contains over 50 contributions from an internationalselection of friends, colleagues and students. The book contains articles from various areas of Egyptology, papyrology,Coptology, ancient history and numismatics and reflects the broad spectrum of the work and interests of Thissen.Emphasis is placed on Greco-Roman Egypt. In addition to many sources (religious, literary and scientific texts, letters anddocuments) in hieroglyphic, hieratic, demotic, Coptic and Greek alphabets published here for the first time, many aspectsof Egyptian history, literature and religion, intercultural exchange between Egyptians and Greeks, and the survivalof Egyptian culture in the Western and Eastern spiritual world are examined. Papers in German, French, and English.627p, 111 pls (Peeters Publishers 2010, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 194) hardback, 9789042923232, $138.00. Special Offer $111.00The David Brown Book Co. — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

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