Egyptological Studies - Oxbow Books

Egyptological Studies - Oxbow Books Egyptological Studies - Oxbow Books
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Forthcoming & New TitlesLibrairie CybèleL’organisation matérielle des cultes dans l’antiquitéTable Ronde internationale les 14 et mars 2003 à Paris par le Centre de documentation des droits del’Antiquitéedited by B Agnostou-CanasThis volume presents the proceedings from the round table on the material organization of cults in Antiquity, held by the Centrede Documentation des Droits de l’Antiquité in 2003. Priests, the intermediaries between gods and men, the funding of cults,and the different ways of paying homage to divinity are the main topics on which the 13 contributions in this volume focus.The chronological and geographical range of this book includes Mesopotamia, pharaonic Egypt, classical Athens, Hellenisticand Roman Egypt, Roman Macedonia, the Roman Republic and Empire, Medieval Europe, and Byzantium. French text.186p (Librairie Cybèle, September 2010) paperback, 9782915840179, $72.00. Special Offer $58.00El-Deir Nécropoles ILa Nécropole Sudby Francoise Dunand, Jean-Louis Heim and Roger LichtenbergThe archaeological exploration of El-Deir (Kharga Oasis, Western Egyptian desert) was undertaken by aFrench team, starting in 1998. During the course of the ten years of work on the site, five necropolises werediscovered. A first ensemble is presented in this volume, which will be followed by five more. The study ofthe human remains, skeletal and mummified, is combined with analysis of the material constituting thefunerary furnishings: wood, basketry, ceramics, textiles. These studies contain a wealth of information on alocal population whose funerary customs, which can be observed from the Persian period to the 5th centuryAD, completely belong to the Egyptian tradition. The tombs clearly show the differences of lifestyle withinthis population, which on the whole led modest lives of agriculture and handcraft. French text.248p (Librairie Cybèle, October 2010) paperback, 9782915840162, $125.00. Special Offer $100.00Textes des Pyramides de l’Egypte Ancienneby Claude Carrier“These books are exceptional. For specialists, the presence of the transliteration opposite the translation givesthe opportunity to check the original text without having to consult rare and often inaccessible volumes. “— James P. Allen, Wilbour Professor of Egyptology and Chair, Department of Egyptology and Ancient Western Asian Studies,Brown UniversityTome I: Textes des pyramides d’Ounas et de Téti417p (Librairie Cybèle 2009, MELCHAT 12) paperback,9782915840100, $74.00. Special Offer $60.00Tome II: Textes de la pyramide de Pépy Ier731p (Librairie Cybèle 2009, MELCHAT 13) paperback,9782915840124, $117.00. Special Offer $94.00Tome III: Textes de la pyramide de Pépy II674p (Librairie Cybèle, October 2010, MELCHAT 14)paperback, 9782915840131, $107.00.Special Offer $86.00Tome IV: Textes des pyramides deMérenrê, d’Aba, de Neit, d’Ipout etd’Oudjebten906p (Librairie Cybèle, October 2010,MELCHAT 15) paperback, 9782915840148,$143.00. Special Offer $115.00Tome V: Textes de tombes de particuliers antérieures à la XIXedynastie et des XXVe–XXVIIe dynastie976p (Librairie Cybèle, October 2010, MELCHAT 16) paperback, 9782915840155,$147.00. Special Offer $118.00Tome VI: Annexes686p (Librairie Cybèle 2009, MELCHAT 17) paperback, 9782915840117, $113.00.Special Offer $91.00The David Brown Book Co. — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

Oxbow BooksForthcoming & New TitlesDelta ReportsVolume 1: Research in Lower Egyptedited by Donald B RedfordThis is a new series reporting on work carried out by PennsylvaniaState University in the Delta region of Egypt.Contents: Preface; An Interim Report of the Temple of the Ram-God at Mendes; Two Late RomanAmphorae from Mendes; Numismatic Report; Late New Kingdom Ceramics at Mendes; AnInterim Report of the Naqada IIII– First Intermediate Period Stratification at Mendes 1999–2005.213p, 33 illus, 27 b/w pls, 7 fold-outs (Oxbow Books 2009) paperback, 9781842172445, $80.00.Special Offer $64.00Current Research in Egyptology 2009Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Symposium, University of Liverpool 2009edited by Dan Boatright, Judith Corbelli and Claire MallesonContents: Crossing of the Lake Ritual; Is Selket ‘The Lady of Chemmis and Wife of Horus’?; Dwarves at Amarna; Social Acceptance orAmusement for the Royal Family?; The Use of Scientific Techniques and the Study of Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern Weaponry;Egypt’s Encounter with the West; The Memphite Building Programme of Amenhotep III; A Compositional Study of Faience Beadsfrom Two Tombs in Abydos; Mass-Production in New Kingdom Egypt; The Veterinary Papyrus of Kahun; The Egyptian Collection atthe ‘Accademia dei Concordi’, Rovigo, Italy; Embodiment Theory and the Body in Ancient Egypt; House to House; Some Remarkson the Haker-Festival; The Images of Fortifications in the Sety I Battle Reliefs; The word wnx.wj in the Old Kingdom.190p, b/w illus (Oxbow Books, September 2010) paperback, 9781842174128, $56.00. Special Offer $45.00Egypt in the Eastern Mediterraneanduring the Old KingdomAn Archaeological Perspectiveby Karin N SowadaThis study presents a revised view of Egyptianforeign relations in the eastern Mediterraneanduring the Old Kingdom (3rd–6th Dynasties)based on an extensive analysis of old andnew archaeological data, and its relationshipto the well-known textual sources. Thematerial demonstrates that while Egypt’s mostimportant relationships were with Byblosand the Lebanese coast generally, it was an active participant in the geo-politicaland economic affairs of the Levant throughout much of the third millennium BCE.319p, 48 illus, 19 pls (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2009, Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 237)hardback, 9783525534557, $100.00. Special Offer $80.00Images and Prophecy in the Ancient Eastern Mediterraneanedited by Martti Nissinen and Charles E CarterThis collection of essays examines the interrelationships between text and image,particularly the ways in which iconography and/or references to images are usedto depict prophetic actions or support prophetic messages. Textual and iconographicremains are examined from Israel and Judah, Egypt, Greece and Persia.210p, illus (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2009, Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Altenund Neuen Testaments 233) hardback, 9783525530979, $102.00. Special Offer $82.00Imago Aegypti 2Internationales Magazin fürägyptologische und koptologischeKunstforschung, Bildtheorieund Kulturwissenschaftedited by Alexandra Verbovsek,Friedrich Junge and Günter BurkardThe journal Imago Aegypti provides athorough overview of issues, research areas,and the current state of Egyptian and Copticart. In addition to art history and art theory,the journal also addresses issues relevantto museology and field archeology, aswell as the appearance of images in othercultural manifestations, such as languageand religion. A table of contents is availableon the DBBC website. German text.231p, illus (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2009)paperback 9783525470114, $72.00.Special Offer $40.00Also available:Imago Aegypti 1197p, 10 illus (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2005)paperback, 9783525470091, $72.00.Special Offer $40.00The David Brown Book Co. — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

<strong>Oxbow</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Forthcoming & New TitlesDelta ReportsVolume 1: Research in Lower Egyptedited by Donald B RedfordThis is a new series reporting on work carried out by PennsylvaniaState University in the Delta region of Egypt.Contents: Preface; An Interim Report of the Temple of the Ram-God at Mendes; Two Late RomanAmphorae from Mendes; Numismatic Report; Late New Kingdom Ceramics at Mendes; AnInterim Report of the Naqada IIII– First Intermediate Period Stratification at Mendes 1999–2005.213p, 33 illus, 27 b/w pls, 7 fold-outs (<strong>Oxbow</strong> <strong>Books</strong> 2009) paperback, 9781842172445, $80.00.Special Offer $64.00Current Research in Egyptology 2009Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Symposium, University of Liverpool 2009edited by Dan Boatright, Judith Corbelli and Claire MallesonContents: Crossing of the Lake Ritual; Is Selket ‘The Lady of Chemmis and Wife of Horus’?; Dwarves at Amarna; Social Acceptance orAmusement for the Royal Family?; The Use of Scientific Techniques and the Study of Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern Weaponry;Egypt’s Encounter with the West; The Memphite Building Programme of Amenhotep III; A Compositional Study of Faience Beadsfrom Two Tombs in Abydos; Mass-Production in New Kingdom Egypt; The Veterinary Papyrus of Kahun; The Egyptian Collection atthe ‘Accademia dei Concordi’, Rovigo, Italy; Embodiment Theory and the Body in Ancient Egypt; House to House; Some Remarkson the Haker-Festival; The Images of Fortifications in the Sety I Battle Reliefs; The word wnx.wj in the Old Kingdom.190p, b/w illus (<strong>Oxbow</strong> <strong>Books</strong>, September 2010) paperback, 9781842174128, $56.00. Special Offer $45.00Egypt in the Eastern Mediterraneanduring the Old KingdomAn Archaeological Perspectiveby Karin N SowadaThis study presents a revised view of Egyptianforeign relations in the eastern Mediterraneanduring the Old Kingdom (3rd–6th Dynasties)based on an extensive analysis of old andnew archaeological data, and its relationshipto the well-known textual sources. Thematerial demonstrates that while Egypt’s mostimportant relationships were with Byblosand the Lebanese coast generally, it was an active participant in the geo-politicaland economic affairs of the Levant throughout much of the third millennium BCE.319p, 48 illus, 19 pls (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2009, Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 237)hardback, 9783525534557, $100.00. Special Offer $80.00Images and Prophecy in the Ancient Eastern Mediterraneanedited by Martti Nissinen and Charles E CarterThis collection of essays examines the interrelationships between text and image,particularly the ways in which iconography and/or references to images are usedto depict prophetic actions or support prophetic messages. Textual and iconographicremains are examined from Israel and Judah, Egypt, Greece and Persia.210p, illus (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2009, Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Altenund Neuen Testaments 233) hardback, 9783525530979, $102.00. Special Offer $82.00Imago Aegypti 2Internationales Magazin fürägyptologische und koptologischeKunstforschung, Bildtheorieund Kulturwissenschaftedited by Alexandra Verbovsek,Friedrich Junge and Günter BurkardThe journal Imago Aegypti provides athorough overview of issues, research areas,and the current state of Egyptian and Copticart. In addition to art history and art theory,the journal also addresses issues relevantto museology and field archeology, aswell as the appearance of images in othercultural manifestations, such as languageand religion. A table of contents is availableon the DBBC website. German text.231p, illus (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2009)paperback 9783525470114, $72.00.Special Offer $40.00Also available:Imago Aegypti 1197p, 10 illus (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2005)paperback, 9783525470091, $72.00.Special Offer $40.00The David Brown Book Co. — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

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