Egyptological Studies - Oxbow Books

Egyptological Studies - Oxbow Books

Egyptological Studies - Oxbow Books


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The David Brown Book Company presents<strong>Egyptological</strong> <strong>Studies</strong>Great Deals on Forthcoming, New and Recent Titles from Austrian Academy of Sciences,Brepols Publishers, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Golden House Publications,Harrassowitz Verlag, Librairie Cybèle, Peeters Publishers, Phillip von Zabern & moreAlexandria and the North-Western DeltaJoint Conference Proceedings of Alexandria, City and Harbour(Oxford 2004) and The Trade and Topography of Egypt’s North-West Delta, 8th century BC to 8th century AD (Berlin 2006)edited by Damian Robinson and Andrew WilsonThis monograph contains the joint proceedings of the first two conferencesorganized by the Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology.Contents: Geophysical Survey in the Submerged Canopic Region; Naukratis,Heracleion-Thonis and Alexandria; Heracleion, Herakles and Naukratis; EarlyHuman Activity (pre-332 BC) in Alexandria, Egypt; The Development andOperation of the Portus Magnus in Alexandria; Archaeological Update on theFinds from Kom el-Dikka; L’édifice théâtral de Kôm el-Dikka; Alexandria, Egyptand the Imperial House; Settlement Connections in the Canopic Region; Destructive Earthquakes in Alexandria and AboukirBay; Fatal Evidence?; Occupation and Trade at Heracleion-Thonis; The Naos of the Decades; The Naos of the Decades andits Place in Egyptian Astrology; Das dem Naos der Dekane zugrundeliegende kalendarische System; Statues of PtolemaicQueens from Alexandria, Canopus and Heracleion-Thonis; Hydreios Statues from Aboukir Bay; Le Dieu Nil Hellénistique;Living with Metals in Hellenistic Egypt; The Early Byzantine Jewellery from Aboukir Bay and its Significance; Decoration andEschatology in the Monumental Tombs of Ancient Alexandria; Terenuthis and Elsewhere; Landscapes of Cameo Glass.300p, more than 200 col & b/w illus (Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology, September 2010, OCMA Monograph 5) hardback,9781905905140, $90.00. Special Offer $72.00Poetry and Culturein Middle Kingdom EgyptA Dark Side to Perfectionby R B ParkinsonThe Middle Kingdom (c.1940–1640 BC) was a golden ageof Ancient Egyptian writing. This pioneering book is thefirst comprehensive study of this literary legacy. MiddleKingdom poems have often been regarded as propagandafor the ruling dynasty. This study radically reassesses theircultural role, drawing on recent studies of the individualtexts and on general developments in literary criticism, toargue that they were entertainments that voiced potentiallydissident views while also being integral to elite culture.The book explores literature’s status as a differentiated formof discourse, suggesting what social practices made its rolepossible and offering an innovative model for the reader’sengagement with these subtle and complex ancient works.416p (Equinox Publishing, December 2010, <strong>Studies</strong> in Egyptologyand the Ancient Near East) paperback, 9781845537708, $35.00.Special Offer $28.00Spells for EternityThe Ancient EgyptianBook of the Deadby John H TaylorFor most ancient Egyptians,death was not an end; itwas merely the entering ofa new phase of being. Theway to eternal paradise,however, was littered withobstacles, dangers and challenges,which could only beovercome with magical spells.Collections of these, known today as the Book of the Dead, were buried withthe deceased to empower, protect and sustain him in the afterlife. Written onpapyrus rolls and often beautifully illustrated, they provide a graphic and fascinatinginsight into ancient Egyptian funerary rituals and beliefs about theunderworld. Including details of the finely painted vignettes, this visually stunningbook takes the reader on a remarkable journey from tomb to eternity.128p, 100 col illus (British Museum Press, December 2010) paperback, 9780714119908,$19.95. Special Offer $16.00Special Offers are valid through November 30th, 2010, and for Sale <strong>Books</strong> while stocks last. When ordering, please quote the reference number 416–10.

Forthcoming & New TitlesGolden House PublicationsThe Question of Evil in Ancient Egyptby Mpay Kemboly, S.J.This book examines relevant sources from the Old Kingdom Pyramid Texts (c. 24th centuryBCE) to the Graeco-Roman Period inscriptions (2nd century CE) in order to understand the waythe ancient Egyptians tackled the question of the origin of evil in the world. It also investigateswhether the world was perfect or imperfect since its beginning. Scholars addressingthese questions are generally of two categories: those advocating the pre-existent characterof evil and asserting therefore that the world was not perfect since its creation, and those whoplead for the contingent nature of evil and thus imply that the world was created perfect atthe beginning but was marred afterwards by various protagonists other than the creator.415p, fold-out illus (Golden House Publications 2010, GHP Egyptology 12) paperback, 9781906137151, $70.00.Special Offer $56.00The Kushite Cemeteryof SanamA Non-Royal Burial Groundof the Nubian Capital,ca 800–600 BCby Angelika LohwasserThe cemetery of Sanam in Nubiawas excavated in 1912 by Francis L.Griffith. The results were never fullypublished but the excavation recordsare preserved in Oxford, UK. Thisstudy evaluates these records, yieldinga detailed view on the Nubiansociety and its burial customs at thebeginning of a new African empire.160p, illus (Golden House Publications2010) paperback, 9781906137168,$39.95. Special Offer $32.00The Territory ‘W’ and Related Titlesduring the Middle Kingdom andSecond Intermediate Periodby Barbara RussoThis monograph is an in-depth study on theadministrative title ‘district overseer’ (imy-rw) and the term ‘district’ or ‘rural district’ (w)in the Egyptian Middle Kingdom (about 2050to 1650 BC). The sources demonstrate that theterritory ‘w’ was created for some particularadministrative needs at the end of the FirstIntermediate Period. From the historicalpoint of view the management of the ‘w’ fits the organization of the society created inthis period. The title is still attested in the later Middle Kingdom but lost it importance.The book contains detailed discussions on the title holders and the attestations of ‘w’.96p, 8 pls (Golden House Publications 2010, GHP Egyptology 13) paperback, 9781906137182,$55.00. Special Offer $44.00Managing Egypt’s Cultural Heritageedited by Fekri A Hassan, G J Tassie, Aloisia De Trafford,Lawrence Owens and Joris van WeteringThe archaeological record is a finite resource, which is easily destroyed without proper protection. There are anincredible number of sites and monuments everywhere in Egypt, as well as the countless artifacts in museumsand storerooms, requiring constant monitoring, protection and maintenance. Managing Egypt’s CulturalHeritage is the first volume in a series of Cultural Heritage Management (CHM) discourses; this groundbreakingbook is also the first academic collection of papers dedicated to the practice of CHM in Egypt . The papersin this volume are written by specialists in their fields whose expertise cover many areas of cultural heritagemanagement, from the theoretical to the practical, and from tangible to intangible heritage, from cutting edgetechnology to simple conservation measures. The periods covered range from the Predynastic to the Copticand Islamic periods. This volume is an invaluable addition to the library of heritage managers, conservators,archaeologists, lecturers, and anyone interested in preserving Egypt ‘s cultural and natural heritage.330p (Golden House Publications 2009, ECHO Discourses on Heritage Management 1) paperback, 9781906137144,$70.00. Special Offer $56.00The David Brown Book Co. www.oxbowbooks.com — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

Golden House PublicationsForthcoming & New TitlesSoldiers, Sailors and SandalmakersA Social Reading of Ramesside Period Votive Stelaeby Karen ExellThis book sets out to explore the meaning of votive stelae to the individuals who dedicated them, andthe nature of the events that they commemorate, during the Egyptian Ramesside Period (1295–1069BC). All stelae can be described as commemorative, utilized to record a variety of types of information,from royal decrees, participation in expeditions and votive activity, to funerary texts securingofferings for the deceased. The Egyptian word for ‘stela’ is ‘wedj,’ which also has the meaning ‘proclamation,declaration, order’, and the stelae allow the information proclaimed to be commemoratedeternally. The stelae in this discussion commemorate votive activity by private individuals.213p, 16 pls (Golden House Publications 2009, GHP Egyptology 10) paperback, 9781906137106, $60.00.Special Offer $48.00Hieratic Documents from the Ramesside Periodin the Egyptian Museum of Cairoby Rahman Abdel Abdel SamieThis is a publication of 17 ostraca and 2 jar labels from the Valley of theKings. They all attribute to Th. Davis and Carter/ Carnarvon’s excavations. Thecorpus of this research has revealed that workmen likely exploited the Valleyof the Kings as a temporary settlement. This hypothesis is corroborated bythe recent excavations that discovered a wide spread of huts throughoutthe main valley along with its lateral ones. The increase in number ofworkmen that took place sometime during the ruling years of Ramses IVwould have provided the impetus to build these huts as a sort of temporaryinhabiting extension to the neighboring settlement of Deir el Medina.136p, 16 pls (Golden House Publications, October 2010, GHP Egyptology 14)paperback, 9781906137212, $60.00. Special Offer $48.00Dienstverflichtungim alten Aegyptenwährend des Altenund Mittleren Reichesby Ingelore HafemannIn this book, the authorexamines the corvee labor inOld and Middle Kingdom Egypt.Titles, institutions and wordsused for different categoriesof the working populationare analyzed in context. Inthe Old Kingdom, the Egyptian king had divine status; for this periodthere are no signs that people were forced to work. For the MiddleKingdom, harsh punishments for people fleeing state labor are attested,indicating a change in the Egyptian state. German text.248p (Golden House Publications 2009, Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie undSudanarchäologie 12) paperback, 9781906137113, $50.00.Special Offer $40.00Standards of Archaeological ExcavationsA Fieldguide to the Methology,Recording Techniques and Conventionsby Geoffrey John Tassie and Lawrence Stewart OwensWith more than 250 checklists, diagrams, photographs and tables,this field guide takes the archaeologist in Egypt from site evaluationthrough to grid systems, methods of excavation for different contexttypes, archiving, report writing and post-excavation assessment.600p, CD-ROM (Golden House Publications, October 2010) paperback,9781906137175, $70.00. Special Offer $56.00Das EreignisGeschichtsschreibung zwischen Vorfall und Strukturedited by Martin FitzenreiterPapers of a workshop on history, held in Berlin, in October 2008.There are three main chapters. “History between construct,medium and evidence” discusses what history means in the senseof a historical narrative and how it is transferred to us. History isdefined as a construct, coined by specific medial patterns andcontinually transformed over time in the shape of an archaeologicalrecord. The second chapter, “History between event, conditionand structure” deals with history as epistemological category:how events and, from this, history are made. Events evolve out ofcertain incidents by experiencing them as something extraordinary.History is shaped by the logical combination of such eventstargeting a specific objective. The final section, “Archaeology ofhistory” summarizes perspectives on the practical historiographyof ancient civilizations. It is stressed that the archaeological recordis hyper-complex on the one hand, but by no means universal onthe other; it bears practically infinite potential for historiographicalinterpretation, but at the same time always remains fragmentary.Papers mainly in German, with some English contributions.328p (Golden House Publications 2009, Internet-Beiträge zurÄgyptologie und Sudanarchäologie 10) paperback, 9781906137137,$70.00. Special Offer $56.00The David Brown Book Co. www.oxbowbooks.com — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

Forthcoming & New TitlesPeeters PublishersThe Necropolis of AssiutA Case Study of Local Egyptian Funerary Culture from the Old Kingdom to the End of the Middle Kingdomby M ZitmanThe history of Assiut in the First Intermediate Period and Middle Kingdom has mainly been written on the basis of its famous nomarchaltombs. This study takes a different approach by focusing on the other funerary remains from Assiut. It is based on a comprehensive collectionof the finds from excavations conducted during the first half of the 20th century, including the unpublished work by D.G. Hogarth and E.Schiaparelli. The study presents a survey of the fieldwork conducted, a spatial analysis of the Siutian necropolis, ‘new’ candidates for hithertounidentified nomarchal tombs, and a thorough analysis of the available funerary finds, many of which were previously unpublished.2 vols, 709p, illus (Peeters Publishers, October 2010, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 180) hardback, 9789042921061, $232.00. Special Offer $186.00A Palaeographic Studyof Early Writing in Egyptby I RegulskiIn trying to reconstruct the early phases of our culture,we rely mostly on sources from the ancient Near East.This is perhaps more true of the history of writing thanof any other great cultural accomplishment. It would beunthinkable to even try to sketch the history of writingwithout taking into consideration the written sourcesof ancient Egypt. The present study contributes to theresearch of writing evolution in Egypt as an attempt tocollect, describe, and evaluate the earliest attestations ofwriting from a palaeographic point of view. The book aimsto present a thorough investigation of the developmentof sign forms, from its first appearance around 3250 BCuntil the reign of Djoser (ca. 2700 BC) at the beginningof Dynasty III. It features the first-ever palaeographiccollection of all available signs and inscriptions. Thesurvey permitted reconstruction of the complex process ofcodification and reform of the Egyptian script that finallyresulted in the hieroglyphic writing of the Old Kingdom.824p (Peeters Publishers, October 2010, Orientalia LovaniensiaAnalecta 195) hardback, 9789042923263, $153.00.Special Offer $123.00The Second Intermediate Period(Thirteenth–Seventeenth Dynasties)Current Research, Future Prospectsby M MaréeDuring the 18th–16th centuries BC, from the late Middle Kingdomto the early New Kingdom, Pharaonic Egypt went through a periodof great political and cultural change. Kings came and went at unprecedentedspeed, saw their power reduced, and failed to keep theland under one scepter. In the eastern Nile Delta, a community ofAsiatic origin proclaimed its own rulers, known later as the Hyksos,who ultimately controlled the entire northern half of Egypt. Kings atThebes maintained a fragile independence, then went to war anddefeated the Hyksos, restoring national unity. Ongoing fieldworkand research have thrown new light on all stages and aspects ofthis fascinating era. This volume, resulting from an internationalcolloquium at The British Museum, assembles work of prime importancefrom leading scholars in the field, and will long be a majorsource of reference for researchers as well as the interested layman.365p, 133 pls (Peeters Publishers, October 2010, Orientalia LovaniensiaAnalecta 192) hardback, 9789042922280, $138.00.Special Offer $111.00Honi Soit Qui Mal y PenseStudien zum pharaonischen, griechisch-römischen und spätantiken Ägypten zu Ehren von Heinz-Josef Thissenedited by H Knuf, C Leitz and D von RecklinghausenThis Festschrift celebrating the 70th birthday of Heinz-Josef Thissen contains over 50 contributions from an internationalselection of friends, colleagues and students. The book contains articles from various areas of Egyptology, papyrology,Coptology, ancient history and numismatics and reflects the broad spectrum of the work and interests of Thissen.Emphasis is placed on Greco-Roman Egypt. In addition to many sources (religious, literary and scientific texts, letters anddocuments) in hieroglyphic, hieratic, demotic, Coptic and Greek alphabets published here for the first time, many aspectsof Egyptian history, literature and religion, intercultural exchange between Egyptians and Greeks, and the survivalof Egyptian culture in the Western and Eastern spiritual world are examined. Papers in German, French, and English.627p, 111 pls (Peeters Publishers 2010, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 194) hardback, 9789042923232, $138.00. Special Offer $111.00The David Brown Book Co. www.oxbowbooks.com — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

Peeters PublishersForthcoming & New TitlesEugnosteLettre sur le Dieu transcendant (NH III, 3 et V, 1): Commentaireby A PasquierDiscovered in a Coptic manuscript from the 4th century, the text called Eugnostos is certainly of older origin and can be dated to the firsthalf of the second century AD. It is characterized by the importance given to the myth of Primeval Man, who is the manifest form of the supremeGod. This volume analyzes the version of the Eugnostos text preserved in the Codices III and V from Nag Hammadi. French text.290p (Peeters Publishers, September 2010, Bibliothèque Copte de Nag Hammadi. Section Textes 33) paperback, 9789042921382, $102.00. Special Offer $82.00Elkab and Beyond<strong>Studies</strong> in Honour of Luc Limmeedited by W Claes, H De Meuelenaere and S HendrickxThis volume honours Dr Luc Limme with 34 contributions from his friends and colleagues on awide variety of topics concerning the study of ancient Egypt. The first set of articles focuses on thesite of Elkab; among them are reports of fieldwork as well as studies dealing with the more recenthistory of this important site. Articles in the next section investigate issues of Egyptian history,with an emphasis on the later periods, and include archaeological, art historical, papyrologicaland philological topics, reflecting Luc Limme’s wide ranging interests in the field of Egyptology.557p (Peeters Publishers 2009, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 191) hardback, 9789042922396, $130.00.Special Offer $104.00Sitting Beside Lepsius<strong>Studies</strong> in Honour of Jaromir Malekat the Griffith Instituteedited by Diana Magee, Janine Bourriauand Stephen QuirkeThis volume presents contributions from thirtycolleagues in honour of Jaromir Malek, for hisinspirational role, both in Egyptology morewidely, and in the direction of the TopographicalBibliography section of the Griffith Institute, atthe Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. The papersreflect the encyclopaedic variety of his interestsand research. Several focus on the primaryevidence for the past, from Old Kingdom toLate Period sculpture, and from the pyramidsto the cat in ancient Egypt. Among the workspreserved in museum collections or unearthedin recent excavation, some items are publishedfor the first time, while other papers bring outthe wider significance of specific monuments ormonument-types. The remaining authors consideran international spectrum of written and pictorialarchives, material which Jaromir Malek, morethan any of us, has made accessible and taught usto value as primary evidence in a particular form.604p (Peeters Publishers 2009, OrientaliaLovaniensia Analecta 185) hardback,9789042921719, $124.00. Special Offer $100.00Le méroïtiqueet sa famille linguistiqueby C RillyThe linguistic family of Meroitic, thelanguage of the pharaonic kingdomof Meroë/Kush in Sudan, has been asubject of lively discussion for more than acentury. Was it Kushite, Nilo-Saharian, orisolated like Sumerian and Etruscan? Thisvolume proposes its placement within anew branch of the linguistic family tree,called “North-west Sudanic” (soudaniqueoriental nord [SON]). French text.557p (Peeters Publishers 2010, Société d’Études Linguistiques et Anthropologiques deFrance 454) paperback, 9789042922372, $66.00. Special Offer $53.00L’iconographie de la barque processionnelle divineen Égypte au Nouvel Empireby C KarlshausenThis volume studies the representations and iconography of processionalbarques carrying the images of gods during the New Kingdom, of which theBark of Amun is the most well-known example. Working with visual andtextual sources, it places the scenes within their chronological and religiouscontext from the Middle Kingdom to Graeco-Roman times. French text.418p (Peeters Publishers 2009, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 182) hardback,9789042921184, $109.00. Special Offer $88.00The David Brown Book Co. www.oxbowbooks.com — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

New TitlesPeeters PublishersPictograms or Pseudo-Script?Non-Textual Identity Marks in Practical Use in Ancient Egypt and ElsewhereProceedings of a Conference in Leiden, 19–20 December 2006edited by B J J Haring and O E KaperMarking systems such as masons marks, property marks, pot marks, quarry marks and team marks confront us with thelarge variation in the use of graphic signs. They are often similar to writing, yet they are not script in the strictest sense ofthe word. The practical purposes of marks include claims to property and responsibilities, both individual and collective, forwhich regular scripts are also used. The marking systems are seen to operate in combination with writing, but frequentlyalso in isolation. This volume brings together for the first time the results of research on practical marking systems in ancientEgypt and other cultures, making it possible to define the common characteristics of their appearance and their uses.236p (Peeters Publishers 2009, Egyptologische Uitgaven - <strong>Egyptological</strong> Publications 25) paperback, 9789042923140, $66.00.Special Offer $53.00Le papyrus dramatique du RamesseumÉtude des structures de la compositionby David LorandFound in a Middle Kingdom tomb under the funerary temple of Ramses II, The Dramatic RamesseumPapyrus has been widely studied and interpreted. This study of the text’s structure of compositionsyntactics and gloss in particular confronts existing hypotheses and proposes a new interpretation tobetter explain the complexities of the text. French text.174p (Peeters Publishers 2009, Lettres Orientales 13) paperback, 9789042920224, $61.00.Special Offer $49.00The Predynastic Egyptian Cemetery of El-GerzehSocial Identities and Mortuary Practicesby A StevensonThe cemetery of el-Gerzeh (dated to c. 3600-3350 BC), excavated in 1910-11, seemingly provided the first evidence of Predynastic ‘Naqada culture’ outside itspreviously documented social field in Upper Egypt. Moreover, the distinctive character of the assemblage later led Petrie to use the cemetery as the type-sitefor his ‘Gerzean’ culture. Despite the apparent significance of the cemetery, the excavation report was brief. Fortunately, the tomb cards from the excavationstill exist and almost 300 artefacts from the site have been accessioned into several museums. This book brings together this material for the first time and byutilizing recent archaeological and anthropological theories reassesses its significance. Through the central theme of social identities, together with subsidiaryissues concerning scale and the role of funerary practices in ancient communities, the material from Gerzeh is presented and interpreted more fully.373p (Peeters Publishers 2009, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 186) hardback, 9789042921764, $124.00. Special Offer $100.00Hawara in the Graeco-Roman PeriodLife and Death in a Fayum Villageby I UytterhoevenThe source material available for the village and necropolis of Hawara covers a period of almost 3000 years, reachingfrom the 12th Dynasty (ca. 1800 BC) to the Arab Period (10th century AD). Thanks to the archaeological data, literarytexts, inscriptions and papyri, Hawara forms an ideal case study for the interdisciplinary research of an Egyptiansite. Taking the sources related to the Graeco-Roman occupation phase of Hawara as a starting point, this monographoffers a picture of life and death in this Fayum village. The part dealing with the living pays attention to the topographicalsituation of the village, its population, administration, economy and religious life. The second part focuses onthe dead who were buried on the site by reconstructing their socio-economic position and provenance.1127p (Peeters Publishers 2009, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 174) hardback, 9789042920330, $153.00. Special Offer $123.00The David Brown Book Co. www.oxbowbooks.com — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

Austrian Academy of SciencesForthcoming & New TitlesBurial Assemblages of Dynasty 21–25Chronology — Typology — Developmentsby David AstonThis study is an investigation of funerary assemblages of the Third Intermediate Period (1070-664 BC)with a view to dating the objects found in these assemblages more accurately. This is done by providinga corpus of all published Third Intermediate Period tomb groups, and extracting from them a numberof object typologies for individual grave goods with a view to assessing their value as a meansof dating the tomb groups in which they are found. These typologies are then combined to chart aseries of chronological developments throughout the period under review. The first three chapters aredevoted to discussions of the tomb groups arranged in geographical order, while the folloing chaptersdiscuss various types of grave goods, as well as demographic, social, and regional differences.497p (Austrian Academy of Sciences 2009, Contributions to the Chronology of the Eastern Mediterranean 21)paperback, 9783700140030, $190.00. Special Offer $152.00Tell el-Dab’a XVIIIDie Palastnekropolevon Tell el-Dab’aDie Gräber des Areals F/Ider Straten d/2 und d/1by Robert SchiestlAn elite cemetery of the late MiddleKingdom (ca. 1830–1750 BC) wasfound south of a palatial building atTell el-Dab’a, the ancient city of Avarisin the northeastern Nile Delta. Thisso-called palace-necropolis of thearea F/I was preceded by an older cemetery, both of which are jointly presentedin this volume. All aspects of funerary culture are discussed and contextualizedin regard to both Egyptian and to Syro-Palestinian culture. German text.564p, 437 illus & 30 pls (Austrian Academy of Sciences 2009, Denkschriften derGesamtakademie 48) paperback, 9783700137382, $222.00. Special Offer $178.00Cities and Urbanism in Ancient EgyptPapers from a Workshop in November 2006at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (AAS)edited by Manfred Bietak, Ernst Černý, and Irene Forstner-MüllerThis volume is a collection of papers given at a workshop on urban development inAncient Egypt. The articles cover a wide variety of themes within the frame of thisgeneral topic, and aspects of urban development are dealt with from very differentpoints of view. The structure of specific building types, as well as the spacial andsocial organization of settlements are dealt with, including questions of settlementgeography. Specific problems are given consideration, such as entrance protectionin Nubian fortresses or the question of external supply versus self-sufficiencyat a remote place like Zawiyet Umm el-Rakham on the Libyan border. One can findboth the analysis of the diachronic development of a specific site throughout historyand a general study on urbanism during a given period, Graeco-Roman Egypt.308p (Austrian Academy of Sciences, October 2010, Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie 60)paperback, 9783700165910, $134.00. Special Offer $108.00Tell el-Dab’a XXIThe Cypriot Potteryand its Circulationin the Levantby Manfred Bietakand Louise C MaguireThis volume documents the Cypriotpottery found at Tell el-Dab´aand examines the assemblagein the context of the circulationof Cypriot pottery in the Levant.It catalogues the full repertoireof Cypriot wares and comparative material from over 40 sites in the Levant,presenting a new perspective on the circulation of Cypriot pottery in the Middleand Late Bronze Ages. It also addresses the wider implications of the use ofpottery in establishing chronological frameworks and problems which arisewhen using the traditional classification systems devised for Cypriot pottery.260p, illus (Austrian Academy of Sciences 2009, Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie45) paperback, 9783700165859, $142.50. Special Offer $114.00Ägypten und Levante XIX /Egypt and the Levant XIXedited by Manfred BietakContents: Vorwort/Introduction; Farewell to our greatand dear Friend Paul Aström; Fishes, Ringstands, Nudesand Hippos - A Preliminary Report on the Hyksos PalacePit Complex L81; Der Hyksospalast bei Yell el-Daca. Zweiteund Dritte Grabungskampagne; A Chief of the Bowmen,Overseer of the Foreign Lands at Serabit el-Khadim (Sinai300+297); The White Slip Wares from el-Dab’a, in thePalace District at ‘Ezbet Helmi (Areas H/III and H/VI).341p, illus (Austrian Academy of Sciences, October 2010)paperback, 9783700168294, $132.00. Special Offer $106.00The David Brown Book Co. www.oxbowbooks.com — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

Forthcoming & New TitlesHarrassowitz VerlagThe Legal Register of Ramesside Private Law Instrumentsby Arlette DavidPursuing the study of legal discourse in ancient Egypt during the well-documented 19th and 20th dynasties(circa 1300-1100 BC), this volume describes the legal language used in recording wills and gifts. Itis compared with the language of royal decrees and with some examples of legal languages associatedwith private instruments in Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and modern times. After presentation ofthe criteria used to establish the corpus and the multiple dilemmas involved, each text is analyzed for itslinguistic and graphic features, as well as the lexico-semantic features associated with the categorizationsystem embedded in the script. Related textual categories are dealt with separately. A distinct Ramessideprivate deeds register (variety of language distinguished according to use) emerges from the analysis,resulting from choices and strategies adapted to a specific legal topic and communicative purpose.331p (Harrassowitz Verlag 2010, Göttinger Orientforschungen. IV. Reihe Ägypten 38) paperback, 9783447061438,$111.00. Special Offer $89.00The Bronzes of Ptolemy II Philadelphusby Wendy A CheshireThe study of bronzes from Greco-Roman Egypt offers awide spectrum of possibilities for researchers in ClassicalArchaeology and Egyptology alike, but the complexityof many interdisciplinary topics can only be well-servedthrough specialized investigations of limited scope. Thebronze portrait sculptures of Ptolemy II offer an idealpoint of departure for such an investigation, since it wasduring that king’s rule that court artists consciouslycreated art forms that fused the style, subject matterand iconography of the artistic heritage of theirnative subjects with their own Greek traditions.256p, illus (Harrassowitz Verlag 2009, Ägypten und AltesTestament 77) hardback, 9783447060103, $114.00.Special Offer $92.00Drei Totenpapyri aus einer thebanischen Werkstattder SpätzeitpBerlin P. 3158, pBerlin P. 3159, pAberdeen ABDUA 8402by Burkhard BackesThis volume presents a small group of three Death Papyri whose strikingsimilarities in text selection, spelling, iconography and presentation stylemake plausible the assumption that they were all created by a single“workshop.” The contents of the papyri are also remarkable: based ontheir physical appearance they could be classified as an ancient EgyptianBook of the Dead, but those chapters only make up a small portion ofits contents. Most of the texts are documented as labeling other partsof the grave goods, some of which are still unknown. German text.108p, CD-ROM with col illus (Harrassowitz Verlag 2009, Handschriften desAltägyptischen Totenbuches 11) paperback, 9783447058100, $117.00.Special Offer $94.00Den Dolch betreffendTypologie der Stichwaffen in Ägyptenvon der prädynastischen Zeit bis zur 3. Zwischenzeitby Susanne PetschelThis typological study on ancient Egyptian cutting weapons isa contribution to Egyptian military history. For the first time, itpresents the systematic collection and processing of an ancient typeof weapon and its historical significance. The development of cuttingweapons is graphically and photographically documented in an extensivecatalog section, with particular reference on influences fromneighboring countries over a period of about 2,600 years. The analyticalpart of the investigation not only covers the nature and qualityof weapons, but their social and cultural significance. German text.532p, illus (Harrassowitz Verlag, December 2010, Philippika 36)hardback, 9783447061803, $252.00. Special Offer $202.00Das Anzünden der FackelUntersuchungen zu Spruch 137des Totenbuchesby Daniela C LuftThis work deals with saying 137of the Book of the Dead, whichaccompanied the ritual act ofthe torch-lighting. All knowntext sources have been used forthe text edition with annotatedtranslation and include a synopsisof the hieroglyphic texts. The authoranalyzes the text of Tb 137 and then expands the focus to the use of thesayings in many ritual and funerary texts outside the Book of the Dead.Additionally, the use and further adaptation of the texts after their inclusionin the Book of the Dead is presented, as well as interpretations, structuralanalysis, and an examination of the localization of the saying. German text.349p, 4 illus (Harrassowitz Verlag 2009, Studien zum Altägyptischen Totenbuch 15)paperback, 9783447060141, $102.00. Special Offer $82.00The David Brown Book Co. www.oxbowbooks.com — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

Harrassowitz VerlagForthcoming & NewTitlesLand und Leute am Nil nach demotischen Inschriften, Papyri und OstrakaGesammelte Schriften. Teil 1 und Teil 2by Ursula Kaplony-HeckelKnown Egyptian hieroglyphic writing begins in the third millennium BC and ends in the second centuryAD with the so-called Demotic. The author systematically analyzes short texts on wooden tables, limestoneboulders, and clay fragments. She separates them by district, as the endemic Egyptian administrationof the state and temple had certificate formulas for each district starting from the second century BC.This overview (which includes common indicators) of the author’s writings, which have appeared in 26different publications, is an important reference work for the late Egyptian era. German text.2 vols, 1585p (Harrassowitz Verlag 2009, Ägyptologische Abhandlungen 71) hardback, 9783447060110,$297.00. Special Offer $238.00Erinnerung ÄgyptenFrühe Photographien, Lithographien, Stiche und Kartenaus der Sammlung Dan Kyram, Jerusalemedited by Max KunzeSince the time of Herodotus (484–420 BC), travelers have been enchanted and fascinatedby Egypt. This book, the companion volume to an exhibition held at the Winckelmann-Museum in Stendal, Germany, presents early photographs, lithographs, engravings,and maps from the Dan Kyram Collection in Jerusalem in full color. German text.173p, 162 col illus (Harrassowitz Verlag, November 2010) paperback, 9783447062978, $57.00.Special Offer $46.00Die Inschriften der SpätzeitTeil III: Die 25. Dynastie (Nubierzeit)by Karl Jansen-WinkelnThis third volume of Inschriften der Spätzeit consistsof seven sections discussing texts of the 25th dynasty.These sections are in turn classified into the periods of thereigning kings: Shabako, Schebitku, Taharka, Tanutamunand some local rulers. In addition to these, there are quitea few texts on the Theban “Wives of the Gods” and theirofficials, which are undated and can thus not clearly be attributedto a reign of one of these kings. The conclusion ofthe volume, as with the two preceding volumes, containsa longer section summarizing those inscriptions thatcan either certainly or probably be attributed to the 25thdynasty but contains no evidence or dating that can beattributed to a particular ruler. The collection also includesmany previously unpublished texts, and many older publicationshave been collated. Detailed indexes facilitate easysearching for monuments in museums, royal and nonroyalpersons, as well as periods of reign. German text.619p (Harrassowitz Verlag 2009) hardback, 9783447060004,$147.00. Special Offer $118.00Sakrale Architektur im FlachbildZum Realitätsbezug von Tempeldarstellungenby Arnulf SchlüterThe ancient Egyptian representation of sacred architecture reflects their structuraland functional diversity and is thus of particular interest for the reconstruction of anancient Egyptian temple landscape. The study examines the representations as theyadhere to reality as well as the context given to their ritual actions. The function ofthe images, as well as their context and their functional or magical-ritual interpretationis considered. The use of renderings of religious architectures are also of greatrelevance for the understanding of ancient Egyptian images in general. German text.534p (Harrassowitz Verlag 2009, Ägypten und Altes Testament 78) hardback,9783447060882, $147.00. Special Offer $118.00Das Sahidische Alte und Neue TestamentLieferung 2: sa 621–672edited by Karlheinz SchüsslerThe series Biblia Coptica provides the first systematic compilation of Biblical texts from the Oldand New Testaments originating from the old Coptic church of Egypt. Karlheinz Schüssler wasable to reconstruct the original structure of various Codices by comparing handwritings of themany pages that were torn from the originals and are now kept in various libraries and museums.Each text contains a detailed description and its place of repository. The work is of fundamentalimportance to biblical theology/exegesis and to church and canon history. German text.192p (Harrassowitz Verlag 2009, Biblia Coptica 4) paperback, 9783447060516, $96.00. Special Offer $77.00The David Brown Book Co. www.oxbowbooks.com — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

Forthcoming & New TitlesLibrairie CybèleL’organisation matérielle des cultes dans l’antiquitéTable Ronde internationale les 14 et mars 2003 à Paris par le Centre de documentation des droits del’Antiquitéedited by B Agnostou-CanasThis volume presents the proceedings from the round table on the material organization of cults in Antiquity, held by the Centrede Documentation des Droits de l’Antiquité in 2003. Priests, the intermediaries between gods and men, the funding of cults,and the different ways of paying homage to divinity are the main topics on which the 13 contributions in this volume focus.The chronological and geographical range of this book includes Mesopotamia, pharaonic Egypt, classical Athens, Hellenisticand Roman Egypt, Roman Macedonia, the Roman Republic and Empire, Medieval Europe, and Byzantium. French text.186p (Librairie Cybèle, September 2010) paperback, 9782915840179, $72.00. Special Offer $58.00El-Deir Nécropoles ILa Nécropole Sudby Francoise Dunand, Jean-Louis Heim and Roger LichtenbergThe archaeological exploration of El-Deir (Kharga Oasis, Western Egyptian desert) was undertaken by aFrench team, starting in 1998. During the course of the ten years of work on the site, five necropolises werediscovered. A first ensemble is presented in this volume, which will be followed by five more. The study ofthe human remains, skeletal and mummified, is combined with analysis of the material constituting thefunerary furnishings: wood, basketry, ceramics, textiles. These studies contain a wealth of information on alocal population whose funerary customs, which can be observed from the Persian period to the 5th centuryAD, completely belong to the Egyptian tradition. The tombs clearly show the differences of lifestyle withinthis population, which on the whole led modest lives of agriculture and handcraft. French text.248p (Librairie Cybèle, October 2010) paperback, 9782915840162, $125.00. Special Offer $100.00Textes des Pyramides de l’Egypte Ancienneby Claude Carrier“These books are exceptional. For specialists, the presence of the transliteration opposite the translation givesthe opportunity to check the original text without having to consult rare and often inaccessible volumes. “— James P. Allen, Wilbour Professor of Egyptology and Chair, Department of Egyptology and Ancient Western Asian <strong>Studies</strong>,Brown UniversityTome I: Textes des pyramides d’Ounas et de Téti417p (Librairie Cybèle 2009, MELCHAT 12) paperback,9782915840100, $74.00. Special Offer $60.00Tome II: Textes de la pyramide de Pépy Ier731p (Librairie Cybèle 2009, MELCHAT 13) paperback,9782915840124, $117.00. Special Offer $94.00Tome III: Textes de la pyramide de Pépy II674p (Librairie Cybèle, October 2010, MELCHAT 14)paperback, 9782915840131, $107.00.Special Offer $86.00Tome IV: Textes des pyramides deMérenrê, d’Aba, de Neit, d’Ipout etd’Oudjebten906p (Librairie Cybèle, October 2010,MELCHAT 15) paperback, 9782915840148,$143.00. Special Offer $115.00Tome V: Textes de tombes de particuliers antérieures à la XIXedynastie et des XXVe–XXVIIe dynastie976p (Librairie Cybèle, October 2010, MELCHAT 16) paperback, 9782915840155,$147.00. Special Offer $118.00Tome VI: Annexes686p (Librairie Cybèle 2009, MELCHAT 17) paperback, 9782915840117, $113.00.Special Offer $91.00The David Brown Book Co. www.oxbowbooks.com — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

<strong>Oxbow</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Forthcoming & New TitlesDelta ReportsVolume 1: Research in Lower Egyptedited by Donald B RedfordThis is a new series reporting on work carried out by PennsylvaniaState University in the Delta region of Egypt.Contents: Preface; An Interim Report of the Temple of the Ram-God at Mendes; Two Late RomanAmphorae from Mendes; Numismatic Report; Late New Kingdom Ceramics at Mendes; AnInterim Report of the Naqada IIII– First Intermediate Period Stratification at Mendes 1999–2005.213p, 33 illus, 27 b/w pls, 7 fold-outs (<strong>Oxbow</strong> <strong>Books</strong> 2009) paperback, 9781842172445, $80.00.Special Offer $64.00Current Research in Egyptology 2009Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Symposium, University of Liverpool 2009edited by Dan Boatright, Judith Corbelli and Claire MallesonContents: Crossing of the Lake Ritual; Is Selket ‘The Lady of Chemmis and Wife of Horus’?; Dwarves at Amarna; Social Acceptance orAmusement for the Royal Family?; The Use of Scientific Techniques and the Study of Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern Weaponry;Egypt’s Encounter with the West; The Memphite Building Programme of Amenhotep III; A Compositional Study of Faience Beadsfrom Two Tombs in Abydos; Mass-Production in New Kingdom Egypt; The Veterinary Papyrus of Kahun; The Egyptian Collection atthe ‘Accademia dei Concordi’, Rovigo, Italy; Embodiment Theory and the Body in Ancient Egypt; House to House; Some Remarkson the Haker-Festival; The Images of Fortifications in the Sety I Battle Reliefs; The word wnx.wj in the Old Kingdom.190p, b/w illus (<strong>Oxbow</strong> <strong>Books</strong>, September 2010) paperback, 9781842174128, $56.00. Special Offer $45.00Egypt in the Eastern Mediterraneanduring the Old KingdomAn Archaeological Perspectiveby Karin N SowadaThis study presents a revised view of Egyptianforeign relations in the eastern Mediterraneanduring the Old Kingdom (3rd–6th Dynasties)based on an extensive analysis of old andnew archaeological data, and its relationshipto the well-known textual sources. Thematerial demonstrates that while Egypt’s mostimportant relationships were with Byblosand the Lebanese coast generally, it was an active participant in the geo-politicaland economic affairs of the Levant throughout much of the third millennium BCE.319p, 48 illus, 19 pls (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2009, Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 237)hardback, 9783525534557, $100.00. Special Offer $80.00Images and Prophecy in the Ancient Eastern Mediterraneanedited by Martti Nissinen and Charles E CarterThis collection of essays examines the interrelationships between text and image,particularly the ways in which iconography and/or references to images are usedto depict prophetic actions or support prophetic messages. Textual and iconographicremains are examined from Israel and Judah, Egypt, Greece and Persia.210p, illus (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2009, Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Altenund Neuen Testaments 233) hardback, 9783525530979, $102.00. Special Offer $82.00Imago Aegypti 2Internationales Magazin fürägyptologische und koptologischeKunstforschung, Bildtheorieund Kulturwissenschaftedited by Alexandra Verbovsek,Friedrich Junge and Günter BurkardThe journal Imago Aegypti provides athorough overview of issues, research areas,and the current state of Egyptian and Copticart. In addition to art history and art theory,the journal also addresses issues relevantto museology and field archeology, aswell as the appearance of images in othercultural manifestations, such as languageand religion. A table of contents is availableon the DBBC website. German text.231p, illus (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2009)paperback 9783525470114, $72.00.Special Offer $40.00Also available:Imago Aegypti 1197p, 10 illus (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2005)paperback, 9783525470091, $72.00.Special Offer $40.00The David Brown Book Co. www.oxbowbooks.com — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

Forthcoming & New TitlesPhilipp von ZabernAbu SimbelFelsentempel Ramses des Grossenby Joachim WilleitnerOn the shores of Lake Nasser, in the middle of a vast barren landscape, stand the massive rock templesof Ramses II and his wife Nefertari. They are monumental and their lavish magnificence demonstratethe glories of the Egyptian Pharaoh. With support from UNESCO and under the watchful eyes of theinterested public, the temples were moved piece by piece in the 1960s to save the petrified remains fromthe floods of the Nile. Their original site is now submerged by Lake Nasser. Even the history of researchat Abu Simbel, from initial investigations to recent archaeological discoveries, are a fascinating read.The numerous large-format photos bring the imagery of the Pharaohs to new life. German text.144p, 100 col illus (Philipp von Zabern, October 2010, Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie) hardback,9783805342261, $45.00. Special Offer $36.00Das Alte ReichÄgypten von den Anfängen zur Hochkulturby Martin von Falck and Bettina SchmitzThe Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim boasts one of the mostimportant collections from the Old Kingdom, the time of the great pyramids,in the whole world. This volume accompanies the permanent exhibition thathas been redesigned and brings to life again all those men working for thepharaoh, showing their belief that after dying and transcending death, theywould live eternally in the company of their ruler and the gods. German text.136p, illus (Philipp von Zabern, September 2010) hardback, 9783805340731, $30.00.Special Offer $24.00Särge der Dritten Zwischenzeit IIby Elfriede Haslauer and Roswitha EgnerSecond volume of the inventory of sarcophagifrom the 21st Dynasty in Vienna. German text.40p, 228 folios, 42 col & 167 b/w illus (Philipp vonZabern 2009, Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptica [CAA]12) paperback, 9783805339667, $77.00.Special Offer $62.00Die Sprache der PharaonenGrosses Handwörterbuch Ägyptisch–Deutschby Rainer HannigThis dictionary contains the most extensive collection of Ancient Egyptian words from hieroglyphicand hieratic texts ranging from the Old until the New Kingdom, marking the most important periodsin Ancient Egyptian cultural history. The rich vocabulary of the time is presented in hieroglyphs, transliteration,and translation, and the meaning of individual words is further elaborated on by including alarge collection of collocations, idioms, and important example sentences. Egyptian & German text.1479p, illus (Philipp von Zabern 2009, Kulturgeschichte der antiken Welt 64) hardback, 9783805317719,$114.00. Special Offer $92.00Kleopatra und der WolkenturmJugendromanby Michael PfrommerFor her 12th birthday, little Mira receives a magical box fromher grandfather as a gift: with the help of this box, she travelsto Ancient Egypt and meets the young Princess Cleopatra.They become friends, even though Mira is not a girl in the“other” world, but a poisonous cobra, a demon, half humanand half animal. Historical Young Adult novel. German text.165p (Philipp von Zabern 2010) hardback, 9783805339230,$23.00. Special Offer $19.00Die Toten kehren wieder mit dem Windby Michael Höveler-MüllerEgypt in the year 1362 BC: Horemheb, the ten-year-old sonof a poor tenant from the provinces, is forcibly taken fromhis family and sold to the army of the pharaoh to becomea soldier; but the boy is lucky: he gains the favor of thedaughter-in-law of the mighty ruler and is accepted at hiscourt. Thus, one of the most dazzling and dramatic careers inAncient Egypt takes its course. Horemheb’s journey throughthe higher functions of the country is littered with intriguesand conspiracies, with love, envy, and betrayal. German text.340p (Philipp von Zabern 2009) hardback, 9783805339674,$30.00. Special Offer $24.00The David Brown Book Co. www.oxbowbooks.com — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

Journal of Juristic PapyrologyAncient Egypt Research AssociatesLibrairie Droz, St. Mark’s Coptic MuseumForthcoming & New TitlesQasr IbrimThe Greek and Coptic Inscriptionsby Adam Lajtar and Jacques van der VlietThis book contains the publication of the Greekand Coptic inscriptions that were brought tolight during archaeological work on the site ofQasr Ibrim (Egyptian Nubia) carried out by theEgypt Exploration Society from 1963 onwards.330p, 90 col & b/w illus (Journal of Juristic Papyrology,September 2010, Journal of Juristic PapyrologySupplement 13) hardback, 9788392591924, $115.00.Special Offer $92.00The Giza Plateau Mapping ProjectSeason 2008 Preliminary Reportby Mark Lehner, Mohsen Kameland Ana TavaresThe volume covers the 2008 season of clearingand mapping at the Khentkawes Town (KKT)on the Giza Plateau, and survey, mapping, andexcavation of burials in the area. The work atthe KKT site encompasses excavations in boththe Khentkawes complex and the MenkaureValley Temple Ante-town. This volume alsocovers the 2008 results of the 3-D laser scanningof the Djoser Step Pyramid at Saqqara underthe combined auspices of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities, Ancient EgyptResearch Associates, Osaka University, and DEVELO Solutions of Osaka, Japan..72p, 8p of col pls (Ancient Egypt Research Associates 2009, Giza Occasional Papers 4) paperback,9780977937080, $20.00. Special Offer $16.00P. Bodmer I RectoA Land List from the PanopoliteNome in Upper Egypt(after AD 21 3/4)by Tomasz DerdaIn its collection, Bibliotheca Bodmerianapossesses a papyrus, whose versocontains <strong>Books</strong> V and VI of the Iliad(published by Victor Martin, PapyrusBodmer I. Homère, Iliade chants 5 et 6,Cologny - Genève 1954). The documentpublished in the present volume waswritten on the recto of the papyrus,which was subsequently used to makecopies of the Iliad. The preserved fragmentsof P. Bodmer 1 recto do not allowus to establish precisely the character ofthe document or to answer the questionas to whether this character wasidentical in all sections. An overview ofthe contents clearly indicates that thedocument was not a land register sensustricto, although it contains some elementstypical of documents of this kind.200p, 50 b/w illus (Journal of JuristicPapyrology, September 2010, Journalof Juristic Papyrology Supplement 14)hardback, 9788392591931, $85.00.Special Offer $68.00Marguerite NakhlaLegacy to Modern Egyptian Artby Fr Marcos A Marcos, Helene Moussa and Carolyn M RamzyMarguerite Nakhla was born in 1908 and passed away in 1977. She is considered one of the pioneers of thetwentieth century Modern Egyptian Art Movement. In 1975 she was recognized as the leading Egyptianwoman artist in the first half of that century. Her canvases offer us a mosaic of the life that surrounded her. Sheintentionally used different styles to best interpret the subject matter of the paintings and to best communicateher message(s). Within this diversity, one cannot fail to recognize how the touch of her brush and the use ofher colours evoked a deeper meaning in the language and poetry of her art. This book reproduces and discusseseighty of her works. St. Mark’s Coptic Museum is fortunate to have in its collection a series of six biblical scenesin folkloric style in which she reinvented early Coptic art in modern form. Marguerite Nakhla’s legacy is that ofan accomplished artist who used her technical skills to create a compelling repertoire of paintings and icons.141p, 90 col pls (St Mark’s Coptic Museum 2009) paperback, 9780981272603, $39.95. Special Offer $36.00The David Brown Book Co. www.oxbowbooks.com — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

Forthcoming & New TitlesBrepols PublishersCzech Institute of ArchaeologyApproaching the Holy MountainArt and Liturgy at St. Catherine’s Monastery in the Sinaiedited by S E J Gerstel and Robert S NelsonThe first comprehensive study of the monastery of St. Catherine at Mt Sinai in its full historical, art historical, and religiousdimensions, the nineteen collected essays in Approaching the Holy Mountain provide a unique view of the longestcontinuously inhabited Christian monastery. As an important pilgrimage site, Sinai enjoyed an international reputationin the Middle Ages. The monastery also benefited from regional connections to Egypt and the Holy Land. The essaysin this volume examine the pilgrims, monks, artists, builders, and scholars who came to the mountain and left theirmarks on the monastery and its holdings, as well as the image of the monastery that was promoted outside of Sinai.590p, 30 col & 139 b/w illus (Brepols Publishers, December 2010, Cursor Mundi 11) hardback, 9782503531274, $131.00.Special Offer $105.00Thèbes aux 101 portesMélanges à la mémoire de Roland Tefninedited by Eugène Warmenbol and Valérie AngenotThis volume of articles in memory of Roland Tefnin (1945–2006)focuses on the architecture and decorative program of thefunerary chapels of the tombs of Amenemope (TT 29) andSennefer (TT 96) in the Theban necropolis. The majority ofresearch is published here for the first time. French text.224p, 44 col illus (Brepols Publishers 2010, Monumenta Aegyptica 12)paperback, 9782503533940, $99.00. Special Offer $80.00La tombe de Sétaouby Jean-Marie Kruchten and Luc DelvauxThis is the first complete and comprehensive publication ofthe tomb of Setaou, the fist prophet of Nekhbet at Elkab duringthe 20th Dynasty. After the history of the discovery of thetomb, its archaeological description, and a stylistic analysis ofits painted reliefs, the volume categorizes the extant scenes andanalyzes the texts of this richly decorated tomb. French text.312p, 15 b/w illus, 66 b/w line art (Brepols Publishers, November 2010,Publications du Comité des Fouilles Belges en Egypte – Elkab 8) paperback,9782503532868, $124.00. Special Offer $100.00Abusir XXLesser Late Period Tombs at Abusir. The Tomb of Padihor and the Anonymous Tomb R3by Filip Coppens and Kveta SmolárikováThe present volume offers the results of the excavations in two shaft tombs of small dimensionswhich have been unearthed in the Late Period (Saite-Persian) cemetery at Abusir. The two tombsrepresent interesting and important counterparts to the much larger burial enclosures situated nearby.They contribute greatly to our knowledge of the development of the funeral architecture, burialhabits and religious thought and help improve our understanding of historical developments duringthe troubled era of the transition between the Twenty-Sixth and Twenty-Seventh Dynasties.139p, 30 figs, 25 pls with 60 b/w photos (Czech Institute of Egyptology 2010) paperback, 9788073082956,$85.00. Special Offer $68.00Abusir XIIMinor Tombs in the Royal Necropolis Iby Jaromír Krejcí, Vivienne Gae Callender, Miroslav Verner et al.This monograph presents a report on the archaeological excavations in thearea of the minor tombs clustered around the tombs of the 5th Dynastykings. It includes the mastaba of Nebtyemneferes, the mastaba of PrinceNakhtsare, and the monument known to us now as Lepsius no. 25.200p (Czech Institute of Egyptology 2008) hardback, 9788073081812, $212.00.Special Offer $170.00The Scribner in the Place of TruthThe Biography of Egyptologist Jároslav Černýby Jirina RuzovaThis biography is published on the 40th anniversay of Černý’s death,in gratitutde for all his help and advice to Czech Egyptology. In threemajor areas he has benefited this country: by his many gifts to theCzech Institute Library; by his constant support and advice to ZbynekZàba, the director who was struggling to keep Czech Egyptology alivein Prague; and most importantly, by advising Czech Egyptologiststo begin their excavations at Abusir. Text in Czech and in English.250p, pls (Czech Institute of Egyptology, October 2010) hardback,9788072774654, $42.00. Special Offer $34.00The David Brown Book Co. www.oxbowbooks.com — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

Stocks are limited, and orders are filledon a ‘first come, first served’ basisSale TitlesEgyptology Todayedited by Richard H WilkinsonThis book looks at the techniques and methods that are used to increase our understanding of a distant culture that was as old to the Greeks andRomans as these cultures are to us.298p (Cambridge University Press 2008) paperback, 9780521682268, $29.99. Reduced to 12.98The Tombs of Harmhabi and Toutankhamanouby Theodore M DavisTheodore M. Davis’s discovery of the tomb of Horemheb (Harmhabi) on February 22, 1908 washis last great find in the Valley of the Kings - a vast, finely cut tomb containing the king’s superbhardstone sarcophagus, a mass of fragmented burial furniture and abundant skeletal remains.240p, illus (Duckworth 2001) paperback, 9780715630723, $45.00. Reduced to $9.98Counting the People in Hellenistic EgyptVolume 1: Population Registersby Willy Clarysse and Dorothy J ThompsonPublishes 54 Ptolemaic papyri that record lists of adults, ordered by village,occupation and social group, and by household, together withthe taxes paid on their persons, their livestock and trades.720p (Cambridge University Press 2006) hardback, 9780521838382, $265.99. Reduced to $99.98Giza Mastabas VIIThe Senedjemib Complex Part Iby Edward Brovarski, edited by Peter der Manuelian and William Kelly SimpsonAn account of the excavation of Senedjemib Inti (G2370), Khnumenti (G2374) andSenedjemib Mahi (G2378), located at the northwest corner of the Great Pyramid.326p, 2 vols, 2 col illus, many b/w illus (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 2002) hardback,9780878464791, $225.00. Reduced to 99.98Handbuch der altägyptischen Medizinby Wolfhart WestendorfTraces Egyptian medicine from the second millennium to the Roman period, usingas evidence extant papyrus texts, ostraka, and archaeological remains.850pp (Brill 1998, Handbook of Oriental <strong>Studies</strong>, Part 1.36) hardback, 9789004103191, $323.00.Reduced to 125.00More Usefully EmployedAmelia B Edwards, Writer, Traveller and Campaigner for Ancient Egyptby Brenda MoonA detailed biography of Amelia B Edwards, founder of the Egypt Exploration Fund(today, Egypt Exploration Society and author of A Thousand Miles Up The Nile.319p, b/w and col illus (Egypt Exploration Society 2006, Occasional Publications 15) hardback,9780856981692, $70.00. Reduced to $14.98The Tomb of Siphtahby Theodore M DavisIn 1907, a mysterious tomb wasuncovered in the Valley of the Kingsby English archaeologist Edward R. Ayrton,digging on behalf of Theodore M. Davis. Initiallyidentified as the burial of Amenophis III’s queen,Tiye (Tîyi), the body itself was later recognizedas that of a man buried in a coffin adapted forthe use of an Amarna-period pharaoh.208p, illus (Duckworth 2001) paperback, 9780715630730,$45.00. Reduced to $9.98Amarna DiplomacyThe Beginnings of International Relationsedited by Raymond Cohenand Raymond WestbrookExplores the world of ancient Near Eastern statecraftportrayed in the letters. Subjects include Egyptian imperialand foreign policy, international law and trade, geopoliticsand decision making, intelligence, and diplomacy.328p (The Johns Hopkins University Press 1999) hardback,9780801861994, $60.00. Reduced to $14.98Egypt 1950My First Visitby Bernard V Bothmer, edited by Emma Swan HallDescribes the events and experiences of everyday life and alludesto the political and social circumstances surrounding the practiceof archaeology in Egypt in the middle of the 20th century.187p, 90 b/w figs, 1 map (<strong>Oxbow</strong> <strong>Books</strong> 2003) hardback,9781842171318, $80.00. Reduced to $19.98After the PyramidsThe Valley of the Kings and Beyondby Adrian DodsonA chronological overview of the funerary monuments ofEgypt, from the last pyramids to the tombs of the PtolemaicPeriods in the Nile Delta. The architecture and decoration of thetombs, along with their contents, are discussed in detail.206p, 133 b/w illus (Rubicon 2000)paperback, 9780948695520, $29.95. Reduced to $9.98hardback, 9780948695513, $44.00.Reduced to $12.98The David Brown Book Co. www.oxbowbooks.com — toll-free 1-800-791-9354

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