About YoU - Ewing Irrigation

About YoU - Ewing Irrigation

About YoU - Ewing Irrigation


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<strong>Ewing</strong> has everything you need to achieve healthy, weed-free turf in time for spring. Knock out weedsbefore they pop up with pre-emergent herbicides, stop fungus in its tracks with the right fungicidesand achieve green, resilient turf with nutrient-rich fertilizers. Place your order online, or head to yourlocal branch and plan your turf maintenance strategy with your local <strong>Ewing</strong> representative.TurfProductsSoil tEstING AND Fertilizer sElectION<strong>Ewing</strong> offers soil testing services through regionally based laboratories to help you tailor your turf maintenance programto the needs of the site. A soil analysis can determine what nutrients the soil has or lacks, so that you can apply the fertilizeranalysis that will get your turf and landscape looking lush and green. Applying too much or too little nutrients can harmplant growth—you’ll save time and money when you can apply the optimal nutrients for the soil condition and turf needs.Reading Fertilizer lAbelsOn any fertilizer label, you’ll find three numbers, 16-6-8, for example. These numbers represent the percentage of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium (N-P-K) the fertilizer contains. These are the three most important nutrients for plant growth.Each nutrient helps target a specific need:Nitrogen – Foliage growth and greening.Phosphorus – Root and bloom development and growth.Potassium – Overall health, vigor and defense against disease and insects.Other nutrients, such as sulfur and iron, are also found in smaller quantities. These are called secondary or micronutrients.Product MixFertilizer & Fertigation | Fungicides | weed & Pest ControlOrganic Amendments | Seed | SodContact a <strong>Ewing</strong> Turf Specialist at tuRFPRODucts@EWING1.COM.

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