Professional Development - Ciência Viva

Professional Development - Ciência Viva

Professional Development - Ciência Viva


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- Hans-Jürgen Pokall (Landesschulrat, Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend undSport, Berlin)- Jürgen Hegemann (Leiter der Abteilung Schulaufsicht, Qualitätssicherung undWeiterbildung, Ministerium für Bildung, Jugend und Sport des LandesBrandenburg, Potsdam)The individual talks were followed by aplenary discussion with Prof. Menzel, Prof.Kohse-Höinghaus, Kerstin Reimstad, Prof.Holt (from left to right)and was lead by Dr.Skiebe-Corrette.The first day of the conference was closed with a public debate between Prof. Menzeland Prof. Stern (Max Plank Institute for Human <strong>Development</strong>), who argued the proand con of using the results of neuroscientific research in the classroom. Followingthis debate, some of the speakers and organisers (Prof. Holt, Kerstin Reimstad, Prof.Menzel and Prof. Kohse-Höinghaus, Prof. Stern, Dr. Skiebe-Corrette, Dr. Corrette)attended a conference dinner at a nearby restaurant to discuss how inquiry-basedscience teaching can best be implemented in the future in Germany.One the first day, the conference was attended by 55 participants including:- 21 teachers from 19 different primary schools- 10 researchers involved in science education from various institutions (IPN in Kiel,ZNL in Ulm; Primary science education, University of Kassel; Max-Plank-Institutfür Bildungsforschung; Didaktik der Chemie, FU; Didaktik der Physik, FU; Didaktikder Biologie, FU; Didaktik der Physik, Humboldt Universität, Primary scienceeducation, FU)- 6 representatives of public foundations (Telekom Stiftung, Robert Bosch Stiftung,McKinsey & Co. Inc.)- 5 representatives from informal school laboratories (DeutschesElektronensynchoton, NatLab - Freie Universität Berlin, Freilandlabor Kaniswall)

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