Declaration of Investments by Civil Servants

Declaration of Investments by Civil Servants Declaration of Investments by Civil Servants


Information Notefor the LegCo Panel on Public Service Meeting on 19 March 2001Declaration of Investments by Civil ServantsPurposeThis note briefs Members on the results of a review of the currentsystem governing the declaration of investments by civil servants.Background2. At the Panel meeting on 30 October 2000, we informed Membersthat the system on declaration of investments by civil servants was beingreviewed. The review has now been completed and the results are set out in thispaper.The Policy3. An honest and clean civil service is vital to maintaining public trustand support in the Government. The Administration is firmly committed toupholding a high standard of integrity and conduct within the civil service. Thatcommitment is reflected in the civil service rules, regulations and system ofdeclaration of investment which prescribe clear guidelines on conduct and thesanctions against breaches.4. The following principles, amongst others, govern the conduct ofeach and every member of the civil service:-(a) he must not subordinate his duty to his private interests, nor puthimself in a position which creates a reasonable suspicion that hehas done so;(b) he must not use his official position to further his private interests;(c) he must not engage in private financial transactions in areas wherehe might reasonably be suspected of having access to privilegedinformation; and(d) he must not engage in any occupation/undertaking which mightconflict with the interests of the government nor act in a mannerwhich might bring the service into disrepute.

Information Notefor the LegCo Panel on Public Service Meeting on 19 March 2001<strong>Declaration</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investments</strong> <strong>by</strong> <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Servants</strong>PurposeThis note briefs Members on the results <strong>of</strong> a review <strong>of</strong> the currentsystem governing the declaration <strong>of</strong> investments <strong>by</strong> civil servants.Background2. At the Panel meeting on 30 October 2000, we informed Membersthat the system on declaration <strong>of</strong> investments <strong>by</strong> civil servants was beingreviewed. The review has now been completed and the results are set out in thispaper.The Policy3. An honest and clean civil service is vital to maintaining public trustand support in the Government. The Administration is firmly committed toupholding a high standard <strong>of</strong> integrity and conduct within the civil service. Thatcommitment is reflected in the civil service rules, regulations and system <strong>of</strong>declaration <strong>of</strong> investment which prescribe clear guidelines on conduct and thesanctions against breaches.4. The following principles, amongst others, govern the conduct <strong>of</strong>each and every member <strong>of</strong> the civil service:-(a) he must not subordinate his duty to his private interests, nor puthimself in a position which creates a reasonable suspicion that hehas done so;(b) he must not use his <strong>of</strong>ficial position to further his private interests;(c) he must not engage in private financial transactions in areas wherehe might reasonably be suspected <strong>of</strong> having access to privilegedinformation; and(d) he must not engage in any occupation/undertaking which mightconflict with the interests <strong>of</strong> the government nor act in a mannerwhich might bring the service into disrepute.

- 2 -Any civil servant in breach <strong>of</strong> the foregoing principles which are codified in thecivil service rules are liable to disciplinary action leading to dismissal in seriouscases (see paragraph 6 below).Safeguards against conflict <strong>of</strong> interest5. Special rules and guidelines governing the circumstances underwhich each and every civil servant should avoid putting himself in a positionwhere his <strong>of</strong>ficial duties are in conflict (or may be seen to conflict) with hisprivate interests, pecuniary or otherwise, are contained in individual <strong>Civil</strong> ServiceRegulations (CSRs) and Circulars. These rules and guidelines cover subjectsincluding the declaration <strong>of</strong> investments; acceptance <strong>of</strong> advantages; indebtedness;insolvency; use <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial information; outside work; employment after leavingthe service, etc. Moreover, for <strong>of</strong>ficers holding posts with access to sensitiveinformation, they are in addition required to regularly declare their privateinvestments (see paras. 7 - 10 below). A list <strong>of</strong> the relevant regulations andcirculars is given in the Annex.Sanctions6. Apart from the clear standards <strong>of</strong> probity demanded <strong>of</strong> civil servants(para. 4 above), the widely disseminated rules which give guidance to civilservants on how to avoid being put in a conflict <strong>of</strong> interest situation (para. 5above); and the detailed declaration/reporting requirements that have beendeveloped over the years (paras. 8 to 10 below), we have sanctions that are wellunderstood. Failure to comply with any <strong>of</strong> the rules and declaration/reportingrequirements is a disciplinary <strong>of</strong>fence and may result in an <strong>of</strong>ficer beingdismissed or compulsorily retired from the civil service. Where an <strong>of</strong>ficer abuseshis <strong>of</strong>ficial position to further his private interest (such as misuse <strong>of</strong> sensitiveinformation obtained in his <strong>of</strong>ficial capacity for personal gain), he may be subjectto criminal prosecution. Depending on the facts <strong>of</strong> the case, he may be chargedunder the common law <strong>of</strong>fence <strong>of</strong> misconduct in public <strong>of</strong>fice or, where the caseinvolves the solicitation or acceptance <strong>of</strong> advantages, the Prevention <strong>of</strong> BriberyOrdinance.System on declaration <strong>of</strong> investments7. Under our current policy on declaration <strong>of</strong> private investments, westrive to ensure a proper balance between civil servants’ right to privateinvestments and privacy on the one hand, and upholding civil service impartialityand accountability on the other. It is important to note that the existingdeclaration arrangement forms part <strong>of</strong> the wider system described in the previous

- 3 -paragraphs and serves to facilitate identification <strong>of</strong> conflict <strong>of</strong> interest situationsso that proper safeguards and management actions could be introduced at theearliest possible opportunities. This system is based on self-reporting <strong>by</strong> the<strong>of</strong>ficers and guarded <strong>by</strong> disciplinary sanctions for non-compliance.8. The existing system on declaration <strong>of</strong> private investments has thefollowing key features:-(a) posts requiring regular declaration are classified into two tiers. TierI consists <strong>of</strong> 27 strategic posts, including those filled <strong>by</strong> the mostsenior civil servants at Bureau Secretary level who have access tohighly sensitive information. Tier II posts include all directorateposts and posts designated <strong>by</strong> Bureau Secretaries/Heads <strong>of</strong>Department as carrying high risk <strong>of</strong> exposure to conflict <strong>of</strong> interestsituations. At present, there are about 3,100 Tier II posts;(b) Tier I and II <strong>of</strong>ficers are required to report their global investmentsannually and biennially respectively. Between the annual orbiennial declarations, they have to report any investment transactionwhich is equivalent to or exceeds $200,000 or 3 months’ salary,whichever is the less, within 7 days;(c) all Tier I and II <strong>of</strong>ficers have to declare the occupation <strong>of</strong> theirspouse;(d) Tier I <strong>of</strong>ficers are additionally required to register their financialinterests annually. The register is open to public inspection onrequest; and(e) <strong>of</strong>ficers in posts not designated are not required to make declarationregularly. Nonetheless, all civil servants shall continue to beresponsible for avoidance <strong>of</strong> conflict <strong>of</strong> interest situations and toreport individual cases as and when necessary.9. On top <strong>of</strong> these declaration requirements, Bureaux/Departmentsmay, in the light <strong>of</strong> their specific circumstances and operating needs, prescribesupplementary declaration requirements for compliance <strong>by</strong> their staff. Theserequirements are equally binding as CSRs. At present, 29 Bureaux/Departmentshave developed additional declaration guidelines which cover over 52,000 postsin these bureaux/departments. These additional guidelines include the reporting<strong>of</strong> investment transactions in specified trades, irrespective <strong>of</strong> amount or whetherthe <strong>of</strong>ficer is occupying a Tier I or II post; the reporting <strong>of</strong> the employment <strong>of</strong>spouse/relatives who are working in companies with <strong>of</strong>ficial dealings with the

- 4 -Bureau/Department; more frequent declarations; and the reporting <strong>of</strong> investments<strong>by</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> certain grades on appointment. There are also cases where theBureaux/Departments have prescribed restrictions on investments in specifiedtrades or business areas.10. Where a real or apparent conflict <strong>of</strong> interest situation comes to light,management may prescribe actions that are operationally necessary and legallyjustified, e.g. an <strong>of</strong>ficer may be required to divest himself <strong>of</strong> the investments, torefrain from acquiring or disposing <strong>of</strong> the investments, or to put his investmentsin a blind trust.The Review11. The current system on declaration <strong>of</strong> investments was last revised inSeptember 1998, which led to additional enhancements introduced to the system.In our recent review, we have concluded that the current system has been largelyoperating well. Nonetheless, we have identified a number <strong>of</strong> areas forenhancements which will help further strengthen the effectiveness <strong>of</strong> the presentdeclaration arrangements. These include:-(a) we will invite Bureau Secretaries to critically review the designation<strong>of</strong> posts and, on the basis <strong>of</strong> operational need and relative risk <strong>of</strong>exposure to conflict <strong>of</strong> interest situations, to recommend if necessarythe designation <strong>of</strong> additional senior posts as Tier I posts (para. 8above) to which the requirement <strong>of</strong> public disclosure applies;(b) the register <strong>of</strong> financial interests declared <strong>by</strong> Tier I <strong>of</strong>ficers(accessible to public inspection on request) is now updated annually.In future, the register will be up-dated within one-month <strong>of</strong> a Tier I<strong>of</strong>ficer reporting an investment transaction which falls under theitems for public disclosure;(c) at present, company directorship is not explicitly mentioned in therelevant CSR which defines the sort <strong>of</strong> investment that must bedeclared and reported. We will place it beyond doubt that companydirectorship is a form <strong>of</strong> interest in a company which must bedeclared and reported;

- 5 -(d) at present, Tier I and II <strong>of</strong>ficers are not required to declare bankdeposits (irrespective <strong>of</strong> currencies or amount). However, they haveto report any single currency transaction which exceeds $200,000 or3 months’ salary, whichever is the less, within 7 days. Forconsistency, we propose to dispense with the general requirement <strong>of</strong>reporting currency transactions exceeding $200,000 in value wherethey involve conversion <strong>of</strong> the same amount from one currency toanother. Nevertheless, Bureaux/Departments will be invited toconsider prescribing, for compliance <strong>by</strong> their staff, requirements forreporting currency transactions having regard to departmental needs;and(e) we will issue a more detailed reference guide for designatedreviewing <strong>of</strong>ficers in Bureaux/Departments to assist them in theexamination <strong>of</strong> declaration returns. Through more proactive andvigilant vetting, conflict <strong>of</strong> interest situations can be identified at theearliest opportunity.12. Meanwhile, we will remain vigilant and continue to take proactiveactions in encouraging more Bureaux/departments to prescribe supplementarydeclaration guidelines specific to their operational needs and circumstance, andin reminding all <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> their responsibility to avoid (and report all instances<strong>of</strong>) conflict <strong>of</strong> interest with their investments or those <strong>of</strong> their spouse/relatives.13. In addition, we will continue with our education and outreachactivities. Through the “<strong>Civil</strong> Service Integrity Programme”, representativesfrom <strong>Civil</strong> Service Bureau and the Independent Commission Against Corruptionhave since 1999 embarked on an outreach programme to Departments to helpthem enhance integrity management. Through visits and face-to-face dialoguewith members <strong>of</strong> senior management, assistance is rendered to Departments inreviewing and developing departmental guidelines on conflict <strong>of</strong> interest andacceptance <strong>of</strong> advantages, having regard to situations specific to departmentaloperations. We have visited all 67 Government departments and 40 <strong>of</strong> them haveissued or are in the course <strong>of</strong> revising supplementary departmental guidelines onconflict <strong>of</strong> interest. Since January 1999, we have arranged seminars or trainingsessions on civil service integrity for over 32,500 civil servants. We have alsoissued a handbook (titled “Ethical Leadership in Action”) to senior managers toassist them in strengthening ethical values among their staff and in guardingagainst corruption in their organizations.

- 6 -14. In 2001/2002, we plan to organize added experience-sharingworkshops for departmental managers on common integrity issues, e.g.acceptance <strong>of</strong> entertainment, unauthorized loans, etc. To enable departmentalmanagers to have more ready access to ethics development materials and t<strong>of</strong>acilitate the sharing <strong>of</strong> information and experience amongst differentgovernment departments, we also plan to set up an electronic information andresource centre on integrity management <strong>by</strong> the end <strong>of</strong> the year.Way Forward15. The <strong>Civil</strong> Service Bureau will keep the efficacy <strong>of</strong> our declarationsystem under regular review, whilst maintaining efforts in promoting integrity inthe civil service.<strong>Civil</strong> Service BureauMarch 2001

AnnexList <strong>of</strong> Relevant CSB Circulars, CSRs and PublicationsI. Conflict <strong>of</strong> InterestCSB Circular No. 19/92Conflict <strong>of</strong> InterestII.Acceptance <strong>of</strong> Advantages and EntertainmentCSB Circular No. 17/92CSB Circular No. 18/92CSB Circular No. 7/94 (C)CSB Circular Memorandumdated 12.12.85CSB Circular Memorandumdated 11.4.86CSB Circular MemorandumNo. 19/94CSRs 431 – 435CSR 444CSR 448The Acceptance <strong>of</strong> Advantages (ChiefExecutive’s Permission) Notice 1992 andRelated MattersThe Acceptance <strong>of</strong> Advantages andEntertainmentSponsored VisitsAcceptance <strong>of</strong> Complimentary TicketsAcceptance <strong>of</strong> Complimentary TicketsAcceptance <strong>of</strong> Advantages - Free RaffleTicketsAcceptance <strong>of</strong> EntertainmentAcceptance <strong>of</strong> AdvantagesRetirement GiftsIII.<strong>Investments</strong>CSB Circular No. 8/98<strong>Declaration</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investments</strong> <strong>by</strong> <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Servants</strong>

- 2 -CSB Circular MemorandumNo. 19/99 dated 1.11.99CSB Circular Memorandumdated 21.9.2000CSRs 461 – 466Tracker Fund <strong>of</strong> Hong KongMass Transit Railway Corporation Limited(MTRCL) shares<strong>Investments</strong>IV.Outside WorkCSB Circular No. 13/95CSB Circular MemorandumNo. 50/96 dated 7.10.96CSB Circular No. 3/97CSR 326CSRs 550 –564Acceptance <strong>of</strong> Outside Appointments afterRetirementOutside Appointments during Pre-retirementLeave and after RetirementPermission to Take Up Outside Appointmenton Completion <strong>of</strong> AgreementAcceptance <strong>of</strong> Outside Appointment afterRetirementOutside WorkV. IndebtednessCSB Circular No. 4/97CSB Circular MemorandumNo. 28/91CSRs 455 – 459CSRs 480 – 482CSRs 483BookletIndebtedness in the <strong>Civil</strong> ServiceMoney Lending and Borrowing <strong>by</strong> <strong>Civil</strong><strong>Servants</strong> and Sources <strong>of</strong> FinanceInsolvency and BankruptcyLending Money and Borrowing Money atInterestUse <strong>of</strong> Subordinates as GuarantorsSources <strong>of</strong> Finance for <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Servants</strong>

- 3 -VI.Reporting Crime and CorruptionCSB Circular No. 20/79CSB Circular No. 10/80CSB Circular No. 9/94Reporting <strong>of</strong> Criminal OffencesReporting <strong>of</strong> Attempted BribesAllegations <strong>of</strong> Corruption Against <strong>Civil</strong><strong>Servants</strong>VII.Production <strong>by</strong> Government Officers <strong>of</strong> Publications ContainingPaid AdvertisementsCSB Circular No. 6/77CSB Circular No. 23/77CSRs 530 - 531Production <strong>by</strong> Government Officers <strong>of</strong>Publications Containing Paid Advertisements- <strong>Civil</strong> Service Regulation 530Production <strong>by</strong> Government Officers <strong>of</strong>Publications Containing Paid Advertisements- <strong>Civil</strong> Service Regulation 530Publications and Public DonationsVIII. OthersBooklet<strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Servants</strong>’ Guide to Good Practices

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