Acuity Specialty Products Group Inc.

Acuity Specialty Products Group Inc. Acuity Specialty Products Group Inc.
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1'1.Within 90 days from the effective date of this Agreement, and annually each year of th1sAgreement, Acuity, by its President and Chief Executive Officer, shall furnish to EPA a writtencertification that the Environmental Compliance Program is fully implemented and that theRespondents are m full compliance with all terms and conditions of the Agreement. Failure tocertify within the period may result in immediate suspension and/or proposed debarment or reimpositionof Respondents' statutory ineligibility.(b) V1ce President of Compliance CertificationBegtnning on June 30, 2007, and m each subsequent year on June 30, throughout the tennof this Agreement, Acuity, through its Vice President of Comphance, or his equivalent, shallmake a report to EPA. The report shall include, among other matters:1. Acuity's compliance with the terms of this Agreement as well asnotification to EPA of significant non-compliance with the terms of this Agreement;2. the number of calls concerning alleged environmental violationsand the results of any investigative actions taken by Acuity as a result of suchcalls to the Hotline;3. that Acuity has maintained files of management and employeeacknowledgements or certifications and to the best of Acuity's knowledgeacknowledgements or certifications are complete for all employees;4. that Acuity has maintained high level management positions withresponsibility for environmental, health, and safety compliance; and,-22-

5. that the training requirements described in Paragraph 12 above have beencompleted by Acuity.14. Modifications.Any requirement unposed on the Respondents by this Agreement may be discontinued bythe EPA Debaning Official, in consultation with SDD. Other modifications to this Agreementmay only be made in writing upon mutual consent of the parties.GENERAL PROVISIONSG 1. Lirmtations on SettlementThis Agreement relates solely to suspension and debarment issues, pursuant to 48 C.P.R.Subpart 9.4 and 2 C.F.R. § 180.200 hy 2 C.F.R. § 1532.10, in conjunction with the circumstancesrecited herein and in no way waives any criminal, civil, contractual, or administrative remedy orright which the Government may have for the circumstances so described nor does thisAgreement restrict the authority, responsibility, or legal duty of EPA to consider and institutesuspension and/or debarment proceedings against Acuity if informahon 1s received whtchprovides a cause for suspension and/or debarment independent of the circumstances recited orreferenced herein.G2. Debarment ResolutionThe Parties agree that Respondents' entry mto and compliance with the terms of thisAgreement is a material consideration for soo•s recommendation to the Debarring Offtcial thatthe conditions giving rise to the Respondents' conviction have been corrected and, inconsideration of Respondents' compliance with all of the terms of this Agreement, EPA further-23-

5. that the training requirements described in Paragraph 12 above have beencompleted by <strong>Acuity</strong>.14. Modifications.Any requirement unposed on the Respondents by this Agreement may be discontinued bythe EPA Debaning Official, in consultation with SDD. Other modifications to this Agreementmay only be made in writing upon mutual consent of the parties.GENERAL PROVISIONSG 1. Lirmtations on SettlementThis Agreement relates solely to suspension and debarment issues, pursuant to 48 C.P.R.Subpart 9.4 and 2 C.F.R. § 180.200 hy 2 C.F.R. § 1532.10, in conjunction with the circumstancesrecited herein and in no way waives any criminal, civil, contractual, or administrative remedy orright which the Government may have for the circumstances so described nor does thisAgreement restrict the authority, responsibility, or legal duty of EPA to consider and institutesuspension and/or debarment proceedings against <strong>Acuity</strong> if informahon 1s received whtchprovides a cause for suspension and/or debarment independent of the circumstances recited orreferenced herein.G2. Debarment ResolutionThe Parties agree that Respondents' entry mto and compliance with the terms of thisAgreement is a material consideration for soo•s recommendation to the Debarring Offtcial thatthe conditions giving rise to the Respondents' conviction have been corrected and, inconsideration of Respondents' compliance with all of the terms of this Agreement, EPA further-23-

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